Clomid success stories here please!!!!


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Jan 13, 2012
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I'm 26 and started my first round of clomid on jan 27th cd 5-9 @ 50 mg and I am now 2 dpo and just looking for some clomid success stories to give me a little hope. I have been ttc for 2 years with no luck so hope is something I'm lacking at this point lol. Please include your ttc journey and what cycle of clomid were you on when you got your bfp, also your dose and cycle days.. Thank you ladies I look forward to reading your stories :flower:
1st round of clomid days 5-9, 50 mg ovulation but no pregnancy
Got period on cd 37 and then took 50mg clomid days 3-7
Again ovulation but no Period came 37 days later again. This time I didn't take clomid and surprise...I did NOT fall pregnant


After that period, my next one came EXACTLY 28 days later on December 17th. I took Clomid days 5-9 which was the 21st through to xmas day and I ovulated I'm guessing around nye..... 14dpo Which I think was around the 19th of January ish I woke to find no blood and a really high temp. This was unusual for me because my temp usually goes down 3-4 days before af arrives. I thought for sure that I was still getting my period. I was cranky, bloated, crampy and my boobs were so sore!!!! Anyways... To RULE OUT pregnancy, I bought a test. (Actually I bought 3..the paper ones) I took one and within 2 minutes had a line. Just to make sure I took another and the same thing happened. I waited until the following day to take the 3rd and low and behold another positive :) And that very same day I went and bought a digital just to be even surer lol and that too said Pregnant 2-3 weeks :)

A couple of weeks later a blood test also confirmed it with my hcg being 8800 :)

That 3rd cycle..... I didn't chart at all. I just took the meds and forgot about it. My husband and I were away from each other over the xmas period given that we couldn't both see our families both together so when we did see each other we had a LOT of :sex: I'm not talking once every couple of days, I'm talking everyday at least twice a day!!! :) I would like to say that relaxing helps but I wasn't relaxed around that period at all. I was away from my husband for days and I was having panic attacks nearly everyday....But I think going away helped a lot otherwise :)

I hope this gives you even a hint of hope :)
Best of luck xx

P.S... I'm also 26 :)
I'm 26 and started my first round of clomid on jan 27th cd 5-9 @ 50 mg and I am now 2 dpo and just looking for some clomid success stories to give me a little hope. I have been ttc for 2 years with no luck so hope is something I'm lacking at this point lol. Please include your ttc journey and what cycle of clomid were you on when you got your bfp, also your dose and cycle days.. Thank you ladies I look forward to reading your stories :flower:
Thank you for posting this ! I just finished my second cycle of Clomid & am waiting for AF to start cycle #3 no BFP for me this time, but I have been looking for some inspiration, I look forward to seeing some more stories and hopefully one day being one of those stories!!! Best of luck to you!
Hi! I am 26 and my husband and I have been TTC for about 1.5 yrs on our own. I have never been regular and decided to come off of my birth control July 2010. I always have to be given Provera to start my periods. Finally decided to see a new gynecologist (I moved away from my old one) and she gave me Provera and 50 mg of Clomid (Prescribed for days 4-8, but forgot to start so took day 5-9) that I did in January. Based on my OPK's I ovulated on CD 18 or 19 and AF showed her ugly face on CD 33. I'm now onto my second round of Clomid (50 mg CD 5-9)! Lots of prayers! Good luck to you as well! I'd love to hear what happens after your round of Clomid this time too!
I posted a few weeks ago about starting my 2nd round of clomid in February. Today was 10dpo (I ovulated late on clomid again, this time on cd17) and I got a very faint BFP!! I'm still in disbelief!! We are so excited! Gonna wait a few more days and do another test to confirm! So don't give up hope, it can work! And I was getting really discouraged just feeling like I was never gonna get pregnant!! Good luck and keep us updated!!
I love this thread. I am also 26 and been ttc for 2+years and about to start my first round of clomid today! I am really nervous about the side effects etc, but even more nervous that it wont work. Taking it day 5-9, so fingers crossed.

Baby dust to all you ladies. Hope to hear more success stories!!
I love this thread. I am also 26 and been ttc for 2+years and about to start my first round of clomid today! I am really nervous about the side effects etc, but even more nervous that it wont work. Taking it day 5-9, so fingers crossed.

Baby dust to all you ladies. Hope to hear more success stories!!

Hi :) Good luck, I'm sure it will work out for you. Please don't be discouraged if it doesn't work 1st attempt. As long as you're ovulating, then it's doing it's job :) My WORST side effect were nightmares and my most annoying was the hot flashes but overall it was ok. Ovary pain is also a good sign :)

Good luck :happydance:
I love this thread. I am also 26 and been ttc for 2+years and about to start my first round of clomid today! I am really nervous about the side effects etc, but even more nervous that it wont work. Taking it day 5-9, so fingers crossed.

Baby dust to all you ladies. Hope to hear more success stories!!

Hi :) Good luck, I'm sure it will work out for you. Please don't be discouraged if it doesn't work 1st attempt. As long as you're ovulating, then it's doing it's job :) My WORST side effect were nightmares and my most annoying was the hot flashes but overall it was ok. Ovary pain is also a good sign :)

Good luck :happydance:

Thanks honey :hugs:. To be honest I don't care what the side effects are if it helps me get my BFP!! I am so desperate to get my BFP that I'd accept any side effects thrown at me!! LOL. This is my last hope, I won't be offered any IVF etc after this due to my weight, so I am praying like crazy this works for us. I am excited and nervous all rolled into one!! :hugs:
I know if you're like me you've heard no less than a thousand times "don't get anxious it will happen" and as much as I hated hearing it - that's what happened with me! Clomid was not as bad for me as everyone made it sound. I had a few hot flashes (during the night) and was a little emotional, but nothing unbearable or not worth it! Don't get discouraged if it doesn't work the first round. As long as you ovulate - that's what you want! And I definitely recommend OPK's because I would've missed my Ovulation date every time since I ovulated late both times on it (which I've been reading is pretty normal for most everyone who takes it)! Prayers for you and keep us posted!!
I know if you're like me you've heard no less than a thousand times "don't get anxious it will happen" and as much as I hated hearing it - that's what happened with me! Clomid was not as bad for me as everyone made it sound. I had a few hot flashes (during the night) and was a little emotional, but nothing unbearable or not worth it! Don't get discouraged if it doesn't work the first round. As long as you ovulate - that's what you want! And I definitely recommend OPK's because I would've missed my Ovulation date every time since I ovulated late both times on it (which I've been reading is pretty normal for most everyone who takes it)! Prayers for you and keep us posted!!

So glad I found you ladies! This thread is just what I was looking for. I'm getting ready to start my first round of clomid but because I have had an extremely irregular (or absent) cycle all my life I've been thinking of charting or using OPK's despite my Dr. saying it wouldn't really help in my case.

Danamarie (or all ladies)- what OPK's did you find work best/do you like best? And if your ov date kept changing, how did you know when to start testing with the OPK? As you can see I'm totally new to this and feeling a little lost.:wacko: As you can imagine, I just really want to make sure I'm getting the timing right while on clomid!!

Thanks ladies!!
You sound EXACTLY like me! Ive always had irregular or absent periods my whole life. Ive always been told it was bc I'm petite. The only time I was regular was the 3 yrs I was on birth control but that defeats the purpose when trying to get preg lol! I used clearblue opks. The clearblue easy are great - no line to read just a smiley or frowny face! But they are more exp so I mainly used regular clearblue and when I got my positives they were definitely positive and not hard to read at all. I personally started testing on CD 10 with both rounds of clomid bc I didn't want to ovulate early and miss it (which was hardly the case since I ovulated late both times) so I just tested from CD 10 until I got a positive! Hope that helps! Feel free to ask anything else you wanna know! Baby dust to you!
So happy to see this thread!! I too have been TTC #2 for almost a year and a half with my DH... My first child from a previous relationship just happened out of no where & with the first time we ever slept together... but now that me & DH are trying it has taken some time. I start clomid tomorrow on CD 5-9 so I really hope it works.. hearing everyone success stories make me feel so much better. I have a very regular 28 CD & can almost always tell when im ovulating! FXed
You sound EXACTLY like me! Ive always had irregular or absent periods my whole life. Ive always been told it was bc I'm petite. The only time I was regular was the 3 yrs I was on birth control but that defeats the purpose when trying to get preg lol! I used clearblue opks. The clearblue easy are great - no line to read just a smiley or frowny face! But they are more exp so I mainly used regular clearblue and when I got my positives they were definitely positive and not hard to read at all. I personally started testing on CD 10 with both rounds of clomid bc I didn't want to ovulate early and miss it (which was hardly the case since I ovulated late both times) so I just tested from CD 10 until I got a positive! Hope that helps! Feel free to ask anything else you wanna know! Baby dust to you!

First of all what I should have said was- yayyyyyy!!! Congrats on your BFP! :happydance: So exciting! Lol- how rude of me to jump to the "ok, how did you do it?!" Haha. But seriously- so excited for you!! These forums definitely give me hope since for years (before even TTC) I always thought there was be a big chance I couldn't get pg. Like you- the only time I ever had my period was when I was on BC or with Provera and even then my period was like 2 days! But now I'm thinking positive these days thanks to you ladies (and your success story). :thumbup:

I guess I will start testing around CD10 then too and see what happens. I'm on provera now so won't start Clomid for another week and 1/2 or so.

Oh & you got through 2 cycles of Clomid before your BFP right? Anything you do differently for cycle 2 than you did in the first? Thanks lady!!
Haha no offense taken to the congrats the first time :p Are you my twin? Because our cycles sound identical! Except mine always lasted a normal 6-7 days when I did have them! And just like you, I've ALWAYS had a "feeling" of something wasn't right and I could never get pregnant - but look what happened! I did 50 mg Clomid cycle days 5-9 both times. The only thing I can really think that might've been diff were 2 things. The first month (January) My DH and I were both sick with sinus infections and on antibiotics - which they say won't interfere with Clomid effectiveness, but we felt so bad that doing the deed was an actual "chore" for us. My Dr. told me to BD on days 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20. I ovulated on Day 18 that month but I think because of our sickness we missed that day.... Sooo.... onto the second month - I ovulated on Day 17 and we didn't stick to the "strict" sex regimen. We did what we thought we needed to do and it was much better! We def. BD on Day 17 and we did day 18 for good measure (I got a +OPK on both days and since the egg lives a very short time I didn't want to miss it) I also put a pillow under my butt afterward for at least 30 mins and laid on my back (whether that helped or not - idk!) We both honestly just "knew" a few days later this was it - him more than me even! I also took a vitamin called "Fertility Blend" - that I had been taking off and on since last July. My Dr. told me to either take it or prenatals so I would suggest finding a good vitamin to start taking as well. I've since moved on to Flintstones as I can't take Fertility Blend when actually pregnant - only before. Sorry this is so long!! Feel free to keep shooting me the questions! I try to check this regularly!
Haha no offense taken to the congrats the first time :p Are you my twin? Because our cycles sound identical! Except mine always lasted a normal 6-7 days when I did have them! And just like you, I've ALWAYS had a "feeling" of something wasn't right and I could never get pregnant - but look what happened! I did 50 mg Clomid cycle days 5-9 both times. The only thing I can really think that might've been diff were 2 things. The first month (January) My DH and I were both sick with sinus infections and on antibiotics - which they say won't interfere with Clomid effectiveness, but we felt so bad that doing the deed was an actual "chore" for us. My Dr. told me to BD on days 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20. I ovulated on Day 18 that month but I think because of our sickness we missed that day.... Sooo.... onto the second month - I ovulated on Day 17 and we didn't stick to the "strict" sex regimen. We did what we thought we needed to do and it was much better! We def. BD on Day 17 and we did day 18 for good measure (I got a +OPK on both days and since the egg lives a very short time I didn't want to miss it) I also put a pillow under my butt afterward for at least 30 mins and laid on my back (whether that helped or not - idk!) We both honestly just "knew" a few days later this was it - him more than me even! I also took a vitamin called "Fertility Blend" - that I had been taking off and on since last July. My Dr. told me to either take it or prenatals so I would suggest finding a good vitamin to start taking as well. I've since moved on to Flintstones as I can't take Fertility Blend when actually pregnant - only before. Sorry this is so long!! Feel free to keep shooting me the questions! I try to check this regularly!

You're awesome! And yes we might be cycle twins. Ha! Thanks for the info. I actually just looked for a prenatal yesterday before reading your response and just couldn't find one I liked. Specifically I was looking for a 3 capsule prenatal to be taken throughout the day versus the "all in one" 1-day pill since I read its better to spread out the nutrients during the day. So I'm glad you recommended one so I can be on the look out for it!

Note taken on the pillow under the butt thing. :thumbup: Will definitely keep that one in mind! Oh! And was your Dr. giving you anything to jump start your period (like Provera) too? Did they test you during your first cycle to make sure you were ovulating? Glad you're open to questions because I'm sure I'll keep them coming!! ;)

Woohoo- excited to start clomid now! Hopefully it will happen within the first few cycles!
Yes I was given Provera in January before my first round of Clomid. However, in Feb my period started on it's own without anything! Which I think now I just wasn't ovulating at all on my own and when the Clomid made me ovulate that got things going! I did not go in for testing to confirm ovulation. My doctor told me to do the OPKs and I was honestly thinking about asking about it, but no need now! ;) when do you start your Clomid? It wasn't as bad for me as everyone said it might be. Just a little emotional (like Pms) and a couple of hot flashes during the night halfway through the 5 day dose! I also took on Cd 5-9 both times (couldn't remember if I said that before)
DH and I have been TTC for a ridiculously long time and I finally bit the bullet and visited my OBGYN he sent. He sent me home with an Rx for Clomid and told me when to start testing with an OPK. It was 50 mg and days 1-5, I started it on Thursday February 9th. I started testing 10dpo and continued through 18dpo. I never actually got a positive, but I figured it was due to the tests I was using. I used the wondfo get strips and read different reviews about the best way to use them. I read it was best to pee in a cup and then let I come to room temp before testing. I'm in cosmetology school so it made it hard. My husband works nights and we have a 3 year old so with our conflicting schedules and the kid it made it hard to find time to BD. Especially because I had a hard time with the whole obligatory BD. obviously it isnt very romantic especially when u have to worry about your 3 yo walking in. We were still able to BD a few times, but combined with the lack of positive OPK I was sure that we wouldn't be successful. I came home from school on day 36dpo and thought I would take an HPT for the heck of it. Sure enough, a very very very faint BFP. I took one the next morning and another faint line. I even bought a different brand and stll got a BFP. I couldn't really deny that it was really happening!! I have my first appt March 26, I can't wait!! Although I am nervous about the possibility if multiples, especially since they run in my family. My aunts are twins and my cousin also has twins!!!
DH and I have been TTC for a ridiculously long time and I finally bit the bullet and visited my OBGYN he sent. He sent me home with an Rx for Clomid and told me when to start testing with an OPK. It was 50 mg and days 1-5, I started it on Thursday February 9th. I started testing 10dpo and continued through 18dpo. I never actually got a positive, but I figured it was due to the tests I was using. I used the wondfo get strips and read different reviews about the best way to use them. I read it was best to pee in a cup and then let I come to room temp before testing. I'm in cosmetology school so it made it hard. My husband works nights and we have a 3 year old so with our conflicting schedules and the kid it made it hard to find time to BD. Especially because I had a hard time with the whole obligatory BD. obviously it isnt very romantic especially when u have to worry about your 3 yo walking in. We were still able to BD a few times, but combined with the lack of positive OPK I was sure that we wouldn't be successful. I came home from school on day 36dpo and thought I would take an HPT for the heck of it. Sure enough, a very very very faint BFP. I took one the next morning and another faint line. I even bought a different brand and stll got a BFP. I couldn't really deny that it was really happening!! I have my first appt March 26, I can't wait!! Although I am nervous about the possibility if multiples, especially since they run in my family. My aunts are twins and my cousin also has twins!!!

Congrats on your BFP!!:happydance:
Yes I was given Provera in January before my first round of Clomid. However, in Feb my period started on it's own without anything! Which I think now I just wasn't ovulating at all on my own and when the Clomid made me ovulate that got things going! I did not go in for testing to confirm ovulation. My doctor told me to do the OPKs and I was honestly thinking about asking about it, but no need now! ;) when do you start your Clomid? It wasn't as bad for me as everyone said it might be. Just a little emotional (like Pms) and a couple of hot flashes during the night halfway through the 5 day dose! I also took on Cd 5-9 both times (couldn't remember if I said that before)

Oh interesting...I'm really just hoping I start ovulating on my own too. Well I'm on day 7 of Provera so I still have to play the waiting game to menstruate before I start Clomid.

Did you have regular cm? I'm worried about going dry down there (lol) so I've been reading up on the whole pre-seed vs. mucinnex or Robitussin thing.

Anyone else have to use any of those to create better or more cm while on clomid?
DH and I have been TTC for a ridiculously long time and I finally bit the bullet and visited my OBGYN he sent. He sent me home with an Rx for Clomid and told me when to start testing with an OPK. It was 50 mg and days 1-5, I started it on Thursday February 9th. I started testing 10dpo and continued through 18dpo. I never actually got a positive, but I figured it was due to the tests I was using. I used the wondfo get strips and read different reviews about the best way to use them. I read it was best to pee in a cup and then let I come to room temp before testing. I'm in cosmetology school so it made it hard. My husband works nights and we have a 3 year old so with our conflicting schedules and the kid it made it hard to find time to BD. Especially because I had a hard time with the whole obligatory BD. obviously it isnt very romantic especially when u have to worry about your 3 yo walking in. We were still able to BD a few times, but combined with the lack of positive OPK I was sure that we wouldn't be successful. I came home from school on day 36dpo and thought I would take an HPT for the heck of it. Sure enough, a very very very faint BFP. I took one the next morning and another faint line. I even bought a different brand and stll got a BFP. I couldn't really deny that it was really happening!! I have my first appt March 26, I can't wait!! Although I am nervous about the possibility if multiples, especially since they run in my family. My aunts are twins and my cousin also has twins!!!

Yay! Congrats lady!! So exciting!

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