Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

morning ladies!

Dream and Hopes fingers crossed for you that AF doesnt come

Hopeful good luck!

Danielle that must be frustrating - I think I was pushed ujp the queue because of my age (over 35). I hope its just a matter of time for you

my eyes are pretty bad today so a quick message! Trying to watch the x factor was a nightmare with all the flashing lights! :)

lots of babydust to everyone!


Morning Ladies,

So much to catch up on since Friday. But can I firstly say

CONGRATULATIONS to Rowan - fantastic news - yippie..... :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Welcome to the new ladies too.

AFM - DH came home yesterday about 5pm (we were in bed by 7pm.... ) had a good old session so hope its a lucky one! I even managed to use an Instead Cup afterwards and kept it in all night. I didnt have any leakages so I think I used it right so hopefully that gave the little swimmers a chance to make it through the cervix! I woke up yesterday morning with my Ovaries throbbing (so not sure if that was Ov or not as didnt buy any OPK's this month). Today is CD13 so hopefully I'll be Ov'ing soon - mind you dont feel like I am yet!

I was speaking to a friend on Sat night (I told her about me TTC) anyway she said she knew a girl who tried for 15 yrs. Her DH had an above Average count so she just presumed it was her that had the problem - anyway turned out he was firing blanks! When they went for IVF 15yrs later they found this out - they were told that it can happen with men who have above average counts (loads of sperm but they are duds! ....). My DH has an above average count (worried that he's firing blanks now!!!!!........Must goggle it and see how or what thats all about. Can they not tell this from a normal Sperm sample???

Anyway for the ladies who are still waiting for AF to show I hope the witch (bitch) stays away - good luck to all :thumbup:
Thanks Reba! Fingers crossed for you! I've not been able to resist another 5 moins on the net even tho my eyes feel like molten lava! haha :)

spoke to epac and have a scan booked on 25th Oct - the day before we move house! yikes! Fingers crossed!

great news Rowan - Im sure the scan will go well.

And thanks - I hope this is my lucky cycle too - can't see it though but need to be optimistic I suppose!
Hey girls,
Temps have dropped again so think af is on her way. Doesnt really feel like she is though? Have more cm than i have since ov? Bizarre! I didnt sleep well and have a cold along with a headache and nausea so hoping its that but dont think it is? :( We'll see i suppose. Sounds silly but we slept with window open last night so might blame that until the morning and see! hee hee xx
Ket07 - what day r you gonna start clomid??? And what cycle days r you taking it?? We might be starting on the same day. :)

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!!!

Don't know what day im starting. I'm on day 6 of provera and will take clomid CD 3-7. What about you? How long have you been ttc?

I am on day 8 of provera but AF showed up today so this is gonna be my last. I am taking clomid on CD 5-9. We are gonna be starting our first round close to each other. I have been TTC for a year.
Well ladies, here's my update:

Last cycle, you know the one where my temps showed O, my CM showed O, my opk's showed O coming.....yeah that one. I didn't O at all.:dohh::dohh::dohh:

Doc said that my progesterone was lower than it had ever been and he was shocked that I got AF naturally:dohh::dohh::dohh:

Started 100 mg of Clomid today. I am at a loss?!?!??! Why can't I just ovulate like a normal person. GGGGRRRRRRRRRRR:growlmad:

What am I gonna do, feel like giving up today :cry:

Sorry to not address anyone specifically. Hope you are all well. Just taking it kinda hard today.


fingers crossed dream!

Hopeful that must be so confusing - big hug - I hope this month is your month

I was just thinking about the fact that some ladies are told to take cliomid days 2-6 and some 5-9 - I wonder what the difference is? Or if there isnt a difference? Like I was just wondering if swapping it around one month may work or not work? I know its too important to mess with - was just wondering out loud :)

fingers crossed for everyone

morning ladies

Hopeful - That is just so weird - what is going on. Have you ever tried acupuncture? I went at the beginning of my TTC journey cos when I charted my temps were all over the place. Within a month of acup they were regular. I also went again at beginning of this year and it helped ease the painful periods etc. It might help you to Ov??? Its worth a try.

Rowan - the difference in taking clomid on different days is the earlier you take it the more eggs you produce - the later you take it the less eggs but better quality eggs and a better lining I think. I was half contimplating taking mine on CD5-9 for this 4th cycle (if I dont get a BFP that is....). But dont know if that will mess me up. I think people who generally have a longer cycle are told to take it 5-9 so that its still slightly in keeping with their cycle!

No :sex: for me last night but did get plenty sun night and a quickie Mon morning. I had some CM this am so think Ov is imminent (i think - if it didnt happen already). SO i need to go to bed early with DH (cos he's always tired) and get some lovin' :haha:
Awww im sorry to hear that hopeful :( I didnt ov on 50mg, 100mg might be just the key for you! FXed!
Hope everyone else is ok!
Im off work ill today :( Got a pounding headache, feel reallly sick and tummy cramps. Temps have taken another nose dive, am amazed af isnt here yet! Oh well, when she arrives i can book my hsg x
AF got me :( Have tried to book my hsg but cant :( They dont have my swab results back yet and if they not back in next day or so i cant have it this cycle. My cycles are forever so i am feeling sooooo down now :(
Morning ladies- :flower:

Dream- So sorry:hugs: It's rough isn't it? Try to get some rest today if you can. I really hope your swab comes back quick enough to get your test in. Have been researching this test and it seems it sometimes increases your chances of conception for the first few months following it. I am DEFINITELY getting this test soon! FX

Reba- Good luck on the BDing! Seems like O is timing out just right for you and DH! :thumbup: I am terrified of needles but have been looking into accupuncture. How was the process, any pain? FX

Rowan- Thanks. Believe me I have considered switching the days I take it around but I will probably mess things up worse than they already are!:dohh:
I am just confused about it all. Seems like my body is getting ready to O and fails to do so, then they just turn into cysts??? Does that even make sense??:shrug: FX

kka- Good luck with the Clomid hun! :thumbup: FX

Hopes- Hope you are well. Any news? FX

AFM- should have some blood results coming back today regarding my hormones. Will let you ladies know the results soon as I get them. :hugs:
Thanks Hopeful. Yeah it's really rough.Im so mad that for the weekend i actually let myself half believe i oculd be pg :( Just hurts more. Just trying to see the positive. I had a 30 day cycle with an LP of 14 days, thats amazing. I just wish i culd keep on taking the clomid until we know DH's SA results and my hsg results. It sucks having to wait so long inbetween x
Ladies, a very quick entry from me as I am flat out at work but there a few things I need to say!

Dreams and Hopeful, so sorry you are both having a rough time. :hugs:

I was told by the FS and by the person who did my HSG that it could increase the chances of conception, as it may clear away minor debris. There are lots of threads on here supporting that theory too...

Hopeful, I was v. worried that my body gears up to o and then doesn't, which is why I had the scans. I would strongly advise that you have them done too, for peace of mind. I was quoted £135 each but when the bill came, I'd only been charged £100. I think it was £ well spent!
I agree that upping the dose to 100mg may be all it takes to make you o, I'm just sorry they didn't advise this sooner :nope: I know I've only had 2 clomid cycles but my progesterone went from 2 with 50mg to 100 with 100mg!

Rowan, it's an interesting point you raise and something that plays on my mind a lot. In my area they always advise to take clomid CD's 2-6, regardless of cycle length. I can't help but think it would work better if they varied the days from lady to lady but since I am not a Dr, I wouldn't know what days were best for me and so I stick to 2-6 (for now)!!!

I spoke to someone at the NHS yesterday, when she confirmed my progesterone level was 100, she advised I only take 75mg next cycle. It seems they like progesterone to be higher than 40 but lower than 100. Now, the lady at the private clinic didn't seem concerned; she said to continue with 100mg. Why is it always so confusing?!

Anyway, my temps still higher than my cover line but not as high as it was the week following o and so I really don't think I am pg. I have no other signs at all; not even sore boobs.

I am confused about when af is next due too; pre clomid my cycles were 30-35 days, 1st cycle when I didn't o; 41 days. Since this time I know I o CD13, should I expect a shorter cycle?

Love to all I have missed and any thoughts on my expected af date will be welcome!

Hopes. X
Thanks hun. I would imagine that you will have a shorter cycle seeing as you ovulated earlier! What is your LP normally? Id say anything from 10-14 days to expect af x
Dream - sorry the witch got you (i really hate that cow sometimes....) :hugs:

Hopes - I'd say if you Ov'd CD13 then AF should be due anytime from CD27 to CD29 (i think....) I ov'd on CD13 last month and got AF CD29. I hope it doesnt show up though :thumbup:
Hi Ladies,

Thanks for the welcome!
Wishing you all lots f luck, hope you get your bfp's soon. Im getting excited now its getting closer to getting clomid :) had day 18 bloods today, im back for more fri and mon then a scan on weds. Then I need to ring for results and take it from there hopefully I can get it in time for next cycle!
One thing thats confusing me is how each area does things differently, I had lap and hsg to check for blockages etc as they dont give lomid out until this is checked, but ivenoticed some people areon clomid before theyve had these done, its all so confusing isnt it?
Yeah, all areas are different. I think sometimes its just down to individual consultants. I was given clomid without a hsg but now have to stop until ive had it done. Wish theyd done it first!x
apparantly it can boost your fertility :) so hopefully that wil happen for you! I had mine last month so fingers crossed af wont arrive!

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