Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

I always thought it was progesterone that made the boobs hurt but then that doesnt tie in with your reading?

I was saying last night mine were like someone had got fish-hooks on a wire in my nipples and was slowly tugging me across the room! sorry tmi! :haha: there are some months I would willingly cut them off! But of course it passes as everything does..

go for it - ask for another test - they can only say no - but at least you wont be wondering!

I got my blood clotting test results back and its negative so no clotting disorder- wehy! Good to be able to cross that off - but if I hadnt asked I wouldnt have known

Hi Ladies,

I havent been on in a while (I was on holidays in Spain).

There is so much to catch up on but can i say huge congrats to Beanwood - :thumbup: - great news.

As for me my 1st round of clomid didnt work - got AF whilst on hol's - the spotting was less than usual though so thats one good thing. Took my last pill last night so onto round two - Im CD7 today - just waiting to Ov now.

Hope everyone is keeping well.

Hi Reba

Thank you and lots and lots of luck with this round.

Hopes I think you should ask also. You never know!

I suppose when your period comes will also be an indicator. If you come on later than expected then maybe you did ovulate later. When you come on (if it is later) you could count back to the day that you noticed the ewcm. Just a thought.

Anyone got any idea how my fs wil no if I'm goin to ov by a scan on cd 12 x
Hi all. I just had a very interesting conversation with someone at the private clinic - I admit I don't know her exact job title and I’m fairly sure she wasn’t a Dr but she did seem very knowledgeable and answered my questions happily. In short, she said there are lots of myths surrounding infertility and basically, if you ovulate; it will be mid way through your cycle. She also said that unless treating patients with IVF, they never use progesterone supplements; as the body will produce the correct amount of progesterone after ovulation. They only use it with IVF as it is a forced cycle. She was adamant on these points.

If I am to believe her, then I simply didn’t ov this cycle - 50mg of clomid just wasn’t enough to make me ov. I now wonder if my body starts to produce follicles but they either don’t mature, or don’t release the egg as they are supposed to? It could explain the pos OPK I guess?

I really want to have my next cycle tracked but usually when my OH and I disagree on something, he wins! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! If he remains firm that we must try another cycle without tracking then I will make him promise we can do it for the 3rd cycle if we need to.

On the whole, I feel a little better (although I just popped on Face Book and someone else has announced). It seems like 1 a day for the last 2 years but surely not; I don’t know that many people?!

Rowan, you are probably right and interestingly, I don't feel a thing this month. If it remains this way I will be happy as it will all be good, conclusive stuff. I find that it's the anomalies that get to me the most.

Reba, sorry it didn't work last time, I really hope this is your month.

Hopeful, don't worry, I have faith that it will work for us all in the end. Are you using OPK's? When will you start? Hope DH is well up for loads of BD'ing this month.

Love to all. X
Born2BeMommy- Thanks:flower: I definitely am going to ask my doc about the heavy bleeding though, just to be safe because AF usually last almost 7 days and I have tested positive for anemia before and I do not want to lose too much blood. I guess it is just the worry wart in me.:dohh:

Bean- Awesome about not feeling well, Like Hopes said, seems a bit weird to actually say that to you :winkwink:

Keepsmiling- I have never had follicle tracking but I believe they are assuming that you will O mid cycle (CD14) so giving you a scan on CD 12 will probably let them see if your follicles are the right size for O. Though never having follicles tracked I may be wrong. Good luck with this cycle! Let us know how the scan goes:thumbup:

Rowan- Thanks:flower: I almost died from laughing at your "It's like a boxing match" comment! I feel the same way:dohh: Awesome news on your clotting test! :happydance:

Hopes- Like Rowan said, I believe it is progesterone that makes your breast and nipples sore. First cycle of Clomid I was so miserable that I even started a thread asking if it was normal. Well, it is. There were many others that had the same soreness. I will be using opks starting on CD12. I think I would be lost without them and my thermometer. Are you doing BBT? I really think you should! :thumbup:

Reba- Hope you enjoyed your holiday and are coming back nice and relaxed! Good luck this cycle:thumbup:

AFM- Not too much to report over here. *TMI* AF still heavy and passing clots :growlmad: Ready for AF to pack her things and leave :haha: I will be starting my Clomid on Thursday (CD5).

Come on ladies!! I have a great feeling about this cycle :thumbup:
hullo ladies!

I'm feeling much better today - wehy! Hope you're all ok! I'm sure I had like a hormone shift or something on Monday to set me off!

Dropped below coverline today and :witch: is on her way for sure so in theory I should feel worse but I feel heaps better! no flow yet but sometimes it takes days so I figure I'll wait til flow before thinking about Clomid (sorry if TMI)

Hopes thats exactly what happens with me - I've had scans and they've said I would ov within 24 hours and then its an anov cycle - I get endless OPKs (so I dont bother now) - my body gets all ready to ov and then just doesnt sometimes but then sometimes I do - fingers crossed next time for you its a month when you randomly would ov anyway and then clomid makes darn sure you do!

In fact I wish that for all of us :)

I'm going to do the CD21 bloods this month just for the extra kicks - using one of my two CD21 blood test tickets :)

bless you hopeful - hope AF calms down soon!

Hullo Reba nice to meet you!

a nice cup of tea beckons and then pilates! Then later on maybe a nice Jack Daniels and coke - I'm allowing myself to drink when :witch: is here

hullo ladies!

Hopes thats exactly what happens with me - I've had scans and they've said I would ov within 24 hours and then its an anov cycle - I get endless OPKs (so I dont bother now) - my body gets all ready to ov and then just doesnt sometimes but then sometimes I do - fingers crossed next time for you its a month when you randomly would ov anyway and then clomid makes darn sure you do!

Hi ladies.

Rowan, has this happened to you on a clomid cycle? Has it not been suggested that you up your dosage? I really hink this is what is happening to me too and I suppose the only way to find out is to have the scans and take advice from there.

As for the progesterone / sore nipples, maybe this is as good an indication as any for me - this month no ovulation and no pain whatsoever. So maybe when they are really sore I have ovulated?

Anyway, no point me banging on about it as I don't have the answers, I will just sit back and wait for the bitch to get me and then decide what to do. Rowan, perhaps we will have the same CD1?

Hopeful, I hope she has left you in peace now and fingers x'ed you get good, clear o signs with the OPK's and BBT. I am trying to chart but it really isn't going well. I will stick with it though and I plan to set my alarm for 5am next cycle, in the hope I don't keep waking up an hour or so before. I have very broken sleep and get up for the loo maybe 3 times a night so I don't think it will ever work as well for me as some but I'm happy to do all I can. I will try the OPK's again too - maybe it did detect the LH surge accurately this cycle after all but my follicles didn't mature enough to release the all important eggy?

Reba, please remind me, you had follicle tracking that confirmed o but you didn't conceive?

Bye for now, Hopes. X
Hi girls, glad we're all well!!! One day left of prog for me! whoop!! x
Hopes- I am the same way with waking all through the night to go pee!:wacko: Thankfully, it does not interfere with my temps. :thumbup: I usually take my temp around 4 am every morning but occasionally it will be 3:30 or even 4:30. I really thought that it would be an issue but my temps remain the same each cycle with a clear temp rise after O. It took me a while to get used to it but now I am just mad that I didn't start this a long time ago. :dohh: It is the only thing I can use each month that I do not have to buy! I hope you get a strong positive on the 100mg!!! Any sign of AF? :flower:

Dream- Awesome :thumbup:. Now come on AF!! Time to get this Clomid party started!! :happydance:

How is everyone else getting on today? :flower: Any updates?
Anyone got any idea how my fs wil no if I'm goin to ov by a scan on cd 12 x


I think they can tell by the size of your follicles (I had two ripe (18mm) follicles last cycle. My FS said my lining was on the thin side though (6mm) but if I Ov'd a few days later then it should of grown 1-2mm per day making it at least 8mm by Ov. She also did an Estradiol blood test to check to see ovarian function. She said she would expect a result of around 400 pg/ml (its usually 200 - 600 per mature follicle and if i had 2 follicles then it should be around 400 or more). She said if estradiol level is low then clomid might not be working for me and to go off it.... Anyway I never got the results of that test yet.

And I didnt get pregnant either.

They might do a blood test too at CD21 to see if you Ov'd but usually its the size of your follicles that will tell them you are about to Ov.
hullo ladies!

Reba, please remind me, you had follicle tracking that confirmed o but you didn't conceive?

Bye for now, Hopes. X

Hi Hopes - yes I had follicle tracking on CD13 and it confirmed that I had 2 ripe follies of 18mm - she said I would be Ov'ing sooner than CD16 (which I dont think I did - I think it was CD16 or after). Anyway AF showed up on CD32 (usually 31 or 32) so if I take 14 days away from that I probably Ov'd on CD18. ANyway yes I didnt concieve this month unfortunately (i really thought with 2 ripe eggs I'd be in luck). Onto 2nd cycle now for me.

Im feeling more pains and twinges this cycle though - i had nothing last cycle at all (except the odd hot flash). I never called the hospital either about another scan cos wasnt sure if Im suppose to have one every month or not (so I hope I dont over stimulate the ovaries). If no luck this month I will call next month of another scan - i'm sick of scans at this stage.
hey ladies!

Hows everyone doing today?

a brand new cycle for me and clomid tomorrow night at 9pm!

Hopes I've only had scans before clomid and another the first cycle after my mmc which was annov - my hospital dont offer scans with clomid (and only offer two CD21 blood tests the meanies!) so I'm just winging it! I think you're right about the progesterone - if that is the case then you'll have an extra way of telling what your body is up to

I take my temp at 6.30am and usually have a 2am and a 4am wee and am busting when my alarm goes off at 6.30am! I've just set my temp as 7am default on ff and just go with the flow and pretend its the same time every day - its usually between 6.30 and 7am so i figure its not too far out :)

I'm hoping my hormones arent quite so unsettled this month - but then I'm not sure if I'm just extra sensitive and being surrounded by baby talk would affect anyone in the same position regardless of clomid?

hope everyones doing ok :)

fingers crossed for everyone :flower:
:friends: Oh my ladies, tonight is a very low ebb for me. Please forgive me for not mentioning anyone specifically but OH has threatened to turn off the pc and change the password if I don't log off in 5 mins! And why? Because I have been an emotional wreck since finding out I didn't ov - I have spent most of my working days & evenings reading the net and self diagnosing with anything from an early menapause to poor egg quality. I have no grounds and I am not usually like this but I'm simply mystified and gutted at my progesterone level reducing to 2 on my 1st clomid cycle?

I have read that clomid doesn't have a high success rate when used for couples with unexplained infertilty? Please someone tell me that's horse shit?!

OH and I are rowing because I feel the need to talk about it constantly and I am desperate for him to agree to a 3 and 6 month plan (with financials)! He thinks I'm going crazy and need to get a grip. He is probably right but I am freaked out at the prospect of never having children, it's really on my mind right now that it is a real possibility for us.

I'm so sorry to be negative when many of you are handling things so well. Maybe af is very close for me, which I suppose wouldn't help but I feel mentally exhausted, as I spend all of my time working things through in my head and trying to find an answer. Which obviously I can't. Even when I'm at the gym I'm thinking about it. It's not good :wacko:

I wish you all happy evenings and I hope I have bounced back by tomorrow and can offer something more constructive. Hopes. X
Hopes-:hugs: So sorry you are having such a hard time right now. I am sure we can all relate! I was the same way on my first cycle. You should calm down real soon :hugs: and try to go easier on DH :winkwink:. They don't think the same way we do at all. Believe me he is worried but men do not like to be in a situation that they can not immediately fix. I would ease up a bit on pressuring him to agree to a plan right away. You only had one Clomid cycle and I am sure if you keep trying it will happen sooner than you think.:thumbup: You are going to drive yourself crazy going on like this.:wacko: Try to take a little time to yourself and relax- maybe a pedicure or movie? If you need to vent, we are here and are going through the same thing. I learned to not talk off DH's ear with TTC because he deals with a lot with work and all so I try to only let him know what he needs to know. I hope you have a better day tomorrow :flower::hugs:
Hi Hopes Fading - sorry your feeling so down :hugs: this TTC carry on is really stressful at times (especially when you arent ovulating). If this is just your 1st cycle on clomid then are they going to up the dose for you this next cycle and see if that helps with Ov? How many mgs were you taking on 1st cycle?

I have heard that clomid is successful for couples that are unexplained. I was following a girl on here for ages cos she had the exact same problems as me (unexplained, all tests good etc) and she finally gave in and decided to take clomid after 2.5 yrs TTc and she got pregnant on the 2nd cycle - so that totally gives me hope. Another woman on her was similar and she got preggers on 4th cycle.

We all go through this negativity during our TTC journey (ive been there many a times) but I always snap out of it once AF arrives and Im onto a new cycle - try to stay positive and try to do some things for yourself (like hopeful chick said) - a movie or pedicure or facial or something nice and relaxing - and go out for a few drinks with your friends to take your mind off everything. :hugs:
Thanks ladies, I know you are both right, I do feel a bit better today though still no af. I am ready for her to come and get me now (although if I end up having stupidly long cycle then it may mean that the inlaws will no longer be staying when I'm fertile)! Unlikely though, they are staying for 2.5 weeks!

Rowan, I took 50mg last cycle and I have to say I had next to no side effects. I will try 100mg this time and I still can't decide whether or not to have cycle monitoring privately. It will cost around £400. OH thinks I should wait a bit longer but I am quite an imaptient person :winkwink:

Which dose are you on?

Thanks for the positive stories, they really, really help.

I have a very relaxing weekend planned and I am having my hair done tomorrow which is always my favoutite day of the month!

Hopeful and everyone else, what is happening with you? I seem to have lost track a bit these past few days; I have been a little self absorbed!

I hope everyone is happy, well and above all, positive for results this cycle.

Hopes. X
Hopes- So glad you are feeling better :thumbup:

Dream- Any sign of AF yet? FX :flower:

Bean- How are you feeling? Did you go to docs yet? :hugs:

All- How is everyone getting on so far? :flower:

AFM- Things are starting out a little different for me this cycle already. I am on day 2 of Clomid and I have had non stop hot flashes and mood swings all day (really bad mood swings) :muaha: I am kinda feeling bad because I was a real B today! :shy: I also have been having twitches in my ovaries all day off and on. Last two cycles I hardly felt anything while taking the pills.:shrug:
Let's hope that is a good sign that I will O really strong this time and the spermies will catch the egg :spermy:

Good luck ladies :happydance:
Hi all

Hopeful sounds good that you have noticed a difference in cycles (if that makes sense) Have everything crossed for you, for all of you.

I have an appointment booked for in a couple of weeks. Feel like c**p in the morning. Keep getting pains in stomach though so feeling really nervous.


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