Clomid/Tamoxifen/Metformin/Injectables- O inducing meds.. 7 BFP's 5 more to come

Caz-its not quite there yet. maybe in a few days? what cd are you? That is a beautiful bracelet!
:hi: all
How is everyone doing?

Sorry that I havent been on in a few days I have had my nans funeral this weekend so it has been an emotional time.

Hope everyone is well??? Any news to share???

Caz I agree with Teddy- Nearly there hun :)
:hi: girls cd 17 today i normaly ovulat anything between cd14-cd 18 x x x
:hugs: Scerena, hope the funeral was as ok as they can be. How are you feeling after your fs appt? Good on you getting your follow up appt brought forward. And I think the counselling could be a really good idea. TTC is so emotionally draining. I didn't cope very well at all, and I know we were only trying for a fraction of time as many couples.

Lily - not long till testing honey, how r you feeling?

Caz - i got one of those fertility bracelets arrived the day I got my bfp. Hope it works for you...I reckoned it couldn't do any harm!

:wave: hiya to everyone else! xx
Hey jwab, nog very good at all, I got my cd21 bloods back from gp and they totaly contradict what the fs scan showed and my opk's and me actually feeling ov?!?

Progesterone was only 2.3 as opposed to 85.7 last time, so confusing so gp says I didnt ov even though hospital disagree, dont know what to think, tested today which if me and the hosp are right would make me 12 dpo but bfn so I just have to wait to tues / wed and see if af shows up (or doesnt show up as I dont get af if I dont ov)

So confusing :/

Hey jwab, nog very good at all, I got my cd21 bloods back from gp and they totaly contradict what the fs scan showed and my opk's and me actually feeling ov?!?

Progesterone was only 2.3 as opposed to 85.7 last time, so confusing so gp says I didnt ov even though hospital disagree, dont know what to think, tested today which if me and the hosp are right would make me 12 dpo but bfn so I just have to wait to tues / wed and see if af shows up (or doesnt show up as I dont get af if I dont ov)

So confusing :/


Oh Lily how very confusing! If it was just the scan I'd wonder if it maybe wasn't a follicle (one of my scans showed what they thought was a follicle but was actually a cyst, or follicle which then collapsed in on itself). But the fact your OPKs indicated you did, and that you FELT it is so strange. What have the hospital said? Did they take any bloods when you got your scan?

I hope you just ovulated late and still have a chance for a bfp this cycle chick. Keep us posted :hugs: xxx
JWB- Thank you hun :hugs: funeral was lovely in the sense of the lovely send off my nan had I will miss her greatly but now I have come to terms with she is now at peace and no longer in pain. My uncle is pastor/preacher and he had the choir from his church come and sing at the burial, it was a beautiful send off she would have been so proud :hugs: How are you doing anyways???

Lily- Sorry to hear that :hugs:
I hope that you ovulated late like JWB said hun fx'd, I also had a cyst- they thought was a follicle during one of my clomid scans but was a cyst- but feeling o and opks confirming it was a good sign so I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you :hugs:

Temp dramas-
Sunday temp: 36.53 (2.5hrs late) adjusted temp:36.25
Monday temp: 36.55 (40mins early) adjusted temp:36.62

I am thinking to keep mondays original temp how it was (unadjusted) and discard sundays temp as it was taken so late?
I classed cd1 as the first day of full red flow for once, I was spotting lightly for two days... confused now as IF my temp stays up it means I may have ovulated too early??? I wonder if my temp will drop tomoz??? or if I include my spotting days to my cycle that would up my days??? Grrr guess I will see what tomorrows temp brings x
I feel so stupid- I have a dilemma- I was so sure I ovulated on cd11 as my temp shot up- But today the temp has dropped right back down (I know you need 3 consecutive high temps to confirm o) So I know I havent ovulated despite having all the signs of o... Do you think my body geared up to o but didnt???? Opinions please ladies sooooo confused grrr...

I hope everyone is well???
I feel so stupid- I have a dilemma- I was so sure I ovulated on cd11 as my temp shot up- But today the temp has dropped right back down (I know you need 3 consecutive high temps to confirm o) So I know I havent ovulated despite having all the signs of o... Do you think my body geared up to o but didnt???? Opinions please ladies sooooo confused grrr...

I hope everyone is well???

Hmmm chick that's a weird one. I don't suppose you had a few drinks over the weekend did you? That always sent my temp high.

I wouldn't worry that it means ov is out, as it's still so early. It might just be a little blip caused by your hormones fluctuating.I know it's so frustrating but maybe just wait and see what tomorrow brings.

You're not using OPKs just now are you?

:hi: JWB- I saw your message earlier but my iPhone keeps freezing and wont let me reply to you :/ Just managed to get on the laptop now...
I had like 3 drinks on friday, but my temps were high on sunday and monday????#
I am using opk's couldnt do one on friday but saturdays was almost positive and they have been negative from then- I think that maybe my body was gearing up to o but failed... Hopefully I ovulate soon though and the op has worked I HATE having long cycles.

How are you and bubba doing hun?
Rere, sometimes u have a estrogen surge right after ovulation that causes a temp drop. Just wait it out babe. You'll know for sure tomorrow. ;)
We're good thanks honey. It's all a bit sore as by stomach muscles are stretching out, but hopefully that means my proper bump isn't too far away. At the minute I'm just in the inbetweeny stage and just look a bit fat! But I love every second. I've got my next mw appt on the 9th march, so will hopefully get to listen to bub again, then we're off to Florida a couple of weeks after that, then get our 20wk scan straight after....busy times!

I am desperate to see you girls with your BFPs though, you all deserve it. :dust:

How was your temp today? xxx
Well temp drop again this morning so I can safely say that I have not ovulated as of yet...
I will be using conceive plus when I get a positive opk I think (if I get one) Come on body give me a decent cycle length...

Turbo- How are you hun?

JWB- Will be great to see a pic of your bump once you get your 'proper' one :) Nice the hols will help time fly so when you get back you can see bubs :) Make sure you relax on your hols and get all the rest you need hun :) will be nice for you and your oh...

Is any of the ladies still ttc feel like it is never going to happen? I think 'yes it will happen' but seems everyone I know and all my friends now have kids I am feeling so left behind... I dont mean to be a downer just wondering if anyone feels tired of this journey its exhausting me lol x
:hi: girls hope your all well think i am ovulating woopp very late one this is i normally ovulate between 14-18 hers a pic x


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omg ladies! looks like so much has gone on in this thread and I am way behind with all your updates with not coming on here much. I'm still pregnant, can you believe it. Still don't think I'll get my hopes up too much though until the week I have my section! Has anyone else gotten a bfp in the last 2 months? xx
Caz I hope you o very soon :hugs:

Daop- hello stranger! Glad you and you bubs are both doing fine :hugs: No new pregnancy news to report here unfortunately still just you ben and JWB :)

AFM- Hoping I will get a positive opk by the weekend, here is today's pics looks like it is getting close baring in mind I hard hardly even a line yesterday so fx'd [-o<



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Hi all. Not been around much as my exam is in 3 weeks and I'm mega stressed. Still feeling good and now have the tiniest of bumps - but if you didn't know me before you'd never notice it. Mum doing well with chemo and on her 2nd cycle.
Still sending you all :hugs:
Bean, good luck with your exams :hugs: so glad your mum is doing fine :hugs:
I am glad also that your bump is starting to show :dance: I am happy things are looking up for you xx
opks look good hun think i will get and good dark one tomorrow x x x

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