Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Hi girls

I amnot exactly sure when i ovulated. Wil try and sort a ticker out for next month.[ Based on wheni started clomid i should be officially due tomorrow. My results were normal so that is good. I then gave in and did a hpt:nope: BFN. Had a bit of a cry. :cry:Aaaaggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh................................................................... I am fine. Just want tocome on before my hols a week today. xx
Oh im sorry honey. How many dpo do you think you are? Could it stiill be too early?? Big hugs xxxx
Bean- sorry it was bfn. :hugs:Like dream said could be too early. At least the progesterone was normal! Did they give a number?
Hi all and thanks for support.

I have docs appoint in the morn so will get the number then and a new prescription of clomid. I did take the test in the middle of day but it was one that u can use 4 days before af due. Will use the other test in the morn just incase but not holding out much hope. TMI - but very dry down below. I find it is always that way when due af. As you have said atleast good news i ovulated. To be honest feel guilty having a moan as i am ttc 3rd not 1st. I am very aware how lucky i am to have had 2 children, and really hope that you guys that are ttc 1st can get a positive soon. My youngest james, who is 2 1/2 keeps saying "I want a baby dister" (Yes he pronounces it that way) ahhhhh he is so sweet. Above my own want for another i sincerley hope that you guys have the oppo to experience what i have been so fortunate to experience. Sorry if i am being soppy but am feeling bit emotional at mo. XX
Awww bless you darling! We'll all get there! Just because you have children doesnt make your wanting any less than ours!
I know that no cm can mean af but they also say that clomid can dry you up?
Good luck for the morning honey x xx
Bean- I don't know if it is the clomid but I got teary-eyed from reading your post.:cry: I agree with dream, it doesn't matter if it is your first or your fifth, I am sure the longing is the same. We all are striving for the same goal. Your little one sounds like the most precious child.:flower: I really appreciate those kind words:hugs::hugs: I am hoping you get your bfp. Good luck at the doc:thumbup:

AFM- I had spotting today which is kind of random for me???:shrug: Any ideas?
bean, i'm so sorry u got BFN. I too like u feel like i shouldnt be moaning because i also have 2 kids. The reason we are trying is because this is my 2nd marriage and we both want to have a child so badly! and its so emotional trying time after time.
its as tho the more we want something the harder it is:cry:

i still have my fingers crossed for you babe!
Thanks everyone you have made me feel loads better this morn.

Pink it must be hard when you have met a new partner and want to share that joy with them.

Did another test first thing. BFN - think i saw an evap line. It is so faint though that my husband says he can't see anything - he did have 5 cans of larger last night though and is feeling a bit rubbish. Have cystitis feeling which i always get before af anyway.
Am at docs at 9. Thank you everybody for all your support and being there. X
Hi again

Pink i hope i have not offended you as you are also trying for 3rd. Sorry if i did. X
Hi all

Have just got back from docs. My progesterone level was 52.2. Amazing. Before clomid it was 6.8. I have got another course of 50mg.

Hope you are all ok. XX
Good morning all.

Bean, great news. Will you get monitored again this cycle? What days will you be taking the pills? I hope you don't mind me asking but if you are pg, would the test have picked it up or would it still have been too early?

Hopeful; spotting on CD 10/11? No ideas I'm afraid but I think that anything out of the norm for you is a sign that the clomid is working? Pos OPK yet or too soon?

Afm, nothing to report! I have thought I felt the odd twinge here and there but I may be imagining it. No + OPK yet and no BD last night as I was in a rubbish mood and caused a row with OH. I must be crazy!? Will be making up for it tonight hopefully...

Luck and love to all. X
Ok, DOnt know if you remember me.
I am on my first cycle of Clomid. Took the tablets 2-6 and currently on CD17. I have PCOS so have been casually trailing OPK for the first time. No positive feeling crampy, period like pains....when to the loo and there it first experience of EWCM....I am so excited. Is this a good sign....not had it before? Going to DTD tonight - F'X. This prob going to be TMI but I didnt have it in my underwear but when I wiped....Anyone else get this?
It is great to wake up to good news!!:happydance:

Bean- You couldn't wish for better numbers:wohoo: I'm still holding out for you:thumbup: Kind of giggled when you talked about DH:haha: I hope you get a second line soon:flower:

Wobberly- Of course we remember you! Sounds like you got loads of the good stuff :thumbup: Have fun!! I know if you have pcos, sometimes opks can be inaccurate, but it seems like your body is responding. I don't recall if you temp or not?

Pink- How are you doing?:flower:

Hopes- No positive for me yet:nope:. Hopefully I can start to see a line soon because there is nothing so far, which is a little different from last cycle. I really do not feel anything in my ovaries so far but that didn't hit me hard until right at ovulation last time. [-o< for some dark lines today!

Dream- How are you? :flower:
No I dont temp as trying to be as relaxed as possible. Sounds promising lets hope I am and my body isnt playing tricks on me :-(

Sorry another question....Can you have EWCM without OV...or is it a definate indicator?
Afternoon Ladies,

Beanwood - sorry you got a BFN. I hope its just too early for you to test. Have you had an Evap line before? Maybe its wasnt an evap just a bit too early to test and not enough hormone yet to show a proper line (dont want to get your hopes up though). I have never in my life had an evap or anything of the sort (mind you I dont test too often cos AF is usually on time).

Hi ladies.

Reba, thanks re when I may expect o/v. Please remind me what days you took clomid? All the best of luck to you, 33 months is a long time. I hope clomid is going to be your saviour.

I think I am now getting my knickers in a bit of a twist about which days people are taking clomid (must have too much time on my hands)! I wonder if there is any scientific reason behind it, or different FS's just have a different working knowldege of the drug and always recommend it is used on certain days?


Hopes fading - I was told to take the clomid CD1-5 but when I went back to the FS before starting the clomid I asked her if it was okay to take it 2-6 instead which she said was fine. However I actually ended up taking it CD3-7. I will go back to 2-6 for the next few months though. I read that the earlier you take it the more eggs you produce but the later you take it the less eggs but better quality eggs. What days do you take it?

I havent DTD since Monday and I really should of got another few sessions in to be honest - i think Monday was Ov day but dont have anything to confirm it 100% - maybe i'll do some temping next month just to be sure.

How is everyone else?
Hi all.

Wobberly - I am no expert on EWCM so can't comment as to whether you can get it and not have OV but it sounds really positive to me. Good luck to you, happy BD'ing!

Reba, I took it days 2-6. I have been temping this month but am not too hopeful that it will tell me much as I keep waking and needing the loo throughout the night. I try and test at 6am but frequently I find myself wide awake at 5am and so have to test then. All in all, very annoying!

Hopeful, I just used an OPK and got a faint line so I decided to use a CB one too, just incase. Used the same urine (I went in a cup - at work too)! When I was waiting for the result I tipped away the urine and then the bloody thing flashed up an error message! What a waste, I only had 7 CB tests to start with. So, I still don't know if I have OV -I don't think so and it is still early at CD11 but even so.

My game plan this month is to try and BD every 2 days, at least up until ov. What do you all think?

Anyone got any more news?

Hi all

Hopes fading i had pills days 2 -6. It is technically my due date today i think and took test this morn. About being monitored I was so excited about my level that i forgot to ask for a form for a blood test so have had to phone the docs back. I am very dippy sometimes.

Reba - no i have never had an evap line just heard of them. It really was a very faint line though. Had to move stick to see it. Probably my eyes playing tricks on me. They were safeways own brand - never used them before but thats where i was when i needed / wanted to buy a test. I normally have them from the pound shop. 3 for a pound.

Hopeful I hope you are doing ok and get a pos. opk soon.

Hi again wobberely - sorry i can't answer that for you . Let us know when you do get answer though.

Dream, Pink - How are you both? XX
Hey everyone.:flower:

I have the exact same thing as wobberly. Loads of EWCM! But have yet to get a positive opk (not even close to positive:nope:) I really think the green tea helped with my cm, I have never had this much (sorry for TMI:dohh:) I don't feel any ov pains either. Maybe I will O later this time:shrug:

I have been extremely emotional today, crying over songs and memories. :cry:I had to stop myself and say- Get it together:dohh: Gotta be the Clomid:haha:

Bean- Still no AF? :happydance::af::af:FX

Hope everyone is getting on good today:hugs:

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