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Clomid Testers needing TWW Sanity

I am really sorry to hear you didn't ovulate, LeyLee :(. Maybe it's time for injectibles? Clomid just doesn't work for some and your doctor is definitely spot on with the risks :hugs: I really hope you get some results next cycle.

The hcg is tested out of my system...in a way it was sad not seeing a BFP but I know there is no longer a bean in there so I have to try again. I started my Clomid 2-6 and I'm praying for an earlier ovulation that is strong this month. I think part of the problem last cycle was my late ovulation...not until CD19...the egg might have been a little too mature.

I will go for bloodwork again soon and tomorrow I am asking about progesterone supplements. I would like to start them after I get my 7DPO bloodwork to check for ovulation. This month my progesterone was 20.1 so I don't think I'd need to supplement at that point anyway...and I want an accurate number. I will discuss this with my OB tomorrow...I hope she cooperates with my little "experiment"...lol.
I received my 7dpo progesterone results today. A sad sad 8.8 .. one final round of clomid next cycle... then we are finished ttc.. :(
I'm sorry :hugs:
are you going to go up to 150mg next cycle?
So sorry alleysm :( :hugs: Maybe try a different medication? They say Clomid doesn't work for everyone and my doctor actually said that she will not let me take it for more than three cycles before moving onto something else. Hopefully you get a good strong O next month, and actually, you may have O'd with that #...it is still possible.

As for me, I could not get in contact with my doctor. I called twice...they said she would call me back...nope. I have lots of time before I want to get on progesterone so I will just keep calling. Otherwise today is CD3 and I actually stopped bleeding completely but that might be due to starting Clomid last night...idk. HCG has tested out though which is good. I am very excited for this cycle...I have a good feeling about it...
Katie.. Welcome hun. Goodluck on your first cycle. I'll add you to the first page!

Leylee..:hugs: sorry hun. Why won't your Dr try 150mg of clomid? Is she a FS or RE? Generally its 3 cycles before trying something else. We're you monitored on the past 2? If not mm how does she even know what your follicles were doing.

She was very blunt with me and told me chances are the 150 wont work and she doesnt want to increase it because weve talked about the effects of increasing it. which she said could lead to ovarian cancer. Shes just and obgyn. I wasnt monitored by ultrasound or anything just a 21 day blood test to see if i did ovulate. She just recommended me to another obgyn in the area who also specializes in infertility and they have an ivf and iui clinic in their office and said because its in the office my insurance will cover it. i doubt it will, but i guess its worth a try to do IUI. I did go see an endocrinologist earlier this year who just put me on metformin and told me to follow i diabetic diet and that i would ovulate...not to happy with that becuase it obviously didnt with even with the clomid...

Leylee, I never Oed with Clomid and I went from 50 to 150mg...and in the end I now have a 7.6cm cyst to deal with. So I can understand your dr not wanting to go further...but I am wondering IF that is her concern why no sono to make sure you did not have a cyst? I am not trying to scare you. Maybe going to the other Gyno will be in your favor. Good luck, hun. :hugs: I am going to do an update with my recent RE visit but I wanted to mention that she will not be letting me do more clomid but will prescribe Letrozole with FSH injections (when I get this cyst resolved). Maybe ask if there are other medication options that the docs work with. Clomid is not the bee all end all of fertility drugs (or so I have recently learned).

I am really sorry to hear you didn't ovulate, LeyLee :(. Maybe it's time for injectibles? Clomid just doesn't work for some and your doctor is definitely spot on with the risks :hugs: I really hope you get some results next cycle.

The hcg is tested out of my system...in a way it was sad not seeing a BFP but I know there is no longer a bean in there so I have to try again. I started my Clomid 2-6 and I'm praying for an earlier ovulation that is strong this month. I think part of the problem last cycle was my late ovulation...not until CD19...the egg might have been a little too mature.

I will go for bloodwork again soon and tomorrow I am asking about progesterone supplements. I would like to start them after I get my 7DPO bloodwork to check for ovulation. This month my progesterone was 20.1 so I don't think I'd need to supplement at that point anyway...and I want an accurate number. I will discuss this with my OB tomorrow...I hope she cooperates with my little "experiment"...lol.

I am so sorry, December. :hugs: Good luck finding something to help with a successful cycle / pregnancy.

So I will no longer be using Clomid, I exhausted my "chances"...I wish everyone still pushing on lots of luck and baby dust....

I met with the new RE this morning and my hope has come back. Last week was a very emotional and down week...but onward we go...

So as far as the cyst, she said her approach was a wait and see...NOT jump to surgery. So she put me on birth control pills to give AF an invite to come on over... I so need her to show up. I do nto want to be gross but thinking of what is inside of me is making me feel gross. When I get my visit from AF I am to call for a sono to see whats up with that devil cyst. Hopefully it will be smaller? I questioned if it would be bigger and she said, no, it will not grow. :shrug:

We then went on to the "plan" (this will be the plan IF the cyst resolves itself). I call on CD 1 for sono and more blood work to check FSH and Estrogen. If all is ok we go to CD 6-10 for an HSG tubal dye study. If all is clear and hubbies SA is ok (we are waiting on results since he got this done on Monday) we move on with the most prefered plan. Combo Letrozole and FSH Injections (3 days). If that doesnt work, we regroup and make a new plan... First things first and we get rid of this cyst.

She was great. I really thought she would jump to surgery with her bio mentioning her skills and such with Laproscopic surgeries. I guess if it does come to that, she will have it covered. I feel like I am cheating on my gyno. I know she probably doesnt care but I have to go in for my bi yearly pap next week and I just feel bad...LOL Like I am cheating on her...LOL. :blush:

She is also very well versed in PCOS and told me that having PCOS was actually not all that bad since I was TTC at an older age. Since we have a certain number of eggs for our lifetime it is actually not bad that I missed cycles at different points in my life....while we do not know their quality I should have a good egg reserve. I am an egg hoarder. :happydance:

She did blood work today, as well, to check Prolactin, GLucose/Insolin (to see if I was a candidate for metformin / Glucophage), Genetic screening for Cystic Fibrosis and Ovarian Reserve Testing. I should have these results next week.

She answered most of my questions before I even asked them. I left feeling hopeful again. :thumbup:

Thanks for all the support. I will not be trying next month but I will be here sprinkleing baby dust, crossing fingers, and rooting for all of y'all. :hugs:

glad your appointment went well. It always feels better to have a plan :)
Leylee, I never Oed with Clomid and I went from 50 to 150mg...and in the end I now have a 7.6cm cyst to deal with. So I can understand your dr not wanting to go further...but I am wondering IF that is her concern why no sono to make sure you did not have a cyst? I am not trying to scare you. Maybe going to the other Gyno will be in your favor. Good luck, hun. :hugs: I am going to do an update with my recent RE visit but I wanted to mention that she will not be letting me do more clomid but will prescribe Letrozole with FSH injections (when I get this cyst resolved). Maybe ask if there are other medication options that the docs work with. Clomid is not the bee all end all of fertility drugs (or so I have recently learned).


Yeah ive also learned that clomid isnt the 'miracle' pill i thought it was, and i now realise there are more risks with it than thought .

Im sorry about your cyst, but it does sound like this RE knows what shes doing and has a well laid out plan for you which is great!

:rofl: cheating on your obgyn?!?! lol cute. thank you, after being down in the dumps the past couple days you just made me crack up and i needed a good laugh!! made my day lol
Hi ladies...

Just wanted to wish you guys a very good week....

We are off on holidays for a week....we leave sat....and tomorrow will be busy with a full day at work followed by packing!

Goodluck girls....and to those of you that are dealing with issues :hugs:
I'm don't think my betas are going down normally. Last night I took a wondfo test and it looked - but I saw it dried a faint + this am...then I took an FRER and wondfo and thought I saw a faint + on wondfo and maybe on FRER...well look at how that FRER looks now...keep in mind my beta was a 9 and that was on Monday morning...surely there is NO WAY I could still be getting positives? My progesterone was a 1. I bled heavily for two days and now nothing...I am going in to demand blood work because what the hell...now I dunno if I should stop my Clomid or not...gonna call my doctor's answering service.


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Wow that is definitely still positive. Did you have a full af or just spotting? I think they should do something to.figure it out especially since you are taking clomid.
I mean, I had spotting (brown/dark red/red) from 11DPO to 15DPO and on 15DPO they told me my beta was a 9 and my progesterone was a 1 (non-viable, probable chemical). So I felt my cervix the morning of 16DPO and it was open...I started bleeding quite a bit and cramping a lot. This continued through 17DPO (yesterday) and then today the bleeding completely stopped. This is NOTHING like my last chemical where I was bleeding HEAVILY for over a week with huge clots. IDK. I will keep testing I guess for now since I can't get in for bloodwork quite yet but this is just really really odd. Oh and with my last chemical I got a BFP and then started bleeding and it was a BFN in less than one day...so wtf...I guess I'll just monitor my cervix and any spotting for now (though there is none)...I think it's mighty weird that I would only bleed for two days with a chemical.
hello all!
So an update, finished my last round of clomid (days 2-7) I went out and bought an ovulation kit today and I am on CD12 and got a faint line on my OPK, my husband has been away but returns tonight (good timing) I am feeling very positive about this month!

December I am sorry to hear of your troubles. I use an all natural progesterone cream that I ordered online called awakening cream. If your Dr won't prescribe it to you, you can try this. You use it after you ovulate.

Good luck everyone!
Good luck maisypie :)

I had my day 21 progesterone done yesterday, 57.1!
Wow! 57.1 sounds like more than one egg...congrats! Today is CD6 and I am taking my last Clomid dose tonight. My tests have been negative so I think all is "well"...still haven't gotten a hold of my doctor so I don't know yet about the progesterone supplement but I am just happy to be getting - tests as I was concerned for a bit about ectopic. Will still get a blood test to confirm zero hcg, probably this week. I should probably ovulate on around CD15 because I ovulated 9 days after my last Clomid dose last month.

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