Clomid round 3 anyone else?

question....I tested positive on the CBD opk's yesterday. I continued testing yesterday evening when I got home and still positive. Today I tested around 5 am and positive, again at 9:45 and the test was invalid because of not enough urine I think. I tested again at 2:30 and it is now negative. Does that mean I have already ovulated? Weird thing is when I ejected the test from the monitor thing it looked really positive. Like darker than the last positive one from yesterday. I am just wondering if this means I have already ovulated now? It was 24 hours ago when I got the positive until the negative just now.....

I feel my ovaries on my lower left side aching. I didn't have any discharge or mucous this time because the clomid totally drys me out.
Tundralife- I'm not really sure my best guess would be you already released the egg but whether or not if the egg is still hanging around I am not sure. I always bd the day of my first negative after a positive just to be sure. As far as reading the lines on the test stick for CBD... I am pretty sure if you read on the box or in the directions that you can not go by the test sticks because it is not accurate and to only go by the circles and smiley face. Maybe look that up on line. I remember reading that and that is why I never even look at those.

Afm, I broke down early and bought hpts and tested 8,9, and 10dpo and all BFNs so far lol. Way to early to be testing but oh well. I am going to wait until 12 or 13dpo to test again. I'm still having loads of creamy cm but I am starting to think that is not really a good source or sign. Also, can't shake this huge gut feeling that this is NOT my month. I feel absolutely normal. Bbs have had no change or soreness, no twinges or feelings in my uterus area, nothing at all is going on with my body. And actually I have been really irritated with my poor dh the last few days so I am going to assume AF is on her way. I'm normally not crabby but a bit emotional a few days prior to AF but I am thinking my hormones are probably affected by the meds. BUT... Don't get me wrong I am not giving up hope yet! I know I'm still in it until the witch shows up. :-) Hopefully she doesn't.

Question... This is weird but does anyone else think of the positive side of AF showing up?? I feel like I always look for ways to be positive about AF's arrival because if I didn't I would probably break down. This is what I mean... For example, my friend is having a house warming/ St. Patrick's Day party and her town does a huge celebration with a parade but obviously there will be a lot of drinking. So if AF does show up at least I get to celebrate with friends for St. Patrick's Day lol. Or here is a better example... I am 21lbs over my suggested weight for my height and age. I have been working hard since October to shred these extra lbs. In October I started at 32.5 lbs over weight but since then I've kept of 11.5lbs but did not follow my diet/exercise schedule the months of December and January lol too many yummy Christmas cookies ;-) So every month when AF shows I like to tell myself that at least I have another month to try and shred some lbs. Ultimately, I would choose a baby over anything else but I just try to look at positives to keep me going when AF shows!! Sorry for blabbing just bored at work lol
Tundralife- I'm not really sure my best guess would be you already released the egg but whether or not if the egg is still hanging around I am not sure. I always bd the day of my first negative after a positive just to be sure. As far as reading the lines on the test stick for CBD... I am pretty sure if you read on the box or in the directions that you can not go by the test sticks because it is not accurate and to only go by the circles and smiley face. Maybe look that up on line. I remember reading that and that is why I never even look at those.

Afm, I broke down early and bought hpts and tested 8,9, and 10dpo and all BFNs so far lol. Way to early to be testing but oh well. I am going to wait until 12 or 13dpo to test again. I'm still having loads of creamy cm but I am starting to think that is not really a good source or sign. Also, can't shake this huge gut feeling that this is NOT my month. I feel absolutely normal. Bbs have had no change or soreness, no twinges or feelings in my uterus area, nothing at all is going on with my body. And actually I have been really irritated with my poor dh the last few days so I am going to assume AF is on her way. I'm normally not crabby but a bit emotional a few days prior to AF but I am thinking my hormones are probably affected by the meds. BUT... Don't get me wrong I am not giving up hope yet! I know I'm still in it until the witch shows up. :-) Hopefully she doesn't.

Question... This is weird but does anyone else think of the positive side of AF showing up?? I feel like I always look for ways to be positive about AF's arrival because if I didn't I would probably break down. This is what I mean... For example, my friend is having a house warming/ St. Patrick's Day party and her town does a huge celebration with a parade but obviously there will be a lot of drinking. So if AF does show up at least I get to celebrate with friends for St. Patrick's Day lol. Or here is a better example... I am 21lbs over my suggested weight for my height and age. I have been working hard since October to shred these extra lbs. In October I started at 32.5 lbs over weight but since then I've kept of 11.5lbs but did not follow my diet/exercise schedule the months of December and January lol too many yummy Christmas cookies ;-) So every month when AF shows I like to tell myself that at least I have another month to try and shred some lbs. Ultimately, I would choose a baby over anything else but I just try to look at positives to keep me going when AF shows!! Sorry for blabbing just bored at work lol

Noele0002 that sounds just like me! I said to myself the other day...if I can't be preggers, then I'm gonna be fine and tan!! :happydance: Meaning until it happens I am going to tan in this arctic circle I live in and I am going to the gym every morning and thus far, I have done just that. I do not have weight problem but at 40, I have to work extra hard to build muscle over someone much younger. I look at it like at least we have a period. Some of the ladies on these threads never have that and that in itself makes it harder to get the BFP! I do want this to be my month. I wanted to add that I tested AGAIN when I got home last night and I was still positive but had a negative this morning. I am going to force DH to BD with me. We Bd on Friday, Sat, Sun and Monday but we skipped last night. I leave for my trip tomorrow anyways so maybe DH will do the deed tonight!! :thumbup: Hope so!! Well, you still have some time to test and you aren't out until AF shows--remember that. Great job on your weight loss. Maybe you can focus on that and it will take away some of the stress from ttc?
Hi Everyone,

This round i decided to use the First Respose Digital Ovulation Test. Has anyone else tried this? So basically it gave me 20 sticks and i started it on day 5 of my cycle.... once it says yes then i have a 24hr-36hr window... i just wanted to see if anyone else has tried it and to see if it works for them or not? since this is my third round of clomid i really hope it works... today is day 9 of my cycle so hopefully something happens soon!!!! Any tips from anyone on how to raise my chances of getting pregnant this round?!?!?!
Tundralife- Just don't give dh an option! Lol ;-) How long are you going on vacation for? Hope you have a wonderful trip! And I've tried focusing my attention on my weight loss but it only works sometimes. Sometimes I really can't help but obsessing over this TTC Journey. But with spring and warmer weather only a few weeks away I should be fine. My dh plays baseball for his home town amateur league and it starts early April. He usually plays 3-4 games a week and he also plays on a few softball leagues the remaining nights of the week, so me being the good baseball wife that I am, I attend as many games as possible to cheer him on. Starting in April my schedule gets crazy busy so I'm hoping that will be enough to distract me.
ADR10- I've never used that brand but I really do like digital OPKs. As far as tips to up your chances to getting pregnant... I have no clue. The most important thing is probably just to make sure you are timing the 'babydancing' right so you don't miss the egg :-) My doctor recommend dh and I start bd'ing on CD 10 every other day for a 10-12 day stretch. But I prefer to go by the sperm meets egg plan. Good luck to you!! Do you do bbt charting?
Star25- You still hanging in there? Has AF showed up yet or have you poas yet? Keep us updated :-)
Tundralife- Just don't give dh an option! Lol ;-) How long are you going on vacation for? Hope you have a wonderful trip! And I've tried focusing my attention on my weight loss but it only works sometimes. Sometimes I really can't help but obsessing over this TTC Journey. But with spring and warmer weather only a few weeks away I should be fine. My dh plays baseball for his home town amateur league and it starts early April. He usually plays 3-4 games a week and he also plays on a few softball leagues the remaining nights of the week, so me being the good baseball wife that I am, I attend as many games as possible to cheer him on. Starting in April my schedule gets crazy busy so I'm hoping that will be enough to distract me.

LOL ANOTHER common thing we have!! My DH is obsessed with playing ball too! too funny. He played 7 days a week when we lived in Florida before moving here. Obviously we have only been here a year but he was deployed 8 months out of the year we have been here! We only have summer for a couple of months where you can actually get out and play ball so I am lucky this time. We also workout on base and our office is across the street from the gym on base so makes it super convenient. I go with him on the days he has his squadron Physical training but do my own thing. He kinda motivates me I guess you could say. I know the obsessing over ttc can get to ya. I look at all the cute maternity clothes and the little babies at our church etc and it doesn't help that the girl in my office is preggers but it took her almost a year. I am truly happy for her though because she is a beautiful person and I am glad she got her BFP! It will happen for us. I really do think if I keep focused on something else that it will relax and happen. It is easier said that done though. I will try not to give my DH a choice but he is weird about being intimate sometimes. It's almost like he's not even a dude when it comes to that. :wacko: Makes me a bit nuts. I'll be gone about 10 days so I will be able to test when I get back after a few days~~so excited. I fantasize about coming home (my DH isn't making the trip with me) and handing him a positive HPT when he picks me up from the airport. That's just a fantasy anyways and it would be wayyyyyy tooo early to do that end of next week hehehe.

How is working going today? Not even sure what your time zone is but it's just 8:30 am here now and we are settling in the office! Coffee in hand :winkwink:
Tundralife- Too funny! We really do have a lot of similarities... I live directly across the street from my gym...literally a parking lot away. Last fall dh and I joined a volleyball league and had so much fun :-) They have a summer league we will be joining. I also want to give a co-ed softball league a try with dh this summer as well. Plus my New Years resolution was to run in 3 5ks races this year so with all of these athletic activities I am hoping to shred lbs and keep distracted from TTC stress. Obviously some of these plans will change if I do get my BFP soon. Oh and it is about 12:00pm here. Work is good. I am in the child care industry. I have been a nanny for going on 7 years now and I absolutely love it. Believe it or not I started going to college to be a dental hygienist and had a summer nanny job and fell in love working with kids. I've worked in preschools but its not my thing. I like working close and personal with a few children vs 30 crazy kids lol I'm hoping to open a home daycare center but dh and I have yet to purchase a house :-( All in time. But anyways have a great trip! 10 days is going to be so nice!

Noele - yes i did the bbt charting but my temperatures are all over the place and the doctor said to try ovulation testing instead after looking at my 2 cycles of temp charts... last round of clomid i took the day 21 blood test and it showed that i ovulated but looking at my temperature chart i couldnt tell when. Im worried that i wont ovulate this time around because my AF was really im worried that this digital ovulating test will be wrong and ill miss it if i actually ovulate!!! Sorry im really new to these kind of sites but can you tell me what DH stands for??? im slowly picking up the lingo but sometimes i have no clue what people are saying lol.

Noele - yes i did the bbt charting but my temperatures are all over the place and the doctor said to try ovulation testing instead after looking at my 2 cycles of temp charts... last round of clomid i took the day 21 blood test and it showed that i ovulated but looking at my temperature chart i couldnt tell when. Im worried that i wont ovulate this time around because my AF was really im worried that this digital ovulating test will be wrong and ill miss it if i actually ovulate!!! Sorry im really new to these kind of sites but can you tell me what DH stands for??? im slowly picking up the lingo but sometimes i have no clue what people are saying lol.

Hi there! I tried the first response for 2 cycles because my doctor recommended them but I was so very confused at what a positive was using them becuase sometimes it is so close to looking very positive but the test line needs to be darker or the same darkness at the control line. I didn't get what I would consider a positive with the FR ones until around CD 13 or 14 but that would be right on track with the positive I got this cycle with the Clear blue digi's because Noele0002 recommended the digital Clear blue easy for this cycle. I got my positive on Cd15. I would agree with Noele0002 and switch to the digital ones because you take the guess work out of it. I barley got a positive with the first response ones. Also i tested 2-3 times per day this cycle because of the research i found about using OPK's.

i found this website to be very helpful in bringing some insight in how to test and then testing twice per day. Just to let you know I got a positive with the digi CD15 and CD16 just this morning on CD17 it is negative. I will BD tonight hopefully to catch that eggie!! Good luck to you. I think it may be too early to get your positive OPK just yet so don't give up.
ADR10- I know exactly what you mean about the TTC lingo lol it took me forever to figure it out. DH stands for dear husband. About the charts... Mine seem to be kind of all over the place too. Have you used when you charted? I found that site very helpful! If you are unsure of when you ovulate or of missing it than I highly suggest you bd (bd means babydancing which stands for sex lol) starting at cycle day 10 and bd every other day until cycle 20 or 22. But thats if you have a 32 day cycle or less. How long are your cycles?
ADR10- What were your 21 day progesterone levels at last month? I had mine done for the first time this cycle and they were at 16.2. I was thinking that seemed a little low compared to a lot of women on Clomid. But all that really matters is that it did confirm ovulation
Hi Guys,

so when i first went on clomid i was taking 50mg and i didnt ovulate at all. Then the second round of clomid i took 100mg and i ovulated with 54. This is the third round i took. my cycles are not regular at all. thats one of the reasons i had to go on clomid. i really hope third round is the final round lol This round was also the first time i got my period (well if that was what it was) on my own. I usually have to take medicine to make sure i get my period... this whole process is just so stressful... this is all my husband and I think about lol. Maybe we will BD today and continue every other day just incase. ahhhh i hate the waiting game... that kills me... i end up taking home pregnancy tests all the time and waste a lot of money doing it... i have to learn how to wait.

And yes all you need is to ovulate... doesnt matter what the number is :) My doctor told me that anything above 15 is a great sign!! so hang in there... hopefully this is your final round as well!

Tundralife02 - thanks for the website. ill definetly check that out today!!! The first response tests that im taking are digital... maybe next round ill switch to the clear blue one and see how that goes :)

Thanks you both for keeping me me informed!! its hard sitting at work and just thinking about this all day!!!
We TOTALLY UNDERSTAND the frustration. You are very welcome. Keep us posted on your progress. At least you guys know that you did O. I was going to ask my Dr if I could get the test but I'm going to be traveling during the CD21 that I would need to have it on. I feel really good this time about it. I saw the positive O, I am now negative for sure as I tested negative all day today. I BD Fri-Mon and will try to BD tonight. That's all we can do. It's up to GOD if he allows it to happen!~~I'm officially in my TWW

That website talks about some interesting stuff in regards to OPK's and people even using them at HPT's to validate pregnancy. Just select a topic from the left and READ on!
ADR10- The waiting game sucks big time!! And I also waste tons of money on hpts (hpts stands for home pregnancy tests) but only since I have started Clomid. When I was just TTC naturally I always waited until the day AF was due or late before I would buy hpts. But since taking Clomid I have been more hopeful and thinking I have a better chance for a BFP and the wait kills me so I test early because even the faintest of faint lines would give me hope lol I would even love to see an evap... I'm so sick of seeing stark white BFNs.

How long have all of you ladies been TTC? Not sure if we've been over this or not but I'm curious. I've been TTC for 21 months now.
Tundralife- I'm excited you are finally in the TWW :-) yay!!! I will be praying for you
I honestly couldn't really tell you how long I have been trying to conceive. I haven't been on the pill in about 15 years or so. I have only been married to my DH for 1 1/2 years but we lived together since 2009 and were intimate. He has deployed and went on short tours during this time so maybe timing was our issue and could be his lack of wanting sex daily as I do. We have an 8 year age gap. He's my junior lol so you wouldn't expect that. I have wanted a baby for quite awhile though. As for him just the past year he has decided he was ready to be a daddy. I started trying trying and really trying last year around this time. I have only taken clomid though for 3 cycles this being my 3rd. I have had no progesterone test, HSG (where they flush your tubes to see if they are open) or any scans to confirm how big my follies are etc..just the clomid. That's making me crazy crazy and I really don't even want to take that last dose. Like I said earlier, I am very hopeful this time. Maybe because I actually saw a positive OPK, did the BD beginning 3 days prior to my first positive and the day of my positive. We skipped last night but you already know I'm gonna be all over DH like a spider monkey tonight lol.

In the meantime, I really have decided to focus on the gym and being super tan amongst all the white people in Alaska hahaha!! There's never enough sun rays to get a tan here. I'm gonna do the fake n bake. Just something to occupy my mind. Let the TWW begin. Oh, and I have NO HPT's. I may buy some when I'm in the lower 48 and test while I'm gone. It will be too soon, I'm sure but I was just reading some people testing after 8DPO or 9DPO and getting a BFP!! That would be awesome.

So Noele0002 what have you done in the 20 months to try and conceive besides taking your clomid? Did you always use OPK's? When did you start charting?
Tundralife- Dh and I have been married for 1 1/2 years also. What month did you guys get married? We got married in August 2011. We started TTC in July 2011 but the first 6 months we were laid back about it. Then I started OPK's (I've always used digital ClearBlue) I used them for awhile but by then I understood my cycle and my body was pretty consistent with get positive opks around the same time every month so I stopped using them for awhile. We went to see my doctor after 1 year of TTC in August 2012. She did bloodwork and pap, everything was normal. At the same time my dh went in to see his doctor and had a semen analysis and his results were good. Then in October I had an HSG dye test done and it showed that my tubes are good and clear. And so far my progesterone showed I ovulated this month at least. So last month my doctor diagnosed me with 'Unexplained Infertility' and now I've done 3 rounds of Clomid 50mg. But the second round was a bust because I only have a 14 day cycle (which has never happened to me before) I am assuming my hormones were out of whack.
Continued... (computer cut me off somehow) My doctor back in December said we would give Clomid a try for a few rounds then if that didn't work she would send us to see another doctor to move forward with IUI.

Has your dh had a semen analysis yet?

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