Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Hopeful, don't worry, you are still early on in your Clomid journey and I am sure it will work for you. Maybe something to lengthen your LP - though if the FS has not highlighted it as a potential problem then no real need. I shall be rooting for you (and us all) next cycle. XXX

Dream, sounds as though all bases are covered! XXX
Thank you ladies! Those are great suggestions and I will be looking into them. I was also a little concerned about my LP. Maybe I will bring it up at our appointment. I will try these things. You ladies are wonderful :hugs:
morning ladies

ah hopeful fingers crossed this time is the time for you!

I think AF is on her way for me...had a dream she came today and my temps dropped again today so we shall see - my LP is often 10 or 11 days (when I have one) and I'm 12DPO today

have a good day everyone

ah it seems I'm not having such a good day - been sent home from work as I cant stop crying. I thought I was coping really well with my new nephew and all the family baby fuss etc but it seems today that I'm not doing so well - cant stop crying! Think I could cope while I was hopeful and feeling bfp but temp drop and my symptoms going today have really affected me :( hopefully I'll feel better the meantime I'm going to sit in my PJs and cry and eat crisps!

at least Ive had time to try a ticker tho :)

how do you alter the amount of CD your cycle is? Do you have to do a nnew one each time it keeps going or should I have done a 40 day ticker?
Rowan- :hugs: I have been where you are so many times I have lost count. I usually can deal with most things, even pregnancy announcements but as soon as I am out for the month, everything hits me like a ton of bricks. I start remembering how unfair life is for us. I really hope you start to feel better and I hope you truly enjoy your crisps, you deserve them! :thumbup: Remember, its not over till AF shows :hugs:
at least Ive had time to try a ticker tho :)

how do you alter the amount of CD your cycle is? Do you have to do a nnew one each time it keeps going or should I have done a 40 day ticker?

What is your average cycle length? I usually put that in. Because my ticker usually assumes that I have started a new cycle and will start back to CD 1. So if your average is 40, maybe you should try that so your ticker does not start over on you. I hope that is not confusing.:dohh:
Good afternoon ladies. A very depressing update from me I’m afraid…

I got the results from my CD 25 bloods today and my progesterone level was 2. I can scarcely believe it – I have had 3 previous tests on non medicated cycles, where the lowest result has been 24 (borderline). I always knew I may not conceive on my 1st cycle with clomid but I never imagined I wouldn’t ovulate. I am devastated.

The FS’s co-ordinator advised upping the dosage to 100mg next cycle but I have questions and I don’t know where to go for answers?! Am I taking C on the wrong days for me (2-6)? Is there an additional problem with my progesterone levels; should I perhaps be given a trigger (I have heard lots of ladies talk about this, OK, I don’t really know what it means but I am sure there is something amiss with my progesterone levels) and the wonderful NHS couldn’t care less to find out exactly what is happening. Could this be why I miscarried before? Any thoughts or suggestions would be welcome; I am going to start a new thread too as I have to get some answers.

I just phoned a local private clinic and asked if they do cycle monitoring for people on clomid, which they do; charging £135 per scan – I would need 3. I am sure my OH and I are going to fall out over this but I am desperate. The ironic thing is that if I go private, I see the main Dr from the NHS fertility department. I saw him several years ago, before I was ttc as I had been on depo provera (contraceptive injection) for 3 years without periods and 3 years after stopping it I still hadn’t had a period. He was completely patronising and belittling and didn’t want to help me as I wasn’t ttc. I pointed out that I would be one day and I would like to know that I ovulated and wouldn’t have any problems conceiving in later years. I wonder if he will be more useful to me now I am paying him?! I wonder too if he will feel any remorse, as I am sure that there is a link between the problems I am having now and the depo. Anyone else used this drug?

I’m sorry to rant but today has been awful; I want to join Rowan on the couch with a box of tissues and loads of crisps (and pizza and wine and chocolate)! Hugs Rowan, I really hope you feel better soon.

Love to all you ladies and please can someone share some good news?!

Hopes fading…
Thanks ladies! ff reckons my ave cycle is 32 days so maybe I should go with that - thanks hopeful!

Big hugs hopes - bless you thats really pants! oo DH home - will be back x
am back - can you ask to see that Dr within your clinic rather than have to pay? I've got to say in my experience it is a different service when you pay but it seems a shame to pay when you dont like the man!

do they scan to see how many follicles are developing? I was on microgynon - which ironically my little sil was put on to cure her PCOS?!

maybe you could try one cycle at the private clinic and that may give you a heads up?

got to head off for tea round my mams - she tried for 10 years between me and my little sister and had my sister after one round of clomid - ironically this makes her really unsympathetic to my TTC - she just says try it for 10 years and then you'll know!

big hugs
Hopes- Sorry that you are feeling down :hugs: It really does not add up though. To go from 24 to 2 on Clomid just does not seem right. Do you think maybe you took the blood test on the wrong day? Maybe you did O earlier than you think. If you are not pg this cycle, maybe try the 100 like they suggest and see how that goes. After that I would definitely have a chat with fs. So, did he say no chance this cycle then with progesterone being 2??

It just isn't fair. I really hope everything gets better for you! I think these doctors get so used to dealing with infertility that they sometimes do not even remember that they are dealing with real people who have real concerns. :dohh:

I am just so nervous that this will not work for me and right now my insurance does not cover fertility treatments so I do not know what my next step would be and that really scares me.:nope:
Hello all. I'm feeling a tad beter after pizza and a good cry! :pizza:

Hopeful, if I O'd earlier, wouldn't my result have been higher than a 2? I went for test 7 days after a + on CB OPK - must have been false but it's strange as it was the only + I had and so I believed it. I am so confused! She said something about anovulatory cycles and that I am probably someone who only O's some times. But my periods are really quite regular which I find odd. She didn't say I was out this month but I assume I must be with progesterone that low. I am still deciding what to do next month... OH wants me to ring and insist on speaking to FS and suggests we go to the Hospital and camp out if they won't speak to me! Sweet - but really not the way to handle things and I am a real coward at the best of times! Paying the nice man and getting lip service is far more my style but I can't really afford to do that. I suppose it is OK for a cycle or two but knowing how obsessive I am, it could get expensive quickly! I mean, the lady at the clinic said they have very good results with IUI (felt a little like a sales pitch now I come to think of it)! and my 1st thought was "forget Clomid - I want some of that"!
OH can more than afford the cycle monitoring but he thinks I am jumping the gun a bit. Very bloody easy for him to say. I wonder what he will say if I ask for it as an early Christmas present :haha:

Thanks Dreams - I hope you are OK?

Rowan, you crack me up! I hope you are having a nice evening. It must be strange having a Mum who has been through this but doesn't offer sympathy. 10 years really is a vey long time - but you too have been through an awful lot...

Ladies, I hope we all get our BFP's and we stick around until every last one of us gets there!

Hi Hopes, Hopeful, Dream, Rowan, everybody.......

Hopes I am sorry that you got that result. Is it poss that you ov later?????? I will be sticking round till you get there, all of you. And hopefully i will still be there. Sorry to sound negative, just my way! Have to always end sentene with "if it sticks".

Big hugs to you all:hugs:
Hopes- Glad you are feeling better.:thumbup: Yeah that was silly to think you O earlier :dohh: But I think Bean might be on to something about Oing later! Wouldn't that make sense?? Maybe you should call fs and ask, if they even let you speak to him. Well, either way, if AF shows, are you taking the 100? FX I have to say that if I could afford the extra tracking, I would be tempted as well! :flower:

Bean- It is only natural to feel that way after trying so hard. I think we will all feel the same way. Thanks for hanging in there with us! :hugs:

I posted a thread about how horrible my AF is after Clomid but have not gotten any replies, which worries me. Maybe I have some other things going on that Clomid is aggravating. :shrug:
Hopeful....i found that clomid made my AF a million times better....less cramping and bloating and horrible symptoms i usually get....i felt great!!
lol...i've been wondering if that is a bad sign for me...and here you are having a horrible go of things and wondering if that is a bad sign for you! lol....everyone has doubts i guess...i'm very hopeful it'll all work out though...hope it all works out for you!!
Hopeful i am sure that i read somewhere on the internet that you can have bad periods after clomid. I researched it as i was really worried about it as my periods are bad at the best of times.

Small update: I was moaning that i didn't feell sick. Well i am starting to feel really sick.

Just a quick question right well I'm strtin my first round of clomid in about 2-3 weeks depending of af well I'm havin a scan on cd 12 but no bloods so how can they tell by that if I'm goin to ovulated
thanks xx
keep smiling - I think they should be able to tell from the scan if your follicles are stimulated and getting ready to ovulate / have ovulated. I'm not sure re blood tests - every hospital / clinic seem to do things so differently. My hospital will only do 2 CD21 blood tests out of 6 months of clomid and no scans so I guess its down to charting :)

hopeful I'll let you know how my AF is when she arrives - mine is different every month though so I suppose I wont know for sure if its clomid having any affect. Sometimes I have a week of cramps beforehand and then it lasts 2 weeks sometimes its like the flood of damascus and lasts 2 days with no pain - so we shall see! Cramps started in earnest yesterday and temp dropped to near coverline today so she's on her merry way! :witch: ready for round 2 (Its like a boxing match!)

hopes I'm glad you're feeling better after a bit of pizza and a good cry - Ive just been watching tribal wives and having a good cry! :flower: you know your mil is staying when you think you may next be fertile - well my little sil will be staying at ours when we should hopefully be fertile! DH says she'll have to get ear plugs :haha:

my mam was actually not too bad last night - I was showing her ff and she was amazed - much better than graph paper and guesswork she said! And she was saying the pg tests they had back in the day you had to wait until 2 weeks after AF was due before they showed a valid result - crikey!

Bean keeping my fingers crossed for you

Hi everyone.

My head is done in! I can't stop thinking about things and trying to work out what is going on - I have a list of questions; though quite who will answer them I don't know?

Bean- I am a lot like you. If I conceive and have a girl I would like to use Hope as a middle name as in all my life, I have never really dared to hope. If I ever have a healthy baby then I swear I will dare to hope in the future!

I think you could be right and I O late - I did have cramps and a small amount of ewcm on CD 25 - a few hours after the blood test infact!

So if I did O around CD25, would it be worth demanding another blood test now (CD30)? I don't think it will help this cycle but I may learn something for next cycle. Of course, it would mean that I have a short LP, which could be the issue but at least I will know.

What is it that makes you get sore nipples and boobs? Most cycles I get this a few days before af but if I am not O'ing - what is causing it?

I am just so confused ladies, any help greatly appreciated...

Hopeful, when af arrives I will let you know as mine are pretty standard; very mild, 2 days bleeding, 3-4 days spotting afterwards. So I should know easily if there is a difference.

Bean, hehe - very glad to hear you are feeling sick! LOL - not often that we would say this to someone hey?! X

Rowan - I wish my OH was the same about his Mother; perhaps I should just leave a pair on their pillows and they can use them if they feel the need! We could do without such interuptions though, it's hardly fair!

Love to all and I hope you have happy Tuesdays. X

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