Clomid/Tamoxifen/Metformin/Injectables- O inducing meds.. 7 BFP's 5 more to come

Impossible to get myself caught up with everything going on with everyone (work has been absolutely hectic!) but good luck pretty fingers crossed for you and soo please you got your progestorone! x Has no one gotten a :bfp: yet?
Prettynpink- yes we are still the same cd :) I haven't a clue when af is due as it's a natural cycle... Hmmmm... So not sure if we will have the same cd next month- I hope we do though :) or hopefully we won't need another cycle and bfp's instead now that would be nice wouldn't it...

Daopdesign- no bfp from me yet :(
i have decided that thismonth ill take clomid,ill start it today fromcd3
Good luck pink mum i will be joining u once I get af x
Now i'm completely confused about my cycle!! I called the FS today to tell them that AF started yesterday and they started questioning me about my "flow". I told them that yesterday i had red blood after a BM and when i wiped, etc and that today i was back to spotting. She said that it needs to be full flow to count as day 1 and that clomid can really mess up your cycle. She was really nice and asked me if i would typically call what i have full flow any other time, and i said no but i feel like it should be full flow by how much i am cramping! So she said to wait and see if full flow starts today or tomorrow and we can go from there. ARgh, this is so frustrating! I am cramping like she should be here full force and nothing to show for it. I only get red when i have a BM and the other times its light brown or barely there. I have taken a pregnancy Ic test and its negative. I dont think i'm pregnant, just where the hell is that bitch at?!
TeddyBearPug when I was on Clomid last time 2.5 years ago every month my period lasted 2 days! I NEVER got like a full flow whilst on it so my doc said count the first sign of any bleeding as CD1 and then he told me to take the Clomid CD2 instead of CD5. I think it's common for Clomid to do this as alot of woman have complained about a 'spotting' like period. I have no idea what it's going to be like this time around.

and I'm sorry Serena, how long have you got on Clomid now? Have you considered the shots that force your egg to be released?
Teddybearpug- aw Hun it's hard isn't it as some fs say full red flow an others say anything is cd1... Do you have any more tests apart from
Ic's? Keep us updated Hun gl :)

Daopdesign- I haven't tested yet after this natural cycle I'm
Only cd25... Anyway I'm taking my leftover clomid next cycle- I'm
Meant to be waiting for my lap before Xmas and then clomid after with a trigger shot or something... But I'm taking my left over clomid to try and get my bfp even though I'm not meant to... What cd are you taking your clomid?
scerena, does your doc know you are gonna use your left over Clomid? So you're just waiting for AF to show right? I had a lap last November, fell pregnant naturally the following Feb. I have no idea if having my tubes flushed made a difference but it's supposed to make it easier for sperm to travel. Refresh my memory, are you ovulating on Clomid, sometimes or not? x

ps: today I am counting as CD2 as my FS started on the Clomid without AF. he said watch for ovulation 10-12 days afterwards.
Good Morning Girls!!!!

Daopdesign- Thank You!! The progesterone is very interesting because it is suppositories! LOL No BFPs here yet:( I think it is time for one of us, rite?:)

Scerena- Yep, I don’t know about next cycle either.. Don’t know if I will get my AF around cd33 because last cycle I think I would have never had a 17 day LP if it weren’t for the chemical… hmmmm.. Well I agree, BFPs would be soooooooooooo much better!!!

Pinkmum- good luck!!!

TBP- hmmmmmmmm, my FS and OBGYN both say cd1 is the fist day that I see red blood, even if it is just spotting.. Did you get a full flow today??

AFM: today is 4dpo and my temp is still high!!:) Will be testing in 6days!!!:)
Daopdesign- good luck with your clomid... No my doc don't know ( feel like a naughty school girl) lol! The nurse said I wasn't ovulating but the top fs said i responded well to clomid and prob ovulated late and for the lack of periods I get (if I get one) he reckons I did ovulate a was getting af regular on it- I heard having a lap can help I just want to know if there are any more issues with me I know I have pcos but would be nice to know if my womb is ok and my tube I also heard people are more likely to be fertile after one- to tell you the truth I'm hoping on a bfp before as I'm scared to have that op...

Prettynpink- I hope by some miracle that me and you get the same cd's again or bfp's :) your temp being high I good right??? Gl!
Good Morning Girls!!!!

Daopdesign- Thank You!! The progesterone is very interesting because it is suppositories! LOL No BFPs here yet:( I think it is time for one of us, rite?:)

Scerena- Yep, I don’t know about next cycle either.. Don’t know if I will get my AF around cd33 because last cycle I think I would have never had a 17 day LP if it weren’t for the chemical… hmmmm.. Well I agree, BFPs would be soooooooooooo much better!!!

Pinkmum- good luck!!!

TBP- hmmmmmmmm, my FS and OBGYN both say cd1 is the fist day that I see red blood, even if it is just spotting.. Did you get a full flow today??

AFM: today is 4dpo and my temp is still high!!:) Will be testing in 6days!!!:)

Yeah, that is what my obgyn was having me count cd 1 as too with any red blood being cd 1. But there was like 2 months that i did that and then what i felt like was my "actual period" was a few days later. so i'm completely confused. My temps have dropped alot now so i'm thinking full flow should be tomorrow? So far its just spotting! so frustrating! :dohh: I'm worrying that i might actually be on my period now and it be very light, but honestly i have never had a period like this before. If its not doing more by monday i'm going ot call the office again, but probably after i take a pregnancy test to confirm negative in case they ask me.

So today is 15dpo and i today makes 6 days of spotting! I wonder if the b complex has messed up my cycle? My LP was usually 10/11 days with maybe 3-4 days spotting before. I'm going to keep doing the b complex this month, but if my cycle is all weird again on the next one, i'm not taking it! lol!
Ok, so AF finally showed up in full force sometime after midnight! So glad that i can stop questioning my body! 15 day LP, wow! i'm not sure i like it being that long, but i'm going to keep taking b complex one more month and see what happens. I am having breakouts from hell again. I'm just wondering if they will ever go away? Is there any medications i can take to help it?

Last night after we went out to dinner, I was telling my husband i was still spotting and that my period hadn't officially started and my husband asked me with hope in his voice "Does that mean.....?!" He sounded cautiously excited and i so wish i could tell him i was pregnant. I guess one day...

How is everyone doing?
Awww Hunni :(
Sorry to hear af got you! I hope one day we can both tell out oh's we are pregnant- hopefully not much longer for us both :/
So what's your plans this cycle?
Awww Hunni :(
Sorry to hear af got you! I hope one day we can both tell out oh's we are pregnant- hopefully not much longer for us both :/
So what's your plans this cycle?

i can't wait for that day!
For this cycle i really don't have any different plans, but this is what i'm doing:
Taking my thryroid meds
omega 3-6-9
b complex 50
folic acid
evening primose oil until ovulation

taking bbt
using opks starting cd 8
doing yoga
BD every 2 days until it gets closer to my normal ovulation day, its been cd 17 unmedicated...

and going to do my best NOT to stress over ttc! lol!

What about you? Did you decide to go with clomid or soy?
That's quite a plan u have there! U are doing everything u possibly can do good luck Hun :)

Um I'm going with clomid for the next cycle I think but who knows when af will show?! Hopefully soon so I can get on with the next cycle...
hiscerena,i malso taking clomid this cycle,todayill take 4th tab
Good luck pink mum I'll be joining you very soon xx

Today is 6dpo for me!!! you could say that I am a just a little bit excited I find myself not excited to test though.. I am not sure why... Maybe because the last two cycles I have had chemicals and have gotten excited only to be let down who knows... But my temp this morning was the highest it has EVER been!! Crazy! And although I am trying not to symptom spot, I have noticed an increase in CM and little twinges here and there.. And a weird like icy/hot feeling in my abdomen.. Almost like I have done a bunch of sit ups, but I haven't! LOL Guess this next week should tell!!

How is everyone else doing??

TBP- YAY (i guess lol) that AF finally showed in full force!! Now you can move on to a new cycle!!

Scerena- How are you doing?? Any signs or symptoms of AF yet?

Pink mum- good luck with clomid!!
Prettynpink- yay oh I'm excited for you :) no signs of af for me yet fx'd but I'm sure she will just turn up lol xx
Scerena- I hope she stays away for you!!!!! Fx’d!!!

Afm- today is 7dpo for me and I have temp dip!!! My temps are still high, but definitely a nice dip! Could be implantation dip!!! My chart is in my siggy:) I can not wait for 2maro morning to come to see if my temp rises again:)

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