Clomid/Tamoxifen/Metformin/Injectables- O inducing meds.. 7 BFP's 5 more to come

caz/scerena-your opk's are almost there!!

quick update on me-i was in a car accident this past saturday. My car was totalled and i was t-boned on the passenger side. i was by myself thank goodness. I ended up in the ER but i walked out with no major injuries, thank you lord!! i've been off work these past couple days as i'm still so sore in my whole body basically. So i will have to catch up on everyone soon. :hugs:
Omg teddy I am so glad you only had minor injuries someone was looking over you :hugs:
I hope you rest and get better soon hun :hugs: you will be in my thoughts x
:hi: girls well girls think ovulation is today wooppp done 2 opks one at 10.00am and one at 1.20pm my cervix is high open and soft so defo today hers the pics x x x


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LOL Rere you're so funny! Like we'd be fussed over the colour of your towel! :rofl: I know first hand what boys and their football do to your towels, believe me!

OPKs look good! I used conceive plus when we conceived, so i'm a big fan. I hope you do ov this weekend honey, your body has played enough tricks. :dust:

TT - nice to see you on. How's things?

Bean - glad your mum's doing well on the chemo. And that the bump is on its way!! Good luck for your exams...don't get too stressed!

Teddy - so glad you're ok! Sounds like such a bad accident. Make sure you rest up and don't be rushing back to work until you're better. :hugs:

Caz - get :sex: !!
:hi: girls think i am 1 dpo today woopp opks look lighter today x x x
Congrats Caz! Good luck babe! :hi: girls! I hope everyone is well! Work has been busy, so all I've had much time for lately is just reading. You all are doing fab! Keep at it.
justwantababy- :haha: about the towels! How are you and your avacado???

caz- Yay so glad that you have ovulated :dance:

Turbo- Hope you are well hun :hugs:

This thread has become so quiet, I hope eveyone else is ok?
:hi: i've been quietly lurking! How is everyone? I have my pre-op appt on tuesday! and 1 week until the big surgery! i haven't had time to stress over it yet, but i'm sure its coming.

Scerena-have you ovulated yet? what cd are you?
Ive been lurking too. Good luck for your surgery TBP, will keep everything crossed for you.

AFM: I'm ok, just counting down the days til the exam is over and I get me life back. Nothing much else to report. Starting to feel some movements and had to buy some mat clothes this weekend as I was living in pjs after work.
Ive been lurking too. Good luck for your surgery TBP, will keep everything crossed for you.

AFM: I'm ok, just counting down the days til the exam is over and I get me life back. Nothing much else to report. Starting to feel some movements and had to buy some mat clothes this weekend as I was living in pjs after work.

thats so exciting to feel movement!! are you taking any bump pics?
Teddy- I thought your surgery was on the 6th?What date is it then hun the 14th? Or am I totally lost lol??

beanhunter- :) yay glad you are feeling movement :dance: Your bump is finally coming along :) I bet now you are feeling movement it all feels so amazing :)

AFM- Nope no ovulation yet :cry: im cd19... had a dark opk yesterday not sure if positive though so I am still opk'ing and just waiting for either a line darker than the control line or a nice temp spike- neither have happened so far...
my pre-op appt is march 6th and surgery is march 12th. I'm sure you will get that tempature spike soon since your opk is dark. Either way, it will be alot sooner than last cycle, right?
Ooooh thats why the 6th popped into mind!
A week today and it will all be over and done with for you :hugs: then finally onto your :bfp:

Well not sure if it was positive as last month the line was darker than the control line so im going to class it as negative until I get one with a darker line than the control line as I had a darkish one earlier this month too... But fx'd I ovulate soon- I want to see better benefits from this op!
:hi: girls. Wanted to give u my update. Back from my appt. Had the dildo cam in there to check my lining. She said for sure I haven't ovulated and she showed me the 3 white lines of my uterus. My lining is not thick at all and she suggested my estrogen is likely not high enough. :shrug: I do have plenty of healthy eggs and my ovaries are not doing that bad. I just have little cysts. So I have a new script for progesterone and 1500 MG daily dose of the oh so wonderful METFORMIN!! I am to start with one pill a day (500mg) and each week if I'm feeling better/ok with it then I add a pill for breakfast. On the 3rd week I add the 3rd pill. If I'm sick with it then I need 2 weeks in between adding more. She said that all my hormones are in line with pcos, but nothing really far from normal and I very likely will not need IUI/IVF, but will do well with Clomid. LOL she talked about it as if I'm not a seasoned vet!! She was very casual about clomid and also hinted at an SA for Tony. LOL Tony...SA...uummm, good luck. She also prescribed prenatals since I was just taking otc ones till now. Hellowww bright yellow pee! So, we'll see how this goes and if nothing in a few months then I'm clomid bound.
TT-super happy for ya!

Scerena-your chart looks like your body is trying to ovulate, what do you think? Your temps have been consistently that low. So hopefully soon! How often are you Bd'ing?

AFM-tommorrows the pre-op appt!! i'm only nervous when i go to bed and have time to think about it. I think i'm more nervous about the bill and showing up at the hospital and them telling me i have to pay thousands of $$!!

How is everyone?
TT- so happy that you have a plan hun :) will your oh not do a SA then??

Teddy- I think my body is trying but it hasnt happened yet, please hurry ovaries :) we are bd'ing every other day atm...
So excited for your pre op :dance: i hope the bill doesnt give you a nasty surprise and that everything runs smoothly please keep us updated :) I have high hopes for your op!

This thread is so quiet I know I keep sayin it but it was so active before, hope everyone is well xx
:hi: girls do any of you no what i can take for catarrh why i am ttc x x x
:hi: girls do any of you no what i can take for catarrh why i am ttc x x x

hmm, idk what that is!! sorry!

Scerena-have you ovulated yet?

AFM- i thought i updated about my preop appt but i guess not! It all went well and we are scheduled for Monday morning! It should be 2-3 hours and then i'm staying 1 night in the hospital. I'm excited and nervous. I'm just ready to get these fibroids out after all this time! This cycle has been very relaxing for me since we can't ttc this month. Its exactly what i needed and i hope to carry this on after the surgery!

I think our thread has gotten so quiet because we have all been through so much on our journey. I think the remaining ladies have been trying for so long that we seem to be taking our breaks at the same time? I hope everyone is doing well and our thread can pick back up again soon!
Hey girls, I'm still here, still lurking, just not posting much.

On provera atm :( sucks!!

Hope everyone is ok x

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