Clomid/Tamoxifen/Metformin/Injectables- O inducing meds.. 7 BFP's 5 more to come

So here I am at 27 weeks as requested...
Beanhunter- I love your pic :) So nice to see you growing :dance: I think you are sfae to change yourr statuss below your name now from 'tiny bit pregnant' as you are now 27weeks I cannot believe it- time is going soooo quickly! 3rd tri :dance: you done it beanhunter :)

JWB- Awww thanks hun :dance: I really canot wait for that day to come, feels like it is taking far too long, but fx'd I can join you ladies soon :hugs:
So glad you are feeling more movemant and have had hardly any sickness :happydance:
Yes you must have so much to buy and sort out, what colour are you going to do your nursery?
And have you seen any prams you like yet???- I LOVE the iCandy ones!

Caz- My cycles are always irregular but pregnacare made my cycles even LONGER! Some ladies do not have this trouble but there was a thread about it in the forum... But a majority of ladies do not experience longer cycles... I take a conception viatmin from boots now and I have no problem with them- they have pratically the same vits in them and are also cheaper :)

TEDDY, TURBO, PINK MUM, LILY & PRETTY- How are you all doing???

afm- Took my 2nd clomid pill today- nothing new to update yet... BORING! wish I had something to share with you ladies... :dohh: I will phone up and book my scan tomorrow....
Caz the month I started them vits was the month my cycles and periods stopped dead, I can't say that it was down to them because they were already long and irregular before that but I started them on cd1 and that cycle lasted for 4 and a half months which was ended in provera, I did see that thread scerena mentioned, same thing happened to some girls but majority were ok

Bh that is a lovely bump pic

Scerena good luck on the clomid, glad your not experiencing any negative effects of them, let us know when your scan is.

Afm - 10dpo today, I caved and tested ... BFN :( I will be 14 dpo on friday 13th but I think I can safely say I haven't conceived yet again, having a few drinkies tonight to console ourselves! Lol xx
:hi: girls hope your all well i will be testing next friday if no :af: aw love the bump hun cute x x x
Beaaann! I just wanna rub your belly!!

Hi girls. I just wanted to pop in and say :hi: I'm on ttc strike I think. My brain just wont think babies at the moment. I think I'm going into that protection mode where it hurts so bad that I just push it far far away. Hope all you girls are well!
Lily- sorry to hear that :hugs: hopefully a late implanter :dust: :dust:

Caz- :dust: goodluck :dust:

Turbo- wish I could give you a hug :hugs: :hugs: I hope you start feeling better about ttc soon :hugs:

Afm- my san is next tuesday (11th) not holding my breath as I am use to bad news but still holding on slightly to hope that for once my follies do as the meds tell them too :dust:
Rere, I just feel so bad that I don't even have a glimmer of hope. I don't get even a freckle of a cycle no matter what I do. I pray that I get a period, but nothing. I have Provera, but even when I take it, I just spot, like my body has nothing in there to spit out. Its sooo frustrating! I'd pray for even one little egg to squeeze out. Even a few times a year I'd be happy with at least that much of a chance.
hope your okay turbo

scerena thanks I hope so but prob not! good luck, I hope you get good news at your scan
Turbo- :hugs: so sorry to hear that u feel like that :hugs: will the fs not try you on injectables? They have had good success when pills etc have failed? Im hoping to try them after clomid... :hugs: i get how you feel though as my body is the same even after the op so far but so sorry about your periods though hun (the just spotting)... Grrrr :hugs: :hugs: :dust:

Thanks lily :hugs: hope you get good news in a few days fingers crossed :)
Turbo, 8 years without any protection and as the months then years went by I was convinced I'd never have kids but it eventually happened. I lost weight, became more health concious and took a dose of 200mg Clomid to have my 1st and that only happened on the 6th and very last cycle I was allowed to do so miracles do happen. I can totally understand your frustration but where there's a will there is always a way :)
:hi: Ladies,
How are you all doing???

I took my last clomid pill today, so now waiting until tues for my scan... Grow follies GROW!!!

I started up the gym today- I have 5 weeks to get in shape before my holiday, and hoping the exercise will do my body goo whilst ttc as I have been lazy lately :haha:
Dao, I've been the same. Pretty much NTNP since I was 21 and nothing. I hope I can be like you and get healthier and have babies. I know clomid is the next thing, but my lining is poo. Idk what the RE has planned to help my lining.

Rere, grow those little eggies!
Rere get a hot water bottle on those follies! And lie on the floor with your legs on the sofa to get the blood flowing to them, and why not get a bit of honey and cinnamon down you for good measure? And we will all will them on with you.....visualize those follicles growing!

Will keep my fingers crossed for Tuesday for you, I know how nerve wrecking those scans are. Big hugs honey xxx
When I miraculously got pregnant without Clomid last Feb (the baby I lost at 16 weeks in June) I'd been at the gym for a few weeks, couldn't believe it and I was convinced excercising helped me ovulate, crazy stuff happens so all the best Scerena, stay positive x

TT, what can be done to improve your lining as I'm sure they can give you progestorone supplements, is that right?

My doctor says that once you have your first baby that shifts your hormones into place even if you have PCOS so it makes future pregnancies easier and more acheiveable. Just a shame some of us have and still having a hard time with the first!
I'm new here and I've posted this in several different threads here in hopes of getting a reply so please forgive me if you see this elsewhere :)
I have a few questions about Clomid and the trigger shot. I'm on my second cycle of Clomid 100 mg cd 3-7. I went in for a scan on cd10 and had 2 mature follies so we decided to trigger since I wasn't having an LH surge and she was afraid that the eggs would over mature before I got my surge. I did the trigger that evening and continued to temp and it's indicated that I O'd cd11 but on cd12 I had really bad ovulation pain, almost exactly 36 hours after the shot, which is when they say the shot will cause O to happen. Im just confused about my chart. Could I have O'd twice or did the shot itself make my temps go up? so so confusing!! Thanks in advance!

A little background:
3 m/c
Two months post surgery for Endo, PCOS and severe scar tissue connecting uterus and bladder
Turbo- Thanks hunni :hugs: Hows things going with you?? Hope you are not feeling so down about ttc??? :hugs: I read somewhere on here that estrogen supplements can be gived for lining?- worth an ask?

Daop- you have given me hope :) I heard going to the gym helps your blood pump round your body better, so hopefully it does that job for me :) wow 8 and a bit weeks and you will be meeting your baby :dance:

JWB- I am going to try out the legs on the sofa and a hot water bottle- I never knew that thanks for that info :) Makes sense as the cycle after the op I had a hot water bottle on me alot and I ovulated- Thanks for the tip :)
Thanks for the good luck for tuesday- I am prepared for them to say my follies arent growing just so I wont be too upset as I use to get my hopes up and become devestated so trying not to this time...
Hows things with you??? And baby???

rthm- Sorry I cannot help you with the trigger as I have never had one but I am sure one of the ladies on here will be able to help you hun :) I find FF to be abit ahead or behind by a day or two sometimes so do not worry too much or you may have ovulated twice :dance:
WELCOME TO THE THREAD :) I too had surgery 3 months ago- lap/hysteroscopy & ovarian drilling and I have PCOS!

Pink mum- :hi: how are you doing?

Hope everyone else is well?
Hiya rthom! I conceived with clomid and trigger so I'm a big believer!

However my experience was a bit different to yours. I had 3 scan monitored cycles of clomid+hcg trigger. The first cycle the trigger was given too early (what they thought was a mature follicle on the scan turned out not to be) and I definelty did ovulate bang on 35 hours after the trigger (very painful!)but my 7dpo progesterone was low. On my 2nd and 3rd cycles, I did ovulate following the trigger (on CD14 and CD25 respectively) but with both my temperature was really slow to go up. In fact with the 3rd cycle I was so convinced I hadn't ovulated based on my chart, that I actually allowed myself a few too many drinks at a family birthday that weekend...and it turns out I was 4dpo, and pregnant!

I know that doesn't help a great deal, but I would say maybe don't get too hung up on your chart - I think the trigger may affect your BBT. What day are you on now? Are you due to have your progesterone level checked? I think it's a given that the trigger causes your ovaries to release an egg around 36 hours later.

If you can post a link to your chart I'll have a nosy, though I can't say I'm any kind of expert! :flower:
I was the same scerena - hoping for the best for the scans but preparing yourself for the worst. Remember when I conceived I didn't get a 'good' scan till about CD23 so don't lose heart even if your follicles seem a bit small on Tuesday - it can all change.

Me and bump are fine - went swimming today which was lovely. And I think over the weekend we're going to do a bit of browsing prams. I forgot to reply to your post the other day - we love the iCandys too!! We've been looking at the Strawberry online whilst we waited for it to hit the shops. But our local stockist have it now so we're going for a play :)

Other than that I'm just trying to get the house in order. My mum reckons it's cos I'm nesting, but part of me thinks that I'm just taking advantage of finally having a decent excuse to nag OH to crack on with all the DIY! He can say no to me but he can't say no to his unborn!! :haha:
Justwantababy- I'm not going to be going back for a Progesterone check up because I'll be taking Progesterone capsules for 15 days. Here is my chart if you want to take a look. It actually hasn't given me CH yet but should tomorrow. Thanks!! And Congrats on your pg!!

My Ovulation Chart

Scerena- I had a hysteroscopy as well as a D&C. I thought it was going to be a no big deal procedure. Boy was I wrong. I was in horrible pain!!

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