Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

i just went to the toilet and wiped brownish CM...i think thats it for me - i'm out!
Oh honey, that is awful. I really hope it is just some random spotting but if it is the evil af then love and hugs to you and even more luck for next cycle. If you are anything like me then you will feel rotten for a few days and then from somewhere, you will find positivity for the next cycle.
Life is cruel but we will get what we want in the end, one way or another.

i am honestly so so angry! i just cant be bothered with this anymore!

i don't always spot before af but it is definately not uncommon for me to do so...i am also getting pain in my ovaries and feel af is definately coming on early...i never get pains this must be the trusty clomid.

i feel like screaming!
Good morning to all.

Pink- I am so sorry:hugs: I hope it isn't so. I had ovary pain right before AF also which I have only experienced with using Clomid:dohh:

Beanwood- I am really going to be like you this cycle and not test. It absolutely drained me last cycle and I am determined to not let that happen. I am still crossing my fingers for you :flower:

Hopesfading- I have read that green tea may increase CM and improve the quality. I know grapefruit juice is preferred but I can not, for the life of me, stomach grapefruit juice, lol.:haha: So I am trying whatever I can! Also, CD 9 is not too late. I started on CD 10 and will do the same this cycle. Good to hear someone is having great BD while ttc:thumbup: Hope some of your luck rubs off on me :blush:
Hey girls,
home from camping now! How is everyone??
I spoke to hospital again, all they could tell me was that i cant start a new clomid cycle until af comes....yup, already knew that!!! Was a waste of time!! Am going to wait until the proper nurse is back from hols (25th) and call again. I got another + on thursday, a cb smiley! Stupid body!! Grr!!
Thanks for all the lovely comments. I just get mad as she's 21, only been with oh 9 months and has no job, nor does he! I waited 8 yrs with hubs to have a bubs so we can provide for it and now my taxes will pay for her baby! Grr! I'm happy for her but im still mad, thats bad isnt it? Am i a horrible person? :(
Hi Dreamofabean

Was camping good. You are not horrible at all for feeling that way. Stop thinking it. It is totally natural, we all have those thoughts. I have a friend whos sister had a baby about 7 weeks after I had my second. So that baby is now about 2 1/2. Since I have been trying for another one she has had an abortion and then gone on to have a baby who is now about 4 months old. (This is her 5th child) When my friend told me I have to confess I thought some quite horrible things about her and then felt really bad. But I decided not to give myself a hard time over the thoughts I had. It is human nature.

Hope you get the answers on the 25th - bit of a wait though isnt it.
I am phoning formy results tomorrow.

Camping was great thanks honey, just what i needed to get away for a couple of days!!
Thanks for your kindness hun, i know youre right but feel guilty feeling how i do!
I know, its a crappy wait, the fs is awful! DH has suggested looking into going private and getting an idea of costs so we'll see. Hope youre results are good honey xxx
I went private for initial appointment when ttc my 1st. I went to see a consultant at a place called west midlands hospital, it is on colman hill, between lye and halesowen. I live near stourbridge. He was brilliant. He booked me for a laparoscopy. Everything was fine and I conceived the following month, which is apparently common after a lap. I have been to see him again this time but not privately, I was referred by my doctor. Non-private he is dudley based. it was nearly 7 years ago though that i saw him privately. He is a really nice man, really put me at ease. If you decide to go that route he might be worth checking out. Just a thought.

Ah thanks honey, that's great to know!! The only other place i know is midlands fertility service in aldridge. They hold open evenings on the last thursday of each month so might pop in on ome of them and get an idea of costs etc. I dont think we can really afford it but my fs is a waste of time!x
How is everyone getting on today?

Dream- Glad you enjoyed yourself. Sorry to hear that fs is so passive with you. That is the last thing you need right now:dohh: Hope you get some answers soon but like Beanwood said that seems a bit of a long wait:nope: We'll be right here in case you want to scream!!! :friends:

AFM- The Clomid Crazies have started again but this time sooner than last cycle. My breast have begun to swell (nipples are ok!, so far:thumbup:) and I have gotten the WORST headache ever:growlmad: Starting to feel boated, that might be because I feel like I want to eat everything in sight- What is going on with me??? :shrug: And I am only on CD 7:dohh:

Did I really sign up for this....again???:wacko:
Aww bless you hopeful!! my tummy hasnt gone down at all since i started the clomid!! CD32 now! GRR! I have a big tummy and proper pg signs! I knnow know what they mean about clomid giving you symptoms! Ive not even oved and had such sore boobs and am constantly weeing!! How random really!!
Hope you're not suffering too badly!! I've never had a cleavage so love that clomid makes my boobs swell!! ha ha xx
Oh no Hopefulchick. Just rememebr it will pass. Amazing isn't it how your emotions change. XX
Dream- (.)(.) :haha: That made me laugh! :flower: Sorry AF hasn't shown and you have all these symptoms. Have you thought of taking a hpt just in case you actually did ovulate? I know your body has been out of sorts with all the confusing opk's.

Beanwood- I am totally feeling like a CRAZY person today :wacko: Have you had any spotting? Fingers crossed for you Bean :flower:

I would really love for someone (anyone) on here to get a BFP[-o<

Hope everyone else is getting on good today:hugs:
Hi Girls,

i'm still spotting and AF due tommorow. Right on time! i'm so so guttered i cant even begin to tell you all. I can feel that i am going to have the worst period pain ever! it just keeps getting better.

hopeful - sorry u have the headaches again..i'm seriously thinking i dont know whether i can go thru all this again.

dream - i'm with you on the (.)(.0)'s scenario..heehhe..hope af show for u soon babe!

bean - how many dpo are u now? seems promising for you babe! fx'd

hopesfading - hope ur doing well..

Well i'm just going to feel sorry for myself all day today - and wait for aF to come on...

hope everyones having a better day xoxo
Pink- Wish I could take your pain away. :hugs: I am a little out of it today. I was expecting the same response as the first cycle of Clomid which kind of has me nervous for the upcoming days:shrug:
hey Hopeful,

i'm definately out. AF has started in full force - 1 day early!:shrug:

i've cried myself out this morning and am stumped what to do!

i dont know if i do one more round of clomid or to go straight into ivf?

my FS only gave me 2 rounds of clomid and said if it doesnt work in 2 rounds it probably wont work for us....i guess it was up to dh's spermies.

i had at least 2 eggs this cycle and nothing, so i'm thinking why would this time be any different? i'm am so so confused.

sorry for the rant!

i could just imagine how nervous you are, all i can say is the Very very best of luck for you this cycle. i pray it works babe - i truly hope it does...

life is just so cruel sometimes.

where abouts are u in ur cycle? xoxo
Hi all

Pink wish I could say something to make you feel better. Am thinking of you. X

Hopefulchick - hope you are ok and symtons are not being to botehrsome.

Hopesfading - u ok.

Dream - so annoying when you want your period to come so you can get on with a new cycle.

I have not started spotting yet, but continue to hav painful af cramps. Am expecting period at any point. Have not tested. X
Hope you dont mind me posting. I am on my first round of Clomid and currently CD13. I have not had any side effects at all and worried that Clomid hasnt worked for me :-(
When does everyone get OV pains etc...x
Hello all

Pink, really sorry for you. Don't make any rash decisions; you will feel more positive in a few days I'm sure. And hey, no matter what route you end up taking, you will reach your desired destination I'm certain.

Beanwood - I have everything x'ed for you...

Welcome Wobberly. I too am on my 1st cycle with clomid, CD8 and no symptoms for me either. I was a bit emotional CD 3-4 but that really is about it. I am not panicking yet though. Are you using OPK's to detect ovulation?

As for the rest of you ladies, I hope you are OK (inbetween the moments of craziness and bloating, that is)! I look forward to any news.

I am but dont think I am doing them right.....

No line on them yet :-(

I will keep going with me. I have no EWCM either!

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