Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Hopes - i really hope this is it for you. Hope the temps keep rising. :thumbup:

Dreams - brill news about HSG. Hope its all clear and you get lucky the 1st month after it!

Hopeful - Ive had a constant headache for the past 2 weeks. Is this a clomid side effect? I was getting worried cos it was so bad and when I moved my head certain ways it would pound. ANd im waking up in the morning with it too - its scary. I was fearing the worst (like the clomid was messing with my pituitary gland and causing a tumor.... hypochondriac me, never!!!

Mrs G - I hope its just still too ealry for you to test and your BFP is waiting for ya. :thumbup:

Hope everyone else is well! Nothing to report from me except I still dont know if Ive ov'd - had more CM last nigt but didnt go to bed til 12am and DH went at 11pm so he was sound asleep when I went so no giggy giggy for me! And he was gone early this am too - so need to get a wee session in tonigt to cover all basis. At least thats still every 2nd day (kinda like the SMEP)!
Hey girls,
hee hee to the pic, thats all im brave enough to show as id die if any of the parents from work were on here! hee he
I also got had headaches on clomid, esp my first cycle, was dreadful!!!
Hopes im still keeping everything crossed for you!! :)
Hope everyone else is ok! Mrs G great to see you back!
AFM: Im ok! Just waiting on next thursday now and dh's sa results...will keep you updated x
Great news about your hsg dream.
I know what you mean about parents from school being on here. Have to be careful don't you.

Hi everybody else. XX
Hello i have a question. some background first, yesterday i took my last provera pill, on day eight of provera i started bleeding ..... only a little gets on my pad. Would that be considered CD1 or not???
If it was a continuous flow id say yeah hun, its never has heavy as a normal period x
Ya its been continuous sense its started its just been lighter than usual but its been going on for 5 days now so ........ im gonna consider it my period. Which means i get to take my first clomid today ... yay!!!! thanks for relying dreamofabean :hugs:
Hello :flower:

Hope all are well....

Just an update. The doc have reviewed my blood work that I had on CD3 and am happy to say that all my hormone levels (fsh, lh, prolactin, estradiol, tsh) are all still very good! Doc said my levels are optimal for conception. They did find that my iron was low so I started iron/b12 injections today.

As far as Clomid, I am taking my last pill today (CD9). I have experienced a migraine-type headache every day that I have taken it this time, so you are not alone Reba! I just hope it goes away soon.:wacko:

kka- Was AF red? Also, do you normally spot before AF. I would suggest that CD1 would be your first full day of red flow, not the spotting that some women experience. Hope that helps a little.

Hopes- any news yet? How's the temps? FX for you:flower:

How is everyone else doing?
Im so excited!!!!!!!! This could actually be my month :wohoo: !!!!!!
Hopes thats great news hun!!
TMI but my af has been weird!
cd1: light
cd 3 and 4 : spotting
Very unusual for me! Esp considering the cramping ive had! Also my boobs are still sore and still having stabbing pains in them, really strange!x
Usually my breast start to feel normal soon after getting AF. Maybe your hormones are still a little wacky.:wacko: Hope it calms down for you. So you are scheduled to have hsg next week right? Will that be anywhere close to fertile time or right before?
hopefulchick - its been light brown pink color, i havent had a period in over 4 months. The last time took provera i had this then it got red. Its seems just like the last time but last time this started on my 7th day of provera and then got heavier the day of my last pill. But this time its been this way for 5 days now. I called my doctors office and the NP(nurse practitioner) said that i should consider it my first day and that it will probably get heavier later. i hope shes right. if she isnt could i really mess myself up????
I am temping and i have OPK's on the way.(bought them online)
Yeah my hsg is next thursday. I wont have a fertile time as dont ov naturally and i cant have any clomid until hsg results and dh's sa results come back! So guessing itll be hsg then norethisterone to bring on a bleed!x
kka- I am sure you will be just fine counting it as CD1, especially with confirmation from nurse.:thumbup:

I have also ordered opk's from online at amazon and am really pleased with them!! Good luck hun!

Dream- Is there any chance you may ovulate on your own for the first time? I also do not ovulate on my own and am terrified if clomid does not work, then what? But there is always a chance that I will O on my own. FX

That is why I am getting the hsg before I run out of clomid cycles. You can only take 6 cycles right?
Morning ladies.

Hopeful, I'm glad your blood results are good and hope the headaches go now you are on your last pill. Good luck with getting a nice early indicator of o.

Dreams, I too hope this month you do o on your own, I have heard that clomid can have a cumulative effect so you never no.

KKA, I hope clomid gives you the wonderful feeling of well being it gives me at the start of the month! And no other sie effects. Happy o detecting.

Afm, I have given up temping as of this morning. It's not the way I want to find out I am not pg and it doesn't detect o even when a scan and bloods have - so for me, there is little point in it. I still feel nothing but know af is on her way - the question now is how long wil she take to get here? I am still keeping everything x'ed that she comes soon, so that we may be fertile on hols!

Reba, how are you?

Hi to all I've missed and happy weekends to you all. X
Hey all,
Im not sure hopeful, i know they wont give you more than 12 in a lifetime but thats all i know!!
I doubt ill ovulate naturally but i suppose stranger things have happened!!! Hopes i dont blame you for ditching charting! It can be more stressful!!
Love to all x
hey ladies

keeping my fingers crossed for you all!

Quick eye update - Saw opthamologost and he reckons my eyes havent returned to normal due to the pregnancy so they should settle once the baby is here (fingers crossed - for the baby I mean - am more bothered about that than my eyes :))

Bean good luck for your scan on Monday

babydust to all

so i'm still taking my BCPs and hoping my period will be here next weekend so that I can get started on cycle 2 on 100mg of Clomid!!!
So hopeful and confident for this cycle, now if it could just get started!

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