Clomid round 3 anyone else?

Cntrygrl- I am so sorry!! I hope you and DH are holding up the best you can.. I don't even know what to say other than I'm sorry for your loss!! Be strong!!

Cntrygrl - Im really sorry for your loss. I dont know what else to say except that I hope you and your DH are ok.
Cntrygrl- Im so sorry for your loss and I pray that you heal physically and emotionally.

Noele- That's great news about the new doctor I am so happy for you! It sucks the last doctor didn't seem to care or focus on things that were important. I'm glad you have a new Dr

Armywife- Welcome!

AFM- I had labs done yesterday hcg less than 2 so I don't know if it was too early to check as I am super impatient! My progesterone level is pending they haven't gotten it back yet so I am waiting for that. Today I am super bloated as well as lower back burning sensation don't know what that means my dr thinks I could be having implantation symptoms but Im not getting my hopes up. I have lots of symptoms such as super bloated, backache, increased hunger, tender boobs, cramping lower abdomen off and on but blah the tww is more than torture for me this time around higher dosage of Clomid has given me all new symptoms or maybe a baby?
Praying this is it for you nurse!

Noele - glad to hear you feel more positive with your new doctor,I had a lap in Jan and it was really ok, general anaesthetic just doesnt agree with me, makes me so sick! But pain wise etc was fine
Hope things move quickly for you

Cntrygrl - hope you are resting, maybe would be an idea to take more time off work to give you time to heal emotionally and physically xx

Hope everyone else is ok who are waiting to ovulate or in the 2ww, im on last day of Clomid so waiting to ovulate again!

Hey ladies wish me luck. I will be leaving in about 10 minutes to head over to my dr appt. It's on base still (blah) but at least it is the womens health part and I will be seeing a nurse practitioner today. That's a little hopeful. I also just realized today is my CD21 so maybe they will do a progesterone and see if I ovulated or NOT. I hope they will. I will update you all when I return in just a bit!
Good Luck at the dr. Tundra! Can't wait to hear your results.
Star- Thanks!

Tundra- I hope the appt goes well

AFM- my progesterone level is back and the result is 28.63... so I definitely ovulated I hope we caught the egg!
Hi ladies,

So Im trying to lose weight and want to start eating a lot healthier (am about 15-20lbs overweight right now). I just wanted to share a website that I found that has some great recipes that are super healthy

Let me know if you guys try making anything from there. Im going to try to make the Balsalmic Chicken dinner for tonight. My DH has been on a health kick lately as well because hes doing the Tough Mudder Challenge. So now when I make him dinner im going to double the amount so I have lunch for the next day.
Star25- glad to hear you are doing well. I didn't realize you had that lap done. What was the outcome?

Cntry grl- Hope you are continuing to heal inside and out. We area all hear and ears and eyes wide open for you still sending tons of hugs to you and DH

Adr-I will check out those recipes for sure. I do not have a weight issue but I eat healthy stuff and have tons of recipes, I would love to share them with you. The chicken recipe you mentioned sounds really good. Small changes can make a big difference!

Nurse_Star- Congrats on the Progesterone. That is awesome. Hoping you caught that eggie this time!

Hope everyone else is doing well too! AFM I just got back from my appt and am happy to say that I got to see a real doctor this time and it was someone with a lot of experience in fertility which made me even more giddy!! (big smile insert) Anyways, she immediately ordered my lab test to see if I still have an egg reserve due to my age. She also ordered my 21 day progesterone today and I even got to do a vaginal and external ultrasound. She is scheduling me for a HSG as soon as I start my period and in addition she requested that I be put back on clomid if I start my period this cycle and only do 50 mg and then have the clomid test studies done to see if I have ovulated or not with the 50. I told her I had extreme effects from the clomid so hoping that my progesterone looks great this time even though I didn't take the clomid this month. She also ordered a SA on DH and a Testosterone for him too. He prolly won't be happy about this because he has to have it done on the base but oh well. He will have to get over it. What's the use of me going through this and it's him. The sad thing to my story is that she said it could be him becuase of the fact that she has been seeing a ton of women who are having fertility issues who are maried to military men who have deployed and they are having morphology issues with their sperm. She said she is seeing where the heads are missing from the sperm or their tails are not right which does not allow them to swim up the tubes etc. instead they go in circles. I almost cried when she told me that becuase I remember my DH telling me before that they had mentioned to him that he could possibly not have children due to the career field he is in. I am hoping that it's me and not him and that they can fix me! I am going with the more positive side of this. For now we will just wait to see if i do have some eggs to work with and secondly, if I ovulated this last time on my own!!

Oh she did recommend a few things that I don't mind sharing with you ladies:

preseed around ovulation she said it works great!
Fertility blend, 3 capsules per day

and here are some websites she recommended. I haven't looked at any yet as I have just got back to my desk: she recommened this for PCOS issues said they had some good info on it.

Hope this info may help one of you ladies!

Thanks for listening~
Oh and I wanted to add that she suggested i start using the OPK's at day CD11/12 and once it is positive that I should BD everyday or every other day for 6 days! I'm sure you all already know this but may help.
Tundra-- Thank you. I was using fertilityfriend to track and I liked it. I hope everything comes back okay with DH's SA.
Hi ladies, just an update. Things are not looking good for us this month.. Had our follow up ultrasound today. Got a positive on an opk this morning had 5 good follies but my lining was still only at 5 mm. So the fore they decided to cancel my iui. Trying on our own which hasn't worked the first 5 times.. One more round of clomid next month and then who knows what are next path is... Aiming for an iui next month if my lining thickens. I wish all the rest of you good luck in you 2ww.
Hi ladies, just an update. Things are not looking good for us this month.. Had our follow up ultrasound today. Got a positive on an opk this morning had 5 good follies but my lining was still only at 5 mm. So the fore they decided to cancel my iui. Trying on our own which hasn't worked the first 5 times.. One more round of clomid next month and then who knows what are next path is... Aiming for an iui next month if my lining thickens. I wish all the rest of you good luck in you 2ww.

Danni- I am surprised they didn't take you off the clomid and try that other fertility med that doesn't thin out the lining. Are they keeping you on clomid again? Sorry that the news didn't sound so good. Hoping your lining does thicken and make a bean stick!! :hugs:
Hi ladies, just an update. Things are not looking good for us this month.. Had our follow up ultrasound today. Got a positive on an opk this morning had 5 good follies but my lining was still only at 5 mm. So the fore they decided to cancel my iui. Trying on our own which hasn't worked the first 5 times.. One more round of clomid next month and then who knows what are next path is... Aiming for an iui next month if my lining thickens. I wish all the rest of you good luck in you 2ww.

Danni- I am surprised they didn't take you off the clomid and try that other fertility med that doesn't thin out the lining. Are they keeping you on clomid again? Sorry that the news didn't sound so good. Hoping your lining does thicken and make a bean stick!! :hugs:

This is the first month my lining was thin so I am going to see if they can switch me to fermera next month.
Tundralife- Hey! Sorry I didn't respond yesterday. We are planning to do IUI before IVF. IVF is our very last resort. And about you thinking you have a cyst it is very possible... I am wondering what it feels like to have a cyst because my AF this time around was terrible ane I had the worst cramps I've had in a very long time. I usually barely cramp, its more like dull cramping and backache when AF arrives. How many dpo are you now? 6? Also, I am so happy to hear your appointment went good and that your doctor seemed very knowledgeable. Sounds like you have a good plan in motion as well :) What did your doc say about your ultrasound? Did she see anything that may be a cyst? I'm really happy for you and hope things get figured out asap. Hopefully your DH wont put up too much of a fight over the SA. Lol I'm not in the mood to TTC this cycle but our doctor wants us to try Letrozole this time around so I guess I should.

Armywife- Welcome! I think TTC for any amount of time, whether it is 6 months or 2 years or even longer, is frustrating. I imagine it could be even more frustrating if you already have child too because than you wonder what's going wrong the second time around. Wishing you lots of luck and babydust!

Nurse- Yay on the progesterone levels!! I really really hope you get your bfp this month :)

ADR- Thanks for the recipe link! I will definitely check them out!

Dannixo- Sorry to hear they cancelled the IUI! Did they tell you that you could take something to thicken the lining? Because if you take Clomid next month it is just going to keep thining out your lining... You should ask to switch to femara! I believe it is very similar to Clomid but less harsh on your lining. Anyways good luck to you and who knows maybe you will get your bfp this month and won't have to go forward with the IUI!
AFM- Only on cd 4 today and took 2 Letrozole tablets so far and no symptoms that I can think of.. other than maybe faint hotflashes and yesterday I had a melt down but I think that was due to the foot of SNOW that got dumped on us.

Hoping everyone is doing well and has a great weekend!! Babydust to all :)
Tundralife- Hey! Sorry I didn't respond yesterday. We are planning to do IUI before IVF. IVF is our very last resort. And about you thinking you have a cyst it is very possible... I am wondering what it feels like to have a cyst because my AF this time around was terrible ane I had the worst cramps I've had in a very long time. I usually barely cramp, its more like dull cramping and backache when AF arrives. How many dpo are you now? 6? Also, I am so happy to hear your appointment went good and that your doctor seemed very knowledgeable. Sounds like you have a good plan in motion as well :) What did your doc say about your ultrasound? Did she see anything that may be a cyst? I'm really happy for you and hope things get figured out asap. Hopefully your DH wont put up too much of a fight over the SA. Lol I'm not in the mood to TTC this cycle but our doctor wants us to try Letrozole this time around so I guess I should.

Armywife- Welcome! I think TTC for any amount of time, whether it is 6 months or 2 years or even longer, is frustrating. I imagine it could be even more frustrating if you already have child too because than you wonder what's going wrong the second time around. Wishing you lots of luck and babydust!

Nurse- Yay on the progesterone levels!! I really really hope you get your bfp this month :)

ADR- Thanks for the recipe link! I will definitely check them out!

Dannixo- Sorry to hear they cancelled the IUI! Did they tell you that you could take something to thicken the lining? Because if you take Clomid next month it is just going to keep thining out your lining... You should ask to switch to femara! I believe it is very similar to Clomid but less harsh on your lining. Anyways good luck to you and who knows maybe you will get your bfp this month and won't have to go forward with the IUI!

I felt ovulation for the most part on my left side this month. After ovulation within a few days I start to have a sharp sometimes dull but still sharp consistent uncomfortable pain on that same side in the ovary area. I've had them before which makes me wonder if I am PCOS but I don't ALWAYS feel them at each cycle. When I was having my U/S done yesterday the tech told me that he saw a cyst on the left side and I hadn't even said anything to him about it. I guess I was right just becuase I've felt the same before and had MRI to find it's a cyst. It's not very big only about 3cm but he said that it applies pressure on the nerves and tissue there and that's what causes the pain. It should resorb back into my system. THey were just checking my uterus and ovaries yesterday to make sure they look okay and I also did find out that the endometrosis could be causing me the same symptoms as what you said could possibly happen to you from your ex jerk boyfriend!! they said the endometriosis could cause my tubes to be damaged so I'm having the HSG done once I start my period. Have you heard of doing it then? Her reason was to catch me before my next period so if something was clogged up there it could be flushed and I could possibly get pregnant. I am excited but like you, not feeling it this time. I am currently about 6 or 7 DPO today. I am having lower abdominal cramping but AF if she arrives isn't due for aobut 10 or 11 more days. I hope it's a good sign though but then again, I know we didn't bd enough this last cycle.

I just hope for the best for all of us!
Danni- I also think they should switch you to a different med next cycle staying on clomid doesn't seem logical at this point especially if it's causing your lining to thin.

Noele- Good for you on trying the new med I'm thinking of trying femara if this cycle is a bust!

Tundra-Even though you guys only bd once doesnt mean your out I've seen stories where one time did the trick I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
AFM-I'm extremely tired today I went to bed last night at 8 but still VERY tired. Really not in a good mood today I don't know why. I hate the unknown and the 2ww but sometimes I have to reflect and be positive as some women have deeper infertility where they don't get a chance to even be apart of a 2ww *humble moment* sorry for venting just moody today not feeling hopeful about this cycle all of a sudden.

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