Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

On CD11. Should ovulate within the next couple of days! Excited and nervous at the same time because this is the last round of Clomid before doc appointment :wacko:
Hi all.

Rowan, thanks - I like your style; maybe it is all part of the higher plan, I hadn’t thought of it that way.

Hopeful, everything x'ed for you. You o on clomid so I see no reason it won't work for you - and you certainly seem to dance enough! All the best of luck for this cycle...

Afm, I called the fs co-ordinator this morning and asked if there was any chance that I had o’d just a few days later than I thought and if so; could this explain the very low progesterone? She didn’t really seem to know but she asked if I’d done a pg test and suggested that I do so, just in case.

For some absolutely crazy reason I took her advice and of course, got a BFN. I haven’t tested in months – seeing a BFN doesn’t get any easier, does it.

I feel devastated and once again can’t visualise ever seeing a BFP. I am at work at the moment with lots to do but I can’t concentrate, all I can think about is how unfair this world is. OH is not being very nice to me at the moment either! He seems a bit distant and doesn’t seem to want to make me feel better, when only he can.

I can’t believe how foolish I’ve been for believing for even a second I may get a BFP having been told I didn’t o!

Ladies, I’m sorry to enter another depressing thread, I don’t want to bring you all down. I hope you are all having happier days than me. Perhaps I will start to feel better once af comes :shrug:

Hopes. X
good luck hopeful! And Reba of course :)

Hopes I think you'll feel heaps better when AF comes - your hormones will switch over and you'll be starting afresh again with another chance. Big hug :hugs:

How does your DH feel about it all - does he need cheering up as well maybe? Its hard when you're both feeling the pressure - I think we're going to get the monogamy game out on our TTC week as it just makes you feel like you're dancing for fun again (like sometimes I feel like im a frumpy old dysfunctional old lady instead of the sex kitten I once felt like :) )

you'll get through it hon- it can make your heart sink cant it. I think cos I am a poas addict Im immune to BFNs now - it was so wierd after my mmc doing tests and hoping it would be bfn so it meant nothing was left behind to cause future problems.

maybe we're going to have full on kids and we need all this practice of patience and hope to set us up to be great parents :)

Hopes- It will get better :hugs:. Yeah testing does not get easier but we keep hanging on to this tiny ounce of hope left in there :nope:. What CD are you on now? Well, I would give it a couple days and then suggest they prescribe provera. I would hate for you to keep waiting and I really hope 100 is just what your body needs. :thumbup: Sorry DH is being that way :growlmad: Lets hope he just needs a little breather and will be back to normal soon:thumbup: Try to relax if you can, I really have a good feeling about this for you :flower:

Dream- Never got to ask how your period was this cycle. My periods have me slightly concerned becuase they are very, very heavy *tmi* with large clots. Hope everything is going well.:flower:

AFM- Just trying to be super healthy this cycle. I have been exercising regularly and eating well. I have been feeling a few twinges in my ovaries since yesterday. I am going to do opks today and try to relax, sippin on my green tea :dohh:. DH has been great about making his "deposits" :haha: I am trying not to stress him out with any ttc talk and it seems to be helping so far. :thumbup:

Good luck everyone:flower:

Please, please, please [-o<[-o<[-o<, with a cherry on top :lolly:, let it be my turn... :hissy:
Hi girls,
Sorry not been on! My period is very, very light! Has almost gone! Was the same last month. Have had a hard time the past 2 days, my little sister had another mc yesterday. was her 2nd in 3 months :( Was truly horrific to see it 1st hand as she haemmoraged rather badly and had to have surgery. So tbh the last thing on my mind atm is ttc, although i am taking the clomid x
Dream- I am so sorry you and your family are hurting right now. I hope things get better. Your family is in my prayers :hugs:
ah big hugs dream - hope your sister gets through it ok - v hard times -thinking of you.

Cant stay on long as my eyes are having another mad attack - Ive been getting blurry vision and my right eye hasnt been focussing properly but last night it was like being on hallucenagenics (cant spell!) I cant stand the light today or read v well and have flashing lights and all sorts of wierdness - so Ive rang ghr fertility clinic and left a message - thinking it must be the clomid! I react to painkillers and anaesthetics and antibodies so I suppose I shuld ahve realised I'd react to this :)

will let you know how I get on

Hope the rest of you ladies are doing ok

Hello ladies.

Dream, so sad for you and your Sister. Thank goodness she has you to help her. I hope you both get BFP's that lead to happy, healthy pregnancies very soon (ideally together)! X

Hopeful, all sounds positive for you this cycle, I have a good feeling. :kiss:

Rowan, vision problems are mentioned a lot when you research the side effects of clomid. I hope it passes soon and this is your cycle...

I am CD 39 and still no witch. If she isn't here by Monday then I will consider the pro vera but I have to say I'm confused why I suddenly need this, since TTC I have never needed any help in that respect. Is it just a result of taking clomid do you think? I am reluctant to take it as fs says it will bring on a bleed in ten days but I keep hoping I will do it quicker naturally? I am keen to get on with my next cycle now, I have been too long in limbo land!

its the end of the road for me and clomid Im afraid ladies - I'm not allowed to continue with it so fingers crossed for this cycle! Got to speak to my consultant nect week when ill know if its getting any better

we keep hitting dead ends so we mustnt be on the right path yet!

hopes - i hope AF finds you soon!

Aw Rowan, that is bad news. I really do have everything x'ed that you won't need any more intervention and this is your month. Have you taken your last tablet? X
Hi all,

On my 2nd round of Clomid and think I have got my fist pos OPK. I work up last nigth feeling sick and stomach pains then today EWCM....does this sound promising....sorry new to all this as 1st round didnt work.
Thanks for the kinds messages ladies :)
Rowan that is bad news, im sorry! Lets hope this is the golden cycle then!!
Wobberly that sounds promising!x

I am really sorry to hear that has happened to your sister. Big hugs. XX
Hi everybody. XX
Rowan- So sorry the pills affected you badly :hugs:. I was also told if I had any vision problems while taking Clomid that I had to stop taking it. How many pills did you get in before stopping? Hopefully you will get your BFP this month :thumbup:

Hopes- I can see why you are frustrated. It really sucks to be in limbo land. It is even worse than the dreaded two week wait! I undersatnd why you would prefer to get AF naturally and I really hope she comes today :thumbup:

Bean- Hi :wave: Have you been feeling better? Have you thought about getting a ticker so we can follow your progress? I can not wait to get a pregnancy ticker!!! :happydance:Hope all is well :flower:

Dream- Hope your family is doing better. I know it will take some time. Such an awful thing to witness. How are you doing? Have you felt any different on the 100? :hugs:

Wobberly- Definitely sounds like O! :happydance: I remember the joy of my first positive opk! Hope this is it for you :thumbup:

Hello to anyone I may have missed. Hope you are well.

AFM- No positive opk yet. Trying to be patient. Hopefully I will have more to update on later in the day :flower:
thanks ladies :)

I managed to take all 5 pills before it got too bad and I had to admit it wasnt right so fingers crossed - going to start BD tonight and then all through for a week and lets hope!

sight not as bad today still cant stand light and am seeing orbs and flashing lights and lines everywhere but its better than it was yesterday so im hopeful its starting to pass!

cant stand the pc light much longer but wanted to pop in and see how everyone was doing - fingers crossed for everyone!

Hi ladies, wuick question if any of you can answer??
This cycle im on the 100mg and my temps are different to how theyve ever been! Normally my temps are low, around 36.1-36.2. The last 3 days have been aorund 36.4! Do you think its the clomid? Should i see it as a positive thing??x
Rowan- That's great that you got to take all pills. I hope your s/e calm down!! Good luck! When will you start opk's?

Dream- I would not worry a bit. I did some researching when I first started Clomid because I had the same effect. I read in several places that Clomid can cause an elevated temp on the days of taking the pills but should go back to normal right after taking last pill until ovulation and mine did. Hope this helps. FX
Thanks hun! I see it as a good sign something is happpening as last month they were low all month! x
I am starting to lose hope on this cycle. I don't think the 50 mg did it for me. No positive opk, not even close and my last two cycles I would have ovulated already. I don't know what to think. There is no sign of O either, no ewcm just creamy. I had some ewcm and a temp dip and rise on CD 9 but it is impossible to O that early right?? I wasn't even done taking the pills (CD 5-9). FF has not detected ovulation for me at all so I am at a loss. I was really hoping this was my cycle :nope: Any thoughts?

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