Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Rowan- Looks like you will be occupied until Monday with all the wedding plans! Sounds exciting! Have fun! After you log in to ff, click on Tools, then go down to Sharing Community and click on Ticker to set it up. Hope that helps. :flower:

Hopes- I can totally understand why you are cautious to get excited. I am the same way sometimes. Glad to hear you are feeling better today. If ff puts you at 1dpo, did they give you the red crosshairs? If they did, that should be your coverline. Hope your temp rises really high! :flower:

AFM- Today is 10 dpo. Kind of glad that temp has not dropped anymore! Still too nervous to really get excited about the possibility. Not sure if I will test. But if I do, Monday sounds good!

Luck ladies:flower:
Hi Hopeful. No Crosshair?! A vertical line to mark o but that's all? Very strange indeed! I hope you are too busy to think about it much this weekend! X
I never had it w/o the horizontal line also. Maybe it is waiting for a temp rise? Maybe the other ladies know more and can better help. :flower:
Hey ladies,
Did you do a manual override where you enter ov hopes? Just asking as when i did that i just a vertical line until i have enough temps to put cross hairs in! Only got mine this morning.
Im feeling slightly better today. Still convinced im out but no longer sobbing! Cm has weirdly returned after 3 days of very little!x
Hey ladies :flower:
Hope all are well.
Temp rose a little more today but woke up with AF cramps! Pretty sure she will be showing up soon :growlmad: I might test tomorrow depends on my temps :shrug:

Fingers crossed for everyone!!:flower:
Its looking good hopeful!! :)
My temp has dipped slightly today :( Only a tiny amount but its meant to be rising! :( Have said it a 100 times already but we're so out this cycle :(
Hello all.

Dream, I did manually over ride to enter o so you are probably right, I just have to wait for the crosshairs! I know how you feel but it is always feasible that you are not out, after all, it just takes 1 sperm...

Hopeful, I have a really good feeling for you, I am keeping my fingers crossed.

I have a confession to make ladies; I got horribly drunk last night and didn't temp this morning. I feel v. annoyed with myself, I was so desperate to see a rise. I had a dip either side of o; is this usual?

I am probably being a worry wort now but I have started to panic that CD 13 is too early to o - especially as I usually tend to have long cycles? Also, we only managed to BD CD's 8, 10, 12 & 13. We tried CD 14 but I was in so much pain we had to stop. Afterwards I could hardly walk and had to take pain killers. I was worried about OHSS but I am fine again today. We will try and BD again tonight but I am fairly sure we are too late. Be honest ladies, do you think I have much of a chance?

I have been reading about follicle tracking and it seems that my scan tomorrow will confirm whether or not my follie has popped - but won't show if an egg has been released or not. In which case I will have to wait a week for my blood results, which will be a killer!

I really feel positive that I have o'd this time but I know there is a chance I didn't.

How is everyone else? I hope you are all in good places, enjoying dancing as much as it is possible and not getting too many side effects.

Hopes. X
Honey i only bded up until ov day. I was far too bloated and sore the following day too!!
I think you have a fab chance!!:)
Dont worry about not temping, even if you had done itm the temps would be off due to alcohol anyway!! Yup the follicle scans only say whether a follie has popped! xxx
:thumbup: Thanks Dream. I have to say, the pain really did stop play, it's a bit of a catch 22 being too tender to BD on the most important day of your cycle! Clomid is a funny drug indeed. Lets just hope that we all conceive really quickly now; if everyone of us got our BFP by Xmas, wouldn't it be amazing! X
That would be sooo amazing!!! Think that's gotta be the aim girls!!x
morning ladies :hi:

had a lovely time at the wedding fayre etc - my little sisters looked stunning in the dresses they tried on and they got so many ideas and we had lovely champers! It was really good and I was determined not to let my eyes bother me I think Im actually getting used to it :)

Hopes fingers crossed for your scan today - maybe your cycle will shorten? Mine did last month sometimes I have cycles well into the 40 days bracket and last month it was 29 days.

Hopeful any news?

My temp is zig zagging but still up around the 37 level did a test this am and :bfn: am going to ring the fertility clinic today and see if they have my CD21 bloods and also ask about my review appointment. If I dont get bfp this month am I ok to still hang around here even tho I'm not on clomid?

dream fingers crossed for you

glad you found your tablets Reba - fingers crossed for this cycle


Morning Ladies, how are we all today?

Rowan - yes I found them thank god and will be taking last one tonight. And yes of course, keeping hanging around here.

Well usually I spot for about 4 days after AF but this cycle I havent spotted at all really (just a tiny amount). I got AF on Wed and it was gone by Sat. Thats new for me.

Anyway on to a marathon sex-athon for me this week and next. DH is away at the weekend for a "boys weekend" so i need to get as much :sex: in as possible and then again when he comes home on Sun. I ov'd early last cycle so need to be at it now every other night just incase!
Morning ladies :flower:

Hopes- The first cycle I O'd really early also! I think you have a great chance with those days that you BD! I was searching through ff charts that ended in pregnancy and saw there were women who only had sex 2-3 times the entire month and got pregnant. Although, I don't know how fertile they were but its gotta give you some hope! My first cycle that I O'd was the most painful, had to lay down alot, but fortunately, the cycles have gotten less painful. FX for your scan!:flower:

Rowan- Glad you and your family had fun! Sorry it was a BFN but does not mean you are out! Keep the hope! Let us know how the blood results come along! :thumbup:

Reba- Glad to hear AF went away already! Are you doing opk's? Good luck with this cycle!:flower:

Dream- Peeked in at your chart....looking good! Hope you are not so sad anymore. Time to look at this cycle in a positive way!! Good luck hun:thumbup:

AFM- Headed off to work, where I will be tempted to sneak a test :haha: Hope it does not put me in a bad mood all day if its negative. I really feel like I am going to have AF today:growlmad: Temps started to drop a little. That damn witch is probably going to get me again. Got another refill on Clomid but still have not asked doc about what to do with it becuase I have been just hoping AF does not come! Sounds silly doesn't it? So nervous because I do not know whats next after Clomid!:shrug:

Luck to The Ladies In Waiting...:winkwink:
Hello all.

Rowan, I have no faith in early testing being accurate - so many ladies I have read of get a BFN and then go on to get a BFP; they just tested too early. Let us know what your blood results are and very best of luck.
It's so nice that you have weddings to get excited about too! And even if you don't get your BFP this month, we still want you with us! Do you know what you will try next? :flower:

Hopeful, try and hold off testing until af due?! You will do your head in if it's a BFN as it is probably still too early. Not judging though, I caved last month - we all do some times! I just don't want you feeling bad for no reason... :hugs:

Dream, how is your Sister doing? How are you feeling now and hows your temp?

Reba, woo hoo - you enjoy your marathon sex and I hope DH is as keen as mustard! How are you monitoring o this cycle? :sex:

Hi to all I have missed, Bean, I hope you are keeping well?

I had my scan this morning and all seems well. It's laughable really; I swear to God I was in the room for less than 1 minute yet I will pay £135 to hear "yup, that's a breaking down follicle alright"!
I still have to have a blood test to really know if I did o. I graciously declined to have it done at the clinic though, opting instead for an NHS freebie which I already have a slip for at home! They probably thought I was being mean but c'mon - I'm not completely stupid!
Anyway, if I was a betting woman I'd say I released an eggy this time - I am not usually positive, so we'll see.
Do you think I should have one last BD this evening or am I really over it already, at 3DPO? It has worked out really well in the respect that we have had only 1 week of ritualised sex - the rest of the month we are free to do it (or not do it)! as we please!

Bye for now, Hopes. X :dust:
Hey girls!!
Hope we're all well!!
Temp went up this morning but had to use the adjuster as i woke an hr and half earlier busting for toilet!! hee hee
Hopes my sister is doing well thank you, dont think she's really come to terms with it yet though :(
AFM: I am sooo bloated today! Was asked byu a child at work if i was pg because my tummy is HUGE!!!!! Looks about 4-5 months, its dreadful!!x
Hey everybody.

Hope you are all ok. Am reading your posts everyday, even though I am not always writing anything. Am waiting for news......

Aggghhhhhh story...... My MIL had to go to a & e today as she had a really bad nose bleed (She is ok now). Anyway she got chatting to the receptionist. Receptionist "is your son Matt" MIL "Yes" Receptionist "he has got 2 boys hasn't he" MIL "yeah and another one on the way". The receptionist is somone who knows some of our friends really well, who we have not told and were not going to yet. OMG was really annoyed. My MIL was really upset, I was like don't worry, its ok. Inside going ahhhhhhhhhhh. Had to then ring my best friend as her sil is one of the receptionists best mates. So much for keeping it secret. Anyhow thougt my story might amuse....... just goes to show you never know who you are talking to, and who they might know.

Thinking of you all XXXX
Well, forgot to call for results today but will call first thing tomorrow. I tested this morning and BFN :nope: but decided to test again in the afternoon and there is a faint line, even DH could see it. I tried to take a pic but can not get a clear one to see what you ladies think. I kinda wished I hadn't tested now because I am absolutely scared to test again :dohh:. Never in my life have I gotten a faint line on a hpt :shrug: Scared to get excited but don't want to be pessimistic at the same time, if that even makes sense! :wacko:

I had really faint lines for the first 2 or 3 tests that i did. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. It took a few days for the line to get really dark. I have everything is crossed for you. XXXXX
morning ladies!

Hopeful that sounds really exciting and hopeful! Fingers crossed! Last time I got bfn until 25DPO so you can defo get bfn before bfp. I'm still bfn today so we shall temp drop yet! Let us know how you get on temps wise and test wise! V excited!:happydance:

Dream - good chart!

Bean bless you - it really is a small world!

Hopes gtreat news re your scan! Fingers crossed! I spoke to fert clinic yesterday and they were really unhelpful - made a fuss about having to call the bloods dept for my results and so I ahve to wait until today, they also said my visual disturbances cant be from clomid as its out of your system in 2 days - quite annoying!! Am going to the Drs this am with my opticians report - my optician wants me referred to a specialist.

I'm not sure what next...I'm kind oif thinking maybe I should wait til Ive seent eh immunologist re my chemical sensitivites before thinking about taking anything else - but I havent even got the appointment through yet! Plus DH is a bit reluctant not to try - what do you ladies think?

I think my touch typing is getting better :)

Fingers crossed for everyone!


Morning ladies :flower:

Thanks for the support! My temps are still up at 13dpo which is a first for me! Trying not to be too hopeful because my heart will just break. :cry: Unfortunately, do not have any tests at home so have to go to store :dohh:

I know I keep saying it but I feel like AF is coming. For the last 4 days, I when I first wake up I have cramping in my lower abdomen. I can feel it on and off during the day but it is most intense when I wake. So this is why I keep expecting to go to bathroom and see red!

Will let you ladies know what happens with testing later today. I think I am going to do some shopping today:thumbup:

Bean- MIL's are crazy that way but at least she was apologetic! My mom can't hold water!! She tells it all and sometimes I look at her and think "are you serious"?? I hate having to be selective about what I tell my own mother, but that is the way she makes it :dohh:

Rowan- That is very concerning about your eyes! I hate that the docs keep passing you off and I hope you wake to find clear eyes real soon. I know that Femara is supposed to have less side effects but with you being so sensitive I would be cautious to try anything new. Do you have trouble Oing without meds?

Hopes- I would take a break from BD! How is your CM? That will tell you everything you need to know as far as continuing to BD. Even though I despise the 2ww, I enjoy not having to "try" so much.

Dream- How are you feeling? Hope temps rise nice and high for you!

Luck ladies...:hugs:

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