Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Hey ladies,
had scan this morning, endometrium is 9.3mm which is perfect and follie is now a big juicy 22.5mm! So anytime now apparently. Just done an opk and its gone from no line yesterday to almost + so hoping for ov very soon.
Hope everyone else is ok xx
aww dream of a bean i hope this is your month :) fingers crossed ... and yeh i know what u mean about sil being preg, some people find it so easy .. which is good for them but makes me feel miserable too :( xx
Thanks mrs g, how are you??? Did a digi opk and its positive!! whoop!!x
aww good im so happy for you hun. yeh im good thank you, imjust abit confused on if i need to change my blood test date? as i ovulated on day 10-11 and they say it should be 7-9days after O.? hmm

i might just call the drs tomorrow and see what they say xx
That is wonderful news dream!!! What a big follie :happydance: I hope you get lots of :spermy: Finally get to O!!! Fingers crossed this is your month :thumbup:
I have a quick question. My temps have dropped under coverline. This did not happen the first two rounds. I am 5dpo. I am really concerned. Should I be? Also, I feel like I am about to get AF, if that makes sense?!?!?
I have a quick question. My temps have dropped under coverline. This did not happen the first two rounds. I am 5dpo. I am really concerned. Should I be? Also, I feel like I am about to get AF, if that makes sense?!?!?

Could be a positive thing hun! An implant dip? Gosh i hope so for you xxx
Mrs G i think the bloods need to be done 7dpo so yup, change it to cd18 i say!!
My temp has dropped for 2nd day, a nice big dip ready for a soar tomrorow i hope!!!
Think AF is on her way for me. CD28 and I have cramps and brown spotting. on woth 3rd round of clomid....really thought it was my month as CD21 bloods came back at 106 - super high....
Hi ladies - a very quick entry (!) from me today.
Wobberly; really hoping the witch is not coming for you - am sending her stay away vibes...
Hopeful, sounds encouraging, best of luck and you did lots of dancing as I recall so I am sure all bases have been well and truly covered!
Dream, also sounds very good for you - I am praying this is your month, it will help take the sting out of SIL's extremely fortunate news too!
Mrs G, I agree to adjust your blood test date.
How are Reba, Rowan and Bean?

I have nothing to report! CD10, 1st dance CD 8, I can't feel anything much going on but I have my 1st scan Friday - CD13. I called the clinic and asked if they would be doing a post coital test and they said no, they no longer offer them as it was proven the reults are not helpful! I must say that they seem to disagree with a lot of stuff I have read online - unsure yet if this is a good or a bad thing!?

Love and dust to you all, Hopes. X
hi ladies

Just to report I started my usual brown spotting on Friday (CD24 - if I ov'd on CD13 then that a 10/11 day LP). I am still spotting (it usually last 5-6 days for me) so Im due full AF tomorrow or Thursday - so much for clomid helping with my spotting. :nope:

I was feeling really hopeful this month too cos I Ov'd earlier and got loads of sex in but Im out again and onto 3rd round of clomid. :growlmad:

Spent the weekend with my pregnant friend too which doesnt help matters - think they only tried on month - sickening..... what the hell is wrong with me! :cry:

Anyway hope you are all well and hope there's some good news on here soon!
Reba- so sorry :hugs: I do not recall if you got day 21 bloods this cycle? Have docs said anything about a short lp because of spotting? I hope AF truly does not show!

Wobberly- I think you still may have a shot! How are your temps? :flower:

Hopes- Good luck on Friday! I have also read that many fs are backing away from post coital tests, so maybe it is not a bad thing. :thumbup: Have you started opks? Did you try temping this month?

Dream- Good news for temp dip! Should O anytime now! Good luck hun! I really feel like this is your cycle! :winkwink:

MrsG- Any symptoms going on? FX :thumbup:

Rowan- Getting close to day21 bloods. How are you feeling? :flower:

Hello to anyone I may have forgotten right now! :flower:

AFM- Still having AF cramps but temp did return above coverline today which makes me feel a little better! I never had a dip in the tww but I thought women experience spotting with implantation and I have none of that. I am trying to get my order slip for my day21 bloods which have to be taken tomorrow but can't seem to get anyone on the telephone:dohh:
Big hugs for you Reba, i pray af is not on her way :(
Hopeful not everyone gets spotting with implantation xxx
hopefulchick, only symptoms iv had hun are dullaches on the left side of my abdomen, and i was really tired this PM but im sure that was because my day at work has been heavy (in the workload sense and the emotional sense) so i had a nap for an hour and half :lol: needed it though... apart from that just the spotting the other day - which could have been from the UTI iv contracted :nope: but hey not much to report here, saying that im not really looking as im keeping my mind occupied :) xx
How are you huni:?

As for the internet being bad source of information, some of it is :lol: and i agree but some of it keeps us sain ha! i think we need to research ourselves some to understand things fully :) i said this to DH the other day how i knew my body better this month than anyother month thanks to clomid... good luck hun.

how is everyone else? xxx
hey ladies :wave:

Dream - yey thats fabulous! fingers crossed! :happydance:

Mrs A - fingers crossed for you too

Wobberly - Im hoping it isnt AF for you - fingers crossed

Hopes fingers crossed for your scan cant wait to hear about it!

Reba huge hugs - lets hope this next cycle is the one for you :hug::hugs:

Hopeful - I had an implantation dip with my bfp - on 4DPO - it went from 36.81 on 3DPO to 36.33 to 36.51 to 36.81 on 6DPO - so you never know!! fingers crossed!

Lots of crossed fingers!! there should be a smiley for it!

im ok thanks - my eyes are really playing up so im going to the opticians tomorrow. CD21 bloods tomorrow - am not bloated at all but have soore bbs and loads of creamy CM - had cramps today as well - fingers crossed! My temps just keep pootling along so we shall see what tomorrow brings!

Have a good evening everyone


Reba- so sorry :hugs: I do not recall if you got day 21 bloods this cycle? Have docs said anything about a short lp because of spotting? I hope AF truly does not show!

AFM- Still having AF cramps but temp did return above coverline today which makes me feel a little better! I never had a dip in the tww but I thought women experience spotting with implantation and I have none of that. I am trying to get my order slip for my day21 bloods which have to be taken tomorrow but can't seem to get anyone on the telephone:dohh:

Hopeful - I didnt have any bloods done (it wasnt offered to me). I was given a scan the 1st cycle and had two nice ripe follies and I never called about a scan on the 2nd cycle (thought it would just be the same and I had all the pains and twinges of Ovulation too). Oh and the DR/FS doesnt seem to recognise a short LP or a LPD (I've told them over and over about the spotting and the short LP and they look at me like I have 2 heads and say why would that cause a problem..... :growlmad: ) Anyway the FS said at last appointment that if the clomid doesnt help with the spotting then its obviously not a hormonal thing but that it could be a fibroid in my uterus. So my next step is a Hysteroscopy (cant wait.... NOT)

What cycle day are you on? I hope the temps stay nice and high and you get lucky this month! :thumbup:
Hi all,
Af turned up yesterday so 3rd clomid round for me. Goignt o try preseed this month so will let you know.
On clomid I never seem to get any fresh blood, its always really dark and dischargy like and I get blobs of internal tissue (well think it is) is this normal....sorry tmi. x
Good morning ladies :flower:

Mrs A.- Last cycle I felt like I slept the entire 2ww! :sleep: I was drained. I think it was more of an emotional drain than anything else. Are you temping? Sorry if you have already mentioned it. :flower:

Rowan- I really hope your eyes get better soon. That is quite scary! Excited for bloods today! Yet I still have not gotten anyone to write up my order slip! Gonna raise hell today :devil: Fingers crossed on high numbers!

Reba- I really pray that it is not a fibroid! I am keeping my fingers crossed for your next try! :hugs:

Wobberly- Sorry AF is here. I know that feeling all too well! My periods are comparable to a masacre on Clomid. Very, very heavy with *tmi* large clots. But the blood always appears to be fresh. What days are you taking Clomid?

Dream- How are temps? Fingers crossed for you! :thumbup:

Hopes- Are you doing any opks this cycle? Keep us updated on your scan, two more days right? Fingers crossed!:hugs:

AFM- Like I said- gotta get my bloodwork but first need the order so that should be fun today! My temps were high again today! Increased by .3 this morning. Unlike my other two cycles on Clomid, I do not have as much creamy discharge. It is noticeable but only slightly. I am on CD 25, 7 days past ovulation.

Good luck ladies in waiting... We need some good news! [-o<[-o<[-o<
Hi, taking it 2-6......oh I home something isnt wrong....Its just so dark and thick!

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