Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Hello ladies. Been a long day, to say the least! Hope everyone is getting on good.

Rowan- Completely AWESOME news!!! I hope you sit back, kick your feet up and enjoy it! You deserve it! You know, just like Bean, it wouldn't be the same without you guys! :happydance:

Dream- Temps look good! I really hope this is your cycle hun!

Bean- Hope you are feeling well:flower:

Welcome Ket and anyone else new I did not get a chance to say hi to:flower:

Hopes- How are you hun? How are the temps? :hugs:

It took me 6 days to get AF after the Provera. :dohh:

AFM- Had a scan this morning and additional bloodwork. The tech was an absolute dream! She herself had undergone IVF 20 years ago due to blocked tubes. She was soooooo comforting to me! Telling me everything she had gone through to get her son. I felt so great becuase I could actually have an open conversation about my situation and feel like someone really understood what I was going through! Very refreshing! She even said next time she gives me a scan, she is sure I will have a little bean or two in there! She really pushed the idea of getting an HSG before going further. She had one and that is how they discovered blocked tubes. They were too damaged to get repaired, so hence the ivf. Sorry to ramble, just great to have that experience, even though I was dying in pain:dohh:

As far as the results: She said that fertility drugs will cause multiple cysts. I have 3 cysts on my right ovary and one on my left. Also found fluid in my cul de sac, which meant that I did have a ruptured cyst. So I found the reason for the pain.:thumbup: She says that I should be feeling better soon. Gonna get into my OBGYN next week and will have a plan so wish me luck. Not sure if the doc wants me to take the Clomid I have so I will refill it anyway.

Luck ladies:flower:

Am glad that you have a good experience with someone from the hosp. it really helps. Hopefully they will sort out everything for you.

My friend has had cysts with both her pregnancies. With the first it was really big and she had it removed when she had her son by c section 2 and half years ago. She is now due her second in less than a week and again has a cyst. So it can all happen even with cysts.

Danielle - i second hopeful on the clomid off the internet. I would not be temped to buy anything off the internet.

Oh also

I am good, but still feeling very sick. By my dates i am 12 weeks on tuesday and will have a scan Monday 18th October. Thanks everyone for still making me feel so welcome. You guys have helped me so much I can't wait for you all to get your bfps. XXXXXXX
:flower: Hello everyone - welcome to the new ladies.

Bean, not long to wait for your scan now, how time flies! Rowan, don't you dare leave us - you and Bean are like lucky charms to me! I want to hear all of your symptoms. :happydance:

Hopeful, sounds like you've been on a bit of a rollercoaster ride. I'm so glad you have seen someone who is keen to help and understands what you are going through. I completely agree re HSG; my hospital won't prescribe clomid until they have checked the tubes. For me it was no more uncomfortable than a smear and they tell you there and then if you have any blockages. Book in as soon as you can - and with your doc so you can get a new plan in place! :hugs:

Reba, I am assuming your DH is back today - I'm sure you are going to pounce on him!! :sex:

Born2be; really sorry if you have already updated and i have missed it but is af here yet?

Keeps, hope you aren't having bad side effects and are gearing up for o soon-ish.

Afm, I'm a bit down today. I have spent hours on ff and another charting web site (My Fertility Charts) and I'm still none the wiser. FF will not give me a coverline still! MFC has given me a coverline but puts my o date later than it was. Most of my temps since o are much higher than coverline but the day after was lower so I have to assume I'm out? I have no symptoms whatsoever anyway. I give up - I feel like the Worlds biggest failure as I can't even chart! Sorry for the downer ladies, I am just hugely disillusioned with charting and with my body - it just doesn't seem to work in the text book fashion I'd like it to. :nope:

Bye for now, Hopes. X
Hopes i over ran it as i knew my ov date and made my own coverline! hee hee
Hopeful i really hope you start to feel better soon honey!
Bean im sorry youre still feeling poorly, hopefully placenta will kick in soon and ms start to disappear! Yay to scan date, be sure to show us the pic!!!
AFM: Lots of symptoms! Its sooooo confusing! One strange one is my areola have really got big?!! Trying to tell myself that it could be normal post ov symptom as i have no experience after ovulation! Am 12dpo and will NOT test until weds if af stays away. Doesnt feel like she's coming anymore but you never can tell can you? Temp dropped a little today but i had a rubbish sleep so hoping thats why!x

Hopeful how lovely to have sucha kind tech - ikt makes such a difference! So you havent had a HSG? Like Hopes I would defo recemmend one - mine wasnt painful at all and I got the results straight away and got my first bfp that same cycle! I hope your pain eases soon

Danielle - everyone has a different journey but I also wouldnt recemmend taking cliomid without dr support

Bean - wow thats gone quick! I'll be thinking of you on the 18th - I hope everything is just perfect for you and a lovely experience!

My evening sickness is turning into all day sickness but hey ho I'm not going to complain! We're still ve cautious but have told our loved ones - we figure if things go wrong again we'll tell them and need theirr support and last time they didnt get to be happy for us - just sad! So they are all very excited :) Will let you know when I get my early scan date

Hopes - hon dont worry it took me 3 months to get the hang of charting - by then there was enough data to overlay my charts and learn about my cycles which was so useful. You're not out yet!

I know you cant see the chart now but maybe it'll be helpful in terms of morale?

fingers crossed for everyone!


Hi again.

Dreams, this is sounding v positive - what are your other symptoms?

Rowan, thanks for the link, it made me feel a little better.

If I had some tests in the house I'd have to do one (knowing it would almost certainly be a BFN)! but I am doing my own head in today. OH is not loving my mood; I am as snappy as Hell! I suppose there really is nothing I can do but sit back and wait and try not to dwell on the temperature thing too much. Easier said than done but I shall give it my best shot. I am eating everything in sight which is adding to my bad mood - we are going on hols in two weeks time and I am supposed to be losing weight; not gaining. My hormones are all over the place and will probably get worse before they get better. Oh joy!


Hopeful how lovely to have sucha kind tech - ikt makes such a difference! So you havent had a HSG? Like Hopes I would defo recemmend one - mine wasnt painful at all and I got the results straight away and got my first bfp that same cycle! I hope your pain eases soon

Danielle - everyone has a different journey but I also wouldnt recemmend taking cliomid without dr support

Bean - wow thats gone quick! I'll be thinking of you on the 18th - I hope everything is just perfect for you and a lovely experience!

My evening sickness is turning into all day sickness but hey ho I'm not going to complain! We're still ve cautious but have told our loved ones - we figure if things go wrong again we'll tell them and need theirr support and last time they didnt get to be happy for us - just sad! So they are all very excited :) Will let you know when I get my early scan date

Hopes - hon dont worry it took me 3 months to get the hang of charting - by then there was enough data to overlay my charts and learn about my cycles which was so useful. You're not out yet!

I know you cant see the chart now but maybe it'll be helpful in terms of morale?

fingers crossed for everyone!



Thats for the replys i was just wondering we have been to the doctors about clomid and we arent in the risk group to qualify us for it ,because we are 23 and neither of us have any problems with ovualtion sperm count and havent been trying long enough (ttc for 21months)!
I have lots but im scared theyre just down to the clomid or just in my head! hee hee!
Im crazy thirsty, soor boobs, larger areola, nipples always erect(?!!), sleepy, crampy but not like af cramps anymore, a bit nauseous and very gassy!! I think im going crazy!!! Also my gums bled last night?
I'm loosing the plot! Did an ic and blank :(
Ket07 - what day r you gonna start clomid??? And what cycle days r you taking it?? We might be starting on the same day. :)

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!!!

Don't know what day im starting. I'm on day 6 of provera and will take clomid CD 3-7. What about you? How long have you been ttc?
Thanks Beanwood, i pray this is it!!:)
Ket my period was pretty light but i think thats because of the clomid, after a day or so of taking the clomid it dries up completely!!x

Thanks dream! Its good to know the clomid will make af lighter. Im starting a new job and it would be pretty embarrassing :blush: to have to run to the bathroom every hour. LOL

Are they doing anything for you as you have been trying for over a year.
I was prescribed clomid as i didn't ovulate. This is my 3rd pregnancy (I have 2 kids) It has taken me a little over a year once and nearly 2 year twice. Each time though there was a different reason as to why i wasn't conceiving. This 3rd pregnancy is the first time that i have had clomid.

Just saying that there are other options than clomid depending on what the problem may be.


Your symptons sound fab. You must be going crazy. XXXXX
Thanks Bean, yup im soooo eager to know! I just feel scared to let myself get excited incase af arrives? Got niggling aches again, praying its not af :(

Are they doing anything for you as you have been trying for over a year.
I was prescribed clomid as i didn't ovulate. This is my 3rd pregnancy (I have 2 kids) It has taken me a little over a year once and nearly 2 year twice. Each time though there was a different reason as to why i wasn't conceiving. This 3rd pregnancy is the first time that i have had clomid.

Just saying that there are other options than clomid depending on what the problem may be.


well i have been tested to see if im ovulating and i am, :spermy:has been tested and thats fine done that twice and had a scan to see if ovaries were open which they are..... Im just stuck really they seem like they dont want to help. they keep saying i have to wait until we have been trying for two years until we can have any help
Hi ladies :flower:

Dream- Oh you poor thing! Sounds like you are really going through it today!! I really hope this is gonna be it for you :thumbup: Did you use fmu when you did the ic?? I see that you are 12 dpo, right? Fingers crossed for a positive in the morning!:af:

Hopes- Sorry that you are feeling down hun. Please do not count yourself out. You are still in there, especially with those high progesterone numbers :thumbup:
I know how you feel, though when your body won't respond how you want it to. After getting AF this last cycle, I felt really broken. But after my converstion with the tech, I feel a bit renewed. Everything happens for a reason. And I know I will be pregnant, no matter how far I have to go, I will be. Clomid helped me to ovulate but I guess I need a little more help than I thought. It is gonna happen for us, I just know it! :hugs::af:

Bean- I can't wait to hear how your scan goes! Almost a week away! :hugs:

Rowan- Right now, even if the hsg hurts, I can deal with it. I just have to know. We will be paying out of pocket most likely. I am shocked that the doc didn't mention it before?!?!? Seems like all of you guys have had it before the Clomid? Fx the all day sickness eases soon for you :hugs:

Ket- I know that most women experience v. light AF after Clomid. But unfortunately, my experience has been the opposite. Each Clomid cycle I had heavy, clotty periods. Just wanted to let you know my experience. FX for you:thumbup:

Danielle- Hoping that all it takes is a little more time for you hun:flower: Sounds like everything is in good working order!

Reba- Hope you are super busy with DH, if you know what I mean, lol :sex:

AFM- Still have abdominal pain :dohh: Just patiently waiting for tomorrow to come. Will keep you guys updated as soon as I talk to doc! :thumbup:

Fingers crossed for all the ladies in waiting...:hugs:
Morning ladies.

Dream, they sound like a good mix of symptoms! When I was pg, even before I'd realised, my tummy was gurgling like nothing on earth every evening. OH and I thought it was hysterical! Hope the next few days go quickly for you as I'm sure getting to test day is pretty much all you are thinking about!

Hopeful, good luck with the doc...

My temp has dropped again today, it's now only 0.1 degree above coverline. I don't think it's possible to have conceived if my temperature has not stayed up. Ladies?

Love to everyone else and I hope you have good days. X

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