Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

hey ladies - having eye trouble again so am just nipping on

Thanks Hopeful - optician said it may take a while and Im not to drive and hes writing to my Dr and if it doesnt go away then I need to see a specialist, so I'm not much further forward but at least he doesnt think Im nuts! :wacko: Work are not impressed with me - I've only got 6 weeks left of my contract and I've been off more than I'ver been there - but I just cant see my work properly! hey ho - at least ill get the packing done :)

heres hoping for your bfp! Ive got lots of creamy CM and temp went up today to above 37 so we'll see what tomorrow brings - wouldnt it be lovely if I got a bfp to balance out my crappy eyes! Had my bloods done so I suppose I'll ring up next monday or tuesday - hope you got your slip! How long does ot take everyone else to get their bloods back?

wobberly my AF is always brown or black red and always clumpy - hope your AF doesnt last too long

babydust and Hope to everyone


Hello ladies in waiting (stolen from hopeful but I liked it a lot)! :haha:

Rowan and Hopeful, I think your temp rises sounds very promising. I hear that temping is the most reliable indicator of ov, so it is likely that it could lead to BFP's (if you know what I mean?!) Hopeful, did you get your blood test yet and Rowan, I get my results within 2 days; I hope you don't have to wait any longer than that. I really hope this is your cycle ladies, am keeping everything crossed for you both (apart from my legs - which would be counter productive to my own cause) :winkwink:
And Rowan, it's awful about your poor eyes, I hope they are totally back to normal very soon. X

Reba, I hope she doesn't get you. There is still a chance... Remind me, are you temping?

Wobberley, sorry for you honey :nope: I hope that you get lucky next month though. I suppose the good thing about clomid is that you take it early on in your cycle and so psychologically, you feel like you're doing something? I used to hate the first 2 weeks of my cycle with a miserable passion but it's slightly easier to take now, once I start taking the pills.

Reba, I am hoping she stays away from you too - will you have scans / bloods again next cycle if not?

Mrs G, I hope the 2ww goes quickly for you - it must be a killer!

I am on CD11 and have danced CD's 8 & 10 so far. Probably too early but I don't want to miss a chance.. I really should have started using OPK's by now but for some reason, I am really dragging my heals over it. I bought some CB digitals, maybe Ill start them tomorrow? It just seems to stress me out so much.
I am temping but I don't know if it will tell me much, last month ff didn't even give me a coverline? I am probably putting all of my faith in the scans tbh, I hope I don't regret it.

As for side effects, I think I am having the odd hot flush and my general ovary area is aching but I kind of expected to feel more - I am taking 100mg after all!?!

Ladies, if the scans show I haven't o'd, I simply don't know what I'll do next :shrug:

Sitting next to the pregnant one all day every day is simply too much to tolerate. I honestly thnk it's worse than if all of my close friends and family were expecting; at least I'd be able to chose when I saw them!

On a happier note, I feel happy, sexy and rampant (got to be the C)?! OH is a little scared I think :haha: And so he bloody should be, I'm after his body in a big way!

Love and happiness to y'all, Hopes. X
hopefulchick: no im not temping this month and I was too late with my OPK's ha! so if i havnt caught an eggy this month then i shall do both next month :lol: x

Rohan: oh no, i suppose you cant help your eyesight i was also warned of problems like this before i started taking it, luckily i had not many symptoms and my eye sight was fine. I hope your feeling OK and it gets back to normal quick for you. :flower: fingers crossed it made you O though as your in a good chance for a :bfp: x

hopesfading: yeh the 2ww is an absolute killer normally, but im off to marbella tonight for a hen weekend so im pre occupied on being with the ladies this weekend lol! and next weekend im going to be ready to test so its not too bad.. thanks though. How are you feeling now? x I began my OPK's on cycle day 11 and I was too late ha! i Ovulated on cd10 in between my scan on 9th day and 11th day.. but i had :sex: alot that week so im quite happy with our efforts poor hubby :lol: xx (oh and i put all my faith in the scans this month hun) 1st scan showed 13mm (UK) two follies and 2nd scan showed they had released so FX. xx

How is everyone else feeling? lots of love xxx :dust:
Hi all

Wow there sounds like lots and lots is going on. Good luck to everyone in the two week wait and infact whatever stage you are at. I can't wait to see some bfps from you all.

I went to see midwife on monday and will have scan mon 18th oct - when i should be about 13 weeks. Am feeling sick still but glad of that.

Will be back soon to check on you all. XX
morning ladies!

Thanks everyone! I was really fed up and feeling sorry for myself yesterday but I figure today I'll just have to make the best of it!

2wwFM - slight drop today but still over 37 :)

Hopes you crack me up! keep on having fun dancing!

Mrs A oo lovely suondske youve got lots of fab stuff to keep you distracted!

Bean - not too long now then - fingers crossed!


Hi Ladies

Well the witch showed up in full force yesterday evening. Sorry for TMI but the blood is a bad colour - really dark looking not the usual bright red. And again sorry for TMI but its not coming out that much either (i can feel the pain in my stomach but when i go to the loo expecting to be covered in blood theres only a tiny bit but then once I sit on loo i can feel the clots coming out and hear them dropping into the toilet (really sorry about the TMI.....).

I was reading about retrograde menstruation (where the blood doesnt flow out properly and causes endometriosis) I really think this is whats happening to me. I have all the endo symptoms but my FS is against having a LAP.

Anyway onto round 3 of clomid tonight (and I've misplaced my tablets.... I think I know where they are (i hope I do). If not I'll be panicking!

Hopes - your poor DH wont know what hit him when you jump on him!!!! :haha:
Hi all.

I am shocked; just got a smiley on a CB OPK - 1st one I have done this cycle! I almost can't believe it as I'm only on CD12 and to my knowledge, usually o much later if at all.

It will be very interesting to see what the scan shows tomorrow now. Because af didn't completely stop until CD7, we have only danced CD's 8 & 10. I hope this isn't a problem... We will dance again tonight of course!

Reba, I hope you are wrong and it's just a bad period and I hope you found your pills? Defo worth mentioning it again to FS..

Bean, so glad you still have sickness!! Can't wait for your scan, I wonder how many little faces you'll see?! I really hope the time flies for you as I'm sure you are anxious.

Mrs A, have a wonderful weekend, just think, it may be the last time you get to go drinking for a while! Agree, if no luck this month then temp and OPK's nxt month.

Hopeful, hope you had your blood test?

Hopes. X
when i go to the loo expecting to be covered in blood theres only a tiny bit but then once I sit on loo i can feel the clots coming out and hear them dropping into the toilet (really sorry about the TMI.....).

I was reading about retrograde menstruation (where the blood doesnt flow out properly and causes endometriosis) I really think this is whats happening to me. I have all the endo symptoms but my FS is against having a LAP.

I will have to look into retrograde menstruation because I have had many cycles, even w/o the Clomid that I have experienced the same symptoms. I hope you find that you have nothing to worry over. Good luck with the 3rd round!
Hello ladies. Just got in from work. Yes Hopes, I did finally get the day 21 blood test!!:thumbup: I was getting worried for a minute. I have been overly emotional for the last two days. :cry: Just feel overwhelmed with everything. Good news is that my temp was up another .4 degrees this morning and is the highest temp of my cycle! My last two cycles my temp started to drop 10 dpo so I will just wait and hope. Tomorrow will be 9 dpo. Hope everyone is well but I am going to go rest because my eyes feel heavy from crying (over tv shows, songs, thoughts :dohh:) for the last two days. Ugghh! I hate hormones:dohh:

Keeping my fingers crossed for each and everyone of us :flower:
morning ladies!

Reba - ah thats pants! Heres hoping this cycle works for you! Did you find your tablets?

Hopes - fabulous news! fingers crossed your BD does the trick! :happydance:

Hopeful - bless you! I'm not crying this month but 'm quite snappish if I dont catch it in time - luckily my DH thinks its hilarious as its so not me - so we end up in kinks laughing at my ridiculousness! Fingers totally crossed for yout temps to keep rising!

2ww watch - Im 9DPO and temp dropped today from 37.04 to 36.89 so it could be the start of AF on her way or maybe its just random - we'll see what tomorrows temp brings :)

Have a good day everyone!


Hi ladies. Just a quick update as I am at work and have a busy day ahead. The scan showed one large follicle (20.6mm on the right hand side), nothing on the left. Radiologist said it will surely release an eggy over the weekend and I will have another scan to confirm on Monday.
I suppose I am slightly disappointed that there is only one follie as I know some ladies have lots. Does this mean only one egg - so no possibility of a multiple (unless identical which is v. unlikely)?
Also, last month I had a surge and failed to o and so I am not getting my hopes up too high. I will dance as much as OH allows though and keep my fingers x'ed like mad!
I am temping, should I see a rise after o? I may have to post a link to my chart as I am rubbish with it and can't ever really see a pattern!
Good luck to you all, Hopeful, your temp sounds promising and Rowan, lol at your mood swings! At least DH can se the funny side!

Hopes. X
i think some ladies do get multiple follies but one big one is just as good xx
Morning ladies,

Hopes - great news about the large follie - prob only means one egg but sure thats all ya need!! good luck with the :sex: this weekend! :thumbup:

Rowan - yeah found my tablets and took my first last night on CD2. Gonna try to think positive and 3rd time lucky this month!!! Hope your temp dip was implantation dip and not AF on her way (the bitch that she is)!

Hopeful - ive been the most emotional Ive been in ages this month too. Crying at Grand Designs on Wed night (it was sad cos her hubbie died of cancer but she went ahead and built the house of their dreams for their kids), and then watched Time Travellers Wife and was crying from 10 minutes in the whole way through (ive seen it before and read the book so I knew what to expect and that made it worse), and think I was crying at an Ad on TV about poor donkeys in India or somewher that are worked to death.... Anyway basically ive been an emotional wreck but once AF showed up it all eased off. I hope your temp rise is a good sign though - fingers crossed!!!

Hope everyone else is doing well?

Oh I must start temping again this month so I can pinpoint Ov better. And worst thing is DH is off on a boys weekend the weekend of Ov (if its CD13 again). Monday will be CD13 so he'll be back Sun eve so I suppose we still have a chance - it might be nice to have that break and then he'll come back all horny and ready to pounch on me!!! :haha: :blush: :haha:
Rowan- I wish my DH would laugh about it. He usually ends up getting defensive and forgetting the fact that I am an emotional trainwreck at the moment!! I am sure your temps will be fine. Fingers crossed:thumbup::flower:

Hopes- I am just over the moon for your big follie!! :happydance: One is all you need for now! Yeah, there are many girls that have more but they sometimes are too small. Yours is perfect! If I were you I would tie up OH to the bed and don't let him go till you get your temp rise, lol :haha: You gave me the idea to attach my chart link to my sig. Thanks :thumbup::flower:

Reba- I know the feeling about DH not being around. After this next upcoming cycle in October, he will be out of town the entire fertile period in November. I really need this cycle to work out for me. Good luck on temping this cycle. I found that I do it now without even thinking twice about it. It is like second nature.:flower:

AFM- Temp dropped a little today but I am still doing good, nowhere near coverline as of yet. I attatched my link to my chart, you just have to click on my ff ticker. As far as bodily symptoms- not really anything besides a little cramping. Still trying to stay optimistic. I will probably call on Monday for my prog. results if they do not call before that.:flower:
Dream- How are you hun? Haven't heard from you. Hope all is well with O. Keep us updated!! :flower:
Hey girls,
Had a busy weekend and tbh ive been feeling so down ive just moaned away in my journal and nowhere else. I have oved but temps are low and ff hasnt confirmed ov. I KNOW in my heart that we havent been successful this cycle even though we're only 3dpo :(
Hopeful your chart looks amazing!!!x
Dream, your temp is definitely rising! If you get one more high temp, I really think you will get confirmation on ff!! You have a dip and rise and you should be excited. Please do not give up at only 3dpo!! :flower: I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you :thumbup:
morning ladies! am off to fancy London today with my sister to go wedding dress trying on (for her) and to a wedding fayre tmro - staying at little sil who is also getting married next year so should be entertaining!

get me tho - have been fretting about my temp tmro cos I'm in dif circumstances! Get a grip girl! :haha:

Hopes thats gtreat news re your follie - fingers crossed!

Hopeful I dont understand not celcius but that looks like my old bfp chart! when are you going to test? I'm going to start on monday and also ohone for my prog results monday

Reba - sods law! I cant imagine life without tem[ing now!

Dream fingers crossed - you may be in it still yet!

have a good weekend!


ps how doe you do a ff ticker? also my DH has just peered in and nopticed lots of mistakes - sorry! my eyes are bonkers!
Morning all.

Rowan, your poor eyes! This cycle has to work for you to make up for it! Have a fab weekend, sounds good! :flower:

Hopeful, I don't know much about charts but you can clearly see a pattern to yours. Hoping those temps stay up - when will you test? :happydance:

Dreams, you really never do know - I hope there is a sperm diving into your egg right now! Try and stay positive, easier said than done I know. :hugs:

Reba, hope you are less emotional now! I also hope your cycle adjusts a few days to accommodate DH's weekend away, stranger things have happened! (Take me with the in-laws, that panned out perfectly thanks to a really long cycle)! :awww:

Hugs to anyone I've forgotten. :hugs:

I was very 'tender' all day yesterday and last night (quite sore, I'd go as far as to say) but I have woken up feeling completely normal. I think my follie has ruptured! Ff puts me at 1DPO but only once I'd figured out how to put my OPK test result in; not with my temps alone. Temp did drop this morning - should it rise higher than my coverline tomorrow? Not that I know what my coverline is as for some reason, FF just doesn't give me one? But I can take a rough guess.
I feel more positive than I have before that I did o. But a small part of me is still expecting to find out that the egg didn't release. I have a scan on Monday and a blood test on Thurs. So I should know for sure soon. :shrug:

Hope you all have lovely weekends and I look forward to all updates.

Hopes. X

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