Clomid round 3 anyone else?

Nurse- those symptoms sound good. Hopefully AF stays away this cycle and the clomid works for you.

Noele- good luck this afternoon. I know that it's refreshing getting to see a new doctor and perhaps someone with a better perspective. Can't wait to here what happens! DH got off of work early yesterday. Actually the entire base did becuase the weather was horrible and so was the driving conditions so the base commander released us all from duty 2 hours early! he finally decided to BD with me after ovulation. That booger. I wanted to say well what does it matter? At this rate we will never have a baby and I'm getting older by the minute. My 40th bday is coming up fast! I am thinking I O'd on Friday night too but the pain stayed with me until yesterday evening. I am wondering if maybe I had a cyst or something. I am not sure at what point in your cycle you would get them.

I agree...I'm ready to see some BFP's this cycle too with everyone who is in the TWW. I am so happy you had your special weekend. I agree with Nurse_starr it helps to ease the mind and makes AF come on time and everything else. When I stress, everything messes up lol. Especially my head!! :)

Hope you other lovely ladies are doing good. Today I am about 4DPO!! Another week or so and I will join you other ladies in POAS!!! haha
Noele- You always have such happy spirits kinda helps me keep my spirits up! thank you!

Tundra- Yay come join us I'm 6-7dpo but I can't stop POAS!!! lol I'm convinced the side effects of clomid are driving me insane last night I argued with poor DH about using the shower in our master bathroom it's like I keep finding little things to get ticked off about and I'm generally a nice person.
Tundra- I don't think the men realize how darn serious we are about our bd timing I know scheduled bding is hard for men but it's important for us I had to stress that to my DH this cycle as I feel that was the reason for BFN on my last two clomid cycles it's like he wanted to after my fertile period and that was not helping the cause lol oh well guess he understands because this cycle he was very supportive.
Tundra- I don't think the men realize how darn serious we are about our bd timing I know scheduled bding is hard for men but it's important for us I had to stress that to my DH this cycle as I feel that was the reason for BFN on my last two clomid cycles it's like he wanted to after my fertile period and that was not helping the cause lol oh well guess he understands because this cycle he was very supportive.

Nurse- your statement about DH wanting to Bd after your fertile period is going to put me on a mad research about our hormones or pheramones as they are often called to see if it is really true that men think we smell different etc. I am on another thread on here and a lady commented who is some kind of sex therapists or something and said that it was proven that we smell different during our fertile times and that can send our men away. I didn't think anything of it really until you said what you just said lol and I've experienced the same thing. I never never NEVER tell DH when it's that fertile time because I don't want him to not do is because I am telling him. I just try to be extra sexy or naked lol but it doesn't work often until right after I am done ovulating. That is weird, huh. Not sure if there is anything to that lady's comment but I am sure going on a google mission right now hehe...guess we will POAS addicts together nurse. We are close in our tww together.
Good morning ladies! My appointment with my new doctor went very well last night but there were some good news but also some concerns my last doctor missed. Here is what we went over at the appointment (sorry its kind of a lot) -

First of all he was very nice and very knowledgeable and shared every detail with us! He looked over mine and DH's test results and found some concerns (my last doctor told us all of our results were good/normal).

I guess my DH's SA wasn't totally normal. The count was good but the morphology(I have no idea if that's the right word) was low. And his count was good but our doctor said he would like to see it a little higher. He also informed us that the place we had the SA done is not very good and recommended a urologist to us and DH needs to get a second one done.

For me, he found something in my HSG results that were abnormal. He said the radiologist commented on my results that my tubes were inflamed on both sides near both ovaries but it is not a huge concern yet. (why didn't my last doctor mention that they were inflamed?). My new docs concern about it was the fact that (I really hate to admit this because it is embarrassing but it happens... When I was 19 years old I had found out I got an std from an ex-boyfriend because we had unprotected sex. I had 'the clap' we were in a 3 year relationship and I thought he was my high school sweetheart but later found out he cheated on me several times.) Anyways, I guess that specific std can cause damage to the tubes and scarring. In many cases it is not fixable so let's pray that is not the case! I think if my infertility is caused because my ex cheated on me than I will hunt him down and beat the crap out of him!!!

My new doctors other concerns for me is that I could possibly have PCOS because my cycles are a little longer than the average and the fact that I ovulate late. And he said he would also like to see me try to lose 10-15lbs because I am slightly overweight and I agree with him.

So here is our plan of action for the next month or two... Since I've already done 4 rounds of Clomid he does not want my lining to thin out anymore so he switched my meds to Letrozole 2.5mg which he explained to me is similar to Clomid but not harmful to the lining and that the 2.5mg is equivalent to Clomid 50mg. I take it the same as Clomid days 3-7 and he said side effects are similar to Clomid. So that is the plan this month along with DH doing another SA.

If we don't get a bfp this month than I am to go in on Cycle day 3 next cycle to have an ultrasound done (since I've never had one done) he wants to get a look at my ovaries. That way he will be able to tell whether I have PCOS and also do more blood tests. Depending on his findings, if my ultrasound is abnormal or if he suspects PCOS than he wants to schedule a Lap Surgery. If we do the surgery he will check out what the problem is and hoping fix it. Then he said we would go on birth control for 3 months after that to help my uterus and ovaries recover. Has anyone had one done? That scares me a bit. But my doctor is awesome because he said if I need the surgery that he would put it down as necessary and not under fertility that way my insurance will cover it. My last doctor was so quick to diagnose me with unexplained infertility (without doing all the tests) now my insurance will not cover ANYTHING fertility related!!

So everything depends on all the results that come back from me and DH but than he said that IUI with a trigger shot would be our best option. He said overall we both are very healthy and he is confident we will get things figured out.

Sorry that was soooo much information lol trust me there was a lot more too I just don't want to bore you ladies ;-) anyways just wanted to update since we finally have a plan set in motion. I am very happy about this and honestly hope my doctor does find something wrong with either DH or me because than we can at least work towards fixing it. Being diagnosed with unexplained infertility sucks because we have no answers and no assurance that we will ever get pregnant. I couldn't be happier that I made a switch to this new doctor! I am happy too that we will have answers within the next 1-2 months!!!

Thanks for listening ladies! You are all amazing! I have no one else to discuss all of this with. DH doesn't like talking about it much. Again thank you! I am so happy right now (scared too) but mainly happy! Hope you all are doing good this week :)
Noele--so happy you posted an update because honestly I couldn't wait to sign on to my computer this morning and see what happened at your doctor appt! That all does sound promising! I am so happy for you. Okay, so you can do something about the weight but do not starve yourself because your body needs the nutrients and protein to have a baby! Eat veggies and lean meat and fish. You can always go for a walk if the weather is warming up where you are at. That's okay about DH SA because he can do something about that too. I know that mine had a low one too and we got several recommendations from the doctor on what to do. Hopefully your ******* Ex boyfriend didn't cause this but having a lap done will be something good. I had unexplained fertility at 2 years and they finally did a lap for me and foudn that I have endometriosis. That does suck because it never goes away and have had to have that same procedure done like 3 times! At least I was able to find out what was wrong with me though. All of your stuff sounds so promising and I know it's a huge relief to see someone who understands and has a possible solution. That's also good that he took you off the clomid because of the thinning lining and all. Maybe you are going to get you BFP this cycle and woo hoo==you are getting an U/S done to check out those ovaries!!

Sounds like you have a good doctor this time. I'm so glad.
Tundralife- Thank you so much for all the support! It means a lot to me :) I think that is the main reason I am so happy right now is because my doctor seemed to be pretty optimistic about treatment plans for all of the areas of concern. The only thing he worried about were if my tubes were damaged but that is honestly worse case. He did mention that if my tubes were damaged than our last option would be IVF. He said he would recommend us to his friend of 20 years who has a fertility clinic. He also mentioned that every patient he has recommended to his friend has ended up pregnant. So that gives me hope to. Although the money would be a huge problem for DH and I so we would have to wait along while and save up every extra penny for that. Anyways I have so much more hope than I did with my last doctor. :) Oh and the funny thing is on Monday I had already set a plan in place for losing 27lbs. I'm not going to diet because diets do not work for me. I am just going to make healthier eating choices (more fruits, veggies and water) I started a kickboxing class that is on every Monday, Volleyball starts in less than a month, and my first 5k of the season is less than a month away. I live right across the street from my gym so working out is no problem. I wish I could be running/jogging outside but sounds like we are supposed to get 9-12 inches of SNOW tonight :-( Damn Minnesota weather!!! Again thank you so much!!!
Well I can tell through your writing that you are very happy so that makes me happy! I love happy happy people. It is good to get such positive feedback especially when we feel we are a lost cause. I am thinking your tubes will be fine because if you found out early about your std then the medicine or whatever you took should have cleared it up. I am wondering if you all can do the IUI intead of IVF. It would be cheaper and if it's a tube thing then I am wondering if that would work too as long as your tubes aren't blocked?

On a side note, I have been a google machine lol. I am feeling like I have some mild lower ab cramping since O and now I am experiencing on my left side almost like I feel when I get a cyst. Of course I am reading about the corpus luteum and all of that jazz but I am finding I guess everyone who ovulates gets the corpus luteum. I am just wondering why I would feel it this month and not the rest of the month? I also read that some other types of cysts are caused from if you DON'T OVULATE. On a couple of medical sites I read that the egg never ruptures and the sac turns into a cyst but then eventually absorbs. I've gotten cysts several time in the past and i've went in for ultra sounds and they just have me come back in a week or a few days later to make sure it is resorbing back into my body. I was trying to read bnb threads on women who got BFP. I know, there I go again with wishful thinking!!

Oh and do I have a profile picture? I can't tell.
Hey Ladies!~

I have done 5-6 rounds of Clomid - Nothing .. A round of Femara ... again nothing. I did get a pos Ov test so a little hope there. I am currently on Metaformin and Clomid and so far no issues like what I read about. It is very frustrating for me since I have a child already.. Been trying for a couple years... but we did take a year off when hubs was deployed. I love reading the success stories!! Makes me feel SOOO much better and gives me hope!! :thumbup:
Army wife--welcome to the thread. I understand the frustration as I already have children from my previous marriage. I suppose since you are a military wife then you understand the extra frustration of having to use the on base docs. I can't seem to get a referal off base even though I have issues prior to ttc with my husband! Makes me insane.

do you have PCOS, ovulation not happening? What is the reason for the clomid etc?
So far they cannot explain why I am having such a hard time. I did get Pregnant in Nov of 2011 but lost it. We luckily are just NG for Army so we don't have to do the base thing ( but I know it's a pain) PCOS has not been mentioned but I recently changed Dr's so we shall see. Clomid and Metaformin haven't given me any issues... Thank Goodness!! :winkwink:I am going through this pretty much alone as ALL my friends seem to be with child lol and then there is me. My husband is a great support but he can only do so much. This would be his first child too so I feel even more pressure.
well we understand how discouraging it can be and it's always nice to hear from others in our same boat. I do see babies and women who are pregnant all of the time here on base. I am thinking there is nothing else better to do in Alaska but make babies, apparently I can't figure it out yet hehe
tundralife2.. I knew how to 11 years ago but clearly need practice lol

Yes seeing new babies and pregnant women is not easy at all!! I have some close friends but most of them are expecting and I don't wanna bring them down cause I know how exciting this time is. My in laws are HORRIBLE which adds more stress as my Monster in law talks about me and my 11 year old to my husband .. BUT I cannot control other people - just my actions to them. I look forward to being a mom again :)
Aww hunny! That's awful. My husband would be so giddy if I were to be pregnant and his family would be happy too. We haven't told them we are trying to conceive. I am thinking because I already have my sons and then because I am going to be 40 this summer and my hubby is 31. Age gap. we are compatible though. He just has been such a blessing to me and the boys that I would love for him to be a daddy too outside of my boys. He deserves it. You are right, we can't control others. It's funny you say that about your pregnant friends. I work with 2 girls who are pregnant, and I ask them questions about when they conceived all of the time but I feel they look at me liek I'm stupid because I already did it before. It wasn't easy then EITHER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Noelle-- Sounds like you are very happy. It's so nice to have a plan and know where things are going. Hoping it all works out well for you.

Tundra-- Have you been referred yet to the specialist? How is the few going?

Army-- Welcome :hugs:

Afm-- I started bleeding Monday night and had to go to the ER. We ended up losing the baby. I have a follow-up appt. with my obgyn. I'll probably be taking some time off from ttc.
Noelle-- Sounds like you are very happy. It's so nice to have a plan and know where things are going. Hoping it all works out well for you.

Tundra-- Have you been referred yet to the specialist? How is the few going?

Army-- Welcome :hugs:

Afm-- I started bleeding Monday night and had to go to the ER. We ended up losing the baby. I have a follow-up appt. with my obgyn. I'll probably be taking some time off from txt.

Oh no!!!! I am so sorry! Prayers sent your way!
Noelle-- Sounds like you are very happy. It's so nice to have a plan and know where things are going. Hoping it all works out well for you.

Tundra-- Have you been referred yet to the specialist? How is the few going?

Army-- Welcome :hugs:

Afm-- I started bleeding Monday night and had to go to the ER. We ended up losing the baby. I have a follow-up appt. with my obgyn. I'll probably be taking some time off from ttc.

Oh no! Forget about me. There are no words to say how truly I am sorry for your loss. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I could not imagine. How are you and DH holding up? I could imagine this is very hard. How far along were you? That just makes me so sad.
So so sorry to hear that cntrygrl , I hope physically you are doing as well as you can be and emotionally you have the support of you partner and family, were here too for you xxx
Soo very sorry cntrygrl! Will be thinking and praying for you and your family. Suddenly my problems seem very small. :nope:
Thank you ladies. We are managing it was DH's birthday so I feel horrible about that. They weren't sure how far along cause they couldn't see anything. TMI-- I had lots of big tissue clots. I am back at work today, but thinking maybe I should've stayed out the rest of the week.

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