Clomid/Tamoxifen/Metformin/Injectables- O inducing meds.. 7 BFP's 5 more to come

Beanhunter- not long then hun how exciting, you baby is going to look even more like a little person now :hugs: and thank you hun I appreciate that x

Lily- that is great news :dance: I see a :bfp: coming your way very soon :)

WBM- How do you make af hold off I am so curious??? And what date is your post op?

AFM- I am 12dpo just waiting for af nothing exciting x
Wow Lily look at you....a 'normal' person :haha: That's seriously great going to BD tonight then? I'm really pleased for you hon :happydance:

Scerena have you tested? Or are you just waiting for AF to show and test if she's late? You're def not out yet love :hugs: xxx

BH - not long till your scan, how exciting! Are you feeling lots of movement now? xx
Scerena I have some tablets from my do called nortostetone there like pure progesterone.
I havnt been given the date if my appointment yet but it's supposed to be 6weeks post op :thumbup:
How are you feeling today? :hugs:
WBM- my 6 week post op was may and had my surgery in jan, I would phone up incase your hospital is like mine- now I have mine next week cannot wait! Oh right sounds good if you need af to stay away then you can :)

JWB- yes I will test if af is late so happy I havent tested before this has been the first time I have managed that :) I know I am not out yet but I just do not have high hopes I wish I could be more positive but I hate the disappointment when I am. How is everything with you?- good I hope?x
Thanks girls, we bd last night yeah jwb gona bd again tonight :)

Scerena, you could be getting ur bfp yourself in a cpl days :)

Bh can't believe you are half way already, how's your mum been doing?

Wbm, it is a shame letting that eggy go to waste but good things come to those that wait and I think we have all done enough waiting already!!

Mums doing pretty well. She is back at work so life feels more normal I guess.
Not really feeling any convincing movement but I think it's because my placenta is at the front so not getting too worried.
Beanhunter- I am glad your mum is starting to do a little better :hugs:

Well my temp is slowly dropping and feel a bit weird so I think af will b here within the next few days... 7days until my fs appointment.

Happy valentines day to all of you and your oh's and beans :) x
Ooh 7 days Scerena, that's not long now! Hope you've got your list of questions ready!

Sorry it looks like AF is on her way...I really hoped it would be good news for you this cycle. Hope your new fs kicks ass and you're preggo in no time.

Happy Valentine's day to you too chick xx
That's good bh

Scerena sorry about the temp drop, hope all goes well next week with fs

Jwab I just noticed your baby is the size of a peach :) aww how lovely :)

Happy valentines day everyone x
I know! I do love my little peach. The scan put us a couple of days further on....I actually still have more faith in our dates, but that's my official due date so I might as well use it.

Off to see my sister for a couple of days so I won't get on here....but she does have a doppler so has said we can listen tonight yaaay! You girls have a lovely week and I'll catch up on Friday :) xxx
Thanks I am ok girls I thought that it would be a mitacle to have fallen the same cycle as my op that is why I have made sure not to get my hopes up :)
I hope too that my fs kicks ass and gets me a nice bfp sooner rather than later :) af isnt here yet but I am ready for her and hoping not to have a real heavy flow as will be the first af since the op...

Have a nice break away JWB with your sister :)

Happy valentines to you too lily :)
Have a nice break jwab, can't wait to hear how the doppler goes :)
Ladies me and oh just dtd and now I am spotting when I wipe so soon af will be here and my first natural cycle since the op :)

On the downside- my fs appointment is next tuesday- so if they do decide to give me meds I wont be able to start until next cycle as I will be cd6 probably :(
Scerena, if af comes before your appt, can you ring them for advice? They might bring you in earlier or at least suggest what to do, if they just make you wait and attend appt as scheduled and you are cd6 then at least you know you tried? Hopefully if af is going to appear it won't do so for another few days, in that case you may still be able to start meds at your appt xx
Lily- Hi they wont get me in any sooner but I will try, that hospital is murder for appointments- I had to go mad to get in february as it was may...
They certainly wont be able to prescribe me anything as I have to attend the follow up first and its meant to be with a new fs so looks like I have to just have another natural cycle which I really didnt want to do, but then again they might not even give me any meds- depends what the fs is like they might tell me to try naturally... grrr, af will be here tomorrow I have spotted a little now, thats life I guess... I just wanted to give myself the best possible chance that was all :(

How are you doing lily anyway?x
I know you want the best possible chance, like you said you dont know what they are planning to do yet, I hope it all works out, try to stay upbeat, well as upbeat as you can, it wont be long now.

I am ok cd15, I got my smiley face cd13 but I think I only ov today judging by the feelings earlier this afternoon, I have another follow up appt with the thyroid doc, other than that I am just bd'ing and waiting .......

Please let this thread get some more good news soon!!!! xx
BH-glad your mom is doing better :hugs:

Lily-yay for +opk!

Scerena-sorry af is approaching but lets try and focus on how great your natural cycle turned out! I hope your next natural cycle is just as great and hopefully a bit shorter.

AFM-i've been getting over a cold and have felt like crap. I think i'm 5/6 dpo but i'm not sure. No expecations for me this cycle. In fact i'm hoping that i don't get pregnant this cycle, lol. go figure, huh :dohh: only because i know there is a high risk of it being a difficult pregnancy and possible m/c. So its better to just have this surgery and try again after..
:hi: ladies,
cd2 for me today and a proper af :dance: I had light af previous to the op...

Lily- Glad you ovulated :dance: now the long tww wait for you :hugs: You are right this thread definately needs some more good news soon...

Teddy- Thanks I am hoping that my next cycle is shorter, now I am happy that I even ovulated :) I am hoping they give me a plan for next cycle but we will see...
I hope that you are feeling better :hugs: Not long now until your surgery how are you feeling about it???

How are you other ladies?
JWB- I know you are out of town hope you are having fun :)

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

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