Clomid/Tamoxifen/Metformin/Injectables- O inducing meds.. 7 BFP's 5 more to come

:hi: ladies!!! just wanted to share with you what is going on with me.

I took the PCOS test yesterday. I passed the 2 hour glucose test...YAY BUT I got a call from the RE office today to let me know that another one of my blood tests came back (they took 8 viales). It was my thyroid test. I've had this tested over and over and it always comes back as normal, BUT the nurse informed me that normal for every day walking around is NOT normal for fertility purposes. Anything under a 4.0 is considered "normal" mine was a 3.54 BUT for fertility they'd like it to be 2.5 or less. Soo I start meds tomorrow. She said she has worked there for 16 years and she has seen over and over that it is one tiny thing off and once they figure it out BAM they ladies end up pregnant...soooo this puts me back into the TTC game once again I guess. I'm not going to do all the crazy bd'n and tracking and what not. I'll prob do a couple of opk's each cycle since really I pretty much know my body and do the NTNP route.

Moral of the story...if you have had your thyroid checked and it came back "normal" check the level. The nurse said it can make a big difference in getting pregnant and keeping your pregnancy
Nice to see you back turbo and teddy!

Well my appointment was fairly mixed. Fluid is def increased but not increasing and consultant said overall not too worried. I can still go to mw led unit (it's next door to delivery suite) but need bloods on arrival and must have a managed 3rd stage as chance of a bleed is higher. He wants baby to have an Ng tube in and out before first feed to make sure there isn't a blockage although this is unlikely. He also wants my 41 week appt to be with him rather than MW so if I'm still pregnant then he will recan to make sure fluid not any worse. Got the impression that he thinks I'll deliver before then though but who knows!
Typically though my bp was way up today. I think it was just anxiety but have to go get it rechecked tomorrow and if still up will prob be induced. Didn't see that coming!
Fluter- thanks I'm going to ask about mine soon too... So what meds are you starting??? Good to see ou back to kind of ttc again :hugs:

Bean- omg bean please keep us updated hun I'll be thinking of you :hugs: I am glad that they are taking good care of you and looking after you :hugs:

Afm- scan tomorrow, will let you know how it goes ladies :)
Scan update-
Follicles- 10, 12, 13
Lining- 7mm

The nurse was very happy with this :) she is concerned all three will mature though I am only allowed two... They trigger at 16mm, They can't scan me until Monday so they have modified my doses to:
Today- 112units
Friday- 112units
Saturday- 75units
Sunday- nothing
Monday- in for a scan and hopefully my trigger :dance:

Fx'd they continue to grow and stay there for Monday :)
thanks ladies!

Beanhunter hope your lo makes an entrance soon and all the extra worries are for nothing!

scerena YAY!!! Can't wait for you to get your trigger and then your bfp!!
bean- Thanks hun :hugs: how you feeling???

Teddy- Thanks hun, you okay???

Fluter- Thanks, wishing I get my bfp fx'd!!Wat meds have they put you on now???
I feel fine. BP still borderline today so I've had bloods done and midwife coming to my house to recheck tomorrow. If still up then it's one for induction which terrifies me. Have scrubbed the floors and taken dog for a walk. Plotting curry for dinner I see if I can persuade this one to appear on its own. Really don't wanted an induced labour. My thoughts of a lovely calm waterbirth seem to be drifting away at a rapid rate. Will keep you posted.
bean :hugs: what are the chances of you having your water birth??? So sorry to hear things arent going the way you want them too :hugs: Soon your baby will be in your arms hun :hugs:
COME OUT BABY MUMMY WANTS TO MEET YOU :loopy: Get that curry down you make it extra spicey :)
oh yeh I know that, I meant what is the likelyhood of you being induced sorry I did not explain what I meant properly :hugs:
Hoping it doesnt come to that so you can go ahead with your birth plan, If it does come to it just remember it might not have been ideal but you got to meet your baby sooner :)
Thinking of you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
It depends on my blood pressure tomorrow and from then on I guess. I know I should be excited but I'm just scared now and almost feel a bit cheated. It just feels like it should be my go to have something go well after LTTTC and mum being ill. Guess life doesn't work like that though.
Aw hun I understand that :hugs: :hugs: I am really hoping that your bp stays okay so that you can do it on your own :hugs: please keep us updated :hugs:
Aaaaargh bean how exciting! It would be a shame if you couldn't have your waterbirth, but I guess the main thing is you get your baby out safely. Have you tried pineapple, raspberry leaf tea, jumping your OH?! Can't think what else. I can't believe how close you are to having your baby tho, it must be such an overwhelming feeling!

Rere - great news honey! So glad those follies are cooperating, and hopefully no more than 2 will get to their target size. Did u start honey and cinnamon?

Fluter - lovely to have you back chick!

Lily - so sorry about your cyst. I wish I knew what to suggest, but I just don't. I've got plenty of :hugs: for you tho. Have you tried acupuncture before? Or agnus cactus?

Hope everyone else is good too :)

AFM...all fine here but hormones making me v emotional, not helped by the fact I'm SO tired! But nearly the weekend so hopefully will get to catch up on some sleep :sleep:

Nah I didn't start them :/ I want to next cycle :)
I hope that 2 continue to grow to give me more of a chance but guess we will find out soon...
Awww are you not resting yet??? Sorry you are feelin emotional :hugs: :hugs: I bet your bump is getting very big :)
You know how it is hon, always a million things to do and people to catch up's no different with a baby on the way.

My crazy emotions are just that - a bit of madness! I know it's entirely irrational but can't stop myself :haha: It's almost as bad as being back on clomid! xxx
Awww Hun :hugs: hormones can be so horrible sometimes :hugs:
Are you still working??x
Yay bet you cannot wait to just rest :)
Not much longer left now :)

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