Clomid/Tamoxifen/Metformin/Injectables- O inducing meds.. 7 BFP's 5 more to come

Justwantababy- I'm not going to be going back for a Progesterone check up because I'll be taking Progesterone capsules for 15 days. Here is my chart if you want to take a look. It actually hasn't given me CH yet but should tomorrow. Thanks!! And Congrats on your pg!!

My Ovulation Chart

I think that's looking great. I think the HCG trigger does have a cooling effect on your bbt (I think it's a oestrogen) which would explain the dip on cd11, then after that you've got a nice rise. Wait and see where your crosshairs are put, but I reckon you must have ovulated around 36 hours after your trigger (given that you felt it too). FF can be out by a day or so

Good luck! And thanks for the congrats :flower:
JWB- Thanks for that encouragement- last time the nurse thought I would ovulate cd20 something but they wont give me any scans that late on at that really annoys me- anyhow that month I was taking my temp and yes I ovulated on cd20 something- so I agree I think I might be a late ovulater...
How exciting pram shopping :dance: yes iCandys are lovely! I havent had a nose at the new one yet (so sad arent I :haha: ) I bet baby loved swimming today :)
:haha: yes at least you can get oh getting the home ready :haha: I really cant wait for your baby to be here I am so happy for you!
Oh and I done the hot water bottle thing, laying on the floor with my legs on the sofa- my oh thinks im loosing the plot even more I thin :haha: should have seen his face- I didnt tell him why I was doing it though I thought I would sound like a nutter lol more than I already am!

rthom- Aw sorry you was in pain :hugs: I was in a bit of pain but I was very very lucky my surgeon must have got rid of the gas as I had hardly any gas pain, Im not saying it was a walk in the park but I dealt with it pretty good... It is worth the operation though if it brings us our babies :)
:hi: ladies how are you all doing???
Very quiet on here :(
I'm here. Had been wondering how you all were too. Thinking of you all. When is your next scan scerena?
I'm here. Just taking my metformin and on day 5 of provera. Hope all you girls are OK. How you feeling Rere? Bean everything good for you girl?
Beanhunter- my scan is tomorrow so scared of hearing bad news though :/ only 12 weeks until you meet your bubba how exciting how are you feeling???

Turbo- how long does your af usually take to come when you take provera? Do you get any side effects when you take ur provera??? Im good thanks hun cd10 forgot to take my opk today...

Just so quiet on here ladies we need to talk waaaaaay more :(
It is super quiet. We used to go pages and pages in a day! haha. I usually get AF on my 5th-ish pill, but this time is different. I think I'm excited about that. Only side affect I get is wanting to kill the world and getting depressed. I get so irritable and sad its scary.

I'm sure your scan will give you good things. Do you have a lot of ovulation pain? At least they are finally monitoring you. It moves by so slow sometimes tho, huh? They always want you to wait for everything feels like.
:hi: i've been lurking here and there. I have alot of drama going on right now and haven't been on here as much. Unfortunately, i don't really know whats going on with everyone :cry:

I'm still on a break from ttc. After i've been cleared, it will be ntnp for who knows how long. I had my first ovulation after the surgery and it was cd 18 just like before surgery. I'm exhited/anxious to find out if i will still start spotting. supposedly the fibroids where causing all the spotting, so i will see!! i think tomorrow is 10dpo and usually that is when the spotting starts.
Good luck for your scan Scerena, I'll be thinking of you. Will check in on you later to see how it went. FINGERS CROSSED! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :dust: :dust: :dust: xxxx
Everything crossed for your scan scerena.
I'm good thanks. Feeling massive but sure I'm not really. Will see what the midwife thinks next week. Finally finished my overnight on calls so just normal working days now which is good as I was finding them hard. Off to my parents tomorrow for mums chemo and my husband is away this week so fancied some company.
I have two 12mm follicles (1on each ovary) and loads of 7mm follicles, they are hoping one grows by friday at my next scan so ones got to grow 6mm and they should grow 1-2mm each day. They said my lining will thicken as they grow, if not they r gna add estrogen to my cycle next time but they sound hopeful, so im keeping hopeful too as my follicles are bigger than my previous cycles... Fx'd for me ladies :dust:

Turbo- i too have been snapping at oh :haha: i get irratable too :) so no af yet?- different can mean good things so I am hopeful for your new cycle :)
Yes feels so horrible the waiting all the time especially when things arent working... Whats ur plan for this cycle metformin?

Teddy- are you ok? Why will you be ntnp and not ttc??? Hope you are ok :hugs: fc'd the spotting stays away hun :hugs: and yay or ovulating :)

Jwb- thanks hun, not as great as I would have liked but still have hope as the nurse has so fx'd... How are you???

Bean- aw glad you are back to normal working hours must b hard pregnant being on call :) I hope your midwife agrees that you are massive :) do you have any stretch marks yet? I hope your mums chemo goes ok will be thinking of you all :hugs:
:hi: girls!!

I am going to catch up on the thread today but just wanted to say hi!

TBP I read a bit of your journal Hun and i am so so sorry you are having to deal with all that :hugs::hugs: I truely hope things turn around for you soon and you are able to focus on TTC again :kiss: :hugs:

TT are you feeling any better Hun? TTC is the hardest thing I have ever had to go through. But in the end, I know I will look back and it will all be a blurr! :hugs: don't give up on your dreams hun! :hugs: :hugs:

Scerena your follicles are good!! :happydance: did they tell you to do/take anything else to help them grow?

Lily have you tested again? :hugs: I have been praying for you!! :kiss:
Pretty- you are back :dance: are you comin on here more now? Are you doing iui next month???
Do you think my follies are a good size then???
Nope they didnt say what to do lol- but I will carry on with the gym and do what jwb said the other day- hot water bottle and laying on the floor for half hour with legs on sofa.... Grow follies!
Glad to see everyone back.

Jwb, you are getting close huh?! Wow its like yesterday everyone made their announcements and now babies are coming!

Bean, you are very teeny and you don't look massive. You're perfect sized! Its adorable.

Prettttyyy!!! I miss you dearly. Where are you in the process? You said you're doing IUI, right??

Rere, Congrats on those lil eggies! You are doing great! Oh girl, this could be it! I'm so so glad they are monitoring you now. Feels like some real progress for you.

Tbp, love u girl!

Hmmm, hope I'm not missing anyone recent. Hope you are all doing well. Afm, doing good on the provera. I think I'm thankful that I've made it past a few days on the pill. I suppose that means my uterus is getting strong enough for a lining. FX so tightly that I've made progress. I am feeling better today. I was just super depressed yesterday for some reason. The Metformin doesn't make me as sick as it used to. I still get that yucky feeling that I'm starving, but its not so bad.
Turbo I agree very good see everyone back :dance:

Thanks hun- so do you think they are okayish sizes for cd11??? Im nervous just hope they grow! Glad you dont feel bad on the metformin and yes I hope this different cycle means good for you :) I am feeling very positive for you- all us ladies need :bfp: in 2012 dont we!
Yes! Its time for all of our BFP and round two for the other gals! I'm not sure about follie sizes babe. I think pcos gals are so different that any follie is progress. Maybe you can do that warm water bottle thing again to help get them growing more before cd18? Idk how true it is, but I heard the longer the follies are growing the more over-cooked the eggs get, so whatever you can do naturally to help them. I'm feeling pretty positive too. It might be because I had a psychic reading that said I'd have a happy family change in June. Praying its me and not my 19 y/o sister. LOL not that I wouldn't be happy for her, but jeeze, gimme a break.
Turbo I hope that its u and not ur sister :hugs: lets hope u get ur bfp by june :) have you been to a psychic before ttc? If yours comes true then I want to see one!

Done the hot water bottle last nite wont b home until about midnight tonight so cant tonite but i will tomoz... Ill b cd14 on friday at my next scan so fx'd!

I might start using my conceive plus this cycle to try and maximuse my chances if i ovulate...

Jwb, daop and bean- have you thought of any names yet for your lo's???
Aaaw girls it's so lovely to have (almost) the full team back!

Rere I think those follies are AMAZING!! It looks so promising you'll have a clear 'winner' by Friday! Will they trigger you or let you release it on your own? EXCITING!!
Rere, I went to a psychic a veeery long time ago and she didn't really amuse me. I'm interested to see what happens. They're fun if anything, but you kinda have to take it lightly.
Jwb- do you think so? I am so scared to get my hopes up... But I hope so- any other suggestions on what i can do to get them growing nicely??? Not sure about a trigger they havent mentioned it- wish they would give me one though!
Have you thought of any baby names yet? I already knw what I want to call my baby if I have a little girl lol!

Turbo- yes i get what you mean :) would be great if she was right though!

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