Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Hey lovely ladies, to update you all im just re-posting my journal entry:

Hey guys!
cd: 42
mood: foul
I called the hospital, nurse has extended her leave and sint back until tuesday. Noone else will deal with me and ive been told not to calll until wednesday. I am not happy at all. Had a big, big cry. Why does noone care? I hate the NHS.
I have made a decision in my mind though. I will wait until next tues and call ( ignoring other woman!) if they wont help im going to docs and will lie and said they said to ask for progesteonre. I will then, and i know this is silly, but im gonna take my 2 months of clomid togther, 50mg did nothing. If that fails, wait until oct 14th for appointment and if no joy we'll go private. Im sick of people passing the book and not helping me. Ive always been the girl that follows the rules and its got me nowhere
Im in such a stinking mood im sure that af may well come on her own before then. Could just quite happily go back to bed and cry all day DH is getting it in the ear and i just cant help myself. We didnt bd last night as although i know i got a + i dont believe for a minute im going to ovulate. Im just broken and noone wants to fix me :(
Dream- I am so sorry they are treating you this way.:hugs: It seems so unfair. I really wish they would let another nurse prescribe Provera at least. What a joke.:nope: I know you are upset and you have very right to be. I would do the same thing with clomid if I were in your shoes. They are probably going to up your dose anyway. Lets just pray for AF! How wrong to make you wait weeks and weeks:growlmad:

Hope DH is patient with you :hugs:
Thanks hun. Ive been horrid today, can thelp it :( I have decided ill defo double dose and means i just get one chance instead of 2. Hadnt realised that when they double your dose to 100mg they just give you 2 x 50mg tablets anyway so no worries about too much of any active ingredients in the tablets!!x
They are giving me a hard time about scheduling my day 21 bloods. I am so annoyed. Especially since last time it was barely normal. Why do I have a strange feeling that the woman on the other end of the line has like six kids and could care less if I ever get one! Sorry, just in a foul mood atm.:dohh:
Hello ladies.

Dream, this is terrible, the NHS can be shockingly bad it seems. Did you have a Day 21 blood test and if so, do you know the results? You probably already know this but I was reading the leaflet FS gave me when he prescribed C and it said the following:
Results > 40 continue C50 < 40 increase to C100
I shall be asking for my exact results and then deciding whether to up my dose, after all, this is the advice issued by the FS.

Hopeful, are you still feeling OK? How are you going with the no SS? All is well I hope.

I have a slight dilema, I am CD18 and no + on an OPK yet. I will test for the next 2 days but I have next to no hope of getting a + now. FS Secretary specifically said to have progesterone blood test 7 days post surge or 7 days before af is due (quite tricky as mine varies a little) if no surge detected. That would mean approx. CD25 for me, however, I know that CD21 is the norm. What shall I do? What are the implications of testing too early or too late?

I have a feeling I have not OV'd and so I really want to get an accurate progesterone reading to be sure. Worryingly, I think I am only have a blood test this cycle. If it is border line again I will insist on a test next month - and go to my GP for it if necessary!

It's all so confusing :dohh:
I have gotten advice from other ladies on here and they mostly all say 7 dpo or 7 days before AF. So sounds like CD25 would be your best bet since you have no confirmed positive:hugs:
Thanks Hopeful, I will stick with that then. Why are they giving you a hard time? I hope your mood improves soon! X
Hey ladies,
i didnt have bloods this cycle :( Nothing!!
Hopesfading i hope your positive is just being a bit lazy and does arrive hun!!! Hopeful how are you honey??
Hi all everyone else ive forgotten about!!! xcxxx
Stop bloody press; I just used my last Clear Blue OPK ( almost didn't bother, so certain was I of a - )... and low and behold, I got my 1st ever smiley face!

I am at work in a ridiculous state of anticipation and excitement (have even taken a photo of said smiley)!

I have to laugh, I can't imagine being much more excited over a little pink line! I have to calm myself down and remember that this is only ovulation and there are a whole lot of other steps in between!

Still, it has made me happy for today and for that I am truly grateful :happydance:

Dream, I really hope you get better treatment next cycle and altogether better luck all round.

Love to all, I am heading home to dance like never before! :sex::sex:
aww bless you!!! I always take a pic of my smiley too!!! hee hee :) xxx
Hopes- that is AWESOME:happydance::happydance: I remember that same feeling last cycle. First positive ANYTHING in my life. Enjoy the feeling, you deserve it. Good luck BDing!!!!:spermy::spermy::thumbup:

Dream-Hope today is a better one for you.:hugs:

AFM- Finally got to speak to another nurse and got everything taken care of. Doing day 21 bloods on Saturday and they will test hcg also. Isn't that a bit early to test hcg :shrug:, I have no idea. Just glad someone is doing something:thumbup:

Hope all is well. How is everyone else doing in their Clomid cycles?:flower:
hey ladies do you mind if I join you? first try of clomid this month - just added my temp at ff and bingo - ov on cd13 - never before have I ov on cd13! so 3DPO - fingers crossed!

am also waiting for my blood results as i had blood clotting blood tests done last week - so fingers crossed Ill get them soon too!

baby dust to everyone

Welcome Rowan!! :)
That's fab news about your ov!! FXed for you!!

How's everyone else???
AFM: Good news finally!!! I went to a private clinic last night, they cant help at the mo but gave me some pointers to bring up with hospital.
How naughty is tis, nurse who is meant to be off until tuesday answered her phone this morning!! Lying hospital! Grrr!!
Explained everything, she said the pains ive had sound like i may have a cyst thats preventing af or ov. So got a scan on monday morning. Am prepared to grill her over upping dose, giving me provera and scans in the future!! Whoop!!! Just praying af stays away now!!! xxx
Dream- I can't believe that they lied! How awful! :growlmad:At least you are finally getting somewhere. Did you have to pay out of pocket to go to the private clinic? I hope the time flies by and you are on 100mg clomid real soon, you have been patient long enough:hugs:

Rowan- Welcome:flower: Good luck with your clotting test. Do you know why they are doing that test?

Hopes- How are you?:flower:

Bean- Thinking of you :flower: Keep us updated!

Hello to everyone else :hugs:
Hi all

Welcome Rowan and good luck :thumbup:

Dream, so pleased for you, I hope the scan eases your mind and defo go armed with all of your questions, make the Hospital work for you!!

Hopeful, it sounds early for a HCG but I am no expert. Wouldn't it be amazing if it was a positive!

A question for you, if I had a positive OPK yesterday (CD18) do I assume I will ovulate 48hrs later (CD20) or do I cound CD18 as my OV day? I just want to know when I can start counting the days as DPO. Also, I need to get me a ticker I think! How does that work - I am technically challenged to say the least!

I hope eveyone is happy and having a good day?

Hopes. X
Hopes- I usually input my info into Fertility Friend and they tell me how many dpo I am. I know that after your surge you can O anywhere from 12-36 hours so I usually go by my temperature change. I can't recall but I don't think you are temping? Did you ever get any EWCM?

I hope I didn't confuse you more:dohh:. And YES you need a ticker, please:haha:
Just started clomid today and reading all of your previous posts has really given me a better idea of what to expect. I am trying to be hopeful this will work, but also be cautious at the same time that I don't set myself up for major disappointment if it does not work right away.

I have been ttc for over a year and my progesterone number at CD 21 last month was 1. Anyone else have such a low number and go on to have success?
Morning everyone.

Hopeful, I was teming but I gave up a few days ago as they were so eratic I just couldn't see them working (not the 1st time I've tried either) perhaps I should have carried on this cycle though. Oh well, I either will or won't be pg; knowing exactly when I OV would have been nice but it isn't the be all and end all. Or so I am telling myself!

OH is being a bit of a git about BD today - we did the last 2 days and he is knackered! I was reading in a variey of places though that it's best to do it for 3 days after positive OPK. What do you all think?

Welcome stillttc, I have no answer for you but I am sure other ladies will. Good luck and I hope your stay is short.

Happy weekends and dust to all.

Wondering how Bean and Reba are doing? Hi Dreams and Rowan and anyone Imay have forgotten...


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