Hi everyone, hope you're all having a good weekend, haven't been on last couple of days just because of working really
ArmyWife - Hello and welcome
Tundralife - my FS decided to do the lap on my second appointment as a scan showed a cyst and because of my heavy, irregular periods he suspected endo which I did too. (pcos had already been ruled out with the scan) He said they would do HSG and hysteroscopy at the same time as I also had a polyp. I had it this Jan and everything was perfect, even the polyp was too small so they didnt remove it, everything else was fine and the cyst gone.
It was after I felt so ill, my BP was really low and I was sick about 8 times and instead of getting out of hospital at 1pm it was 7pm but they took so long to give me anti sickness meds because they said I was too drowsy,I literally couldnt keep the tiniest sip of water down but it was a vicious circle as I needed to drink to get BP up so the room would stop spinning!
Luckily wasnt in pain though, they had given me paracetamol, double dose of ibuprofen, volterol and morphine whilst asleep, my throat hurt more the next day from being sick than my stomach! didnt have to take many more painkillers but did take a week off work and it took nearly all the week to feel normal again
It was after the lap FS said our issue is me just not ovulating enough and DH SA has been low, hes had 4 altogether and the counts have been 13mil, 15mil and the 2 recent ones have been 34mil and 84mil, morphology was 5%, 8% and one was 2% so that varies and motility has been between 35-50% so not perfect but should be able to get a bfp with those numbers if I ovulate enough!
Im glad to hear your appointment went well, my DH wasnt happy everytime he had to do an SA, I only made him do it at the hospital once though

The other times he done it at home and drove it there which can take about half an hour
When do you get the results of your progesterone?
Oh yeah, that pain you described is EXACTLY what I get after ovulation, it has happened the last 3 cycles, first cycle after the lap and dye and the last 2 cycles of clomid, If I didnt have it before the clomid I would have blamed that but i'm pretty sure its a cyst, it goes when I get closer to AF so I think its a cyst that bursts and then grows again on the next cycle, I haven't mentionned it to Dr as it goes away but thinking I might if it does it again just to check it is just a cyst
Dannixo - Sorry to hear this cycle didn't go as you planned, I'm really hoping next cycle is different for you

Noele - Good luck on the new medicationg this cycle, got EVERYTHING crossed for you
Nurse - Hope you are feeling better today, any symptoms?
ADR - Fingers crossed you ovulate soon and catch the eggy!
AFM- I'm on CD 8 today so no news here, having some ovulation type pains earlier this cycle and headaches, oh well, it will all be worth it in the end!