Clomid/Tamoxifen/Metformin/Injectables- O inducing meds.. 7 BFP's 5 more to come

No stretch marks's hoping anyway
Thanks for the support girls, can't tell you how much it means. I don't feel quite like I fit in on the preg boards as I still feel jealous of those who get pregnant at the drop of a hat.

TT: if remembering 3 times a day is hard you can get a slow release preparation where you take it just twice. Might be called either "slow" or "modified" release. It's used for people who find it hard to tolerate too so that's always an option.
:hi: girls happy Friday hope you all have a nice weekend happy mothers day to all you mums out there just in case i don't get time to come on i will be having a few vodkas tonight x x x x
My fs did discuss extended release, but she said it didn't help w weight loss, so we're trying normal for as long as I can tolerate it. I completely feel u on the jealousy. I had a hard time dealing w one of the girls who just got married, tried for 2 or so months, n then just got ivf to get pregnant. Idk why that bothers me, but I feel like there should be some long term struggle before going ivf. That's a personal thing for me I guess.
How is everyone doing? i'm feeling much better today! i'm feeling incredibly optimistic for the future tonight! :thumbup:
Teddy- :hi: so glad you are feeling better and feeling optimistic :) When can you start ttc again???

beanhunter & turbo- I agreewith you both about ladies who fall pregnant so quickly after it has taken us all so long to fall pregnant it makes it hard for us to relate to ladies who fell so quickly... I also agree about ivf that should really be for ltttc'ers I agree with that, but I guess that some people just have the money and find it a quick option...

Caz- How are you doing hun? What are your plans? Are you using any medication?

Hi girls. So yesterday I got up to 1500mg of metformin. I don't feel super amazing today. It's getting harder to force food down to be able to take the pill. I'm just not hungry. We'll see if I can take 3 pills again today. We also got the clear to close on the house so we'll be moving by Friday. Hope everyone is well!
Teddy- :hi: so glad you are feeling better and feeling optimistic :) When can you start ttc again???

beanhunter & turbo- I agreewith you both about ladies who fall pregnant so quickly after it has taken us all so long to fall pregnant it makes it hard for us to relate to ladies who fell so quickly... I also agree about ivf that should really be for ltttc'ers I agree with that, but I guess that some people just have the money and find it a quick option...

Caz- How are you doing hun? What are your plans? Are you using any medication?


:hi: hun using multivitamins folic acid honey & cinnamon decaff green tea x x x
Turbo- Yay for the house and moving in, sorry about the crappy feeling you are getting from the metformin :hugs: I hope you feel a bit better and manage to take all 3 tablets..

caz- Thats a lot of supplements :) goodluck this cycle

Bean- Yay for the exams being over :dance: well done! Now you can relax :)
Hello my lovely ladies!

Bean - yippee for the exam bring over! Will keep fingers crossed for you chick.

TBP - lovin the positive attitude...long may it last :)

Caz - there's loads of honey&cinnamon babies about....good luck with that!

Turbo - hope you feel better on the meds hon. Just eat what you's a nice excuse to treat yourself to whatever yummy food you fancy! :) And congrats on the house!

Rere - how's things with you hon? Are you waiting for natural AF still before starting clomid? Or still waiting for ov? Sorry I get lost off! So glad you're going to be monitored anyway.

Has anyone heard from Lily?

Well I'm off on my hols tomorrow girls, yippee! Off to Florida for a couple of weeks, can't wait. Have SO much to finish up at work and in the house today's going to be a busy one!

I'll catch up with you all when we get back anyway. Hopefully there'll be another bfp on here by's about time we had one! Baby dust to you all!
:dust: :dust: :dust:
Hi JWAB, I am still here, lurking, nothing to report cd5 today, not feeling very hopeful since I didnt even ovulate last time although they have finally gave me thyroxine for my under active thyroid, only 18 months later than they should have given it to me but hey thats nhs for ya....useless!

Have a lovely holiday, hope you are well

Hope everyone is ok

JWB- :hi: how are you and your little bubba doing??
Im cd36 today and I gave up temping and opk'ing at cd29 so havent a clue if I ovulated or not... I have provera but I think I should wait for a natural af as I suppose I 'could' have ovulated and wouldnt like to chance messing that up incase, so a wait for af and then monitored clomid- hope it works this time, I want to at least ovulate on it and then a lovely bfp would be nice :)
When is your next cycle???
Enjoy your holiday :) you will have a lovely time i have been to florida and it was amasing! They loved us english people :) have a safe flight and a lovely holiday and we will speak to you when you are back, enjoy :)

Lily- the nhs sucks here doesnt it! You ovulated on more cycles then you havent recently right??? I hope you ovulate this cycle hun :hugs: are you still on tamoxifen this cycle?
Hi scerena, no I have only ovulated twice in 18 months. Once on clomid and once on tamoxifen. The first cycle on tamoxifen I ov, the second they thought I did but it was a cyst, this is now the 3rd cycle. I hope you get af soon x
Oh sorry lily for some reason thought you have been on the tamoxifen for longer than that! I hope you ovukate this cycle hun :hugs: and thanks I hope af hurrys so I can grt started on the next round or give me a late bfp but wont be holding my breath x
Yeah a late bfp would be better :) I hope your bfp comes soon either way, don't be sorry hun, its hard to keep up on these threads, I often forget where people are at in their journeys. Thanks I hope I ovulate this time, going for my scan 28th x
Keep us updated on your scan please??
I hope you ovulate this time and give yourself and us ladies another :bfp:! :)

Us ladies do need some more bfp's... X
Yes I will, no problem. Your right we really do need some more bfp's on our thread. Hopefully we can get some good news soon x
hello girls h r u all,af got me again today,planning to go for hsg,wat do u think,but m afraid of it
Pink mum, a hsg would be a great start- at least you will know if your tubes are open or not, mine was painful but I believe that to be because my tube was blocked, but alot of women dont feel anything even with blocked tubes. My advice would be to go for it so that you know whats next for a plan...

Lily- it does seem the thread calmed down and no bfp's? Maybe if we are all active it will happen again- yeh right :haha: me and my ways of think :haha:

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