Tundralife- I'm not really sure my best guess would be you already released the egg but whether or not if the egg is still hanging around I am not sure. I always bd the day of my first negative after a positive just to be sure. As far as reading the lines on the test stick for CBD... I am pretty sure if you read on the box or in the directions that you can not go by the test sticks because it is not accurate and to only go by the circles and smiley face. Maybe look that up on line. I remember reading that and that is why I never even look at those.
Afm, I broke down early and bought hpts and tested 8,9, and 10dpo and all BFNs so far lol. Way to early to be testing but oh well. I am going to wait until 12 or 13dpo to test again. I'm still having loads of creamy cm but I am starting to think that is not really a good source or sign. Also, can't shake this huge gut feeling that this is NOT my month. I feel absolutely normal. Bbs have had no change or soreness, no twinges or feelings in my uterus area, nothing at all is going on with my body. And actually I have been really irritated with my poor dh the last few days so I am going to assume AF is on her way. I'm normally not crabby but a bit emotional a few days prior to AF but I am thinking my hormones are probably affected by the meds. BUT... Don't get me wrong I am not giving up hope yet! I know I'm still in it until the witch shows up.

Hopefully she doesn't.
Question... This is weird but does anyone else think of the positive side of AF showing up?? I feel like I always look for ways to be positive about AF's arrival because if I didn't I would probably break down. This is what I mean... For example, my friend is having a house warming/ St. Patrick's Day party and her town does a huge celebration with a parade but obviously there will be a lot of drinking. So if AF does show up at least I get to celebrate with friends for St. Patrick's Day lol. Or here is a better example... I am 21lbs over my suggested weight for my height and age. I have been working hard since October to shred these extra lbs. In October I started at 32.5 lbs over weight but since then I've kept of 11.5lbs but did not follow my diet/exercise schedule the months of December and January lol too many yummy Christmas cookies ;-) So every month when AF shows I like to tell myself that at least I have another month to try and shred some lbs. Ultimately, I would choose a baby over anything else but I just try to look at positives to keep me going when AF shows!! Sorry for blabbing just bored at work lol