Clomid round 3 anyone else?

Was wondering if I could join you ladies. I am on the same dosage and days 5-9. Took my last pill for rnd 3 on the 5th. I am having an ultrasound tomorrow (friday) to see what the ovaries are doing. The last two cycles I O'ed on CD14 and I have a 17 day LP. Have you ladies decided your next course of action after the 3rd rnd?
Continued... (computer cut me off somehow) My doctor back in December said we would give Clomid a try for a few rounds then if that didn't work she would send us to see another doctor to move forward with IUI.

Has your dh had a semen analysis yet?

Noele, No DH hasn't had one. The doctor on base put in a order for one and instructed that DH should do this but we haven't done it. Mainly because he would have to do the deed right there at the medical clinic on base becuase of where we live from it and I don't think he can do that lol. I told him on the way home last night that if this wasn't it he was going to have to do that or that was it and i'm done trying. I mean what if it's him and not me? What if he has some issue that we don't know about and I've been taking the crazy pills and going through all of this for nothing? That's what I think about because just like you I am an extremely "what if" person.
Next cycle I do plan to have the progesterone test to see if i ovulated and I have one more round of clomid of 100mg left. That would be my 4th dosage if I have to use it. I was feeling really hopeful but I didn't get to BD with DH last night because he studied until late and I was packing for my trip then we had an issue with a family member that came up. It didn't happen. I think I haven't ovulated or if I did it was lastnight. We only BD Fri, Sat, Sun & Mon of this week and as you know I am leaving today after work. I won't even be going home before. I will be leaving straight from my office and head to the airport. :cry::cry:

I am just so irritated with him today because we technically could have still BD but just didn't. Did your doctor suggest upping your dosage of clomid or do you think becuase you did O that he will keep you on the 50mg? I am sure your body needed some time to get that clomid into your system. I know many people that get preggers on it. We see it daily on these threads. I am sure it is bound to happen for you. You are still young and if you have no other issues then it will happen. I know it. Have you had a laporoscopic procedure done? i had one about 14 years ago and they discovered I have endometriosis. I am sure that is part of my problem now. That stuff never goes away. Even if you clean it out with the lap, it grows back and they have no idea why. It is a major cause of infertility. I had normal periods with it but I did have symptoms but my previous doctor at the time said that some women who have it severe dont even have symptoms. Just curious if you ever have thought about that?

Oh and DH and I got married 09/10/11 We thought it was neat and we would never forget the date!!
Hi, tundralife,your bd sounds like good timing if u ovulated last night, I read the other day that sperm takes about 10hrs to mature enough to be ready for conception after bd'ing so doing the day's is better than the day of ovulation
Sorry can't write much, on phone and awkward to read through all the previous posts then reply
Hope everyones doing ok, I'm on cd30 today and no sign of the witch so will see what happens overy the weekend
Hi, tundralife,your bd sounds like good timing if u ovulated last night, I read the other day that sperm takes about 10hrs to mature enough to be ready for conception after bd'ing so doing the day's is better than the day of ovulation
Sorry can't write much, on phone and awkward to read through all the previous posts then reply
Hope everyones doing ok, I'm on cd30 today and no sign of the witch so will see what happens overy the weekend

Star- thank you for something positive & yay--no signs of AF for you. When will you test? How long are your cycles usually? I know that I will be obsessing next week with testing even though it's early. I think I did read the same thing last night as well but get confused because you never know. Good luck to you this cycle hun!! :hugs:
My cycles are normally 35-75 days bit generally they have been around day 50 for the past year!
I wanted to wait til Monday to test but getting tempted to test over the weekend, I look after people with dementia so have to be careful just in case, a resident tried to punch me in stomach last night but just missed and scraped my ribs so might not wait as im working all weekend!
This is the first time I've actually known iv ovulated and has been the longest wait ever!
As you and noele were talking about sa's was going to say my dh done 1 in the hospital and the others he done at home and drove there which can take about half hr or a bit more depending on traffic and I was exactly like you with the what ifs, I've feared the worst on all our test results and felt so negative but it was for no reason apart from my ovulation,obviously it's all a worry but just saying try not to worry as much as I did about the what ifs, it made me feel worse and dreading every appointment
Sorry if that didnt sound as helpful as it was supposed to!
Hi Everyone!

Cntrygrl - I finished my third round of clomid (100 mg) on Feb 4th. My doctor told me to go ahead and try clomid again for the next couple of months and then we will take it from there... not sure what our next step would be.

Noele/Tundralife2 - my husband had himself checked out and everything is good on his side. We have been married for almost 3 years and we have been trying for the past year and a half. My doctor finally put me on clomid just a few months ago... so hopefully this works. My daily ovulation test came out negative again today but i made my husband do the BD with me when he got home at like 230am from work today lol lol otherwise our schedules are so different as i work during the day and he works at night... As for my cycles - there is nothing normal about them before i started clomid... i sometimes wouldnt get my AF for 4 months at a time.

Hopefully i will see a Yes on my ovulation test somtime this week lol

Hope everyone is having a good day! :)
Hi Everyone!

Cntrygrl - I finished my third round of clomid (100 mg) on Feb 4th. My doctor told me to go ahead and try clomid again for the next couple of months and then we will take it from there... not sure what our next step would be.

Noele/Tundralife2 - my husband had himself checked out and everything is good on his side. We have been married for almost 3 years and we have been trying for the past year and a half. My doctor finally put me on clomid just a few months ago... so hopefully this works. My daily ovulation test came out negative again today but i made my husband do the BD with me when he got home at like 230am from work today lol lol otherwise our schedules are so different as i work during the day and he works at night... As for my cycles - there is nothing normal about them before i started clomid... i sometimes wouldnt get my AF for 4 months at a time.

Hopefully i will see a Yes on my ovulation test somtime this week lol

Hope everyone is having a good day! :)

what cycle day are you on now?

Tundralife2 - Im on day 10 today today. i took my last clomid pills on Feb 4th. I just never know when or if im going to ovulate so i started trying with my DH this morning again lol lol
cntrygrl- Welcome :-) Good luck with your U/S tomorrow hope you have some nice size follies!! I know that IUI is in our near future if Clomid alone does not work. But I am unaware of how many more cycles of Clomid my doctor wants me to do. Let us know how tomorrow goes!

Tundralife- I wouldn't worry too much about not bd'ing last night. Everything I've read online suggests that bd'ing in the days before ovulation occurs are what matters. Plus I've read that sperm can survive for a few days while they wait for the egg. I think you timed it good and I really wouldn't worry. Also, I would definitely express the importance of your DH getting an SA! Anyways I hope you have a great flight and fantastic vacation! Will you be keeping in touch while your away? I hope so :-)

Star25- Keep us updated when you poas this weekend! Sending you lots and lots of babydust!

ADR10- That's good that your dh SA is good! I'm not sure if you've mentioned this before or not but do you have PCOS? Just curious because of the irregular cycles.
Hi, ive got 5 more cycles of clomid but not sure what the next step is if this doesn't work, last night I really felt like AF was on its way but nothing this morning, now though Ive got the feeling back again, bad back and period pain on lower right side. Normally when Im on my period pain is pretty horrendous and is normally worse on the right side, this is whats making me feel im out. I think I might wait and test after the weekend,probably monday morning if AF hasn't sown. I know its sounds stupid but at least if I dont know theres still a chance if AF isn't here but if I test and get BFN then I can't even hope!

how is everyone else feeling today? xx
Noele-- Will definitely do. My dr. only wanted me on 3rnds of Clomid before moving onto our next options. I believe it will be IUI also.

Tundra-- Have a wonderful vacation. Noele is right those lil guys can last a few days so I'd say you're safe with the BDing you have done.

Star-- So sorry AF got you. A heating pad and bed if you can always works for me.
Star25- I'm so sorry to hear AF showed :-( I agree with cntrygrl use a heating pad and load up on some pain relievers!

Cntrygrl- If AF shows for me I am going to ask my doctor if I can do 1 more round on Clomid but at a higher dosage before moving onto IUI. I'm a little nervous about moving on to IUI and I have no idea why. This whole journey is so stressful.

Tundralife- Hope you had a safe flight :-)

Afm, I am on 12dpo and I have a huge feeling AF is going to show this weekend. The creamy cm I had before is now almost gone. My temps seem to be slowly going down. I have my pre-AF ance. Lastly, I have been moody at dh all week which is normal the week before AF for me. We will wait and see. I feel stupid now for testing at 8,9,10 and 11dpo. But since I've started Clomid it seems like each cycle I have alot more hope for seeing my bfp. But because of that I've formed a small poas addiction and have spent 50-60$ on hpts in the last couple cycles lol ridiculous I know! So last night I ordered of 50count of Wondfo brand hpts. They were like 30 cents each. So at least next cycle I won't be wasting money or feeling guilty for poas. My dh is going to flip when he opens a package of 50 hpts lol He is going to think I've lost my mind.

Anyways hope all of you ladies are doing well and have a great weekend. For those of you who had AF show up this cycle hang in there and you will see your BFP soon. I will keep my fingers crossed for you ladies!
So I have another ultrasound on Monday as my follicles weren't quite big enough. The biggest was 1.6 and they like them at around 2. So hopefully we'll see some good ones Monday.
Thank you for the sympathy girls, I had some strong ibuprofen I got from the hospital when I had my lap in Jan so I had one of them, had a bath then laid out on sofa with hot water bottle feeling sorry for myself

I feel guilty like I got DH's hopes up too, hes on a split shift today and just went back to work and I just feel like crying, I think its because I had too much hope, like clomid was going to be a miracle first time round

I hope AF doesn't show for you noele, 1 of us this weekend is enough, I'll be wishing you luck!

Noele - The doctor never told me if i have PCOS or not. She just let me know that Clomid was a good choice for me.

I took my daily digital ovulation test this morning again and it was still a negative. i can feel weird things happening in my tummy so hopefully that means im going to ovulate soon. Iv been under a lot of stress lately as im dealing with my fathers estate (he passed away a few months ago) so i have to remind myself to breath and relax because it wont help me in the baby making catagory.

Star25 - i think we all go through that on the first round of clomid. I remember i thought that i was pregnant for sure... and then when AF came around i was so sad. Just hang in there it will all work out :)

Cntrygrl - good luck on monday! sending you some good vibes :) keep us posted!

Overall im happy its Friday! and its sunny oustide where i am so that keeps my spirits high! Hope all is well with everyone :)
Hi :)
Does anyone know, if I took my clomid 1hr ago and then just was sick will the clomid have had time to dissolve?
Hi 123, sorry I cant help witht hat, hopefully it will be ok but is there anyone you can call and ask?

ADR - Thank you for the reassurance and so so sorry to hear about your father, sending you hugs xx
Any sign of ovulation today?

cntrygrl - Good luck for your scan monday and a nice big follicle!

Noele - How are you feeling, when are you planning to test of you are?

Hope everyone has a good weekend x
Cntrygrl- Good luck on Monday and keep us posted!!

ADR10- I am so sorry to hear about your father. What cycle day are you on? I'm sure ovulation is right around the corner! What tome of day are you testing?

123- I am really not sure but would recommend calling your doctor because it wouldn't hurt to ask. On my first round of Clomid I felt the hotflashes within an hour after taking my first Clomid pill so I would assume it had been dissolved or partly... That doesn't help much because all of our bodies are so different! Good luck to you though.

Star25- I think Clomid gets my hopes up too high every cycle. I live off of the hope though because I didn't I probably would have given up by now. And I am feeling good. Normal, nothing out of the ordinary. All of my pre-AF symptoms went away but I am still almost positive AF will show. My charts pretty much confirm that since my temps are dropping. I'm not going to test. Technically my AF is due Monday so I will wait and see if she shows. That will also be cycle day 31 and my doctor told me if I go to cd 35 without AF to go in for a pregnancy eval. So I will wait until cd 33/34 to do a hpt and go from there. Something in my gut is really telling me this is not my month! But I'm not technically out until the witch shows.

Hope you all are having a great weekend!!!
cntrygrl- good luck on Monday!

Star25 sorry AF has you ill feeling. I agree with the heating pad. I stay on it pretty much when my AF shows.

Noele0002- you aren't out yet!!

I am nervous too because I only BD'd before O and didn't at O and then I left on Thurs for vacation so no chance at that. Just going to have to give this one up and pray for the bet to happen. I should be 1-2 DPO. I need to start charting so I will know for sure. So what happens when you O? Your temp rises for a period and then goes back down if you aren't preggers? I am sure I will buy a HPT before I leave MS. I've gotten a little obsessed too about using those. I am guessing it's because I want this really bad just like you ladies do. I feel like I actually have a UTI or something. Could be dehydrated. I am having some pains lower middle ab and having some crazy discharge. It would be way too early to get any symptoms but just saying!

Good luck everyone

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