Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Hey girls,
Hopeful i pray tomorrow brings your bfp!!! Rowan that is a fab progesterone level!!! How exciting!!
Im getting my blood results tomorrow and quite nervous as to what itll be!! My hsg isnt booked yet, have to call on cd1!
A quick question for you girls who have oved before with clomid: did you get preggo symptoms in the 2ww?? My boobs are killing me, keep running to toilet, im crampy and shattered! Also very thirsty!! Very unlike me!!x
Thanks ladies :flower:
Reba- Both times I tested were with afternoon urine because I usually am too tired to do fmu because I just want to pee and go back to sleep!! :sleep::haha:
Good luck with O this cycle and BDing! I know how hard it is when DH is not available. FX

Rowan- That is AWESOME news on your level!! How are you feeling as far as signs and symptoms? :flower: FX

Hopes- Good for you! I want to join you in symptom spotting! I am also tired of not fully embracing a possible BFP!! Yes, it may hurt more if AF comes, but its gonna hurt anyway, so might as well ss! :thumbup: I like the thought of being a "normal woman with normal fertility"!! Sounds exciting! FX

Keepsmiling- Thanks for the info on FRER. I am going to back off the whole testing thing and just be patient. If I am pregnant or not, I will know soon enough! Has AF arrived for your start with Clomid yet? FX

Dream- Hopefully this will be your BFP, so no need for hsg! Good luck with your results! FX

Bean- Thanks for sticking in there with us. Hearing from you is always so reassuring that what we are going through can have a happy outcome! :hugs:

Good luck to anyone I failed to mention:thumbup:

AFM- Well temp dropped today, but still above coverline so we will see what tomorrow brings. Tomorrow will be CD33/15dpo (longest cycle ever and longest lp ever) Still have not recieved results yet, hopefully tomorrow! I am fearing they are super low, why else would the doctor hold on to them??

s/s- extremely thirsty, cramping in lower abdomen (not like the ones I ever get with AF), dizzy when standing, bloated, get full very quickly, breast sore on the sides, and nausea on and off.

Another thing- Have had sharp pains by my left ovary last two days?? Any thoughts?? Also, I thought your lp was supposed to remain consistent, even if your cycle length changes??

Good luck ladies:hugs:
Hey girls,
Hopeful i pray tomorrow brings your bfp!!! Rowan that is a fab progesterone level!!! How exciting!!
Im getting my blood results tomorrow and quite nervous as to what itll be!! My hsg isnt booked yet, have to call on cd1!
A quick question for you girls who have oved before with clomid: did you get preggo symptoms in the 2ww?? My boobs are killing me, keep running to toilet, im crampy and shattered! Also very thirsty!! Very unlike me!!x

Dream- My pregnancy symptoms the first time I O'd on Clomid were horrible. I kept saying if this is what it feels like to be pregnant, it is going to be a LONG nine months :nope: I remember the main thing that stood out was the extreme nipple pain (I even made a post about it :haha:) and the bloating. I had not O'd to my knowledge before Clomid so it was probably a shock to my body and my body went into pregnancy preparation :shrug: FX
Just thought I'd update.

Cycle one clomid (50mg) was a BFN...Obviously didn't ovulate despite a postive OPK and all the symptoms because I didn't get a period and am currently doing a week of BCP to start a period and then start Round 2 of Clomid (100mg)....wish me luck. I'm very hopeful that the increased dosage will be the key to my success =)

Best of luck ladies
Well ladies af arrived yesterday it's lighter that normal but tht cud b cosbi had to take provera to induce af so I have started temping til i c I ovd then I'm going to stop it so clomid tablet 1 will be taken this afternoon xx
Morning ladies! :wave:

I was up like the lark this morning - I was sooo hungry I just couldnt stay in bed any longer! Even had 2 cakes whilst waiting for my weetabix to go soggy! Have driven poor DH mad! So went downstairs and watched a 30 min programme on a maternity unit in northern ireland - there was a couple oni their 40s and they had TTc for 8 years and had a lovely baby boy - aww I did cry! Actually \I cried at a tea advert last night - dearie me!

Anyway...sorry for rambling!

Hopes - thansk big hugs - I think you have defo got a good approach hon - in theory if we ov then we have the same chance as anyone else so fingers crossed!

Dream Fx for your bloods! I got loads of pg symptoms last month - but diff ones this month am not as bloated this month

Hopeful - youre still in with a shot - Fxd - hope you get your blood results today. My LP usually chan ges each month - usually under 12 days but last month was 14 days on the clomid

Born2B FXd hon

keep smiling - ooo FXd this is your month!

2ww update - boobs v v sore, cramps and tickling in uterus, fatigue, irritible, emotional, had indegiestiona nd heartburn the last few nights but last night had to sit hugging the toilet bowl! We shall see how it is tonight!

My temp has dropped slightly today but still 36.99 and coverline is 36.65 - did another test this am and its a very very faint bfp! [-o< DH says he wont class that as a proper one until its darker so I shall test again tmro (altho I will probs test again this afternoon to be honest :) ) my tests say cut off 10muil? Not sure if that means theyre sensitive or not?

Fingers crossed for everyone!

Hope everyone has a good day


Rowan - OMG you got a faint BFP..... Im excited for you - this has to be it for you. :happydance: :happydance:

Hopeful - When are you gonna test again..... I dont know how your holding back...... good luck - i hope its good news! :thumbup:

Keepsmiling - sorry the witch got you - good luck with this clomid cycle - is this your first?

Born2be mummy - sorry you got a BFN on 1st clomid cycle - hope the increased dose works and you get lucky soon. :thumbup:

Dream - I havent had any preggo symptoms yet from the clomid - I actually posted something like this a few weeks back say "I thought I was suppose to get preggo symptoms from clomid but i;ve had nothing really".... I am very thirsty in the middle of night and tongue is stuck to roof of mouth when I wake. I've had the twinges leading up to Ov but no preggo symptoms. I had a really bad pain in stomach last night but it was far too high to be ovaries and my head has been pounding this past week so dont know if thats the Clomid or not! I get heartburn sometimes too and feel nauseous but get that without clomid so dont think its that at all. I'd love a real proper preg symptom like sore nipples but never had them.

hows everyone else doing?
Reba- Yeah my stand on not testing lasted a whole 8 hours :haha: Don't know why I tested this morning?? Uggghhhh. Very frustrating...BFN!

Rowan- That is the best news!!! :happydance: Your test is considered very sensitive at 10 mIU/ml!! Can I ask where you picked those up at??

Born2Be- Sorry about the BFN. :hugs: Good luck on this round!! :thumbup:

Keeps- Good luck with your Clomid!! How exciting to finally get started! :thumbup:

Hello to everyone :flower:

AFM- Temps are the same. No positive test. No AF. Been having a lot of stabbing pain around my left ovary and started to become Dr. Google. Thinking that I might have a corpus luteum cyst that sometimes women on Clomid can get. I am diagnosing myself with everything you can think of :blush:

Well, I am off to work and will try to stay far away from the pregnancy tests:dohh::dohh::dohh:

Good luck ladies:thumbup:
Thanks ladies - have done another 3 tests :blush: DH came home for soemthing and went to the loo and laughed his socks off and said he's going to hide them! (I've got about 50 tests left!) So I mustnt do any more until tmro - all 3 are very very faint bfp - I am trying so hard not to get excited!

Hopeful I got them from here - there may be a US equivalent or maybe they'll ship to the US?

fingers crossed for everyone!


have u got any\piks!! ohhh i so hope this is it for u hun xx
Rowan this is so exciting!! hopeful hope that your bfp is just delayed honey!
Not great news here, prog level was 28.8 and apparently needs to be over 30 to confirm ovulation. I know ive oved but guessing there is no chance of a bfp this month.
they like to c 30 but i think its fine to be under slightly,, wot mg was u on xx
Cramps have started and shooting pains up my bits....think af is flying in :(
I am doing this post from my cell phone, so I hope it shows up right! Just thought I would give you ladies a little update. AF arrived shortly before leaving for work. I am in a lot of pain as far as cramps. My doctor called today to ask if AF had arrived this cycle and I told them I had just got it, so waiting to hear back from them right now. I'm feeling kinda broken right now, but as long as I have a plan, I will feel better. Will keep you ladies updated. Thanks for the support.

Rowan- that is awesome! I think you have every right to get excited!! Seems to be a pattern of high progesterone results and bfp!! Hope this is really it for you!!

Dream- you still may be in there! It aint over till AF shows her UGLY face!

Luck ladies...
Rowan, this is wonderful, wonderful news! I hope by the morning you see a slightly darker line as I'm sure you won't let yourself get excited until you do! Totally amazing news, so pleased for you!

Hopeful, hang in there honey, soon you will know one way or the other. I am keeping everything x'ed for you. And I'm sure there is nothing wrong with you, just clomid side effects!

2 BFP's from 2 lovely ladies is just what we all need!

Dream, really sorry, hoping with all my heart that you are wrong about the bitch (I'm clearly hating her more than usual on your behalf)!

Born2Be, hoping af comes quickly so that you can move on to a fresh new cycle.

Keepsmiling, great news, you must be pleased to start a new cycle...

Big hello's to anyone I haven't mentioned.

I had my blood test today, I went 1st thing this morning so that there is a small chance (?) of getting my results before the weekend. I explained to the nurse why I was so desperate and would you believe - she too is ttc and has been for 1 year with no success. She is hoping to be prescribed clomid too soon. So, I guess if she has any way of speeding the process up for me then she probably will! It just made me realise how many of us there are in this boat - it's all around us and possibly affecting many women we each know. Comforting and worrying all at the same time I guess.

Anyway, no symptoms whatsoever to report (how very dull)!, will just have to wait it out.

Love and luck to all, Hopes. X
Hopeful im so sorry honey :( Sending lots of love your way.
Hopes i pray your bloods bring back a good result!!
AFM: Feeling very fed up and teary, she is sure on her way eh?x
Dream- I really hope AF stays away! I totally understand how you must feel. :hugs: Lots of hugs!! I am sure you have ovulated and you still have a chance hun! Did you speak to anyone regarding the prog. level or was it just the lab tech? Still keeping my fingers crossed for you! :thumbup:

Hopes- Wishing you lots of luck in getting your results super fast! I love meeting other people who have gone through issues with conception. It is like we are in a world of our own and there is no way to know how we feel, unless you have been there too! FX for you and hoping that time flies by!

Well, the nurse never did call back today, so hopefully she will call first thing or I will have to call them :dohh: It is sooooo hard to get AF and not have a set plan on the next move. UUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH:growlmad::nope::dohh::wacko::cry: Ok I am done for now! :flower:
Can anyone use the link on my ticker to view my chart? I am not sure it's possible, especially as I don't have the VIP membership to ff, just the free bit.

Hopes- I tried to view your chart but only your ticker is being displayed. I also only have the free membership. It must be a setting that you have to where no one can view your charts. Maybe the other ladies can help. I will try to look around on FF to see if I can find how to change it. FX
morning ladies

oh Hopeful big hugs :hugs::hug:- I really thought this was it for you I'm so sorry! I've haeerd good things about the month after being on clomid so you never know? Thats when my mam fell with my sister - I thought it was the 2nd month of clomid but with them moving house and downsizing they have been going through their old diaries and she only took 2 tablets the 2nd month cos of side affects and then fell bfp the following cycle after randomly ov (having not ov for 3 years without meds) so you never know! Did you get your progesterone results or did they not tell you cos of AF?

Hopes Fxd for your bloods sounds like you have an ally there! I'm vip on ff and I cant see yur chart - sorry hon!

Dream fingers crossed AF isnt on her way

hello to everyone - lots of new cycles and hopefully new chances!

2ww watch - temp back up to 37.1 still v v faint bfp so darent get excited still, nausea again last night tho



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