Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Rowan - its looking really good for you - good luck - you'll def know one way or another after the exciting. :thumbup:

Hopeful - sorry the witch showed up - especially seen as things were looking so good. Its so heartbreaking this TTC carry on. I have never in my life seen a faint line but Im sure if I did and then the witch showed I'd be even more devastated. But I always seem to pick myself up again after AF and think of it as a new beginning (easier said than done I know). Anyway big :hugs:

AFM - DH is away on his boys weekend today - he'll be back on Sunday. We got a session in last night so that should keep me topped up til Sunday when he gets home :haha: . Then we can go at it like rabbits for a few days. I have no OPK's left this month - dont know if I should go out and buy the clearblue smiley face ones (£20 is alot of cash for a few tests!)
Hi ladies

Thanks for the kind words. I am in so much pain, never been this bad. Could barely sleep last night. My abdomen is v. swollen and painful. I am scheduled to get an ultrasound at my regular doctor tomorrow (not my OBGYN, still waiting for call). He will just try to rule out cyst or fluid buildup. I hope everything turns out ok. Will keep you updated.

Rowan- Thanks. :flower: Awesome news for you. I am sure your line will be nice and dark real soon! Try to post a pic if you can. So happy for you :happydance: They did not tell me my prog level. I will ask when they call today though! Great story about your mom :thumbup: I am not sure if I will be on Clomid this next cycle. Tbh, I don't know if I want to continue on it with no results. :nope: But I am eager to see if I ovulate without it, FX

Reba-I have never seen a faint line until then! It was pink and thick as the conrol. Had to be a faulty test. How cruel?!?!?! I am in so much pain that it is kinda taking the focus off my sadness.:dohh: FX for you this cycle :thumbup:
Hi Ladies.

Dream, what's happening with you?

Rowan, still super excited for you! What tests have you been using?

Hopeful, I really hope your Doc calls and you have an action plan v. soon. I am the same as you; I can't relax until I knwo what the next stage is. OH hates that! I hope you are OK and the painful af passes soon.

Reba, I wouldn't usually push expensive brands, however, for me the CB digitals are the only OPK's that have ever worked. I was so lucky last month to get my smiley with the 1st one but the month before I did use all 7 (2 didn't work, as I tried them in a cup rather than mid flow). It is v. expensive but I think it is now a necessity for me. At least until I am an expert at detecting o myself, that is!

Hopeful & Rowan, thanks for trying to access my chart, I will take another look but I am not great at navigating around ff. I am really considering ditching it actually, I still have no cover line and I was playing around earlier and took out my positive OPK test data and it reverted to no ovulation detected. Now, I can see a clear trend; a dip either side of o day and a steady rise ever since. Is it perhaps because I have no CM data that o is being detected? (only because I didn't see any CM)! Anyway, I know I o'd because I just got through to the clinic and my progesterone is 100. I think this is good - but is it good enough to achieve a BFP? I am praying.

What do you all think?

Lot's of love to all, Hopes. X
thanks hopes - i might just buy them... but i just dont know if my funds with stretch that far - I spent a small fortune in the Health shop last night (vitamins, teas, food products, evening primrose oil, flaxseed etc) so i just dont know. I should of started temping this month but i couldnt be bothered (i did it for nearly a yr when I started TTC and it was a real pain)!

And I def think 100 is a great number for Prog - def a possibility of a BFP this month.
Hope this is it for you Rowan =)

The rest of us will get those BFPs soon!!
Lots of luck and baby dust to us all
Hello ladies!! I'm new to this thread. I am taking provera to start my period then starting my first round of clomid on CD 5-9. I'm so excited to start!! I have a question about provera. I started tempting before I started the provera and my temps stayed around 96 then I started taking the provera and my temps have been consistently rising every morning. Is this normal??
Welcome kka! Yes its normal hun, progesterone raises your temps! They will fall when af arrives!!

Rowan so excited for you!!! Hopeful sending you huge hugs!!!
AFM: 10 dpo today, cm has come back since yesterday, not heaps but defo more creamy than sticky. Big time cramps today, sure af is on the way!!! Will be amazed if nshe not here by the morning! 10 days is a real crappy LP isnt it? :( Oh well, omwards and upwards!xxx
Hi Ladies,

Can I join you? I've just been told im going to be starting on chlomid, i'm so excited!! Just waiying on bloods on cd18,21,24 which start from Tues, a scan then fingers crossed i'll get it shortly after. Do you have to wait for an app at fetility clinic or can your docs prescribe it?
Sorry im probably going to drive you all mad, i finally feel like im getting somewhere after 4 yrs :happydance:
Hey minstrels! Welcome!! I was prescribed clomid by a fs, im not sure if docs can prescribe it or not im afraid!!x
dreamofabean -thanks for responding!! :)

I am on progesterone does anyone know of a way i can bring on AF faster?????
Hopes- What do I think? I think 100 is freaking AMAZING! I really hope this is it for you hun!!! :thumbup: My DH hates that I am that way too! He is always like clam down, be patient. I NEED a plan or I seriously will be depressed. I just know it!:dohh: FX

Dream- Please don't count yourself out yet! I really hope she stays far away from you this month!! :flower:

Reba- I just ordered my opks from amazon, first time ordering them online. Hope they work the same for me as store tests.:shrug: I also ordered another book on fertility.:haha: Yes, pretty soon I will be able to open my own fertility bokstore :dohh: FX for O! :flower:

kka- Welcome :flower: I hope AF catches you really quick! I was over the moon when I was just starting Clomid and yet so nervous at the same time but these ladies on here are AMAZING at helping you get through all the ups and downs. FX

Minstrels- Welcome :flower: I can totally relate, have been ttc 4 years, mostly ntnp in the beginning but have been seriously ttc for a while now! I was prescribed Clomid from my OBGYN. I have yet to visit a specialist due to insurance atm. I hope these days fly by and you get your Clomid and bfp!!:thumbup:

AFM- Will let you know how the ultrasound goes tomorrow.FX.
Hi ladies!
can i join? im a newbie to bnb but already addicted!
kka - i wish i knew how to make it happen faster
im also taking provera (on day 5 of 10) and will be starting my first round of clomid
good luck to all!
Morning ladies!

Welcome kka, minstrels and ket07 - wishing you much luck and babydust!

Reba - Fxd you get lots of BD in when DH comes home!

Hopeful I hope your scan goes ok and that the pain eases soon - bug hugs

Hopes this is where I get my tests in bulk from (I am a chronic poas addict)

100 progesterone is fabulous! Fingers totally crossed for you! What are your temps doing?

Dream Fxd she doesnt turn up - you do get cramps and wierd feelings when bfp so you are in with a chance!

fingers crossed to everyone else as well!

After doing another test yesterday I persuaded DH to get an expensive clear blue digital one the way to get pizza and :bfp: ! Of course I still did a cheapie one this am (which is still faint:bfp:) so we are nervously expecting!

Thanks for all your help and support ladies and I hope its ok if I keep popping in like Bean? Am going to phone the epac on monday to see if I can arrange a viability scan in a couple of weeks if all is still ok! Yikes!!!


Yay Rowan! Post us a pic so we can get just as excited!!!!! Well done honey, so pleased for you xxx
Hope your u/s goes ok hopeful!
Welcome to all the new girls! Unfortunately its just a waiting game for af! After my 10 day course it was 4 days until af came both times!x
AFM: This morning we bded for the first time ever in the 2ww! DH was nervous about knocking a bean off! hee hee. Told him no way we are so dont worry! ;)
AF still not here but still crampy, was convinced she would be here this morning! Temp has risen a little today.....just a waiting game i suppose! Did an opk last night and it was blank :( Not gonna do a hpt unless she's not here by weds morning!xx
Rowan thanks for the welcome! im so excited for you! seeing your BFP gives me hope.

Dreamofabean dont like all this waiting. i took provera once years ago and remeber my period was very painful and heavy has it been like that for you? too bad i dont remember how long it took for af to show up LOL
Hi all

Rowan I am so pleased for you.XXXXXXXX

Dream - I thought my period was coming when i got a bfp.

Hopes and Hopeful hope you are both ok.

Welcome to everybody else new, i hope it happens really quickly for you.

Ket07 - what day r you gonna start clomid??? And what cycle days r you taking it?? We might be starting on the same day. :)

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!!!
Ket07 - what day r you gonna start clomid??? And what cycle days r you taking it?? We might be starting on the same day. :)

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!!!
Thanks Beanwood, i pray this is it!!:)
Ket my period was pretty light but i think thats because of the clomid, after a day or so of taking the clomid it dries up completely!!x

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