Clomid round 3 anyone else?

Star-- It was nice, but at the same time we've been trying for so long that it still doesn't seem real. I'm afraid that something is going to go wrong and it will end up being a chemical.

I wish all of you ladies lots of luck and lots of :dust:
Tundra-- If you would like I can send you mine and the unused applicators. Not that I would send used applicators. We barely used any of it.
Thanks everyone on the responses for a good OPK test.

Has anyone gained weight on clomid??? iv gained about 15 lbs and i cant tell if its from clomid or from stress.... so im going to really clean up my eating habits and hopefully that will also help getting a positive result... right now im about 25 lbs overweight :(
Cntrygrl- Don't worry about your numbers being low! You got a really early bfp! I bet that was super exciting getting to buy diapers!

ADR- I use Clear Blue digital w/ the smiley face and that's the only brand I ever use. I love it! It does all the guess work for me. Sorry I can not recommend a brand for just regular non-digital OPKs but I'm sure any big brands would be good like... Clearblue or First Response. Can I ask what you did not like about the digital tests? Also, I use OPKs starting on cycle day 8.

Nurse- Yay! Glad you got your positive and I am hoping you catch that egg :-) BABYDUST!!

Star25- That would be amazing if we both got our BFPs around the same time and could be bump buddies :-) Fingers are crossed!!

Tundralife- Hoping you catch that egg as soon as its released!! Good luck and babydust!! Haha to tell you the truth I poas this morning and it was negative but I am only at 6dpo... I think I am just impatient to use the 50 count pack of tests I bought a couple weeks ago. I will probably test every from today until AF just for fun (not that seeing a bfn is fun but.... the hope of seeing a bfp is!).
ADR- I am 26lbs or weight too :-( I also am trying to eat healthier and exercise but my motivation comes in waves. I did not gain my weight from the Clomid. I have always been about 10lbs heavier than my suggested weight for my height and age but it never really showed because I am so tall (5'9). But almost 2 years ago DH and I quit smoking since we started TTC so I've gained the additional 16lbs from that and I think a lot of it has to do with the stress and occasional depression from TTC. Wishing us both luck with healthier eating habits!! I have volleyball starting in a month and signed up for a few 5k races so hopefully that will help jump start my motivation :-)
Cntrygrl- Don't worry about your numbers being low! You got a really early bfp! I bet that was super exciting getting to buy diapers!

ADR- I use Clear Blue digital w/ the smiley face and that's the only brand I ever use. I love it! It does all the guess work for me. Sorry I can not recommend a brand for just regular non-digital OPKs but I'm sure any big brands would be good like... Clearblue or First Response. Can I ask what you did not like about the digital tests? Also, I use OPKs starting on cycle day 8.

Nurse- Yay! Glad you got your positive and I am hoping you catch that egg :-) BABYDUST!!

Star25- That would be amazing if we both got our BFPs around the same time and could be bump buddies :-) Fingers are crossed!!

Tundralife- Hoping you catch that egg as soon as its released!! Good luck and babydust!! Haha to tell you the truth I poas this morning and it was negative but I am only at 6dpo... I think I am just impatient to use the 50 count pack of tests I bought a couple weeks ago. I will probably test every from today until AF just for fun (not that seeing a bfn is fun but.... the hope of seeing a bfp is!).

Hi Noele,

I really liked the digital test but a bit out of my price range to keep buying them every month... so now that i know i ovulated on day 17 i was hoping i could buy just the regular tests and do that from days 10-20 instead. that way im not spending a crazy about of money... things are beginning to add up so fast.
Tundra-- If you would like I can send you mine and the unused applicators. Not that I would send used applicators. We barely used any of it.

OMG! You would really do that? I would appreciate that so much and if I get my BFP, I will pass along too~~ I know that your little bean is going to stick and everything will be great for you. It's a surreal feeling, I know.
ADR- I am 26lbs or weight too :-( I also am trying to eat healthier and exercise but my motivation comes in waves. I did not gain my weight from the Clomid. I have always been about 10lbs heavier than my suggested weight for my height and age but it never really showed because I am so tall (5'9). But almost 2 years ago DH and I quit smoking since we started TTC so I've gained the additional 16lbs from that and I think a lot of it has to do with the stress and occasional depression from TTC. Wishing us both luck with healthier eating habits!! I have volleyball starting in a month and signed up for a few 5k races so hopefully that will help jump start my motivation :-)

Noele- I don't know you outside of this thread but I am proud to hear what you are trying to do to acheive your goals and stay healthy. That's great and we are all here cheering! I think I gained from clomid though but weird since I did n't take it this cycle I feel like I've shed a few pounds. I'm not over weight but I don't think most women enjoy gaining any weight though. I'm sure you will be next on our thread here....I am counting on you. You are always so happy and positive for the rest of us. Thanks~
Tundra-- If you would like I can send you mine and the unused applicators. Not that I would send used applicators. We barely used any of it.

OMG! You would really do that? I would appreciate that so much and if I get my BFP, I will pass along too~~ I know that your little bean is going to stick and everything will be great for you. It's a surreal feeling, I know.

I would definitely do that. You can message me your address and I will get it out this weekend.
Hi everyone, I would love to get healthier too, im a bridesmaid for my sisters wedding in july and I really need to do something before then, I just have no willpower! I will have to start going jogging in the evenings now trhe weather is getting better

Ive not long got up from my night shift and im so tired, when I got in from work and took my bra off I realised my boobs are now hurting like they normally do before AF, I didn't get this last cycle though so hoping its still good, also I started getting on and off period type pain through the night but it was always when I was doing something a bit strenuous so feeling out

Cntrygrl - We are all sending you positive thoughts, like noele said you got an early bfp likely to be the reason why numbers are a bit low, you will soon have a beautiful growing bump!
Can I ask a question? ( not that im symptom spotting of course lol) but did your boobs hurt before your bfp and if they did is that normal for ytou in your cycle and was it any different?

Lets pray for some more bfps coming very soon!!
Tundralife- That's sweet of you to say! Thanks :-) I've always been a optimistic person but the funny thing is my husband is the biggest pessimistic person I know! I guess opposites do attract.

Star25- Don't count yourself out yet hun! I've heard of lots of women who swore their AF was on its way then they got their bfp. Good luck :-)

Well I poas this morning at 7dpo and bfn duh lol! AF now due in 6 days so I should start getting pre-AF symptoms like emotional/Moody, Acne, and backache over the next few days!
thank u noele, are you having any symptoms? x
EEEKK ladies~ for someone who is supposed to be relaxing this cycle I am in a bit of a panic today! I took a OPK on Tues evening after work and was negative, I knew it would be because last month it was around CD16-17 that I ovulated. Anyways, I didn't take one last night because I was only on CD13. Okay so I got up this morning and took one before I left to the gym and work but FORGOT to read the damn thing! So I just go to the bathroom and the snotty eggy white discharge just comes pouring out in the toilet. I know that is gross but no other way to describe. I have'nt experienced this in awhile and especially when I was on the clomid. (remember, I skipped this cycle!) My delima is that I haven't BD since Sunday (last SUNDAY) and now I have the ovulation cervical mucous. Does this mean I am gearing up to ovulate? Or does this mean I am ovulating now? I can't remembe what it says about the cervical mucous and determining ovulation. Guess I am "pre-planning" my BD in my head so just a little curious. I am hoping I can get DH to BD tonight. We've been working on a project the last few days. I am wondering if I BD tonight and then not again til Saturday if I would make myself out of the ball park this time? hmmmm.....and believe me, when I get home I am going to take another test and CHECK it this TIME!
thank u noele, are you having any symptoms? x

Star, don't get down hun. I know it's rough but one thing I can say is that once we do find the energy to motivate ourselves it almost becomes habit forming. I like the energy I feel from walking or working out and it will be good for trying to conceive as well. I'm sure you know that but I do understand with the normal day to day stuff, ttc and just life in general it makes it hard to make time for "us". You can do it though :hugs:
thank u noele, are you having any symptoms? x

Star, don't get down hun. I know it's rough but one thing I can say is that once we do find the energy to motivate ourselves it almost becomes habit forming. I like the energy I feel from walking or working out and it will be good for trying to conceive as well. I'm sure you know that but I do understand with the normal day to day stuff, ttc and just life in general it makes it hard to make time for "us". You can do it though :hugs:

Ahh thank u, thats so nice to hear, ttc does seem to make everything else in life harder
I think if you carry on with your plan to bd every other day you will be good, I'm beginning to realise no matter what day I decide to bd theres no guarantee it will be the right day, I ddont think that made sense but I know what I'm mean! I think your doing the right thing by relaxing this cycle, even if your cm has thrown a spanner in the works! it's good news
o hear you are about to ovulate though! Xx
Hi everyone, I would love to get healthier too, im a bridesmaid for my sisters wedding in july and I really need to do something before then, I just have no willpower! I will have to start going jogging in the evenings now trhe weather is getting better

Ive not long got up from my night shift and im so tired, when I got in from work and took my bra off I realised my boobs are now hurting like they normally do before AF, I didn't get this last cycle though so hoping its still good, also I started getting on and off period type pain through the night but it was always when I was doing something a bit strenuous so feeling out

Cntrygrl - We are all sending you positive thoughts, like noele said you got an early bfp likely to be the reason why numbers are a bit low, you will soon have a beautiful growing bump!
Can I ask a question? ( not that im symptom spotting of course lol) but did your boobs hurt before your bfp and if they did is that normal for ytou in your cycle and was it any different?

Lets pray for some more bfps coming very soon!!

My boobs didn't hurt til the day before I got my BFP which would have been around the normal time before AF. Mine normally start hurting 4-5 days prior to AF showing.
EEEKK ladies~ for someone who is supposed to be relaxing this cycle I am in a bit of a panic today! I took a OPK on Tues evening after work and was negative, I knew it would be because last month it was around CD16-17 that I ovulated. Anyways, I didn't take one last night because I was only on CD13. Okay so I got up this morning and took one before I left to the gym and work but FORGOT to read the damn thing! So I just go to the bathroom and the snotty eggy white discharge just comes pouring out in the toilet. I know that is gross but no other way to describe. I have'nt experienced this in awhile and especially when I was on the clomid. (remember, I skipped this cycle!) My delima is that I haven't BD since Sunday (last SUNDAY) and now I have the ovulation cervical mucous. Does this mean I am gearing up to ovulate? Or does this mean I am ovulating now? I can't remembe what it says about the cervical mucous and determining ovulation. Guess I am "pre-planning" my BD in my head so just a little curious. I am hoping I can get DH to BD tonight. We've been working on a project the last few days. I am wondering if I BD tonight and then not again til Saturday if I would make myself out of the ball park this time? hmmmm.....and believe me, when I get home I am going to take another test and CHECK it this TIME!

Get to BDing tonight! :sex:
Thank u cntrygrl, just trying to see hope in that it's quite late in my cycle for mine to start hurting rather than a week before, unless I ovulated later than I thought, how are u feeling? X
Star25- No symptoms for me at all. I'm not trying to check for any this time around since I don't have very high hopes this cycle. I am just waiting to see if anything stands out. I've had soo many 'possible pregnancy signs' in the past that I don't want to count anything as a sign. Lol I think the only sign that would get my attention was if my boobs started to hurt lol because my boobs have never hurt so I think that would maybe be a clear cut sign...

Tundralife- First of all, not sure of you know this or not, but the Clearblue digital OPKs will hold the results for 24 hours as long as the test stick is still inserted! All you have to do is push the eject button and your results will pop up on the screen. I've done that a few times to! And about your cervical mucus... I would definitely try to bd tonight! The egg white cervical mucus can be present before, during or after ovulation or all three. I sometimes get it 5 days before ovulation but its a good cue for you to know you are in your fertile week and should get to bd'ing!!!! Good luck and hope you catch that egg!!! Can't believe you are almost in the TWW again :-) babydust!
HEY LADIES!!! I think my ovulation is over I had cramping yesterday and the day before yesterday I had a positive opk around noon and we bd last night so far these are the days DH and I have BD cd5,8,10,12,14,15 and we will continue to do so until the witch or BFP! My ovaries feel awfully heavy I think its the 150mg of clomid feels like Im carrying around bricks geesh I will be glad when this feeling goes away.

Tundra- sounds like its definitely time to BD!

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