Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Hopes i am so sory that you have had such a horrible day. what a c**. It is unbelievable to think that adults can be so mean and spiteful. what chance do the kids stand?????? i think all who are ttc have experienced a time when you remove yoursef from situation. Not because you are not happy for them, but you feel that you your heartache may show. I remember a girl who was ttc when i was ttc my first aswell. She got pregnant (didn't stop smoking and drinking). The one night we were out and i was talking to another friend about ttc. She came out overheard and infront of loads of people, put her hands on her tummy and said "you can have this one". I was mortified,, embarrased, upset. in all fairness to this girl she is nice and chatty, just a bit immature. I really hope that you are ok, as for oh, i know my dh found it hard to listen to me, but he said he did not want to see my so upset. men handle things diff. don't they. Big, big hugs to you. XX
Coversation goes as follows:

Me: Hello

Nurse: Hi This is your nurse calling about your results

Me: Oh How are you? :flower: (Please say I am pregnant, Please!!!![-o<)

Nurse: Doc says to tell you you are NOT pregnant and should expect a spontaneous period soon. And to continue the Clomid at 50 mg:cry::cry:.

Me: Ok Thank you. (SPEECHLESS:cry:)

I couldn't even muster up the strength to ask what my Prog level was and tbh, right now I do not even care! I feel defeated. And somehow someone calling you and telling you that you are not pregnant and should get AF is even harder than just getting AF (weird right??)

Every ounce of my hope was sucked out of me today. I sobbed for about an hour after the call. Why does it have to be so hard? I am utterly, positively, 100% gutted.:cry:
Coversation goes as follows:

Me: Hello

Nurse: Hi This is your nurse calling about your results

Me: Oh How are you? :flower: (Please say I am pregnant, Please!!!![-o<)

Nurse: Doc says to tell you you are NOT pregnant and should expect a spontaneous period soon. And to continue the Clomid at 50 mg:cry::cry:.

Me: Ok Thank you. (SPEECHLESS:cry:)

I couldn't even muster up the strength to ask what my Prog level was and tbh, right now I do not even care! I feel defeated. And somehow someone calling you and telling you that you are not pregnant and should get AF is even harder than just getting AF (weird right??)

Every ounce of my hope was sucked out of me today. I sobbed for about an hour after the call. Why does it have to be so hard? I am utterly, positively, 100% gutted.:cry:

AWW you poor dear!!! Do not lose hope! You will get that it wasn't this month, there is always next month is better...cuz you'll be more relaxed, confident, happy (at least tell yourself you are)'ll find the energy to BD as often as possible to ensure that little spermy meets his new best friend miss egg and make a beautiful baby!
BIG Hugs to you!!:hugs: You can do this!! I am cheering you on!! I can only imagine that hearing those words would be a million times worse than AF just showing up one day...because when you get the phone call you know what it's gonna be about and you are hoping for one answer and one answer when it's not the one you would deflate you completely!!! You can do it though!! It's gonna happen for you. I'm on my first round of Clomid at 50mg...and I am keeping that PMA up and keeping the pressure off of myself. I would ultimately like a BFP by Christmas....and I have this feeling (God given feeling) that it's gonna come soon. But the PMA does have to stay positive....stressing and obsessing only prolong the agony!:hugs:again and best wishes dear!! :flower:
Born2BeAMommy- Thanks for those kind words. I just can't stop crying. I have never been like this. Don't know what to do with myself.
Hi Ladies and thanks, you all helped to cheer me up. It seems we all go through these issues with other people being insensitive around us. I guess they don't always do it on purpose; we are just in a vulnerable position and they are being insensitive about the one issue that is going to cause us upset.

I still wish I could banish all of these people from our lives though, just until we each get our BFP's - but then the world would certainly be a bit empty around me :winkwink:

Hopeful, you poor, poor thing. Is your cycle always 25 days? I thought it was longer... You must be feeling crappy right now but you must pick yourself up and dust yourself down again - next month really could be your month.
On a practical note, are you going to ring up and find out your actual results? :hugs:

Bye for now, Hopes. X
hey ladies just checking in - oh big hugs hopeful - its so so pants, I know its not much comfort but when aunty ruby comes you'll get a whole new fresh chance and youve got clomid as extra help fighting your corner - you'll get there :hugs:

hopes - bug hug and hope todays been a better day for you. :hugs:

got to wait til Friday for my blood results - its been 2 weeks already so Im practising my patience :sleep:

CD22 7DPO and I am sooooo bloated and hormonal - is it likely to be the clomid do you think? I was massively bloated last time I was bfp but not this early!

Hopeful how are you? Big hugs to you. That must have been horrible for you. Thinking of you. XX
Hello all.

Any tips on getting myself a ticker?!

I am on CD24, pos OPK was CD18 and I feel nothing, nothing at all! I have a feeling this is a bad sign :nope: Having my blood test tomorrow but I doubt I'll get the result until at least Monday. Anyone else feel completely normal on their 1st Clomid cycle?

Baby dust to one and all. Hopeful, I hope you are feeling a little better honey?

Aww hopeful, im so sorry! Can totally understand how its harder to be told, esp in that blunt a manner!! Big hugs to you xxxx
Hopes- Glad we cheered you up.:flower: How have you been feeling lately? My cycle is usually 25 days. I have had a few of 27 day cycles, but mostly 25. I should have AF in two days and my temp dropped this morning, felt like a nail in the coffin. :cry:

Rowan- Thanks. I am glad I have a place to vent. DH is sweet but he doesn't let it affect him like I do. Maybe because I am on a hormonal roller coaster that does not have an end in sight. I had the same bloated feeling after O on my first cycle but not this cycle so much. I hope it settles down soon for you :flower:

Bean- Thank you:hugs::hugs:. How are you feeling? Any morning sickness? So exciting and thinking of you continues to give me hope :hugs:

Dream- Hope you are well. Starting progesterone today, I hope the time flies by for you :flower:

AFM- Well, yes I did let some common sense hit me :dohh: and called for my results. Progesterone level: 12.4
It is great that it rose a little bit instead of going down.
Maybe doc is letting me go on one more cycle at 50mg to see if it rises more because first cycle was 10.1.:shrug:
After this cycle, we are going to meet and we will disuss further treatment.

Truthfully, I can't say that I am ready to start the Clomid again and never thought I would be on to cycle 3 :roll: but here I am and I have to put my big girl britches on and deal with it. :sad1:
Hello all.

Any tips on getting myself a ticker?!

I am on CD24, pos OPK was CD18 and I feel nothing, nothing at all! I have a feeling this is a bad sign :nope: Having my blood test tomorrow but I doubt I'll get the result until at least Monday. Anyone else feel completely normal on their 1st Clomid cycle?

Baby dust to one and all. Hopeful, I hope you are feeling a little better honey?


Thanks hun :hugs: I usually go to lilly pie and get my ticker.
Just enter your info and it will make you a ticker that you copy and paste to your signature.
The fact that you feel nothing probably means nothing at all. Everyone reacts differently. I would wait for your results. Fingers crossed that they are high:flower:
Well girls day 2 of progesterone today and the cramps and sore boobs have started, so not fun!! Really feels like pg symptoms...i hate it! Just want af now so i can take my clomid. Fed up of waiting and feeling helpless!
oops dream thought you started today, sorry :dohh: That stinks that you are feeling bad, hope it doesn't last. :flower:
Truthfully, I can't say that I am ready to start the Clomid again and never thought I would be on to cycle 3 :roll: but here I am and I have to put my big girl britches on and deal with it. :sad1:

Do you mind if I ask how long you have been TTC. I have been TTC for 2 years and I know it's hard and it seems long, but I look back now on the past 2 years and I think, man, I so thought I was ready for a baby...but I wasn't, that's why God hasn't given me one yet...but he's preparing me everyday and I know that when I do get that BFP I will be so ready and God will have given me all the tools I need. I really hope you can dig down and find the strength to keep going. :)

Thanks hun :hugs: I usually go to lilly pie and get my ticker.
Just enter your info and it will make you a ticker that you copy and paste to your signature.
The fact that you feel nothing probably means nothing at all. Everyone reacts differently. I would wait for your results. Fingers crossed that they are high:flower:[/QUOTE]

Thanks Hopeful - I will have a go myself when I get some time but if I get stuck I will come to you!

I am glad that your progesterone level is on the rise and at least you have a plan to go back to FS after 1 more cycle at 50mg. Naturally though, I hope it won't come to that for you...

Dream, I hope the witch comes soon (ironic as it seems to say that to anyone in our situ!) Then you too can start a fresh with a new cycle!

AFM, off to get my blood test now - hoping for result on Mon. I am getting restless now to know whether or not I did infact OV.

My OH's Mum is coming to stay with us in a few weeks time and will be there for the duration of my fertile period, if we are not successful this time. I can not begin to explain how traumatised I am at the prospect. My OH does not get on with her but does not have the guts to say no when she asks if she can come and stay. So he will spend the whole time in a mood and BD'ing will be the last thing he wants to do. I have told him that if he can't promise me having her there won't get in the way of us BD'ing every other day, then I am not taking my Clomid, as it is a waste of a cycle! Naturally, I will die if he agrees to this as it's the last thing I really want.

So, that's 2 witches I don't want to see anytime soon then :evil:

Hi to everyone else and baby dust galore... X
Truthfully, I can't say that I am ready to start the Clomid again and never thought I would be on to cycle 3 :roll: but here I am and I have to put my big girl britches on and deal with it. :sad1:

Do you mind if I ask how long you have been TTC. I have been TTC for 2 years and I know it's hard and it seems long, but I look back now on the past 2 years and I think, man, I so thought I was ready for a baby...but I wasn't, that's why God hasn't given me one yet...but he's preparing me everyday and I know that when I do get that BFP I will be so ready and God will have given me all the tools I need. I really hope you can dig down and find the strength to keep going. :)

We started NTNP 4 years ago. Decided to really put everything we had into it about 8 months ago. Being that I am 29, I decided to seek help. I will find the strength. I have came this far, just gotta keep going. I was feeling really down and I am starting to feel better. I just had to release those tears. I know it is going to happen for us. Thank you for the words of encouragement.:hugs:
Hopes- OMG! I can not believe that you have to deal with MIL during fertile time and for weeks???:nope: I could not even imagine!! :dohh:I do not blame you for thinking about not taking the Clomid. I would be so stressed trying to BD with MIL in the house! It is already stressful enough! You truly have my sympathy! Maybe you can BD when she goes to sleep every night?? very, very quietly:-#:-# Let's hope this is your cycle and you need not be concerned with Clomid anymore!! Fingers crossed on your bloods:thumbup:
Hi all. I just started a new thread, as below:

I had a positive on a CB OPK CD18 - and then yesterday, CD25 I noticed a very small amount od EWCM. It wasn't sperm because we haven't BD for a good few days. I am now really worried that I didn't OV when I thought I had and have now missed my chance. Any thoughts?

I am really worried now that I totally screwed up and missed my OV?/

Also, I had loads of stabbing pains around my right ovary area last night - almost like a stitch???

How is everyone else doing?

Hopes- How long are your cycles usually? I have read that some women report a tiny bit of EWCM right before AF. I don't know how true that is though. Your bloods should tell you either way.:flower:
Hi girls
Hope you are all ok. Thinking of you all and sending you lots of baby dust.


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