Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

fingers crossed Hopeful!:happydance:

Ive had some really sharp pains in my right ovary area today as well as the usual ache in the left side so I'm not sure what thats about - maybe I'm going to ov from both sides :haha:

I'm not sure what to think re exercise - I've let myself go a bit really and have also put 5lbs on since starting clomid - I have always exercised every day but have only been going swimming once a week since August and did nothing for most of June & July - I must admit it is a concern and I think maybe thats why I havent been doing my usual levels of exercise just in case (Im sure it didnt affect my mmc but I am cautious about it if that makes sense?) I mean marathon runners carry on while bfp so maybe its different for everyone? The jurys out for me I'm afraid so I've been no help at all haha sorry! :dohh:

wobberly I got lots of creamy CM last month on clomid and when I was bfp as well so it could be either! Sorry - again no help what so ever! :wacko:

Good afternoon all.

Hopeful; all I can say is that when I was pg I asked the midwife and GP if it was OK to exercise and both said that if I continued to exercise at the level I was used to, it should be fine. They advised against starting lots of exercise when pg if your body wasn't already used to it. They also said that as an indicator, your temp shouldn't raise higher than your waking temp. Don't know if it helps but personally, I am exercising 4 times a week still...

Wobberly; I had that this cycle and I didn't o BUT, you read a lot of ladies getting it when they get their BFP's so everything crossed that this is it for you.

Rowan, I hope you can persuade DH to go again tonight! Good luck with seeing def signs of o in next few days...

I have booked my 1st scan for 4th Oct - CD16. They wanted to do it CD14 but it's a Sat - personally I'm quite glad as I am sure I don't o that early ever! Better start saving I think - this could be an expensive month!

Love to anyone I may have forgotten. Hopes. X
Great news re your scan Hopes - fingers crossed for you!

have text DH and told him no rest for the wicked tonight - bless him he has such a physical job as well - he comes in all covered in muck and I just want to ravage him - he's like "Get off me woman" :haha:

ee (sorry - Im so northern!) well I'd best crack on with the packing...Ive done 6 boxes so far but ended up getting distracted and watching a programme on quads instead - the tea is marinading in the fridge tho so I dont feel too bad a wife :)

Have a good evening all!

Yay rowan!! :)
I have my scan in morning, am praying there will be some nice big follicles!!xx
Hi ladies, just a quickie as I am supposed to be downstairs chatting to MIL - thankfully, only just over a week to go!

Reba and Hopeful, relax ladies, sounds as though you have danced enough and anything else is a bonus? Dust be with you both...

Rowan, lol - I hope DH can handle you tonight! But you are a few days off o, no? Just keep doing what you're doing and I am hopeful you will get a pos result.

Dream - all the best for your scan, please let me know every detail.. I apologise if I have asked you before but how do you (and everyone else), feel about the possibility of a multiple birth?

I just wanted to say how nice it's been chatting to you all about things that aren't directly related to TTC - house moves, gym, TV etc etc I think that even if we didn't have TTC in common, then we may still be friends anyway!

I am in a stupidly good mood again - even OH has noticed. CD 3 of cycle 2 and we have dubbed it the 'clomid high' already. Oh Lord, please don't send me crashing back down to earth any time soon, I love feeling happy and care free...

Hopes. X
morning ladies!

am up early ready to go to GP to let him know about the clomid - then will ring fertility clinic afterwards. Getting eyebrows done as well ready for my new haircut - am going for a fringe! I used to have a really blunt 1950s fringe so I'm going back to that! Last time I had that was for our wedding - am getting highlights as well - hopefully I wont feel as frumpy as I do now :)

my temps have dropped again slightly today 36.59 to 36.57 so no ov yet- only thing is poor DH is so exhausted from the work he's doing this week no BD last night and he feels so bad about it I think I'll wait until he initiates BD before mentioning it - more EWCM this am so we may still be in for a shot but I dont want to pressure DH - he could barely stand up this am and has another long physical day - but we shall see - maybe theres enough swimmers already in situ just waiting to pounce!

Dream hope your scan goes well - it'll be interesting!

Ah Hopes I feel the same - its lovely! So glad you're feeling good again!

will let you know what fertility clinic says

Have a good day :flower:
Hey lovelies,
Scan went positively! :)
My endometrium is 4.5mm, needs to be 7-9mm to implant. Was 5mm on cd40 last time so looking positive! I had lots of small follicles and one that is a lot larger but not massive! I am booked in for more scans on friday, monday and wednesday. She said that hopefully by friday we'll see some progress! So fxed now!!

A multiple birth would be my dream come true!!
Hope everyone else is ok!! I have a friend staying with me so not on properly but will be keepign an eye on you all when i can xxx

So glad that you are getting somewhere. Thinking of you. X
Hi ladies :flower:

Wobberly- I have had creamy white discharge on each Clomid cyce but like Hopes said it many ladies experience this when pg!! I hope it is a sign for you. Any other signs? FX :flower:

Hopes- Good luck on your first scan! I know you are super excited! Great to hear you are feeling so good on the Clomid!! FX :thumbup:

Rowan- Good luck at the doc! I am also going to be doing a little primping this weekend, maybe a haircut and eyebrows and maybe even a pedicure, can't wait! :kiss: We deserve it, don't we? I feel bad for DH also. He is working really hard but has came through for me so much on this never-ending :wacko: cycle of mine!

Dream- Awesome news on first scan!! I feel the exact same way about multiple births!! :baby::baby::baby: :haha:

Bean- Hi :flower: Hope all is well.

AFM- FINALLLLLLY, On CD 18, positive opk, ewcm, temp drop (again), and pains in both ovaries, but mostly my left one! :happydance: I wish I had a scan right now!! :dohh: Well ladies, I have no idea why I am Oing so late but I really hope this is it! I will know for sure by my temp in the upcoming days! Will keep you updated!:thumbup:

Dream thats brilliant! Thats amazing that they're booking you in for so many scans - really good service and brilliant in terms of information and hopefully peace of mind for you and your OH - fingers crossed! :happydance:

Drs was fine - he took my blood pressure and seemed content that the symptoms have gone - one more chemical sensitivity to log on the system :) he said oo youll get there you know one day - bless him! Havent heard back from fertility clinic yet but I'll let you know what they say

CD15 for me and a rise in temp today - from 36.57 to 36.80 - looking at my chart it looks odd that it went from 36.38 to 36.43 to 36.59 to 36.57 then a rise - do you think I should ignore the 36.57 temp? I suppose I'd only be kidding myself if I did tho :dohh:

BD this am so if I o today We'd have BD CD9,11,12 &15 - you never know! I was a bit weepy last night :cry: (always am after holding my new nephew) thinking that this was our last shot at clomid and we werent going to BD so am delighted to have had a lovely spontaneous BD this am :)

Hopeful that sounds v promising! Brilliant! :wohoo:

Reba hows your 2ww going? :dust:

Hopes I would also be pretty pleased with multiples :baby::baby::baby: - I've always been randomly approched in the street by strangers telling me triplets and had tarot ladies saying triplets - 2 girls and a boy - but they've been a long time coming thats all I can say - DH says he'll believe all my fate / signs / faith "crap" (as he calls it) if we go for a scan and see 3 poppets in there! One healthy poppet with a strong heart would be just lovely tho of course

When I was watching the quads programme the other day tho it was absolutely nerve wracking & I did think crikey 4 times the worry! 8-[[-o<

Hope you all have a good day :)

Hi ladies

Hope your all well.

My 2WW is going slowly but surely.... Im currently 10DPO (if I ov'd on CD13 that is). I have loads of twinges and pains and period feelings so Im not too hopeful - i get these pains and feelings every month - i wish I could have some different symptoms but nothing. Whats all this talk about clomid giving you pregnancy symptoms - i havent had any!

Dream - glad the scan went well - im sure your lining will be nice and thick at the next scan and that you'll have a dominant follicle or 2!

Rowan - hope you Ov soon. Or by the look of your temps you probably already have. You seem to have done enough :sex: to catch the egg. Good luck this month :thumbup:

Hopeful - sounds like Ov is happening for you - what CD did you take your clomid? Could that be a reason why your Ov'ing late? I couldnt belive I ov'd so early this month (3 days earlier) - i took clomid on CD3 for the 1st round but took it CD2 last round - i might take it CD1 next round if no luck - the more eggs produced the better the chances I suppose!

I like the thought of having twins but not triplets.... thats a scary thought. Even 2 scares me - I'd rather one at a time to be honest but I would be over the moon if I was told it was twins... Id be scared but we'd manage Im sure.... double trouble! And I thought I'd be on my second child at this age anyway so maybe twins would be good! :baby: :baby:
Rowan-Great news about your suprise BD! Don't you love when that happens! P.S. I love long posts :winkwink:

Reba- My first cycle was where I experienced major pregnancy symptoms but not so much last cycle. I took it as my body had not O'd before the Clomid so it was really preparing for a pregnancy the first round.

First cycle was 25 days and I O'd on cd12. Second cycle was 27 days and O'd on CD14. FF always marks the day of the temp rise as ovulation, so that would be today CD19 (temp rise this morning). Each cycle I took the pills on CD5-9. If FF indicates this as ovulation, I will be taking my day 21 bloods on CD 26.

Do you consider it too late to BD once your temp rises?
Thanks Reba! When are you going to test? I cant help but test every morning once past 9DPO - got poas-itis!

:) glad you dont mind me ribbiting on while I'm off work! Looks like we both ov today then Hopeful! I defo class BDing on the temp rise day as worth a try!:dust:

Hi ladies, just a quick update as im off to bed gotta be up early and just come off night shifts at work...

I went for my 1st scan on day 9 of my cycle on wed and my left ovary is showing 2follies at 13mm (UK) which was brilliant, they have booked me in for a scan tomorrow morning to ensure they are growing more hoping they will be 15-16mm which is when they are ready to release :happydance: so fingers crossed, Im looking to be ovulating this weekend or early next week, i have my OPK's at the ready :) xxx
thats brilliant Mrs A - fingers crossed for you! :thumbup:

I'm CD16 today and temp 36.80 again so I suppose tomorrows temp will tell more - its all about waiting isnt it :)

Got my hair done and its much better yey! Only thing was one of the girls working there has just had her 12 week scan and she TTC for one month after her wedding - she was going on and on about her scan and I ended up crying :cry:- how embarassing- I just pretended I was upset about something I was reading in my magazine!:blush:

Hope you all have a good day!

Hello ladies. :flower::flower::flower:

I hope you are all happy as it's Friday!

Reba, not too long to go now; will you wait until you are late or test earlier? Best of luck to you...

Hopeful, you too are in the 2ww? I hope it goes quickly for you!

Rowan, I'm glad you have been pampering yourself and have had some time off, sometimes, we ladies just need that.

MrsG, this sounds very positive, keep us posted and happy BD'ing! How long is your cycle usually and what days do you take your clomid?

It was nice to read everyones responses to multiple births. I think I've said this before but I am an identical twin and my sister is my best friend. I would love to have twins of my own - possibly even triplets, though I'd be worried about carrying them.
OH and I have enough family and friends around to help out and we have more than enough space at home, so why not?! We have always said we'd like 3 children but realistically without a multiple birth that is unlikely for us now (I am 34)!

I am currently CD6 and will be taking my last clomid tonight but so far I feel nothing at all. Oh, just 2 things but I really doubt they are connected - I am not very hungry (which absolutely never happens to me, not ever)! I am having really vivid dreams and when I wake up, I think conversations I had in my dreams actually happened. Either OH is playing a cruel trick on me, or I really am just dreaming?!

Anyway, I'm quite worried that I still won't o on 100mg but thankfully I'm having scans; my first of which is now CD13.

Have lovely weekends ladies, Hugs to anyone I've missed and I look forward to some good news from someone soon!

Hopes. X :dust:
Hi, Didn't want to R&R when I was on my first cycle of Clomid I was exactly the same as you I was really worried that I was so wet! But it's normal some women it dries you up others creates more CM don't worry.

I always got a posotive OPK on day 14 as with every single one of my cycles guess I am lucky! So it didn't affect my ovulation at all.

MrsG, this sounds very positive, keep us posted and happy BD'ing! How long is your cycle usually and what days do you take your clomid?

I am currently CD6 and will be taking my last clomid tonight but so far I feel nothing at all. Oh, just 2 things but I really doubt they are connected - I am not very hungry (which absolutely never happens to me, not ever)! I am having really vivid dreams and when I wake up, I think conversations I had in my dreams actually happened. Either OH is playing a cruel trick on me, or I really am just dreaming?!

Anyway, I'm quite worried that I still won't o on 100mg but thankfully I'm having scans; my first of which is now CD13.

Have lovely weekends ladies, Hugs to anyone I've missed and I look forward to some good news from someone soon!

Hopes. X :dust:

Hey hun, thank you... well ladies i went for my scan today and both my eggs have released yesterday or today (day10 or 11) by the looks of things. I took my clomid day 2-6 and had 2eggs.. they were both 13 (maybe nearer 14) so i reckon they might have just had a growth spurt, as it seems I have ovulated :happydance: we :sex: lastnight and we are going to do it today so fingers crossed i catch one or both of the released eggs with my husbands super sperm lol! we shall see xx

rohan - im so happy you have been pampered, but i know what you mean about being upset.. and i dont blame you for getting upset, i envy all women who get pregnant within the first 2months of trying ha! x

hopefulchick - this sounds positive to me :D fingers crossed for you catching your egg.x

p.s sorry if i wrote about my 1st scan twice, i think i may have got confused with which part of the forums i wrote in as i was v.excited.xx
Hey all,
I just had my cd21 blood reults and they were 106?>? My dr comfirmed that anything over 25 is OV so really good results....hopefully I will get my BFP next week...

It was my 2nd 50g clomid cycle.

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