Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Hopeful, I just used an OPK and got a faint line so I decided to use a CB one too, just incase. Used the same urine (I went in a cup - at work too)! When I was waiting for the result I tipped away the urine and then the bloody thing flashed up an error message! What a waste, I only had 7 CB tests to start with. So, I still don't know if I have OV -I don't think so and it is still early at CD11 but even so.

My game plan this month is to try and BD every 2 days, at least up until ov. What do you all think?


Sounds just like something I would do:dohh: But why did it have to be the expensive one???:dohh: Hopefully you O soon so you won't need all the expensive ones:winkwink:

It is still early for us. So let's hope for dark lines tomorrow. That is what happened to me last cycle, the test slowly got darker each day, so it is great that you got a faint line already:thumbup: FX
hey all,
wobberly ive had ewcm and no ov...hopefully it wont be that for you hun!!
Bean hoping you get your BFP soon! Hopeful i hope those opks get darker!!
Anyone ive forgotten, sure there's lots: hope all is well!!
AFM: nothing! Slightly sore boobs and heaps of creamy cm but thats it. Temp dipped this morning but nothiugn major! Just waitin on wednesday now so i can call the hospital and have a tantrum!! hee hee xxx
Dream- hope you get some answers soon. I know it sucks to be in limbo :nope:

I had loads of creamy CM right before AF last cycle. Maybe that is a sign that she is headed your way. :shrug:Do you think fs will up your dosage?
Hey everyone,

bean WOW -that's great news! i can see that BFP is just round the corner for you babe - fxd for you!!!

everyone else hi - i think i've been out of the loop for a few days - good luck to you all this cycle and i hope everone "o'ing" o's very strongly...

i have my fingers crossed for you all.

i didnt' take the clomid this cycle - we are now just discussing whether i do one more cycle and then move straight into ivf/ICSI - hopefully we will make a decision in the coming weeks and just go for it. Maybe icsi is going to be the way for us....

hope u all have a fab day xoxo
Hi all

Hope everyone is ok.

No af yet but gone bit wet down there. Still got tummy cramps like af pains. Going to hold off on testing again. Have no tests and want to wait a while.

Have a good day everybody. XX
Good morning.

Bean, I have everything x'ed for you, you must be anxious!

Hopeful, I hope we get our positives soon. Having said that, I feel that if it still a few days away then that is a good thing, as I will hopefully be accumulating more spermies over the next few days!! Good news about your ewcm - I haven't noticed any yet.

I am charting and today I think I have had a slight dip but I am not really sure how much is clasified as a dip? Anyone have a better understanding of charting than I do?!

Reba, how are you doing? I hope you have squeezed in another BD!

I know this is contrary to what most people are experiencing but apart from two days when I have felt a little emotional, I have a feel of real happiness and well being this cycle. Could it be that the clomid actually agrees with me; maybe gives me some hormones I am usually missing? It may not be connected - maybe it's just that I feel hopeful again? Either way, I am happy and long may it continue!

Have good days all.

Hello all :flower:

Hopes- Last cycle my temp dipped low then jumped really high the next day and FF marked it a ovulation. Also, I had those same "happy feelings" when taking clomid last cycle. I had the same thought-My body probably needs these hormones. I don't feel like that this time though, so who knows:shrug: FX

Bean- Well, when was AF due? I was relieved last cycle when I ran out of tests. Didn't have to think about testing :thumbup: FX

Pink- Glad to see you are ok. I know you and DH will make the right choice. Hopefully you get a BFP this natural cycle and won't have to worry:hugs: FX

Hoping for a dark line today. :shrug: My temp dipped this morning:thumbup:
Hi Hopeful. Sounds like we have very similar reactions to stuff! I am now 1 hour in to the no pee no drink time - how very dull! I would like some evidence that the OPK's are working! How much has your temp dipped? FF hasn't given me a coverline yet so it's hard to tell but it is usually around 97.20 and today was 96.80. Now I think of it, I'm not sure this is clasified as a dip?
Update: OPK - after 2 hrs (couldn't hold on any longer so thought I may aswell) negative. Waited 2 more hrs and still no drinks, CB OPK - ERROR MESSAGE AGAIN!!!!! Now, even I can follow really basic instructions; holding a stick in a cup of pee for 15 seconds is not difficult to master?! I shall try one more time tomorrow, this time holding the stick in the flow of urine and if it doesn't work then I am giving up. The sress and irritation I am feeling is not worth it. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I need wine, now!

Hope everyone else is having a more productive day than I am! X
I've had a mega frustrating day today. Tried looking for a BBT thermometer before i start the Clomid (never charted before) and couldn't find one anywhere!!! Not even Boots sold them. Good old amazon to the rescue tho. Hope it gets here before AF arrives!!

I with you on the wine front hopes. I think alcohol consumption may be high tonight haha :)
Hi Lisa. I got my BBT from trusty Amazon too! Good luck wih the temping. I have to say I find it really hard and I am not sure I get anything from it but lots of ladies swear by it. Clearly I am just rubbish at this whole TTC lark! Having a glass of bubbly already... because I'm worth it! Have a lovely weekend and sending you baby dust. X
Hey ladies,
My new softcups arrievd today! In a MAHOOSIVE box!!! Crazy!!Still same here today, no af, no ov....nothing!!! Welcome to limbo land eh!! Hope everyone's well xx
Well, no positive or even close to positive today. I really hope I ovulate this month:dohh::dohh::dohh:

Hopes- Sorry your opks are getting to you:hugs: Mine are too. Really kind of bums be out because DH is here but no dark lines:nope: I bet as soon as he goes back to work, I will O. :cry:

Dream- I know limbo land sucks. Hope your stay is short:hugs:

Bean- How are you?? Any news?:shrug:

How is everyone else doing? :flower:Good luck to everyone.
There's still time honey, you're only cd12!! Will probs just have a quick surge!!! x
No news yet. Lots of af pains - really feel like going to come on. Think i am technically 2 days late. Every time i go to the loo i am inspecting the toilet paper. Yak.

I phoned the docs back because i forgot to ask for another blood test form. She said that she had spoken to another doc and they had said that they didn't see why i needed it monitoring. I know my results were high, but that doesn't mean it will continue to be does it. so i told her that my consultant had told that me that was what he wanted. I can't actually remember whether that is true or not so might have told a slight lie. Anyway she was like oh well if your consultant said that then i will. Feel a bit naughty as i don't lie. To be honest as much as knowing the level it is like a point that breaks up your cycle. Instead of looking straight ahead to when due think i blood test first. How sad am i????

Have still resisted buying any tests. Am feeling quite proud of myself for that.

How are you all??????

Don't think i will bother with opks again they really stressed me out last month aswell.
Bean- I think if it was a lie, it was well worth it:thumbup: I may have to do the same because I forgot to get a slip for CD21 bloodwork also:blush:! This should be interesting:winkwink: There is no shame in wanting to know your number!:thumbup: It only makes sense because we need to know if everything we are doing is working!

FX ladies:flower:
Hi all, due to start clomid tomorrow and nervous and excited at the same time, can I ask when you go for the follicle checking scan is it a transvaginal or external, I didnt ask so am wondering what niceties I have to look forward to lol
Welcome torilou!! I havent had a scan so i cant help but im sure some of the ladies can!! Are you excited to be starting clomid??xx
Hi all

Had to tell you a funny/annoying story. Bumped into a friend from school (long time ago) that i had not seen for about 6 months. I was holding the littley james on my hip (he was pushing on my tummy a bit). As she saw me she looked at my tummy and said wow. Her face then droopped and i said no i am not. (She does not know that i want another baby) She was mortified "i bet you want to smack me one" she said. I said no but i didn't realise my tummy weas so big. Ohhhh i do have a really swollen tummy. In her defence can see whay she thought it - am gutted. Was actually on my way to buy hpt. Which i did at 9.00 pm. Stupid time i know. Had only done wee 20 mins prior, then did another wee and tested. It was bfn but now thinking well it was diluted, shouldn't have tested. I am fine if i don't have them in the house, but if they are i can't resist.

Hope you are all ok. XX

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