Clomid round 3 anyone else?

Good luck with the doctor noele, sorry af showed, hopefully you can try something different, do you think you will do iui? Hope your back is feeling better

Msw, good luck in starting your next round :)

Afm, CD22 only thing ive got is a stabbing pain on and off, something different yet again as its right in the middle, nothing like when u get ovary pains or a cyst, won't read much into it tho as we all know something different generally means bugger all!

Oh and a stinking cold that ive had since last Tuesday :(

Hope your all well
Ugh!! I am really tired of this circle we keep going in... I called to let doctor know that af showed and asked what was next... Gues what? Same thing yet again. More meds same dose and told to bd every other day as soon as AF lightens up. Seriously? It's not going to happen and this is going to be a waste of a cycle. Sorry to be so negative but I just know it's not going to happen. I just wish to find a doctor who actually cares about trying to help me instead of taking the easy route of just writing a prescription!! Yikes I just really needed to vent. I am trying my best to avoid a full on meltdown. Oh but at least the nurse did tell me to make an appointment if this cycle doesn't work. So at least I will be able to see my doctor soon and address these issues. Again I'm sorry for being so negative...
sorry noele, I know what you mean though about not believing when something isn't going to work. Can you change doctors?
you don't sound negative, just frustrated which is understandable when you're ready to try something new, that's why I can't wait to finish the clomid, its February I next see FS to get things going for IVF, I have to be referred to another hospital for it though and there might be a waiting list so don't know when I will actually start it
What meds are you taking this cycle? are you monitored every cycle?
Star- This is the second doctor I've gone through already and I do honestly like him. I just want him to understand I've been ttc for 2 1/2 years and been on meds for almost a whole year so it's clearly time to move on. My DH is mad today as well and wants to switch doctors again but I feel like the only other option we have left is going to a fertility specialist/Clinic and if we do that than everything will have to be paid up front and I can't afford that yet. My insurance currently doesn't cover anything ttc related but at least they just bill me and I can make payments. I am currently taking Letrozole 2.5mg which is generic for Femara.
Star- Thanks for making me feel a little better. Your right I am just frustrated... Hahah or maybe its just pms...
Star- Sorry for all the posts.. but I forgot to tell you that no I am not monitored at all ever.. I've only had one CD 3 ultrasound and one progesterone CD 21 test done. That's all. I'm sure there is probably something they are missing but who knows. When I finally see him at my appointment I am going to request to be monitored at least one cycle.
Noele i feel the same as you... iv been driving myself crazy all week. The cost of everything is also really crazy... i dont understand why its so expensive and why insurance doesnt really cover it...

Im CD 10 today and we will start BDing on CD 14, CD16,CD17,CD18, CD19,CD20.. i think i will ovulate on CD18. Im using the first response ovulation test... so here goes nothing...
Noele I also pay for everything and I was shocked to find out how affordable (I mean compared to what I've already been paying) an actual fertility clinic is. And all of the ones I called told me they don't bill the consultation as fertility so it's covered. Then $185 for ultrasound. $3-400 for insemintation (if you want to go that route.) I would demand to try something new. I didn't want to waste my clomid cycles, I'm already at 5 plus 1 femara. I'm going to my new RE I'm 2 weeks and I pray she has a plan. Im done taking things slow.
Glad I helped!a little :)
Ive only been monitored once too on my first round of 100mg Clomid which showed it to work so havent had a scan or blood test since but apart from 1 cycle they have all been 32 days or less so assume it's working as thats short for me!

Good luck this cycle adr :)

I sometimes think these doctors dont realise how hard and slow this all is for us, so much waiting and we've had enough!
Adr- Good luck to you this cycle! I think I will be.using the dollar store opks this cycle. I used them with my ClearBlue digital last cycle and they seemed to get a positive around the same time so I am thinking they should work. Are you using digital?

Lanet- Thanks maybe I will look into a fertility clinic... Like I said I am just worried about paying for things up front but we will see.

Star- That's the same with me... All of my tests seem like I ovulate just fine so that's why they haven't monitored. How many dpo are you? How is your tww going?
Tested this morning and if course another bfn.. Just waiting for af to arrive now. This is most likely the end if the road for us as nothing is going to work. We can not afford ivf and hubby got fired from his job after 2 years on Wednesday so no insurance anymore either. I was a fool to get excited thinking the menopur would work. I just can't get pregnant and I have to come to terms with that. We already looked into adoption and got turned down. I'm going to try to enjoy my holiday with a fake smile on my face. Good luck to the rest of you this month! Happy thanksgiving!
Dannixo- So sorry to hear about the BFN and that your DH lost his job :-( I will he thinking about you! Try to stay strong!
Sorry danni, life really is unfair, you weren't a fool to get excited, I think that hope is what keeps us going but I understand how you feel, deep down ive always thought I won't get pregnant but then you read about people who thought the same and got a bfp and you het your hopes up, like noele said try to stay strong

Noele, not sure about dpo, I'm CD23 ,think I might have ovulated between 14-16 with the cm and
ovary pains I had bit we will see, the pain I had in my middle yesterday carried on through the night. I was on night shift but today it has gone
I'm out. Witch arrived this morning. Doctor called and wants to do the same protocol again since last cycle was really good. Fermera 5 mg cd 3-7. 75 iu menopur cd 7-11. Cd 12 ultrasound the 9th. Fingers crossed it works the second time....
Danni - I am crossing my fingers for you as well!!! I hope everything works out :)
Fingers crossed roo Danni, your dr wouldnt recommend it if he didnt think there was a good chance of it working, stay positive :)

Afm, no signs of anything,still got a cold and had to leave work earlybit apart from that nothing as of yet
Noele-- Sorry you're having such a hard time with your Dr. Hopefully you can talk to your doctor or find one on the same page as you.

Star,ADR, Lanet -- Hope all is going well with you ladies.
Danni-- Sorry AF arrived. I hope this next cycle works for you :hugs:
Hi, is everyone having a good weekend?

Im ok thank you cntrygr, CD26 today, seems to be dragging a bit now, boobs have started hurting today, same day as last cycle but that was without Clomid, only other thing I have is alot of white cm which means nothing really, expect to get af by day 34 if it's similar to last cycle
Good morning ladies!!

I hope everyone had a good weekend. I am in better spirits this week. I had my pity party and am now ready to try again this cycle ;-) I was supposed to take my meds CD 3-7 but I forgot until CD 4 lol oops. I'm sure it doesn't matter though. I'm thinking this cycle will fly by since the holidays are coming up and I have stuff going on every weekend. So far I am CD 6 today so I have a ways to go before ovulation. Hoping the meds make me ovulate earlier this cycle though.

Star- My fingers are crossed for you!!!

Where is everyone at in their cycles?

Cntrygrl- Are you on birth control this cycle? I thought you mentioned that but I'm not sure.

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