Clomid round 3 anyone else?

cntry girl- of course I caved in from my trying to relax state this cycle and bought for HPt's but they were all First Response Tests and of course BFN'!! I am about 11DPO. When did you get your BFP? How many dPO were you? I decided not to test because AF will come next week. I am already cramping and have been since last week. I find that weird since I didn't take clomid this cycle and I never cramp unless it's aobut a few days to maybe a week before AF. Not having any symptoms though other than feeling bloated already and my boobs always feel weird so I can't go by that one. I don't chart so can't tell by my BBT. So I just suck lol

Noele- what is your new medicine supposed to do for you that is different than the clomid or do you have to take it together? I have not heard of that one before so just curious. Can't believe you are already at CD7. Pretty soon it will be your O day again. I am hoping that something great happens for you this cycle.

Army wife- grrrr it can get frustrating and I feel your pain of being able to conceive before and now nothing. I did get my dr appt in and am waiting on my lab results this week so maybe I will have something positive to pass on soon.

Star25- Hope you are feeling better and no more issues with your sleeping arm! How are you today?

Nurse- any more symptoms to tell us about? When do you plan on testing or have you already? I can't remember how many DPO are you?
Hi everyone, noele yes we are close again in cycles, I'm expecting af about the 5th of may if it's another 30 day cycle

Has everyones cycles on Clomid been about the same length each time not including pre Clomid cycles?
Just wondering!
I got mine @ 14DPO. So I would still hold out hope :)
ugh...I'm holding! Did you experience AF symptoms? It's just so dang hard to tell lol because AF can feel like preggers symptoms too.

How are you holding up? How is DH? Do you have another Dr appt scheduled cntrygrl?
I had cramping on and off. The day of the miscarriage though I knew something was wrong because I was getting all my period type symptoms and my bb's had hurt less. DH seems to be doing alright. I think he's more worried about me as he keeps telling me "you're quiet". Unfortunately that's my way of dealing with things sometimes. We had an appt. last friday. I'm getting bloodwork done next week to make sure hcg levels are back to 0. Will have a normal cycle then the plan is IUI as long as I'm ready.
I had cramping on and off. The day of the miscarriage though I knew something was wrong because I was getting all my period type symptoms and my bb's had hurt less. DH seems to be doing alright. I think he's more worried about me as he keeps telling me "you're quiet". Unfortunately that's my way of dealing with things sometimes. We had an appt. last friday. I'm getting bloodwork done next week to make sure hcg levels are back to 0. Will have a normal cycle then the plan is IUI as long as I'm ready.

Well, I'm really hoping for the best for you. That's tough to go through I'm sure. And I deal with things by being quiet too. That's good that DH is concerned about you though and most men seem to take it easier than us. I think becuase it's not their bodies and they can't relate to the instant bond we feel. I hope that your cycle gets normal again and maybe you will get another bfp and H&H 9 months!! :hugs::hugs:
Hi everyone!!! Ugh it's been a long day I'm 12dpo today and I'm testing Saturday just don't want to see a BFN! I have a new symptom to add to hunger and fatigue Erect Nipples that won't go down at all my DH pointed it out they have actually been this way since about 8dpo! It's strange I also have small bumps around my nips!! I was supposed to do blood tests this week but I'm waiting.
Cntrygrl- Thanks! I hope you and DH are doing okay! I've been thinking about you!

Tundralife- Im not positive but I think it is the generic for Femara. But it essentially does the same thing as Clomid but it is less harsh on your body and has less side effects. And I can't believe I am on cd 8 already. Time is flying by... But my heart is just not in it this month... I feel tired and bored of TTC and its frustrating that I feel this way because it makes me feel like I am giving up but I'm not. I will still give it my all but I haven't been sticking to my bbt charting and today barely remembered that I wanted to start using OPKs today and the thought of babymaking sex does not sound appealing to me... :-( Oh well. I will deal with it and hopefully snap out of this funk! Last Oct and Nov DH and I took a break from TTC and it was the most amazing two months so I keep thinking how nice another break would be but I don't want to feel like I am giving up! I want to try and wait until after we the IUI before taking a break especially since we have a plan set up with our new doctor. I'm struggling with motivation I guess. Lol sorry had to vent! Thanks.

Star- Mine cycles on Clomid ranged a bit... 30,14,29,30.
I feel like you noele, I really cannot be bothered with timing bd this cycle, I'm on cd11 and so far have bd 7,9,11 just not in the mood! X
I feel like you noele, I really cannot be bothered with timing bd this cycle, I'm on cd11 and so far have bd 7,9,11 just not in the mood! X

Im in the same boat as you guys... this cycle i have had no motivation to BD at all. I didnt even test ovulation this month because it tends to be around the 17th day of my cycle and iv wasted so much money on home pregnancy tests and ovulation tests. So this month iv tried not to stress myself out.

Technically if I did ovulate on the 17th then today is day 2 of my tww. We tried to BD as much as we could leading up to day 17 but like i said there was just no motivation this round. I have a doc appt in May so Im going to see what alternatives there are for us because im feeling like this is just not working. I dont know much about anything besides clomid...

Hope everyones weeks are going well.

I agree. I am in a funk. I guess what has helped me secretly is hiding my opk tests and what I am doing from DH and if we can't bd when we need to then it just wasn't meant to be that month. I just found myself obsessing about it and it was stressing him out and it was really hurting our sex life. It has helped much with the sex part but I think my pheramones or something goes off when it's ovulation week becuase even though he doesn't know it seems as if he doesn't want sex that week. It's really weird.

Noele- I am so glad you are trying something different because you never know. This may be what you needed. Just relax hun and take it easy this cycle and it will help the time go by quick! (i hope anyways)

11DPO today afm.........I have some mild cramping off and on but nothing that I really feel like AF. I am bitchy as hell, nauseated a little and just don't really feel well but all of those can be AF symptoms. I will get my results back from all the blood work on Thurs or Fri. It turns out they did a lot more blood work than I had thought! Just really looking forward to getting those results.
Hello everyone I hope you all feel better as it was most of you who helped me feel better when I was in a funk:flower::flower::flower:

AFM I'm 13dpo cd 28 and I really don't have much to report except all of the same symptoms the waiting game is the worst:coffee:
Awww :) Thanks Nurse for trying to cheer us all up.

I think my emotions are out of whack today... Crying over everything from reading a sad part in my book to crying about the 8 year old boy who died in yesterday's Boston bombings. I'm really hoping that I will wake up tomorrow in a better mood. Who knows maybe my new meds are effecting me more than I thought.

Tundralife- Let us know when you get your results back. I am curious! :) I'm praying AF stays far away from you!!!
Star & ADR- Maybe we all just need a break this month and do what we can but not stress out about it and just let nature run its course... Maybe relaxing this month will give us the energy we need to be on top of the game next month!! Good luck ladies
I will def update. I called eagerly yesterday just incase but they have to ship out the progesterone & the AMH so it will be thurs or Fri before I know. However; they did tell me they did TSH, prolactin, AMH, Progesterone and a pregnancy test. The only thing they got back was the preggers test which was negative. Duh, I was only a couple of days past O lol!!!
Tundra- I'm trying to wait it out but these symptoms have me itching to test!!!

Noele-No problem!! I'm here for support just as we all are.
AFM UPDATE:: I am boo boo hooing!!! :-( My doctor just called to say my AMH results are back and i am at .47 and the results are usually good at .5 and better to get good results. She said that doesn't mean I CAN'T get pregnant but I guess what she is saying my reserve is starting to get lower because I am almost 40. That's prolactin and Thyroid test came back good and within normal limits BUT....i still have to wait for the progesterone which should be back tomorrow or the next day.

The other issue is she originally wanted me to start back taking the clomid this cycle if AF comes this weekend 50mg CD5-9, where as other doc had me on 100mg 5-9. Anyways, she said that she got the ultra sound report back and there was a cyst and it was a hemoraghic cyst and she was worried about it growing and bursting and causing me to have internal bleeding. Oh no! So in a nutshell I will be going back soon to get a followup to make sure it has either went away or shrinking. Until then I will be anxiously waiting my progesterone results this week. In a way I just want to give up and face the facts that I'm not a spring chicken anymore but then again, I want ot have a baby wiht DH so badly.

I'm signing off to cry now~~~~Thank you all for listening!

Nurse--I'm not even going to test this weekend because now I really feel like AF is coming after this news. FXD for you though. Your symptoms sound promising!!
Tundra- I'm sooo sorry I'm praying they were wrong and the outcome is different I hate those stupid test because in the end the results always have us feeling let down the good thing about this doctors don't always have the answer and what looks like may never happen just might happen sooner than you think. My fingers crossed for you and I'm sending prayers all the way to ALASKA!
Hi tundralife, sorry to hear your upset, let's hope the cyst shrinks away and you can start the Clomid again, it's good your Dr said about taking it again
I hope your progesterone results come back good, you will have your baby with your husband, you deserve to and it's meant to be, like nurse said, things happen when you dont expect it and soon will happen for you too xx

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