Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

hullo ladies

hopes I had EWCM after ov and when I was bfp last time so you never know! fingers crossed for you!

im on CD23 9DPO and am tired of wondering now! on the plus side I met my new nephew tonight and he is Gorgeous! 10lb 7oz! Yikes!

hope eevryones ok - fingers crossed for us all:flower:
Noticed someone ask if anyone else "felt nothing" during their first round of clomid...i just finished my pills and had no side-effects...i think i feel better than i did i guess that counts as 'nothing'...nothing different at least.
we're lucky i think! as long as you O'd don't think it's a bad thing to have no ill side effects! lol
I just got hot flushes when I was taking the tablets - which was lovely - I'm normally so cold! I took them at 9pm in the hope that I'd sleep through any symptoms :) looks like we've been a lucky bunch.

dreams - yeouch bless you re soreness - its awful when it gets so bad you have to hold them when walking down stairs (or is that just me:dohh:) especially when you forget you're not at home! :haha:

hopes - I'd go down the arent we naughty BD route while MIL is around - you never know it may be more fun! :winkwink: we've got a game called monogamy which we bought thinking we'd play when BD got too pressured - well we hadnt opened it until friday when we werent even trying and what a fun night we were laughing so much!

Im just adding my temps and I've gone over 37c so I'm trying not to get excited as still :bfn:

we were trying unofficially for a bit then TTC officially for nearly 2 years now, am 35 so an oldie - HSG, one mmc and clomid later here we are - fingers crossed!

ps where is everyone on their cycle now - am lost? I pop on here v quickly cos DH thinks I'll get obsessed on here :)
Hi all. Thanks for all the wonderful advice - I don't know where I'd be without you all!

Rowan, I know what you mean; OH is terrified of me being on here too much and getting obsessed! What are men like?

I am on CD27, possibly 8DPO and my ave cycle length is 32 days. If no af by Sat 11th then I may consider resting - but only if I have some signs. For the past 2 days I have had some twinges but I doubt that means anything. Nothing else yet, no sore boobs etc

Dreams, had to laugh at Rowans comments about your soreness - I get in the same state most months, where I have to hold them as I run down the stairs and yes; I have forgotten myself and done it at work! The trials of being a woman eh.

Hopeful, how are you feeling? What days are you taking the c? X

Bean, how are you doing? I hope you are feeling great but with just enough symptoms to stop you panicking! X

Love and dust to all and I hope you have brilliant weekends. I'm off to the gym now...

Hopes. X
Hi girls, hope everyone is ok??
Hopeful senfing you a big hug!!! Hopes fading, any more enws?? Beanwood hope you're feeling ok!!!
AFM: Stupid ff thinks ive oved due to the progesterone temps!! hee hee. Sooo ready for af its unreal! 5 more days of progesetrone left!xx
Hey ladies. Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. Today is DH birthday and it has been quite fun and it is only 8 am!!! :thumbup:

I am patiently awaiting AF. She is running a little late this month but temp dropped again and breasts not as sore so I imagine she will be here today. She usually arrives quite quickly if we BD around the time she is due. I have been having AF cramps for the past 3 days but only seeing creamy discharge at this point. :dohh:

I erased my ticker because it was inaccurate due to AF taking her sweet time. :roll:

Everyone needs a ticker so we can stalk eachother:haha:

Fingers crossed for those who are close to testing :flower: :hugs:

I do have some very slight symptoms - tiredness and a little bit of nausea. Am worried though - not very strong symptoms. My cousins wife had a mc last week at 9 weeks. I am not even 7. Feel really bad for her. Am very worried. Don't feel pregnant at all. Weird.

Hope you are all ok. I am still coming on everyday to see what you are all up to. XX
Aww bless you! Im sure your symptoms will arrive full throttle soon honeyx xxx
Good morning all. I have just tried to make a ticker - it isn't exactly what I want as I am not counting down to testing - there will be no poas until af is a week late at least (Or so I intend)! Anyway, I will play around with the ticker when I have more time.
Also, like Hopeful, I will probably end up deleting it as af is bound to be a few days late - my cycles always vary by a few days.

Yesterday I had an extraordinary amount of creamy / watery discharge. I was genuinely shocked when I saw it! Sorry, it's a bit grim! Maybe it's due to all the grapefruit juice and green tea I've been drinking this month!?

Hopeful, is she here yet? I hope the rest of DH's B'day was good and you managed to take your mind off your wait?

Dreams, hope she shows for you soon too - must be so frustrating waiting.

Bean, I am sure you have no reason to worry. When will you have your 1st scan? I (and I'm sure you all too) have met every kind of woman - those that didn't feel pregnant and went on to have healthy babies; those that were sick from day 1 and had every other symptom under the sun too - who then miscarried. It just goes to show that we can't possibly know the outcome and therefore must try and believe in our hearts that all will be well.

I bumped into a cousin yesterday and met her 3 month old Daughter for the first time. It turns out that she is the result of 4 cycles of clomid! My cousin has PCOS and wasn't ovulating on her own at all. It has given me real hope, just when I needed a boost!

Happy Sundays all, Hopes. X
Thats fab about your cousin hun!! Really gives hoppe doesn't it? I have 4 days left of progesterone now! Whoop!! So ready to finally ovulate!!Fingers crossed eh!!! xxxx
So the progesterone will make you OV - not bring on af? I was confused! This is even better news - good luck! X
morning ladies! charting while DH in shower :)

Fingers totally crossed for you Bean - can you get an early viability scan?

hopes you are so good about not testing - Ive tested every morning this week - I must be a glutton for punishment! Creamy Cm is a goood sign! :) Thats good that you saw your cousin and heard her journey its amazing to hear peoples tales its so easy to assume people have had it easy!

my little sister in law has pcos so she's quite interested in my journey as its going to help her when they're ready to try, and my little sister has an inherited genetic condition (muscular dystrophy it runs in my family but thank God I dont have it) and will probs have to have IVF if she wants to avoid passing it on so I'm figuring I'm their guinea pigs! :)

Its mad to turn it around and be waiting for AF isnt it - very positive! Fingers crossed hopeful!

Dream and born2b fingers crossed for ov!

I'm going to attempt a ticker today

have a good day everyone

Rowan: no lovely, im just being a bit premature!! hee hee. Once i get af im on track to hopefully ov with the higher clomid dose!! Trying to keep positive rather than get down in the dumps!! xxx
Hehe - I sneak on here too though I have a feeling OH knows exactly what I'm doing! If only they knew how much it helped!

My cousin is the first person I've ever talked to outside of B&B who has had ferility issues so it was great. It was only a shame we didn't have much time to talk.

Also yesterday I met 3 year old triplets playing at the park! It's funny but when I see twins or triplets now and the parents are in their 30's or older, I automatically wonder if they were assisted. This journey has been an eye opener if nothing else.

I am an identicle twin myself and would love to have twins of my own...

I see Dream, I was being dumb! Yes, that is exactly the way to look at it. A higher dose could make all the difference. What days are you taking C? I have everything crossed for af to hurry up and OV to show clear and bright. Are you charting, using OPK's - both?

Thanks Rowan, I really hope this is a good sign but I can't get my hopes up as I have been there too many times before and just can't take another BFN! I haven't always been so patient though, I assure you!

Im the same, always wonder when i see multiples too!! Im takling clomid on days 2-6 hun. Will be charting and using opks, along with preseed and softcups.....fxed! xx
Morning ladies! Yesterday was fab! We even managed to BD twice (wondering where that is during ovulation, but can't complain, huh?):shrug:

Dream- I really hope 100 is just what you need. You are a tough cookie to remain so patient and in good spirits :thumbup:

Hopes- I rarely hear about 4th round Clomid success stories, and right now I really need to hear them. :cry: Thanks for that! I know it finally feels good to be able to relate to another family member about what you are going through. Let's hope the extra creamy cm is a sign for you hun. FX :flower:

Rowan- I think DH doesn't mind me logging on because I let him have his sports so he lets me have my BnB. Also he works out of town, so I don't think he is aware of the extent of my obsession.:haha: FX for this cycle :thumbup:

Bean- Thanks for continuing logging on. :flower: I would love to hear more about what you are going through. Like the others said, I am sure the little bean is just fine and comfy. Hope you are feeling well :hugs:

Sorry if I missed anyone. I hope you all are well. :flower:

AFM- AF still not here as of yet. Maybe due to my stress earlier in my cycle. Who knows.:shrug: I hope once I pick up my prescription I will feel better about this upcoming cycle. It seems like I have tried everything ladies. I don't know what else I could be doing??? I temp, drink green tea, use soft cups and preseed, lay there after BD for 30 minutes. Is there ANYTHING you guys can suggest?? I am slightly desperate. I hoped by the time I was due to see doc again that I would be expecting. :dohh: I plan on doing a spa day right around ovulation to help me relax. Your suggestions are greatly appreciated :hugs:
Well, AF arrived shortly after my post. On to the next one for me. Working on a ticker at the moment.
Oh no hopeful! I'm sorry :( Keep the PMA though honey!! Is hubby on zinc? Its meant to help their swimmers xxx
Yep...and get him on a multi-v to help as well!!
Are you taking B6/B12/Folic Acid to help with your Progesteron Levels and to lengthen your LP??

Really hope round 3 is lucky and sticky for you =) Fx'd

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