Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Hey ladies,
Pink im sorry af got you....can you send her my way please?! hee hee. Beanwood there is still hope!!! Wobberly welcome!!!
AFM: no i havent done an hpt as my temps are so low, dont think there is any chance!! Unless i have no progesterone! Grr! xx
Hi Ladies.

Pink- I know how it feels. Major disappointment. You try not to get your hopes up but us women can't help it. We want this so bad. I felt the same way you do now.:hugs::hugs: Like the other ladies said- Don't make any decisions today. Maybe have a talk with DH and see how he feels. What day do you have to start Clomid on?

Beanwood- What a strong woman! If I could only hhave a ounce of your strength when it comes to testing. I hope this is it for you:thumbup:

Hopesfading- We are on the same cycle day 8!!!:happydance: How exciting!

Wobberly-:wave: Welcome. I experienced my major days of ovulation pain on cycle day 13 and 14. Because you have no pains does not mean it isn't working. Everyone is different, so please do not lose hope. Some women actually O late in their cycles due to Clomid. What day did you start opk's? Last cycle, I tested my urine twice a day and held it for 3 hours prior to testing and limited my liquid intake so my urine would be more concentrated.
Hope that helps. FX

AFM- WTH- I am losing my mind because last night everything started coming back again. My throat is swollen, my nose is stuffy, sneezing and coughing. I was perfectly fine and over my cold. Then I start the Clomid and I am sick again. Something is not right. Why is my body doing this every time I take this Clomid?:help:
Awww bless you hopeful. All i can assume is that its having a big effect on your body? That's gotta be a good thing though right? Body is putting everything into making you a perfect egg! xx
Hi all

Trust me hopeful it is taking all of my strength not go and buy some tests. If I had some then i would have definetly used them. I am waiting for my progesterone test first, cause telling myself that unless that has risen then there is no point. Still feel like af coming though.

Baby dust to you all.
Hi all.

Nothing to report from me apart from hoping for an enjoyable BD this evening. I am well up for it at the moment - more so than usual possibly; could it be the clomid?!

Wobberley; OPK's are so frustrating. I am starting testing tomorrow or the next day but have never had one work so far. All I will do differently this time is drink absolutely nothing for 4 hours before hand to be sure my urine is as diluted as poss. Not looking forward to it but there you go. I don't get much CM either but have been drinking green tea and grapefruit juice daily to try and increase it.

Hopeful, what is your usual cycle length? Mine is 32-33 days though there have been a few exceptions lately! Do let me know all your symptoms...

Pink, I hope you are OK? Any further thoughts on clomid this cycle and if so, when should you start?

Bean - stay strong!!! Really hard I know but I think you will be glad you waited. Did you have a blood test for progesterone - is that the same test that says if you've o/v'd or not? Excuse my ignorance!

Good vibes to all of you.

Hi all, welcome wobberley

Am in bed having af pains. ahhhhh. If its going to come I would rather it just do so as going away week wednesday. Would be nice to get it out the way.

How is everybody else doing? xx

Hopesfading - yeah the blood test was to see if i had ovulated. (21 day progesterone blood test they call it) when tested before clomid it was 6.8. Hopefully it is more than that now. Still waiting for results.

Dream - have you bean to the docs to get your thyroid checked. X
Not yet bean but i will defo go soon!! When do you get your results hun??xx
Hey ladies :flower:

Bean- Really good point about waiting for progesterone test results. Will save you money and sanity:thumbup: I am hoping you get a high number:happydance: When will you know?

Hopesfading- As soon as DH gets home we will start :sex::haha: He even agreed to taking a few extra days off for me this upcoming week so we can have a better chance :happydance: That is a lot from him because he is a workaholic:wacko:

Dream- I really hope it is just a sign that my body is working:shrug: Just really weird:shrug: I also temp and knew that when my temp dropped last cycle and didn't go back up I was done. Hopefully, AF comes soon so you can start again. Can they bring on AF for you (Provera) if you didn't ovulate?? :shrug:

Fingers crossed for some dark opk lines this week ladies:happydance:

Hi all

Hope everyone is ok.

Maybe results today or tommorow. XX
Morning all. Advance warning, far TMI, you may not want to read further?!

The soft cups arrived yesterday and although I was a bit shocked at how they looked I decided to give one a try anyway.

After a wonderful BD (again- must be my lucky week)! I tried to insert one and promptly lost it?! I kid you not. I knew it wasn't in the right position as I had let go of it far too soon and so I had to remove it. However, it had gone so far inside me that all attempts to move it failed and just exasperated leakage.

After half an hour I got it out but sadly, I don't think a single sperm could have survived the ordeal. I was gutted (silly really)! and asked OH if there was any chance of an immediate repeat performance! But hey, I'm not that lucky...

I will use my first OPK this afternoon - already dreading the no drinking no peeing aspect; seems inhumane!

How is everyone else? Bean; I hope you get your results today and Pink, if you are reading, I'm still thinking of you.

Luck to all, Hopes. X
Hi Ladies

I have been reading this thread for a while now and thought I'd finally come introduce myself.

I started my 1st cycle of clomid this month - currently on CD17 - think I Ov'd yesterday as OPKs and pains all correspond! I didnt have any side effects from the clomid what so ever (minus the odd hot flash but that could of been the weather). I thought it might not even be working but had my scan on CD13 and i had 2 ripe follicles (18mm) each - but a thin-ish lining (6mm). That was friday though and if I only Ov'd yesterday then the lining will be thicker by now (i hope).

Anyway hope all you ladies are doing well. Sorry to hear AF got some of you. :hugs:
Welcome Reba!!! :)
Hopes, have you seen the vid on the softcup website? Gives a demo showing how to put the softcup in?? I have to admit i giggled a bit as theyre pretty huge to lose!!! :)
Hope everyone's well!! Beanwood hope you get your results soon!!
Hopefulcheick, the hospital were rubbish, going to call next week when nurse is back and badger them a bit!! I think it would make sense to give me provera xx
Hopesfading, :haha: You are making me nervous about using them!! I think I will watch the video. I didn't know there was one:thumbup: I will start testing tomorrow because today is my last day on the Clomid pill. FX

Gotta love the joys of ttc:flower:

Welcome Reba! And good luck with this cycle! Everything sounds great for you. :thumbup: Do you temp?:shrug:

Bean- Thinking of you and how you must be feeling :thumbup: FX you get some news soon!

Dream- I really sucks that we put our all into trying to make a baby and then you have hospital workers that are slacking:dohh: I hope AF comes today so you don't have to bother with them. Are you going to ask fs for a day 21 progesterone test next cycle?

AFM- Woke up still feeling like I have a cold. Hope it goes away soon. I have been loading up on orange juice and soup but that all is going to come to an end tomorrow when I start testing and start dehydrating myself:haha: FX
Hey Ladies,

I'm brand spanking new to this thread but have just been prescribed clomid (a whole hour ago) and thought i would say hi

I'm very excited to get the next stage of my TTC journey underway just need to wait until my next AF before i can start (whenever that maybe)

Good luck everyone i'm sure i will be asking tons of questions over the next couple weeks :)
Welcome Lisa!!

Hopefulchick: im scheduled for bloods on cd21 for next 2 cycles x
Dream and hopeful - thanks, if I decide to use the soft cups again I will watch the video. I really have no doubt it was user error opposed to the product being rubbish. I still don't think it's for me though! Hopeful, please don't be put off by my experience, I can be a real idiot at times, even with a diagram and written instructions to follow! What CD's are you taking clomid?

I have been a good girl, drank hardly anything for almost 3 hours and haven't peed once. This is unheard of for me - I can't even go that long through the night! OPK's had better work now!

Welcome Lisa and Reba. Reba, what is your usual cycle length? Wishing you all the best of luck. Lisa, hoping af shows soon so that you can move on to the next stage. I am on my 1st cycle of clomid, still only CD 9 but this is the most optimistic I have felt in almost 18 months, it's such a relief to have some assistance...

Hopes fading i think its just a case of practise makes perfect!! Like when you first use tampons i guess, i remember my 14 yr old self getting through a whole box of those before i got it right!! hee hee. Glad you're feeling positive honey!! Pass some PMA this way please!! ;)
Thanks Hopes i really can't wait. It's like a sense of relief and i'm so optimistic too. I'm not even dreadin the side effects as at least it will mean that something is going on in there unlike the 2-3 AF's i currently have a year.

FX it comes on it's own but if not they will force it in 4 weeks so not long now.

I have bought some softcups and preseed too. I haven't tried them yet but might have a practise before i start on Clomid. They do look very big though x
Good plan Lisa, defo practice before the clomid so that you are expert by the time it counts. I should have done the same instead I ended up wasting a BD as I really am convinced that I removed all of the sperm in my attemt to insert and then remove cup! Oh well, putting it down to experience and trying not to dwell on it.

Is there any chance you could have conceived this cycle? Sorry if that is a dumb question but I don't know what happens when women have very irregular cycles.

All, is there a rule of thumb about how long after the last pill o/v is likely to occur? And if I o/v earlier than usual (I don't think I always o/v and I don't really know when is usual for me but I am fairly sure I have as late as CD 24 in the past) does this mean my cycle length may change?

Just did 1st OPk which was negative, as expected really.

Hope everyone is having a good day. Dreams, PMA to you - I have more than usual this month. I have even wondered if the clomid is having a strange effect on me as I feel really happy and at one with the world. OH and I are getting on great, I think he has noticed that I am far less stressed about TTC than usual. Perhaps I needed these hormones and they are doing me some good in all ways?!


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