Clomid/Tamoxifen/Metformin/Injectables- O inducing meds.. 7 BFP's 5 more to come

Thanks girls... I just made a thread I do have some questions...

How long did it take you to fully recover?
Is it painful afterwards?
Im just so scared :cry:

Bean- Im so happy for you hun :hugs: you must be over the moon!
Ok so I had mine on a weds and went back the Monday the week after (like 12days). Depending on job earlier might of been fine but i had a long commute and am on my feet all day. I was pretty sore for about 3-5 days but mostly from the gas they put in - you get pain in your shoulders which is a bit weird an pretty sore. I felt fully back to normal about 3 weeks after it in terms of exercise etc. To be honest i viewed it as a positive thing as it helped us get a proper management plan each time.
And yes, I'm super excited. Because you missed them and I know your a testing addict here are my tests!

Wow lovely lines! You are so lucky! I'm happy for you Hun!
I'm just hoping I'm better for Xmas as I don't want to be unwell or sore etc- did you have pain relaid after? X
Hey Rere! (me likey the nickname)

I'm sad you have to go through all the fear and pain of everything. I was hoping you'd be knocked up by now also. I'm sure its like Bean said - its all for a good cause. Just consider it practice pain for when you actually have to deliver your baby. :D :hugs: it'll get easier at some point.
Thanks turbo how are you?
I'm just so scared I don't want to be all sore and sore over Xmas :( iv become such a baby! I just hope this lap does the trick now x
If it's on the 13th you should be absolutely fine by Christmas. I was driving by 8 days post op too. Honestly, I know it's dead easy for me to say but please don't stress about it too much between now and then. It won't change anything and you'll make yourself ill.
I knw thanks Hun I just feel at a loose end and won't know more until a week before the op just so curious of what to expect... That's good then that I will be ok for Xmas!
Have you booked in for your first midwife appointment?X
I'm seeing my gp on Thursday. Dunno when I get to see a midwife, not for a few more weeks I wouldn't think. Will ask if there is any chance of a early scan because of all the surgery and cysts and stuff. If not I might go private around 7-8 weeks if all goes well. Would be a lovely 30th pressie to see a bean with a heartbeat!
Rere, lets see... My first surgery was not bad at all. It was around 2 hours and the worst part of the whole thing was the gas that they fill your tummy with. I was off of work for 1 week and then slowly went back to full time with the exception of no lifting for 6 weeks. And that was done by the scraping method. I had 3 incisions.

My second surgery was another story... I don't want to scare you, I thought about not even giving you details... But I do want to be honest with you, I think that is what you are looking for. So here it goes, keep in mind my case is not as common...

My second op was with an endo specialist. I met him one day and had surgery the next. This surgery was done with laser machines. This time they were going in to look at my bowels too (this is a question you need to ask your Dr.) So the day before the surgery was miserable because I couldn't eat anything but liquids (and nothing red or blue) and I had to do bowel prep:( Which meant basically drinking nasty stuff and being on the toilet all day and night. This surgery lasted almost 4 hours and recovery was way different. I was so sore and could barely move for days (but I had endo removed from all reproductive organs, bladder, bowels, gall bladder and they decided to take my appendix out because it was covered in endo). I was suppose to be off of work for 4 weeks with this surgery, but it ended up being 8:( But that was because I had horrible bleeding issues afterwords and was extremely anemic. This time I had 4 incisions.

I don't want to scare you at all :hugs: :hugs:

but you should make sure and ask these questions to your Dr. Like what method they are going to do (scraping or laser), if you have to do the bowel prep, etc...

But the most important conversation you need to have is the "what if one".. You don't know what they are going to find, and for me I wanted to make sure no matter what they found, they were NOT allowed to remove any of my reproductive organs under any circumstances. And I had it printed on all my paper work.

Your gonna be fine hun :hugs: :hugs: I just know you are!
BH LOVE all your test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance: look at that sticky bean!!! I was admiring your O chart the other day too:)
Oh gosh... And yes I definately don't want anything removed... I'm praying both tubes are open!
Thank you for being so honest and I hope I can manage to have a good Xmas/new year if not then hopefully I will have a baby by next one!
It's so scary and sounds painful and as I'm getting older I cannot deal with pain like I use to...

Bean- I hope all goes well and that would be lovely to hear the baby's heart beat :) did you do anything differently this cycle?
Rere, you will be fine:) :) I am gonna pray for you!!

Hope I didn't freak you out to much, those were not my intentions.. Just my experience but my case was not a common LAP case..

Do the Drs think you may have endo?

How old are you? If you don't mind me asking :)
I'm 24- 25 in January... He said he wants to make sure my tubes are ok and do some drilling as I have pcos- he said he wants to have a look at my womb so I'm not sure? What is a sign of endo???
And nope you didn't scare me Hun I'm scared anyway :haha:
I'm 24- 25 in January... He said he wants to make sure my tubes are ok and do some drilling as I have pcos- he said he wants to have a look at my womb so I'm not sure? What is a sign of endo???
And nope you didn't scare me Hun I'm scared anyway :haha:

Your not old hun!!! I thought you were 24, I think I asked that before:)

He is probably going to look in your uterus to check and make sure your lining is good and everything looks healthy:) When you say dye, do you mean put dye through your tubes to make sure they are open? If so, then to do that he has to go into your uterus, so probably just means he is gonna be thorough:thumbup:

Lets see... For me, Endo signs were extremely heavy abnormal periods with horrible pain. I would literally pass out some times from the pain in my late teenage years. Usually endo pain happens most often when you are on your period because that is when it grows and bleeds. Also my history with blood filled cysts. It is estrogen dominate (that is what it feeds off of) so headaches also:(

My FS (endo) goes by the saying "if a woman has been TTC for 1 year with no success, then it is Endometriosis until proven otherwise."
BH- love your tests!! those are some great lines!

Scerena-glad your results were all fine! I know your stressed about your test but it is good to get it out of the way and find out if there is anything you have that might be preventing that bfp and take care of it. Before you know it, you will be knocked up and so glad you got that out of the way! I think the not knowing is the worst sometimes! I will be praying that your operation goes smoothly and you recover quickly! Definitely ask those questions that pretty is talking about!

AFM-cd 12 i think and i've been having ovulation pains on my left side for a change. So i think i might ovulate earlier than i normally do, but i'm not trying to control it. I'm going to stay super positive this month and just give it to God. If its my time, it will happen, if not. There's always next month. I've realized i'm close to 2 years ttc, wow, the time flies! I go back to the FS in 1 week and i'm excited to see what is next.

Hope all you ladies are doing great! It is so cool to see some bfp's finally coming to our thread! it gives me hope!
I think so too pink mum! Anyway, how are you? You must be almost at ovulation are you?

And Daopdesign good to hear from you! How is your pregnant self?


hi m fine,h abt u,sorry for late reply i was busy in our religious festival called EID UL ADHA ya m fertile nowadays but dun know the exact day of ovulation,coz m not temping or using opk this time,it cd 16 today,normaly i ovulate cd at 17,but notsure,cozlast month i ovulated on cd 15,so fingers crossed,
Hi all thanks for the info pretty- they put my ttc down to pcos hmmmm I don't have heavy periods either so I hope I haven't got it.. But we will see

Teddy how are you? Glad you're going to ovulate :) and I'm sure I'll be glad once I have had it done...

Pink mum- how are you?

I'm off to see the fs in a couple of hours got oh so speak to you all in a bit xx

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