Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Hopes- I was searching Fertility Friend for some help for you and they have an interpretation method based solely on opk's for those who don't temp. This could be just what you need. Have you set up an account yet? After you do, go to My Chart--Settings--Charting Options--Then scroll to bottom and select Default Detector--Select OPK/Moniter. I hope this works for you. How are you feeling today. Don't fret about DH, mine was the same. We couldn't do 3 dpo of BD, We were exhausted.:wacko:

Stillttc- Welcome :thumbup: Sorry I can not help. I go for my second day 21 progesterone today. Last cycle was barely normal-10.1:dohh: I hope Clomid causes yours to raise.:thumbup: Good luck this cycle. Are you temping, and/or opks?:flower:

Fingers crossed for all of us:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hey all,
Hope evreyone is well??
No the feritility clinic hadd an open evening so we got to pick the nurse's brains for free!! She really was excellent too!! :)
Im just praying af stays away until monday afternoon at least now. Having cramps and backache. They cant do the scan if she's here!! Grr!!
Just started clomid today and reading all of your previous posts has really given me a better idea of what to expect. I am trying to be hopeful this will work, but also be cautious at the same time that I don't set myself up for major disappointment if it does not work right away.

I have been ttc for over a year and my progesterone number at CD 21 last month was 1. Anyone else have such a low number and go on to have success?

Hi Sttc
Im in a similiar position to u!:nope:
My bloods were taken bk in April and progesterone was 3!!
She has now decided to refer us to gynae for "investigations"!!:happydance:
Im hopin clomid will rectify our prob!
Ive a appointment to get my 21day bloods done again in Sept.
I hope they find whatever it is thats wrong and fix it!
Please let me kno if somebody gets bk to you who has been successful with such a low level!
Thanks xx Ro
Hello girls
Ive just been referred to gynae by my doctor last wk
My bloods were takin in april and my progesterone was 3
She said that wasnt good!! So after months of naggin shes decided to refer us to gynae for investigations
Im wondering what to expect,i mentioned Clomid she said only my consultant cud prescribe me that
I now worried that i think Clomid as a miracle cure!Maybe theres abigger problem?God knows!!
Im 40 and feel my times running out!
Does anybody know what im too expect?
Im getin my 21day bloods done again in Sept
Thanks for readin
xx Ro
Hi Girls

Had a lovely break. Sounds like lots has been going on.
Dream am glad that you went to the clinic - your nurse sounds so unhelpful. Why are these people in these jobs.

Hope and hopes - how are you both getting on. Hopes great news on the opk.
Hopeful how is the ss going? Hope everybody is ok.

Hi- Baby Carey- Welcome:wave: Sorry to hear that you having such a hard time. And sorry about your loss:flower: You are not alone. We are all going through very similiar issues. I am glad you have been referred:thumbup: I would be cautious as to think of Clomid as a miracle drug, just to help protect your heart in case you don't conceive straight away. Fingers crossed Clomid is exactly what you need:hugs:

Dream- That is great that it was free:thumbup: That is rare in the TTC world:dohh: I am praying that AF stays far away so you can get those much needed answers.:hugs:

Bean- Glad you enjoyed yourself.:thumbup: Now let us know how it goes at the doctors:flower:

Hopes- How are you today? Hope all is well:hugs:

AFM- I got bloodwork today. Please keep your fingers crossed that my progesterone has risen[-o< If not, I am definitely going to stalk him for some 100 mg!!!!:gun:
Hey all,
af still clear here so lookig good for having my scan! whoop! One more sleep and ill hopefully have some more answers!!
Welcome babycarey!! Hope everyone is well xx
Hi all.

Hopeful, thanks for the advice, I am looking into it on FF... Think we just had our last BD that could count? OH a little moody about it but I am soooo past caring! I can relax a little and be 'nice' to him for the rest of the cycle now I guess. Though the what if there was a mistake and I'm ovulating really late question keeps coming into my head...

Fingers crossed that your blood work will come back with high levels of progesterone - when will you know?

Dream, I am positively willing the bitch (she has been upgraded from witch since she got a truly lovely lady, who had so many pg signs it was simply cruel, earlier in the week)! to stay far away from you...

Baby Carey, I feel the same as you. I worry that I have got my hopes up too high since Clomid was prescribed. From reading a zillion posts on here and quite alot of other research, it seems it is a miracle for many - but not all. I have read quite consistantly that if it hasn't worked in 3 cycles it is unlikely to work - although the right dosage has to be prescribed in the first place and it seems it isn't always. I pray it works for us all.

Much love, Hopes. Off to the gym now - and then hoping for a more fun afternoon! X
Dream-Great news. FX:thumbup:

Hopes- That is so funny. I had those same nagging thoughts about Oing later in my cycle than I had thought. But I didn't dare mention it to DH:nope: He had given his all and I had to appreciate that.:thumbup: Hope FF helps you.:flower:

AFM- I have had thick creamy cm since O. My nipples are not sore like last cycle-which has me a littlle concerned about my progesterone level being too low. I am not as bloated either, just real crampy like AF and sleepy, gassy and keep belching. Basically, I do not feel almost anything like last cycle.:shrug:One thing I do know is I will not be testing until AF is due, I can not take the heartbreak this cycle.:cry:
Hey girls,
good news!! No cysts!!! She said my endometrium is very thin, 5mm. Needs to be about 7-9 to implant and is around 12mm around af time. She has given me progesterone again and this cycle im on 100mg clomid! Whoop!!! :) I will have bloods and follicle tracking this cycle too!! Yay!!! Such a happy bunny!!!
Hope everyone else is well xxxx
Oh Dream:happydance: Couldn't be happier for you! You deserve the best treatment especially since you have been so patient:flower: I hope it all goes well. Are you starting Provera today?:hugs:
Im starting it tomorrow as i was advised, have that for 10 days and then last time af arrived after 3 days so FXed!!! Thanks honey, im so excited to finally have something to cling to!!x
Dream I am so pleased that you are finally getting some help. Thinking of you.

Hopeful and Hopes how are you both doing?

Hopeful I have not been to docs yet as bank hol am phoning tomorrow to make an appointment. XX
Hullo ladies

been to the lake district for the weekend so just logged on - wow so much has happened! Hope you are all ok today

good news Dream :flower:

just uploaded all my temps into ff and its changed my ov date so Im now 6 DPO - its not looking too good up to now for bfp but I'm so grateful to have the clomid in the hope it gives us the chance! fingers crossed

Ive had the blood tests for clotting as my blood clots super fast and after my mmc one of the Drs mentioned it may be a factor - the dr at the hospital had said Id have to have 3 mc before getting tested which I thought was ridiculous so I asked at the fertility clinic if I could pay for them and my consultant said I could have the tests done now and for free - its definately worth asking for stuff - its getting someone who listens thats the hard part!

I wasnt expecting the sheer volume of blood they needed tho :eek: 6 normal vials and one huge one!

good luck to everyone :)

:howdy: Ladies, I need hugs today, I feel very down. Apologies in advance as I am about to have a loooong rant - this thread isn't really the place to have it but you guys are my friends and I feel most comfortable here... :friends:

A colleague came into work with his Wife today, to show off their new baby. I discreetly (ish) left my desk (and the office), I thought I'd wait it out in another Dept.

During this time a colleague who used to be a good friend updated her Face Book status with something along the lines of "some people need to get over it and realise that the world isn't all about them".

It was definitely aimed at me and has really upset me. I thought leaving them all to their joy and happy baby talk rather than poisoning the air with my jealous thoughts was the right thing to do for everyone.

This girl has been insensitive to me so much since I have been TTC that we are no longer friends, I am still polite to her but we now share only empty chat; no personal details whatsoever!

I have ranted on another thread about this so sorry if you have read it but she has 2 boys that she never stops complaining about - she really wants a girl! She used to ask me at least once or twice a week, in a pitying tone, if there was any news yet. As a Mother I thought she'd understand the basics; if I have my period this week, I will not discover early next week that I am pg!

Then a few months back the girl I sit next to announced she is pregnant (they weren't trying). It was so hard for me to deal with and I considred leaving my job; I just couldn't imagine having a pregnant person quite literally in my face all day, every day. OH and I argued about this a lot as he couldn't understand how I felt. Anyway, girl number 1 does nothing but talk about the other ones bump, it's really as if she is trying to upset me.

I am so angry and pissed off with her complete nastiness, I could cry.

I finished work an hour and a half ago but I don't want to go home and face OH as I seem to do nothing but moan about these things and he just doesn't get why I care about what other people have / say / do. But I can't help it, it's the way I feel.

I'm sorry for whining and I realise I sound like a 9 year old. :brat:

On a more positive note (if anyone has got this far)!

Bean, how are you feeling? Still amazed I'm sure!

Rowan, Dreams - I am glad you are both getting better treatment, how right that if you don't ask, you don't get.

Hopeful, how are you doing?
oh big hugs hon sometimes a good old wine on is good for you and where better to get it off your chest than here!

not long after my mmc a girl in my office was having her baby shower so I worked in a different office for the day on the pretence that I needed to focus on a particular task. I felt too sensitive at the time and also didnt want anyone feeling awkward either - some days its just too hard isnt it? But I hope that there are days when its ok for you soon and work is better for you


Oh honey im sorry you're having a hard time!! What a bitch!!! :growlmad: I'm sending some vibes her way : :trouble: :trouble: :trouble: :trouble: :trouble: :trouble: :trouble:
Sending you big hugs, it's so hard when it's all you want, without other people being mean xxx
Hopes- No need to filter your feelings here. :flower: I think we can all relate! Last year, I worked on a team with a girl who became pregnant with #3 and for the entire pregnancy I had to see her belly grow and hear about everything. I really enjoyed this person and was trying hard not to show how utterly jealous I was inside.:cry: I hate that I had those feelings but we are all human. After recently hearing that SIL was expecting again, it gets harder and harder to look at my BFN's and tbh it seems unfair:cry:. Sorry to turn your rant into my rant. I don't blame you for wanting to remove yourself from the situation at all. Try as hard as you can to ignore those ugly comments. They have no clue what it is like to srtuggle with infertility. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

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