Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Good evening.

Have you all seen the thread about separating LTTC into two forums? (LTTC and Assisted Conception). Should we move our thread over?

Dream, I am sorry that you aren't able to keep taking C until your SA and HSG results - I only hope you can get them both done in record time!

CD11 and I still have no symptoms of pregnancy, yet for reasons I can't explain, I just p'd oas?! Naturally, it was BFN. Why did I bother?! :growlmad: I really don't think we are in with a chance this cycle; I only hope af turns up at a respectable CD28 - 32. Anything more will be pushing it in my eyes, seeing as I o on CD13! It is annoying me that I don't know what my usual LP is, as I don't always o and when I have; I've never been able to work out when, until this cycle.

Hope everyone is having a better day than me - on top of the usual TTC upsets, a senior member of staff spoke to me in an appaling fashion at work today. I was so angry and upset that I have skipped the gym and come home to have a few glasses of wine and a cry instead!

Erm, wine in the 2ww is not great hey. Does anyone else drink a little more than they should - knowing that they will give up the second they get a BFP? I feel so guilty but on the other hand, we have been TTC 25 months already and thats a long time to go without drinking, just in case?! Honest opinions please ladies, since I respect each and every one of your opinions I won't be offended if you disagree with me...

Dust, Hopes. X
Hopes i pray its your bfp just taking its time!
I had seen the new forum area so figured thats whats going on!
DH had his SA this morning but said he was worried as there didnt seem much? God knows, i was asleep at the time, wish he'd woken me now.
I dont tend to drink in the 2ww. Stupid i know but it doesnt seem right. May give up on that one though, doesnt seem like itll happen anytime soon!
Morning Ladies,

Hopes - i wouldnt worry about have a few glasses of wine in the 2WW - I do it all the time. I start off with good intentions then I think "wait a minute, alcoholic, drug addicts etc can all get pregnant no bother so a wee glass of wine is hardly gonna do much harm". And the amount of ladies I know who were pissed when they found out they were preggers and their kids are all fine. As long as you give up for the first 12 weeks (at least) then all will be fine. Its hard enough thinking about TTC all the time and then not being allowed a comfort glass of vino at the end of a bad day. Did anyone see that programme on Living TV last night called.... wait for it..... "pissed and pregnant". It was crazy - alot of women get pissed whilst preggers. One girl said oh I have a few vodka's and a half bottle of wine.... What??? Thats crazy. I think towards the end of the pregnancy a glass of wine with dinner would be okay but thats about it.

Minstrel - My FS said i had to have the HSG to check for blockages before putting me on clomid - I had it done in July (no blockages) and start clomid in Aug (and still no BFP). I too hoped I would get lucky after the HSG but alas nothing for me! But good luck with getting yours! :thumbup:

AFM - got another good session in with DH last night. I had a bit more CM yesterday so started to think it was OV (but ive had no twinges or pains like before so I just dont know if its happened already or if its delayed - or if its gonna happen at all). And no EWCM this month at all - usually I get a tiny bit. OH well I'll keep the :sex: up for the rest of the week just in case!
Can I ask whether you have to get EWCM? I only seem to get a tiny bit but this cycle (3rd round of clomid) nothing!!! Have been using pre-seed this cycle...fingers crossed. on cd15
wobberly - I dont know if the EWCM is necessary but it def helps. The other type of CM can sometimes hinder your chances (it wont carry the sperm through the cervix if its too thick). But preseed and the likes def help. I have used preseed, conceive plus and another one but none of them worked for me - but they def helped with the :sex:
Morning Ladies. Dreams and Reba, thanks for your comments on the wine drinking, I appreciate your opinions. I saw Pissed & Pregnant advertised but OH refused to let me watch it as I get so annoyed and can't stop shouting at the TV! It was probably for the best, especially given my mood last night. My hormones are on over drive, it's like I have constant PMT at the moment. Thank goodness OH is taking it with a pinch of salt!

Reba, how else are you tracking o? I seldom get EWCM but having said that, I only check my undies (sorry if TMI)! So I suppose I could still be producing it, it's just staying higher up. I think this is possible.

Dream, I am sure DH supplied enough - I doubt it ever looks much when it's in a container - a little like af I guess; feels like there is so much more than there really is? I hope his spermies are perfick!

Hopes. X
Thanks hopes!
I also saw pissed and pregnant! Made me very mad!! Was interesting though all the info on FAS. Im sure a kid at my school has it!!
AFM: *May* have good news. There is a possibility they can do HSG next thursday....keeping everything crossed i get the call!!x
Morning ladies :flower:

Hopes- I wouldn't be concerned over a glass or two of wine. If anything, it probably relieves stress, which we could all use right now! :wine: I can't offer any advise of when to expect AF because my cycles and LP have been different with each clomid cycle:dohh: When I did O on CD13 my period came on CD25. But I really hope that you don't have to worry about AF this month hun :thumbup: I was not offered any scans. I think because I am seeing an OBGYN?? As soon as my insurance allows I will be seeking care from a fs. Hopefully, this cycle will work and I don't have to stress on it! FX

Dream- Hope you are feeling better :hugs: I would have wanted to see DH's deposit also, but that is because I am crazy like that! :wacko: I am sure everything will be fine. How soon till the results come? FX

Reba- I think you are doing right by BDing just in case. Are you temping at all? I know you must be ready for a BD- break, lol. :winkwink: FX

Hope everyone else is doing fine :flower:

AFM- My s/e with 100 mg are difficult. I had an enormous headache that lasted the entire day yesterday! :nope: I also had a few hot flashes and waves of nausea. :blush::sick:

Tbh, should I even track this cycle and what should I track?? I am so confused!!! So the only way to be certain is through the day 21 test?? Because I had all the signs but the egg was not released?!?! Sorry to be rambling but I still can not get over that!:growlmad:

I guess I will use the opk's because I already ordered them from Amazon! But I will not get excited about O till the results from day 21 test which is a LONGGGGGGGGGG time away:hissy:
Thanks hun. Im not sure how long we'll have to wait on dh's results. He did a self referral via his doc, typically a couple of days before the hospital recommended it!! hee hee. He was just told his doc will call him in.
Im soooo praying i get a call and can have it done next week, i really dont want to wait another cycle!x
Reba, how else are you tracking o? I seldom get EWCM but having said that, I only check my undies (sorry if TMI)! So I suppose I could still be producing it, it's just staying higher up. I think this is possible.

Hopes. X

Hopes - Last few months I have been using the OPK's to track it and it was between CD13-16 so this month Im just guessing really. Usually i can feel it happening (as in pain and twinges in ovaries) but I havent really felt anything except for some throbbing on Sun morning. I cant be bothered temping anymore (did it for 6mths a few years back and it gets so boring and also depressing when you see the temp go down again before AF arrives).

And yeah the EWCM can stay up higher which is prob a good thing.
Thanks hopes!
I also saw pissed and pregnant! Made me very mad!! Was interesting though all the info on FAS. Im sure a kid at my school has it!!
AFM: *May* have good news. There is a possibility they can do HSG next thursday....keeping everything crossed i get the call!!x

I hope you get your HSG next week - its great to have another step completed in the TTC process.
Thanks hun! Just had the call....booked in for 21st October at 9.10am! whoop!x
Yay, glad you are in Dream. This is great news.

Hopeful, I sympathise on the s/e and just hope they mean that something is happening. I still think it's important you track o so that you know when you should BD. My hospital advises CD21 bloods or 7 days post LH surge if you get a positive with an OPK. I have a feeling that the higher dose will be what makes that egg release. I'm concerned it wasn't suggested before now though?

Reba, I know what you mean, after this cycle I am not temping any more. I have found it very stressful and I have decided that I don't want to find out I haven't conceived through the gradual decline in temps - it's too depressing. Now I have found an OPK that works for me (albeit an expensive one) I am sticking to that followed by a blood test to confirm. Once the NHS stop giving me blood tests, which I think will be when o has been detected in 2 cycles; I will probably pay and have them done privately or have more scans.

Afm, temp is still 0.2 degrees above coverline but I am not hopeful. It's 12DPO now and I would have expected to feel something by now if we had conceived. It's now just a waiting game I guess, oh joy!

Hopes. X
I really hope your temps rise hun, but i understand totally how you're feeling. I knew in my heart it was inevitable after 3 temp dips that af was coming but you always have that tiny glimmer of hope.
Hopes can you alter your ff settings so we can have a nosy at your chart???x
Yay, glad you are in Dream. This is great news.

Hopeful, I sympathise on the s/e and just hope they mean that something is happening. I still think it's important you track o so that you know when you should BD. My hospital advises CD21 bloods or 7 days post LH surge if you get a positive with an OPK. I have a feeling that the higher dose will be what makes that egg release. I'm concerned it wasn't suggested before now though?

Hopes. X

I also had the same concern and asked him about the two previous cycles. I was told that my blood tests have confimed that I did release an egg on the first two cycles. He is looking for a number that is over 10. First cycle was 10.1 and second was 12.4. Unfortunately, this 3rd cycle was abnormally low. No confirmation of ovulation even though I had all the indications of O. So it has completely confused me, to say the least. I totally understand now why you insisted with OH to pay for scans!!! It is so hard to go an entire cycle thinking that you have a chance but in reality you don't because you never released an egg:dohh:
So I am trusting that these side effects are worth the result and I have really high numbers this cycle. I have had a constant headache all day AGAIN! :growlmad:
dream thats brilliant hope it goes well for you :)

hopefulchick, i hope these are good symptoms for you my fingers are hugely crossed :happydance: xx

Hopesfading, i hope this is your BFP too :) fingers crossed, sometimes it happens when you doubt yourself so much :lol: I didnt think id O'd this month but I had, i was so excited but its been a bfn and now im waiting on AF. :( i only know this because i O'd so early on cd10 and its now cd30 :( never mind eh! always next month.. iv had my morbid time now lol

I just wish she would bloody show so i can get on with next cycle.
How is everyone, sorry i havnt been on been v.busy xxx
Mrs G- Good to hear from you. Sorry you are out this month. Hope next month is it for you!! I hope AF comes quick for you!! :thumbup:
Good morning all.

Welcome back Mrs G. I know a 20 day LP is long but have you tested just incase? If you really are out then I hope af comes soon...

Dreams; haha - now we know what the top of your head looks like! Nice pic :thumbup: Perhaps I should make an effort to post one too?

Hopeful, it's a shame our countries use different uom as your progesterone levels don't mean much to me. I just hope this makes a difference to you, I really feel it will.

I just tried again to find a way of letting you see my chart but I can't. I'm really annoyed! Temp rose again this morning but I'm not reading much into it. My main worry now is that I will have another really long cycle. I am going on holiday on 26th Oct and I really want my fertile time to fall while we are away.

If I was to over analyse, the only thing that is a little strange is I have a slight feeling of cystitis in the mornings; which I had when I was pg before. On the other hand, it may be because I am not drinking very much in the evenings, in the hope that I will sleep better and get a better temp reading! Ever feel like you can't win ladies?!

Hi to all I have missed, hope you preggers ladies are keeping well.


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