Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

hmmmm i don't think i conceived this cycle but definately not sure. I had a Lap & Dye last month which caused me to AF so if this month was going to be a regular one i would be due next week.

I always know when i am going to get my AF because a couple of weeks before it arrives i always get signs of ovulation e.g. EWCM etc. Don't know whether i actually ovulate though. I haven't had that since my lap & Dye so doubt anything will have been going on in there.

I have a question tho. I am currently Agnus Castus, Chromium and EPO. Am i ok to continue to take these once i start clomid?
Well it sounds possible Lisa which I think is all we can hope for when LTTC! I hope you have! I don't know anyting about Agnus Castus or Chromium but I am taking EPO to help counteract any side effects of the clomid. I doubt that taking anything herbal will affect clomid but I am no expert... Oh, I am drinking green tea for fertility and grapefruit juice to increase CM (I've heard a side effect of clomid is that you may have less CM)? Who knows if it is working but I feel virtuous for doing it!!! X
Hi girls

Welcome reba and lisa. Good luck to both of you this month.

Hopes fading - the soft cup scenario is the kind of thing thant would happen to me.

Hopefulchick- sounds like you are having a quite a good month with the bd. Wish i could be more positive bout that side of it.

Dream - hope you af comes soyou can get with next cycle.

Pink - how are you?

I have still had no results and have still not purchased ant hpts. Feel c**p though. Headache all day and knackered. Kids have headlice again. Aaaggghhhh........ They are driving me mad (the headlice that is). I hate head lice.They make me feel sick.
I have still had no results and have still not purchased ant hpts. Feel c**p though. Headache all day and knackered. Kids have headlice again. Aaaggghhhh........ They are driving me mad (the headlice that is). I hate head lice.They make me feel sick.

Can you call about results hun??
Headlice are minging!! Wanna know a solution? Well, a theory we have at work!! All of us have long hair and have never had lice..... GHD straightners!! They're that hot they must fry em!!:haha:
Hi have phoned about results but they were not in. Going to ring again tomorrow. Fortunetly I don't think I have lice, my mom has checked my hair. Still itching though. Have spent ages going through their hair. Both my sons have got longish hair. The 5 yr old wants it cut short. Think that might be a good idea. Might get some straightners though - the headlice solution i keep buying i will soon have enough money.

Anyway - how are you? Any signs of af yet. X
What a pain!!
No signs of AF yet hun! Think it'll be a long wait!! Yup consider a pair of straightners, know it sounds crazy but none of us have had em and our kids at school are crawling half the time!
Hopesfading- I took the pills cycle days 5-9. Today is my last pill. I will start testing tomorrow because I got my positive fairly quickly on cycle day 12 last cycle. So here's hoping it comes pretty quick again:thumbup: I do not know what the usual day that women on Clomid ovulate. I know that before Clomid I never had a positive opk. FX for your opk's:flower:

Does anyone know why some doctors prescribe Clomid on different cycle days, like some take it CD 3-7 and others CD 5-9? :shrug:
Bean- I am itching just from reading your post! So sorry. Hope you get it cleared up real quick:thumbup: At least it kind of takes your mind off everything else, at least for the moment:flower:
Hopesfading- I am the same way. I can never hold my urine. I always have to pee. So, this opk thing is hard for me too! I almost died when I had to hold my urine for the abdominal ultrasound! :loo:
Hopefulchick you are right about them giving me something else to think about. I was practically freaking yesterday when I found them on my eldest. I was at MIL trying to get them out. She had a torch on his head. Think she thought I was nuts. Maybe they are a blessing in disguise. They have been bothering me a lot. Infact i have just come to bed, but before bed have just coated my hair in conditioner and put it in plaits. Am not getting obsessed with poas but with headlice. Why couldnt i have had a nice distraction like shopping or a manicure. OHHH yeah money. XX

With regards to dcs prescribing tablets diff. days i have read that the earlier you take tablets the more folliclesit potentially produces, but less mature. The later you take them the are less follicles but they are more mature. Please anybody feel free to correct meif this is rubbish. XX
I almost died when I had to hold my urine for the abdominal ultrasound! :loo:

My friend had one and said she was finding it impossoble to not pee. I asked how much she'd drank and she said 2 big bottles of water.... She'd misinterpreted the letter and drank 2 litres rather than pints!!:haha: Imagine trying to hold that amount in!!! :haha:
I drank the recommended 32 ounces (2 pints) and I almost cried. The lady was taking FOREVER to do my ultrasound!:sad2: She let me release a tiny bit so the ultrasound would be tolerable, but it still hurt! After the abdominal ultrasound, I was scheduled for a trans-vaginal ultrasound and she asked me to urinate because my bladder had to be empty, right? So halfway through the trans-vaginal ultrasound she told me my bladder had completely filled again and had to stop the ultrasound and pee again! I never want to do another one of those again!
I amnot best at holding either. Think its made sommuch worse that you know you have to hold it. Why do they always run late when you are holding a wee aswell. Once when i had an abdominal ultrasound i couldn't hold it any longer and had to pee. I had to have the ultrasound done internally instead.:nope: Now i make sure i hold. xx
What a nightmare hopeful!!
I was okish for my scan, didnt find it too difficult! I just find i struggle with opks as if i dont drink much i get really bad back ache! So makes it harder to get a concentrated sampe!! x
hi girls
i feel like i've missed out on a whole heap..

bean - sorry to hear about the head lice - hope it goes for u quickly babe! theres nothing worse....(apart from BFN's)

i'm assuming u dont have AF - which is great! so have u tested - sorry if you have posted more earlier...i havent been on for a few days...i've been an absolute head case and so depressed.

hope everyone else is doing well xoxoxo
Hi Pink

Sorry to hear that you are feeling low. Are you going to take the clomid? I agree bfn worse than headlice.

I have not tested yet. Still not got blood test results. I am going to ring again today.

Hope you have a better day. X
Morning ladies,

Hopeful - I have temped in the past (for nearly a year) but I got so bored of it (and disappointed when I got the pre AF dip) that I gave up. But during that time I realised I Ov on CD16.

Hopesfading - I have a 30-32 day cycle usually but I usually start spotting on CD26 for 5-6 days (i think its one of the reasons I cant get pregnant but of course DR and FS dont think its a problem). FS said the clomid might help if the spotting is a hormonal thing - however it coulg also be fibroids. She said if the clomid doesnt help then the next step for me is a hysteroscopy to look inside the uterus.... I really dont fancy that - the HSG was bad enough!

Ive been TTC for 33 months now and not even the faintest hint of a BFP - i really hope the clomid works.

Hopes - you asked about ovulation also - i think you are suppose to Ov 5-9 days after your last clomid pill but of course nothing is certain. I Ov'd 9 days after my last one!
Hi ladies.

Pink, I hope you have progressively better days... Have you decided if you are taking clomid this cycle? X

Reba, thanks re when I may expect o/v. Please remind me what days you took clomid? All the best of luck to you, 33 months is a long time. I hope clomid is going to be your saviour.

Hopeful - great news that your DH is taking time out of work, I hope you have quality BD's!

I think I am now getting my knickers in a bit of a twist about which days people are taking clomid (must have too much time on my hands)! I wonder if there is any scientific reason behind it, or different FS's just have a different working knowldege of the drug and always recommend it is used on certain days?

In my case I certainly got the feeling that the FS always suggests it is used CD's 2-6; that it wasn't specific to my particular situation in any way. I just hope that it doesn't make too much difference to the overall outcome.

I am also feeling slightly annoyed that I am having 21 day bloods for one cycle only, no ultrasound etc. The variance in NHS treatment from region to region feels unfair.

Anyone got any good news? Bean, I hope you get the results today.

Hi ladies:wave:

Pink- Glad to hear you are back. Have you decided to take Clomid? I hope you feel better soon.:flower:

Bean- Sorry for stalking :blush: but you need a ticker so we can keep track how many dpo you are!

Reba- I hope Clomid is just what you need to get your cycle right! :thumbup:

Hopes- How are those opk's coming along. I wish I was getting further monitoring also. I just get the day 21 bloods. If this cycle of Clomid does not work, then I have one more cycle and then I will go in for further evaluation. I really hope it works!

Dream- Sounds like your kidneys causing you pain if you do not drink enough! Wow, that sounds a bit painful. That is probably why your DH was getting on you about dehydrating yourself!!:dohh:

What is everyone's opinion about what number progesterone should really be on day 21?:shrug:

hopeful i dont know what progesterone is meant to be tbh!!
Yeah i think it is my kidneys, dh always tries to force fluids onto me so i dont suffer!! hee hee.
Pink hope you start feeling better soon hun.
Bean you so need a ticker hun!! Helps us crazy girls that stalk you!!
Hope everyone else is well xxx

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