Clomid round 3 anyone else?

So on my lunch break i went 3 different dollar stores and i finally found one that sells the cheap tests! i bought 5 for now.... Even though i tested this morning I did another one right now (I couldnt resist!) and it was still negative... i think this will be my new obsession! Im going to try to test once everymorning until either i get a positive result or i get my AF.

Its a long weekend for me starting tomorrow so have a good 3 days and I will be back on Monday... hopefully with some good results!
Sending u luck for the weekend adr - hope we hear good news for u xx
Lots of luck and dust ladies.
Danni-- Good Luck with the u/s tomorrow!
Dannixo- So sorry to hear that AF arrived! I said the same thing this cycle... 'Why would my fourth round of Clomid work if the first 3 didn't?' It's hard to stay positive at times!! But I will be thinking about you and good luck with this next cycle. I am sending you lots of babydust!

Adr10- HPT's can be very addicting! lol Thats why I ordered a 50count of cheap hpt's online from amazon for about 13$ so I can feed my obsession without feeling guilty ;-) also I am keeping my fingers crossed that AF does not show for you and that you get your well deserved BFP soon!!

Tundralife- How's it going with you?

Star- How are you doing? How many dpo are you? I think I am 1dpo today so I am finally in the TWW with you :-) yay!

Hoping everyone else is doing well!!!
thanks everyone for your replies, my doctor said that giving me something to build up the lining is just cosmetic, and he doesn't feel it really works, seems like he will just take me off the clomid and put me on injectables, I am not sure if Femara is available in the middle east where I live so I will ask if that is an option but at this stage, after 4 iui's, and a year of trying since my miscarriage, I want to just go onto the injectables. so not holding up much hope for this cycle.
Dannixo- So sorry to hear that AF arrived! I said the same thing this cycle... 'Why would my fourth round of Clomid work if the first 3 didn't?' It's hard to stay positive at times!! But I will be thinking about you and good luck with this next cycle. I am sending you lots of babydust!

Adr10- HPT's can be very addicting! lol Thats why I ordered a 50count of cheap hpt's online from amazon for about 13$ so I can feed my obsession without feeling guilty ;-) also I am keeping my fingers crossed that AF does not show for you and that you get your well deserved BFP soon!!

Tundralife- How's it going with you?

Star- How are you doing? How many dpo are you? I think I am 1dpo today so I am finally in the TWW with you :-) yay!

Hoping everyone else is doing well!!!

Hi I'm not sure when I ovulated as not using opks or anything but from signs I think I ovulated between 14 and 16 so I'm probably 6-8 dpo if I'm right, have no signs or symptoms of anything, just waiting to see if I get any early period pain like I did last cycle as then I'll probably count myself out, I dont want to symptom spot again just to be disappointed!
Will you test this cycle or wait and see what happens? Xx
Star--I can say you still get the cramping like AFis going to arrive even when you're pregnant.
Cupcake- sorry to hear about your loss! If I were you Id probably want to just move onto injectables too! Good luck to you and lots of babydust!

Star- Okay so I am about a week behind you. I am either 1-2dpo. I will probably start testing just for fun around 7dpo and everyday until AF shows since I ordered that 50count pack of cheap internet hpts. I won't feel guilty or be wasting money so why not lol. I know what you mean about symptom spotting and I am going to do my best not to do it this cycle also. But remember if you do get AF pains your not out until AF actually shows!!
Thanks for the advice ladies, cntrygrl did u also feel like u were about to come on with the cramps? Oohh I cant stand all the waiting!! Xx
Thanks for the advice ladies, cntrygrl did u also feel like u were about to come on with the cramps? Oohh I cant stand all the waiting!! Xx

I had some cramping about a week after O and been experiencing some cramping on and off the last few days. I've gone to the bathroom a few times to check to make sure AF wasn't there.
Hi everyone Im still waiting to O it's been five days since my last pill so hopefully within the next couple of days I should O...but I have a question should DH and I start bding everyday or every other? I REALLY want to catch the egg or eggs this time.
If DH's SA is fine there's no reason you can't bd everyday, but if that's too much every other day will do the trick as well.
cntrygrl- Thanks DH SA is fine Im at cd 10 today so we will BD once a day until AF arrives but I pray she doesn't!
Hi ladies, had my ultrasound today. Still had one follicle that hasn't disappeared yet but we got the go ahead for the new round. We are lowering the dose back down to 50 mg seeing as I had 11 eggs at 100 mg. really hope this 5th month is it! We have another mid cycle ultrasound April 8th on cd 12. We will be getting the trigger shot this time and then doing our first iui in the 9th. Excited to try something new although its pretty expensive so not sure how many we will do.
Good morning ladies!! How is everyone doing? Hope you all had a wonderful Easter (for those who celebrate).

Star25- How are you doing? How many dpo are you now? Any signs or symptoms?

Anyone else in there TWW or about to be? I am 4dpo today. Nothing happening just hoping the next 9 days go by fast!! I will probably start poas at 7 or 8dpo just for the fun of it since I have a bunch of hpts.

Also, I just need to vent for a minute... Yesterday at Easter my DH's aunt (she tends to drink too much at holidays and becomes obnoxious) was grilling me with baby questions ALL day and made my Easter absolutely miserable. She was constantly making comments about why aren't you pregnant yet, kids are so much fun, you better hurry up and get on it there's a bathroom upstairs you can use, kids are so much fun just wait and see..... Seriously it was her making a comment every 5 mins and maybe I should have just shook it off but it put me in a miserable mood and it was to the point that I couldn't even pretend to enjoy myself in front if my dh family. I just didn't know what to say to her without sounding rude... I wanted to tell her to mind her own freaking business and lay off but I couldn't find better wording so I just stopped responding to her and just politely smiled when she talked to me. To make matters worse Easter was at the 'drunk aunts' daughters house who is only 22 yrs old and 5 months pregnant with her second kid so the aunt would not stop talking about how much fun it is to be a grandma and that we need to hurry up and have a baby so that way dhs mom could enjoy being a grandma. It was just so frustrating and overwhelming. I understand that she did not set out to hurt my feelings but it was like every 5 mins she was rubbing it in my face that we are struggling for almost two years to have a baby. Urgh sorry lol let's just say I already told DH I do not plan on being around his aunt for awhile. *Thanks for listening to me vent*
Danni- my fingers are crossed for you on your 50mg cycle hope this is it!

Noele-I know the feeling it seems like the more I try for another baby all my friends and family keep popping up pregnant and Im supposed to be happy for them but deep down I get sad feeling as if something is wrong with either me or DH. Im grateful for the two that I have but as women we feel that we should be able to make babies easily and it's hard to deal with when we are unable after multiple attempts but stay strong your blessing is coming:hugs:
Star-- I was on 50mg days 5-9. To be honest I feel pretty good. Some slight backache and some sore boobs, but no worse than before AF arrives. Getting the blood test done this afternoon to confirm, so I can feel a little more at ease.

Congrats!!!!! :) :) thats amazing news! I hope the next 9 months go smoothly for you. Please keep us posted on how everything is going.

I agree CONGRATS!! Been offline for a few days and had tons of reading on these threads to catch up on. I was thinking last night as I was in the shower who was gonna get their BFP. You have given us hope once again. Best of luck in your pregnancy Cntry Girl!! :thumbup::thumbup:
Noele--First off, How dare that Aunt do that. People who are fertile or can get pregnant at the thought really don't realize how sensitive this subject is. It is so frustrating wanting something you cannot control. I am doing fine. I actually am guessing my plan to not obsess this cycle is working as I have not signed on here in days. I had tons of catching up to do on here reading what you ladies have been doing. Seems like you guys have been busy without me lol. Well, I am so excited and hoping that you get your BFP just like cntrygrl! How amazing that she didn't need to do the IUI this cycle. She got her BFP. No, I didn't take my clomid this cycle. I had thought about it but I just wanted to leave it up to GOD this cycle. If it happens it does and if it doesn't, well I have one RX left for it so could always take next cycle. So, my Dr appt is April 11 and I am not really sure what they will do other than determine if they can treat my infertility at the GYN clinic here on base. I am guessing that's better than going to the family dr here on base. I'm just trying to relax and not over think things. I will say that I am at CD11 so I'm waiting to O. I will more than likely start doing my OPK's on Wednesday but I can tell you I am already cramping. That's weird, huh? It feels like AF is due this week lol. I do hope that by me skipping clomid this round I didn't screw up my AF and my ovulation and on and on. Oh and as far as the BBT charting, I have never done that and I don't even know when you start checking your temps. Well, I hope you have a good day today and I'm really hoping the best for you!!

Cntrygrl--how much preseed did you all use? I am thinking of getting some this time but I didn't take clomid this cycle so I may not be dry. I know that we BD last night but I am only on CD11 but I am extremely dry still. Did you use the preseed everytime you BD or just a few times and one last question. I know you have a 17 day luteal phase because me and you discussed that. So how often did you BD? I am thinking our cycles are very similar so just checking what you did last time! :-) So happy for you.

Danniox= glad your Dr appt went well. You seem more positive today and that's good news too. Will be anxious to hear how things go for you this month. Yes, this is all expensive but it's worth it in the end.

ADR10- Congrats on finding some cheap tests, it is obsessive to want to start testing. I am thinking because we all want it so bad. Hopefully AF will stay away...FXD

Star25- why do you not use OPK's or BBT chart? Just curious since you said you weren't real sure if you O'd or not. I have never charted but I did start using OPK's as recommended by my dr to confirm if I am getting the surge to ovulate.

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