Clomid success stories here please!!!!

Yes I was given Provera in January before my first round of Clomid. However, in Feb my period started on it's own without anything! Which I think now I just wasn't ovulating at all on my own and when the Clomid made me ovulate that got things going! I did not go in for testing to confirm ovulation. My doctor told me to do the OPKs and I was honestly thinking about asking about it, but no need now! ;) when do you start your Clomid? It wasn't as bad for me as everyone said it might be. Just a little emotional (like Pms) and a couple of hot flashes during the night halfway through the 5 day dose! I also took on Cd 5-9 both times (couldn't remember if I said that before)

Oh interesting...I'm really just hoping I start ovulating on my own too. Well I'm on day 7 of Provera so I still have to play the waiting game to menstruate before I start Clomid.

Did you have regular cm? I'm worried about going dry down there (lol) so I've been reading up on the whole pre-seed vs. mucinnex or Robitussin thing.

Anyone else have to use any of those to create better or more cm while on clomid?

I'm betting you may ovulate on your own after your first round of Clomid too. It was almost like it got my body into "the swing of things"! The first several times I took Provera (when younger and getting on birth control and last summer) I was on a 10 day dose. This time my gynecologist (who is new to me b/c I moved and had to find one closer) put me on only a 5 day dose. I will say I had one of the most horrendous periods ever after it, but then I did the Clomid and the next month I started my period on my own so it worked! As far as my cm goes - I've always had a problem with excess cm. However, it didn't seem as excessive, but "just right" if that makes sense? Mind you, in January on my first round of Clomid I had the sinus infection and took some Mucinex a couple days and different OTC decongestants, cough suppressants, etc. So that MAY have helped? However, on my 2nd round I didn't take anything. I'd say wait and see what your body does on it's own unless you know you have issues, then ask your doctor? Everything literally fell into place on my second round! Keep me updated, I'm anxious to know your outcome all around!
My story is I was trying for 2 years and nothing had happened I talked to obgyn about my problems and she suggested since I'm young and stuff I should try clomid I was scared at first the first month I took it days 3 to 7 and I ended up missing my 21 days blood due to the nurse not sending me the right paper work to do my blood work so she re prescribed me 50 mg on days 3 to 7 I took it and this month I was sick of temping sick of opks so I decided hell with it I'm stopping all this crazyness so we just BD basically every other day and my af was due on 17th of February and it was valentines day so i decided why not I had alot of the internet cheapies anyways so I tested and I finally got my bfp!
My story is I was trying for 2 years and nothing had happened I talked to obgyn about my problems and she suggested since I'm young and stuff I should try clomid I was scared at first the first month I took it days 3 to 7 and I ended up missing my 21 days blood due to the nurse not sending me the right paper work to do my blood work so she re prescribed me 50 mg on days 3 to 7 I took it and this month I was sick of temping sick of opks so I decided hell with it I'm stopping all this crazyness so we just BD basically every other day and my af was due on 17th of February and it was valentines day so i decided why not I had alot of the internet cheapies anyways so I tested and I finally got my bfp!

Definitely! Will do! =)

And congrats lilyanna24!! All you girls are keeping me hopeful! =)
Hello! I am also starting clomid.. I start taking it in two days. I am doing days 5-9 and hoping to read some success stories to keep my spirits up! Has anyone experienced side effects? I have heard that it is possible to make my pcos worse and create more cysts..hoping that doesnt happen! Good luck everyone!!
Keepinghope- I'm on day 3 of clomid cd 5-9.. I had a few side effects.... Hot flashes & a bit more emotional :) Gl
Keepinghope- I'm on day 3 of clomid cd 5-9.. I had a few side effects.... Hot flashes & a bit more emotional :) Gl

Those were pretty much the only side effects I noticed too. Nothing unbearable. I'm sure everyone is different! But it wasn't as bad to me as everyone made it sound it would be!
Keepinghope- I'm on day 3 of clomid cd 5-9.. I had a few side effects.... Hot flashes & a bit more emotional :) Gl

Those were pretty much the only side effects I noticed too. Nothing unbearable. I'm sure everyone is different! But it wasn't as bad to me as everyone made it sound it would be!

I was so scared because of all the horror stories but like you said
it was totally bearable
Hi ladies! Thank u for ur wonderful stories about ur bfp's. Unfortunately my 2nd round was a bfn but I am on to my 3rd round on Friday the 23rd. They say the 3rd time is the charm and I am praying whoever they are turn out to be right about that :) good luck to all the ladies still ttc and happy healthy nine months to all of u who got ur bfp!!
Hi ladies! Thank u for ur wonderful stories about ur bfp's. Unfortunately my 2nd round was a bfn but I am on to my 3rd round on Friday the 23rd. They say the 3rd time is the charm and I am praying whoever they are turn out to be right about that :) good luck to all the ladies still ttc and happy healthy nine months to all of u who got ur bfp!!

3rd time was a charm for me. Many women fall pregnant by the 3rd round. They're suppose to :) Did you ovulate on the other 2?
Thats not too bad! I assumed the emontional side would come just because all of this is scary/exciting. I am so scared that each month it doesnt work I will be devasted all over again. Trying to just relax though! Good Luck!!
Thats not too bad! I assumed the emontional side would come just because all of this is scary/exciting. I am so scared that each month it doesnt work I will be devasted all over again. Trying to just relax though! Good Luck!!

I was the same way! Alot of people do get preg on even their first round, but don't be disappointed if you don't. I found it just took 2 rounds for my body to get into "the swing of things". As long as you're ovulating! And be sure to monitor your ovulation. I just did OPK, no temp charting. But both times I ovulated late on Clomid, and I hear it's pretty common! You don't wanna miss your chance!!
Hi ladies,

Hope you don't mind if I join this thread. I will be starting Clomid again once AF shows which should be tomorrow. I conceived my only 2 pregnancies with Clomid, (DS and 2nd pg was a m/c.) I have been on Femara since Nov.2011 and have been O'ing but no pregnancy. Dr. thinks my eggs don't get mature enough since I've been O'ing on my own. DH will get a SA in June and I will be referred to a specialist if I'm not Pg by June. This month we are doing Clomid 100mg CD3-8/Ovidrel/TI.
Hi ladies! Thank u for ur wonderful stories about ur bfp's. Unfortunately my 2nd round was a bfn but I am on to my 3rd round on Friday the 23rd. They say the 3rd time is the charm and I am praying whoever they are turn out to be right about that :) good luck to all the ladies still ttc and happy healthy nine months to all of u who got ur bfp!!

3rd time was a charm for me. Many women fall pregnant by the 3rd round. They're suppose to :) Did you ovulate on the other 2?

Yes i ovulated on the other i jus didnt get my bfp :( I am happy to hear that u got urs on ur 3rd round because that gives me alot more hope because i was literally running out of hope... My fingers are crossed for this round to work!!!!
I am suppose to ovulate this week from clomid. I hope I ovulate and I hope I get a BFP... this is just my first round but I sure hope it works!
hi, i was put on 50mg 0f fertomid the generic form of clomid on cd 5-9 in march an last week i got a positive hpt. so good look an keep your fingers cross
My CD14 u/s today revealed 3 follies, 2 on my rt ovary and 1 on my left. The two on the right are 20mm and 15mm, and the one on the left was only 11mm. She thinks the 15 might have a chance to catch up as well. Lining was almost 8 and I got the Ovidrel injection today! She instructed us to BD the next 3 days. Question, DH and I have been BD'ing this cycle in the morning on CD8, 10 and 13. Do you think I should BD tonight or wait until tomorrow??
I got pg on my 2nd round of Clomid 50 mg days 2-6. I took it days 5-9 the first cycle and I still had a poor ovulation, granted I did ovulate but got a BFN. I was supposed to do one more cycle days 5-9 but since the doctor wasn't monitoring me and I was just using OPK's, I took it days 2-6 as I knew the 5-9 didn't work. I know I shouldn't have gone against his advice, but it got us a :bfp: ! Good luck and tons of :dust: It was our miracle drug. I heard that so often and didn't believe it could be as good as it sounded, but it was! We used ipreseed also just to give me an extra bit of hope
With no luck after 6 months I went to the doctors to find out that my progestrone was low 1.1 so I was put on clomid 50mg cd 3-7 with no luck but brought my levels up to a 9.8 so I started round 2 april14 and took a opk on day cd 10 to cd 12 where I got a postive we bd cd. 9 to cd 21 and had my progestron checked cd 22 and it was a 15.2 but the way my doctor talks that wasn't good enough. I'm not sure what is or not but I'm loosing faith and feeling depressed. Right now I'm waiting for af to come in the next few days but hope it doesn't and I get my bfp. The difference between this month and last this time I got sore boobs like 10 days before my af is suppose to be here and usually its 5 days before and yesterday I started having a millky discharge sorry if its tmi.. I guess it could just be pms I I got one more round of clomid I can do if I get a bfn and not sure where I go from there since my doctors never explains things everything is done over the phone I have only seen her once in feb so I thought about getting a second opinion but the soonest I could see a different doctor was june 12. I don't know what to do..has anyone has low progestrone? And got preg? Would love to hear your stories and how many rounds of clomid you di to get your bfp. Anything to give me hope. Everything I read is always not good and I start to fear I can't have anymore kids the two I got was done on the first or second try. And I was on bc before that and came off it and fell preg right away and since my last birth of my daughter I got the mirena iud and had it for 3 years could it be from that since I used bc before other two. I'm not sure I just want some answers and hope.. thank you so much and lots of baby dust to everyone.
hey i dunno if ppl still post in here but i just started my first cycle of clomid. im 23 have been trying for almost 3 years with no luck. i ovulate so decided to take it as a little nudge in the right direction. i am on cd 11 and i took 50mg on cd3-cd7. i took an opk today and there is a hint of a line so shes on her way xx

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