Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Morning. Hopeful, that sounds very encouraging - I feel sure you of a BFP for you soon.

Bean, I am sure the pains are nothing to worry about, hang in there and I hope the next fe weeks go quickly for you.

AFM, still no witch. Will let you know when she rocks up - I need to change my ticker, I have run out of days as I'm now on CD34!

Happy weekends everyone. It's raining and grey here so I'm not sure what we will get up to?!

Hopes. X
Hi everyone,
How are we doing today? Im still waiting for af to rock up, eager to start my new dose!! Just a quick anecdote that made me smile yesterday! I teach ina primary school and one of my little lads ran up to me yesterday (he's 6) and told me im going to have a baby and call it fred! Then ran off again! hee hee. Very amusing!!Let's hope i get a fred in my tummy soon!! xx
Bean- Hope you start to feel better real soon. I bet you can't wait for doc appointment! I have read somewhere that the pains you are experienceing might just be your uterus expending for your little bean! Let's hope so! Is the pain different from your other pregnancies? FX :flower:

Hopes- I know that witch is making you real mad by taking her time! :growlmad: I hope she shows real soon so you can get started with a higher dose! It is rainy and gray here too! Gonna do lots of cleaning :dishes: so I can relax when it is O time! :thumbup:

Dream- Isn't that so adorable!! It must be a sign :thumbup: We have to take all the luck we can get!! :flower: Lets hope AF gets you soon too!
hey ladies was away last night so logged on quick then had to go

Hopes I hope you are feeling better today - huge hugs! I think TTC is such a hard emmotional thing we'll all ahve our ups and downs - hopefully we'll take turns so we can all support eachother and we'll get through it

im on 50mg and just started clomid again last night - so I am having hot flushes galore today!

oo DH home with fish and chips! will rush off and get plates and sauces out!

hope you're all ok ladies!
Hope everyone is ok! I'm feeling really moody today and having twinges...please come and get me af!!
Any news yet Dream or Hopes? :thumbup:

Me, just relaxing today. Not really feeling anything today as far as side effects.:shrug:

How is everyone? :flower:
Morning/afternoon/evening (depending where in the world you all are).:thumbup:

Nothing much to report from me just that Im having alot of twinges and pains this 2nd cycle of clomid - good sign or bad sign (over stimulating the ovaries perhaps??). I never booked a scan this cycle so i dont know whats going on in there!!! Ive had loads of hot flashes too and headaches and cramps. Please be a positive sign!!! I should be Ov'ing this week at some stage-will start the OPK's this evening (CD13) - ov is usually CD16. I had some CM yesterday but not sure if you'd call it EWCM or not - seemed a bit thick (sorry if TMI).

Hope everyone else is doing well. :thumbup:
hey ladies

Hows everyone doing? Hope everyones ok!

dream and hopes any sign of Af for you guys?

Reba fingers crossed for ov!

Bean - keeping my fingers crossed for you big time - are you having a scan at your appointment?

Hopeful the hot flushes are mad arent they! Ive had ovary twinges today but I did last time as well - day 4 of clomid today - AF has gone away but who knows if she's actually finished - she went and came back twice last month :wacko:

are you all having CD21 tests each month? I'm going to have one this month - I have to get mine done at my drs then ring the fertility clinic and get the results but cant remember how long they said to wait :dohh:

my 2nd line manager was chatting to me today and she had mentioned to her mam about my troubles and her mam had revealed that my 2nd line manager and her twin were fertility treatment babies! :)

sil and bil staying with us from tonight for a few days so I may not get on here for a bit - luckily my cycle has adjusted so we're not TTC when theyre here after all!

Hi ladies, af has arrived for me!! Start my clomid tomorrow and can call hospital and book my scan! Feeling really miserable today, suppose its half hormones and the other half is fear that the 100mg dose wont work either :(
It's easy to look towards something and keep the faith itll happen but once it is happening you get scared that the meds'll fail :( Am i just being miserable or does that make sense???x
Hi all

Dream - glad you can finally start a new cycle. Really hope this is it for you.

Reba - at the appoint with the midwife (2 weeks today) they will book a scan for 2 weeks after that.
Had to go to docs this morn as barely moved off sofa for 2 days, i am sooooo tired. Don't remember feeling this tired before with boys. Am worried that my thyroid level may have changed as i have an underactive thyroid - have had a blood test.

Hopeful, Hopes, everybody hope you are all ok.
Hope its ok that i am still posting/replying. Am wishing for you all. XX
Hope its nothing nasty Bean!! I love that you still pop in on us! We want to keep up to date with how you're doing xxx
Hi Ladies. Just a quickie from me as I am on my way to bed! I just wanted to say hi to you all and Dream, it's only natural you should feel this way but there is absolutely no reason 100mg won't be a completely different story for you (I am hoping it will for me)! Bean, please stay with us and I really hope the blood results show nothing to worry about. I am sure all will be fine. X

Afm, still no af; if she doesn't show tomorrow then I will be on my longest cycle since I started recording them 19th months ago. Ususally I'd be hysterical but I am actually hoping for a 40 day cycle, so the in-laws have gone home when I'm fertile!

Hugs and dust to all and I will write more tomorrow. X
Hello Ladies!!! :flower:

Reba- Good luck with O!! Almost time for my opks. Couple more days \\:D/

Bean- Please keep posting!! I would hate for you to stop because I look forward to seeing you through, I am sure you will do the same for us :hugs2:

Rowan- We are slightly close in our cycles. I am on day 5 of Clomid!! I am having CD21 bloods again. I am a little tired of getting poked but I am addicted to finding out if my level has risen :headspin:

Hopes- Did DH unplug the computer from you?? :haha: Hope you are well and AF showed! :flower:

Dream- Excellent news!! You are definitely not just miserable for thinking that way. I think its the way that our mind protects our heart. Our heart wants this so badly but if for some reason it does not work this cycle, our mind wants to be prepared. I am having the same doubts. If this cycle does not work I am so terrified that doc will not help me further!! :nope:

But back to some positive thinking!! I can not wait to start opks :happydance:
I had a small amount of EWCM, which is a little early for me :shrug: I am only on CD9??? Thankfully, we BD last night so not too worried about it :smug:

Good luck ladies wherever you are in your cycle :hugs:
Hi girls,
Have called hospital and booked ,my scan! Whoop!! Its on cd10 thought, i thought that was a bit early?? Dunnno, gotta trust them as they know what theyre doing!! Its next weds at get this....7am!! How crazy! Does mean that work need know nothing though! :) xxx
Hello all.

Bean, how far along are you now? I hope the next few weeks go quickly for you... Are you feeling any better today?

Dream, great news! Follicle tracking I assume? Do you know how many scans you will have? I was told I would probably have them on days 12, 14 & 16 but I mentioned I have quite a long cycle and the lady I spoke to said to remind her of that when I call to book and they may do them later. It's great that you are ahead of me, you can tell me exactly what to expect! I also read somewhere that they may measure your ovaries and the size of them may indicate your egg reserve and how likely you are to respond to fertility treatment? Who knows though, most of what I read on the net I later get told is wrong!

Hopeful, sounds as though you are covering all bases! I hope you get a good clear positive on OPK and enjoy lots of BD'ing! :sex:

Rowan, I am glad your cycle adjusted to accomodate the SIL visit! How are the hot flushes?

Reba - good luck with the OPK's; and happy dancing this week :winkwink:

Afm, CD37 and still no sign of af. I feel nothing at all, actually; it's like there is nothing happening inside me whatsoever :nope: Did anyone else find their cycles lengthened on clomid?

Hopes. X
i think clomid can lenghtne ur lp by a few days if u did ov xx
Hopes- So sorry AF has not came yet :dohh: Maybe you should call the doc for some provera. If you did not O, you may need help starting your flow. I really hope it shows soon but maybe this will work out better because of in-laws :thumbup:

Dream- 7 am!!! Yes that is a bit early but at least you can get it out of the way and not have to try to fit it in your day! Good luck with your first scan. I hope your follies grow nice and big for you :thumbup:
i think clomid can lenghtne ur lp by a few days if u did ov xx

But what if you didn't?! CD25 blood test shows I didn't but then I did have a few twinges and thought I saw EWCM later that evening - so maybe I O'd much later than indicated by CB OPK? If so then I am totally upset as we did next to no BD'ing after CD25 - OH was exhausetd and we really thought we'd danced at all the important stages?! Precisely why I must pay for follicle tracking this month - I can't stand all the guess work! X
Yup follicle tracking scan! I have no idea what they will do! I had one very late last cycle to check for scans etc, they looked at lining of the endometrium and then the size of follicles. She showed me on the screen that they were tiny :(
My cycles are long but i think thats because i havent been ovulating? I dunno!! Hoping i'll have more than one scan to see how i progress? We'll see!!x
hey ladies

Bean I love that you update us - definately want to know how you're getting on! :)

hot flushes easing today although am still feeling pretty hormonal! Im also covered in spots on my back under the skin! Random!

Hopes I can go CD42 when not ovulating - try not to fret - as Hopeful says theres always provera and AF may come along on her own when she's ready - maybe its all a higher plan to ensure youre not TTC when mil is here :)

my AF hasnt come back yet so we shall see!

7am scan dream thats a brilliant service! At my last they said I have loads of eggs - probably cos they dont often release! :haha:

what CD are you on hopeful?

happy dancing Reba!


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