Hi dannixo, what strength are u on? Sending u lots of luck too!
Noele - how are u feeling today?
Tundralife - sending u baby dust, I think your timing was good, I'm going try and do every 36 ish hrs this time, I dont think every other day was enough as we only had time to bd twice before ovulation as I ovulated day 13/14
Do u guys all start BDing after the 5 tablets?
And hints or tips. I took my last this morning and go for ultrasound on the 14th
Well ladies.... Sadly, this is not my month! The witch arrived so onto round 4 of Clomid! Praying my doctor will up my dosage considering the last 3 cycles were a bust on 50mg. I will update when I get ahold of my doctor and figure out our next course of action.
Tundralife- Hope your enjoying your vacation And yes you should start charting. I've found it so helpful. Your temp will rise after ovulation and you will be able to confirm exactly when you ovulate. Then when AF arrives or is close to arriving your temp will drop but if pregnancy occurs your temps will stay elevated and high. Look into it. I especially love fertilityfriend.com
Star25- Hope your doing well. What cycle day are you on?
Dannixo- Welcome and good luck with your fourth round!! What cycle day are you on?
123- I usually start bd'ing cycle day 10 and every other day after that until I get a positive opk then bd once a day for 3 days in a row. Good luck this cycle!
Dannixo- Question... Are you seeing a fertility specialist or an OBGYN? The reason I ask is because I am seeing a OBGYN and curious if I should ask if I could do a trigger shot as well... But I am unsure if that is something an OBGYN can administer or If that would more so be through a fertility clinic! Either way I am switching doctors this cycle or next and probably moving onto IUI soon. I'm just hoping one of these cycles work. Thanks for the good luck and lots of luck to you as well!
ADR-- I have not had any luck with the digital ovulation tests. I tried the clearblue digital always said no, but tried my others and it was clearly a yes you're ovulating.