Clomid/Tamoxifen/Metformin/Injectables- O inducing meds.. 7 BFP's 5 more to come

Wooohoooo Scerena :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

So, so chuffed for you. And you didn't even need the hcg trigger! Dare I ask when you'll test?? I know you're normally really good at waiting till AF's due....I don't know how you do it!

And I'd like to add in a bit of Scerena love're like our thread mum! Thank you :hugs:

TBP...great news on the ewcm!!

And Caz what amazing pictures!! It must make it so much more real for you.

As for me....can't believe how quickly time is flying. And can't believe now Daop and Bean have their gorgeous babies I'll be next!! We've so much still to do but weirdly I don't feel stressed about it....plenty time for that to change tho :) xxx
well AF showed up and a bit early at that. I'm guessing it has to do with the thyroid meds. I think I might go in for a CD3 u/s and try another round of clomid while I wait on the injectible meds application process. Maybe do an IUI next cycle.

fertility lifeline has a web-site that gives you some info and there is a number you can call to get an application for one free round of injectible meds and discounted rounds if needed. Thought I would pass this along to any of you ladies that may be paying out of pocket for them.
JWB- you don't have to much longer and your LO will be here!!

Fluterby-sorry AF showed up early. :hugs: Thanks for the med website. I am going to add it to my favorites but i hope i never need it!

The only thing i'm doing different this cycle is staying calm and relaxed. I've gotten bad about even taking my prenatal vitamins :dohh: My main concern has been my thyroid meds. I need to stay with the vitamins though. DH asked me tonight if we needed to bd. When i told him no, he asked if we had already missed our chance. Silly man, he's so sweet.
JWB- I have managed a few times to wait but I use to be a poas'er I just can't take the heartbreak anymore... I should be 10dpo today and I will probably wait and see if the :witch: arrives- fx'd she stays away I want my miracle now :( I'm impatiently waiting...

Yes so proud of my body no hcg and my body obulated strong enough :) aww thanks hun I like that title "thread mum" how are you feeling?

Fluter- sorry af come early :hugs: yes clomid might do the trick for you as you are so relaxed :) that's great that site does that, although I doubt they do that here? You will still be gettin scanned often on the injectables won't you? Wasn't sure how it works where you are?

Teddy- aw your oh sounds sweet :) being calm is going to help you get your :bfp: Hun :hugs:
Well I called the RE today to schedule an u/s for a clomid check. I guess I'm going back that route per the insistance of my dh. I'm doing this and hopefully do the injectibels next cycle. They couldn't get me in until Sat so I will be doing clomid on days 5-9. Never done them that late in my cycle before.
fluter- I havent done them that late before either but I have heard good results from it :)
Glad you have a plan and are actively trying this cycle, please update us after the ultrasound :)
Gl sending plenty of :dust: your way so you havent got to do the injections :)

Lily- Hope you are ok????
Hi Scerena!!!:flower: How are you doing these days my lovely?:hugs:That's great news for you this cycle!!! Good luck and baby dust to you, I hope you get your BFP!! :dust::dust::dust:

Sorry I have been missing in action for so long. I have been silently stalking and trying to keep up with you well I was away though!! I have been so busy with work. I recently went from being a temporary employee to getting hired on permanent and got a pay raise so that is going well. I finally have vacation and sick time!! I had to put in my 2 week notice though and threaten to quit to force them to hire me on permanent and give me a pay raise though!!! Apparently I had been doing a good job though so my boss got the approvals to hire me on and get me a pay raise. :thumbup: I was glad I put my foot down and let my boss know that I wanted more $$ or else I would of still been sitting there at lower pay as a temp with no benefits!!

On another note, my infertility DR left the practice and I was disappointed because she was the only female at the practice and I have never been comfortable with a male DR doing the gyno stuff. So I started to look for a new female infertility DR at aother location but that was a challenge, there aren't very many female infertilty specialists that participate with my health insurance close to my home, and many of them were in locations that are inconvinent, like in the cities where you have to pay $20 an hour to park and deal with the crazy city traffic, plus their costs for IUI were way higher than my current practice and our health insurance doesn't cover IUI so we are going to have to pay for that ourselves so I decided to suck it up and make an appointment for a surgical consult with a male DR at my old practice. Plus I would have to have all of my records transfered to a new DR office if I left and not sure what kid of testing I would have to repeat again before they could do surgery etc. So for time, money and to save myself a headache my surgical consult is scheduled for 07/31/2012 so that I can finally move forward with getting the surgeries I need so we can do the IUI soon!!!

As for the surgeries I need a hysteroscopy to remove a polyp from my uterus because my uterus has to be clear before I can do IUI. I also may possibly have one tube blocked because the dye didnt flow through one of my tubes when I did my HSG, although the other tube was fine, so I can do a laparascopy at the same time and that will allow them to see if they can get the die to run through and unblock my second tube. The Lap is optional though and I dont have to do it, I am leaning towards doing them both though so I can have the absolute best chance possible to get pregnant, after all 2 for sure open tubes is better than just one. I am hoping that I dont have to do anymore infertility testing/exams since I haven't been to my fertility Dr's office since the beginning of the year. I would hate to have to repeat the saline sono, it so uncomfortable.:wacko: I was hoping to just do a meet and greet to talk to the new DR to make sure I was comfortable with him and that I liked him, since he is going to be a new DR for me. I was comfortable with my old DR, she was very nice and I was used to her. It's bad enough that the DR is down there looking at your vagina for 20 minutes poking around and is a female, I am not sure how I feel about a male DR doing all of that at this point, but out of desperation I am trying to find a way to be okay with it. I am tired of postponing my surgery and feeling like time is going by so fast, my biologcal clock is ticking and I am not getting any younger, I need to get moving on having my family like yesterday!!! I am going to be 33 this year!!! UGGHHH!!!:wacko:

If I am sedated and have the male DR doing surgery than I wont know anyways since I will be knocked out anyways,LOL!!!

I am hopeful that maybe the polyp in my uterus is the reason why I haven't gotten pregnant yet, it could be blocking the :spermy: from getting to the egg, and maybe once I have the surgery i could get pregnant naturally!!Although the next challenge is DH's low :spermy:count. I cant change that after all so there will still be a good chance we will need IUI regardless.

Do you feel uncomfortable with a male DR poking aorund in your lady parts? Or is that just my problem???:dohh:Don't get me wrong though the male DR I am going to instead is very qualified and skilled, his background is impressive for sure, so I should focus on that aspect of that and not just the fact that he is a male, he has probably seen thousands of vaginas after all and I dont have anything he hasn't seen yet right??:wacko:
:hi: wannabepreggo :) thanks I was happy to have ovulated on 11dpo :happydance:

So glad you are now a permanent employee and have a pay rise that is great :) nice you have some time off :) and well done for telling your boss!!

That is great you have a date and hopefully the surgeries can get done ASAP do you can start moving forward with ttc :) my fs is male and he is amazing :)

I've had both surgeries and the lap unblocked my tube as you know so I really think it is worth a go :) you will be absolutely fine and then you know you have done it all, plus you will know if you have one/two working tubes and not left wondering :)
Yes it's definately time for you to be a mummy so hoping they move the whole process quickly for you :hugs:

Has oh had a new sa done recently?

I personally had a female surgeon, I was meant to have a male one (my consultant) but he was off that day but I was cool with it to be honest like you said they have seen many lady parts, you will be fine hun don't worry about it it's their profession we are all human :hugs:

Please keep me updated on how things go :)
Wannabe I agree with Scerena. I've had both male and female FS and it's whatever to me at this point. I started out looking for female but found it harder to find. I would do the lap if I were you. I had one in Jan. luckily they didn't have to do anything but at least I knew all was clear. While they are in there they can check so many things, not just your tubes. They will check for any endodemtriosis and remove it, scar tissue and they will take pics of it all. It was pretty cool to see all the pics. Good luck to you!!!!
Gawd girls, I think my lucky run with pregnancy might finally have come undone! A few years ago I had this lump on my lady bits, turned out it was a Bartholin gland cyst. Anyway, it went away, but has recurred now and again, esp if me and OH had a spell of lots of sex. But it never got huge and always went away. Anyway, it's back now, and it's pretty hefty! I can only think it's cos there's a lot more 'going on' down there with pregnancy, cos we definitely have not been having lots of sex recently!!

And as if that's not bad enough, I think I've got piles!! :blush: With the two combined it looks like a freaking car crash down there, and bloody sods law in a few weeks time all eyes will, quite literally, be on it!!

I know in the grand scheme of things it's not THAT bad, but really...timing could not be worse! :dohh:
Oh hun :hugs: sorry you are feeling rough :hugs:
Hopefully the cyst goes by the time baby is here :hugs:

You don't have much longer left Hun I can't believe it!
So sorry jwb. Just allow yourself some forgiveness. You have tons of hormones going on, so its only natural. Anyone who can't understand that needs to not be seeing the baby born. Hang in there.
Thanks girls. You're the best :hugs: :hugs:

Rere I know...due date just 5 weeks tomorrow eek! So excited though :)

x x x
JWAB - I really did not enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy. I felt massive and was so uncomfy. I promise you though that as soon as you have the baby you can turn over in bed and I was much better - even though I had an episiotomy and that was sore. I don't know about the cyst but I got the other joy of piles at the end. Buy some anusol from the chemist, it's perfectly safe and what your midwife will recommend. Use it regularly - even if they seem better and they at least should not get any worse. Also get some lactulose and make sure you don't get constipated as that will make it worse. My bottom really get for 24 hrs after delivery and then was suddenly fine an everything back to normal. It's just the pressure of baby's head moving down. Hope that helps.
Thanks so much Bean. I really shouldn't complain because otherwise I'm fine....I haven't even felt constipated, it's just been a bit sore when I do go. And I wouldn't say I'm particularly prudish but the idea of the world and his wife having a nosy down there is bad enough without any extra lumps! I'm going to buy some anusol today, and will add some lactulose to the list too - thank you! Also going to try an epsom salt bath for this cyst, as it's supposed to help.

The joys of pregnancy eh?!

How's your gorgeous Madeleine doing? And how's she feeding? I can't even imagine how those first couple of weeks will be!! xxx
Can't wait JWB I am extremely excited to "meet" your lo :)

Bean- how gorgeous Madeleine doing?

Afm- I am gutted- think the :witch: will be here tonight or tomorrow I know when she's coming and she is def on her way :(
Oh really Rere? What symptoms do u have?

I really hope they're actually preg symptoms and the witch stays away, but if not it's still a massive positive that you've found the dose of injectables that works for you, and were able to grow a good size follicle and release it, whilst not comprising your lining. I know all you want is your bfp, but if it's not then please take some comfort in that. :hugs: for you sweetheart, you deserve them. It will happen one day, I've no doubt. :dust: xxx
I really think she will I can feel her coming :cry:
TMI ALERT- just wiped and very light pink cm she is definately on her way no doubt about it :dohh:

I really want to get on to egg sharing now I just know these injectables aren't going to give me my :bfp: sucks I have to do three rounds and then wait for the whole process to be set up...
I am having such a bad day :(

Thanks for the support :hugs:
Oh hon that's shit. But you don't know for sure the injectables won't give you your BFP. For all we know, next month could be your month. [-o<

But I remember all too well the frustration of another month gone by, and I know there's nothing we can say to really make it better. There are positives (you ovulating for one, the fact you've got a clear plan for two, and of course the fact you've got your fantastic OH thru all of this) but I know they are hard to see at the minute. For now you take all the time you need just to be sad. Then it'll be onwards and upwards to the next cycle and we'll all be here with our fingers crossed for you again :hugs:
:dust: :dust: :dust:
JWB so sorry you are having "issues". I can understand where you are coming from. I hope the things you try out work and it goes away. At least you have some time before babe gets here to maybe get it under control! Good Luck girl!

Scerena...I hope it's not AF.

AFM: The RE suggested not doing clomid this cycle until my TSH level is rechecked and below 2.5. I just wish that was said before I got up at 6:30 am on Saturday after being at an amusement park all day and night the day before. Why does this have to be so damn difficult and frustrating!!!

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