Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Morning ladies.

Rowan, I hope they are wrong and sight does return to normal before the baby comes! Hows everything else?

Born, how long has your cycle been now? Witch got me this morning so I am sending her your way!

Means I will be fertile while on hol (if o at the sme time as last month) twill need to dance a lot in the few days before we go too!

Hi to all and I hope you are happy and well. Hopes. X
I ovulated around day 15 as my day 21 progesterone was 76 !!!! we did not use ovulation test sticks as i find it stressful lol but we just bdd evry other day after finishing clomid dose and it seems to have worked good luck x x x
aww sindraadi congratulations huni :) i hope this is my cycle and i find out the week after bonfire night that iv concieved! we did that last cycle, BD every other day after clomid but it ended in AF BFN, although i did O at 69 which was good to know.

Rohan - how are your eyes hunni? i hope they are feeling better and your sight is normalising :( fingers crossed it will go before the baby comes..

hopes - fingers crossed this is our month! enjoy your holiday too, you deffinatly deserve a break after all the ttc stress.

dream - hope your OK hun, fingers crossed for this month!

im starting OPK's from day 7this month as i O'd on day 10 last cycle xxx
Well day 3 of clomid and I have had no side effects. So excited for this cycle!!!!
hi all im on day 3 of clomid 50MG now and i havent had any symptoms ( YET ) i'm ttc for 4 years now i have PCOS and i just had ovarian drilling in august :) im also taken metformin 1500mg.. lets hope we all get our BFP's soon :dust: to all & goodluck :) x

im taken clomid from cd2 - cd6 :)
Nice to see the new clomid users :wave: Welcome

Hope everyone is doing well :flower:

Rowan- Hope your eyes get better soon hun. How are you feeling otherwise?

Bean- Let us know stright away how the scan goes. FX :thumbup:

Hopes- Sorry to hear about AF. I just know your turn is coming soon!

Reba- Hope all is well hun. How are you feeling after O?

Born2Be- Good luck on this cycle hun!

Good luck to anyone I have missed.

AFM- On CD 11, doing the opks. will keep you all updated. Gonna try to BD at least every other day. Keeping fingers crossed for high numbers this cycle!
Morning all.

Hopes - sorry the witch got you but good that you will be fertile for your holiday - i hope thats exactly what you need to get you BFP! :thumbup:

Hopeful - Good luck with the bedding - and hope those OPK's show a positive soon! :thumbup:

Hope everyone else is well.

AFM - Well we didnt DTD from Thurs til Sun (last night) so I dont know if we missed Ov or not - i havent felt a thing really this month so Im not even sure if I Ov'd or not. I wish I could get a blood test to confirm. Think Im CD18 today so in the 2WW anyway (if I ov'd that is).

As usual not felling it so not very hopeful. Trying to come to terms with IVF.... I so dont want to have it but it might be our only choice.

I went out with my Friend on Sat night (got slightly tipsy). She's been trying for 8 months now, I hope I get pregnant soon and then she does too - but i have a feeling she might get lucky before me. She mentioned that she was told she had a tilted uterus and that it would make conception more difficult (i was told i had a tilted one too). I wonder could that really be the reason though as Ive heard of plenty of people with one who dont have any real problems. Im gonna ask the nurse in a few weeks as I have my smear appointment coming up (oh the joys). Im gonna ask if its def tilted and what way its tilted (up or down) then I might be able to DTD in the best position for conception - we did it mainly doggy this month which i hope helps!
:hi: ladies.

Hopeful, I hope you get good clear signs of o, I am sure you just want to get to the point when you have your blood test, I hope it hurries. X

Reba, I know exactly what you mean. In fact, pretty much most cycles I just don't feel like it's possible for me - does anyone else feel like this? Has anyone felt like this who has now conceived?! Chin up though as you really do never know. It just takes 1 egg and 1 sperm - and 1 time. I really hope this is it for you and I hope you get there before your friend as I understand what a set back it can be...

I am having a much worse period than usual, has to be the clomid. Lots more blood and nasty pains yesterday, which I never had until clomid. I am trying to get through to the hospital now to arrange for a repeat prescription and try and get a follow up appt. in December, if I still need it. On average it seems one must dial approx. 4,000 times until the secretary picks up though!

I am due to start my clomid tonight (CD2-6) but I'm very slightly tempted to wait a day as if I o on CD13 again, we will only just be on hols. I'd kinda hoped we'd be mid way through our 1st week at least, so we are nice and relaxed and not too tired from the journey! Still, one can't always have what they want so I'll probably just get on with it as per the Drs advice and be grateful!

Welcome and good luck to all the new ladies. X
Hi everybody.

Its bad news I am afraid. I have been diagnosed with a blighted ovum. I started having a bit of discharge on friday. Scan today revelaed that a baby had never formed but the sac had grown. I am now waiting to miscarry or i will have to go into hospital. Ugghhhh i feel numb. might not be on for a bit. Hope everyone is good
Oh my God, Bean, I am so sorry for you both. I really am. Nothing I can say to help I know, I just hope that you are being well looked after and you know where we will be when you need us. So sad for you, life is just too cruel. XXX
Bean, I believe this is what happened to me too. I found out at 13 weeks when I went for my ultrasound that the baby had stopped developing at 5 weeks. By wk 13 it had started to look like a molar pregnancy. Blood tests confirmed it wasn't though but no diagnosis was ever made. I remain convinced it was a blighted ovum. If you want to talk at all, I will be around. XXX
so sorry Bean - big hugs. They may offer you D&C or tablets or see how you get on naturally. As hopes says - pm if you want to chat / advice / rant x
And Bean honey, of course it's entirely your decision but you may prefer to have a D&C than wait. That's what I did and I never looked back. I think to have to wait is unnecessarily cruel and possibly even harder on you. I will leave you now but you are in my thoughts. XXX
Bean - so very sorry to hear your news. Life really is cruel sometimes. Hope your okay. :hugs:
Bean- I can't even begin to think I know how you feel. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I am truly sorry and I am here anytime if you want to chat. :hugs2:
Hi girls

Said i might not be on but it helps i think to speak/type to you. Thank you for your kind words, they do help. My friend said to me well there wasn't actually a baby. I was like yeah i know just thought there was up until 13 weeks. The lady at the hospital was lovely she said i can ring her anytime. am crying one minute and then thinking well what am i actually crying for. There was no baby. Want it just to come out now aswell. I have a sick note for 2 weeks - but don't want to face people at work that i told was i pregnant. Somebody at work told some other people aswell so i don't actually know who knew in the end. I know i am so lucky to have my boys.......xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx thank you for being so supportive. Hope there is better news from you all. XXX
Hi all.

Bean, your pregnancy was as real as anyone elses, for the last 13 weeks. In fact your body probably still thinks and acts like its pregnant, which is why you haven't miscarried naturally. Nature was cruel and something went wrong from the start but a sperm and an egg still met; fertilised and implanted in your womb. Your hormones were the same as any other pregnant lady, your expectations, wishes, hopes too. I know that nobody would do so to be mean but even so, don't let anyone take these facts away from you with their careless words. You have every right to mourn the sad loss of your baby, it's no less painful for you because your pregnancy didn't have the chance to develop properly. I am glad you have your boys around you. I doubt you can see it now but you will move on from this terrible place and these dark hours though never forgotten, will become less painful to think of one day. Sorry this has happened to you but I know there is still a happy ending for you and your family. On a practical note, after my experience I read a lot from other ladies in the same situation and a few who chose to wait and let nature take it's course ended up having D&C's anyway, just to be sure that the miscarriage was complete. I really do think it has to be less traumatic to go into hospital and let the professionals take proper care of you. It's your choice of course though my love.

I hope that everyone else is OK.

Hopes. X
big hug Bean - it'll take time to get your head round it all - and as Hopes says regardless of when the poor poppet stopped growing you have every right to grieve, its such a hard thing.

in terms of practical advice I found out with my mmc at 9 weeks and it took until 12 weeks to pass everything, as the sac and placenta had kept growing it took a lot of pain and a lot of work and one tablet to start the process off properly, whereas my friends who had D&C had a much less traumatic experience (I have trouble with anaesthetic so couldnt have D&C) as Hopes says its a totally individual choice but its hard to go on everyday waiting, I felt like my body was a cemetry (very dramatic I know!) and I hated still having all my symptoms.

I had 6 weeks off work and probably should have had more - I'd say dont rush back if you can help it, the grief can hit at unexpected times and in waves.

Im so so sorry hon that you are having to go through this and wish I could give you a hug in person. You'll get there, it's going to be tough but it will get easier in time xxxxxxxx
I admit I am finding the waiting to miscarry quite stressful. I am not bleeding at all. Just have few pains now and then. Its half term next week aswell so my eldest will be off school. Don't really want to be losing when he is off, have promised him cinema and stuff. I spoke to the hospital this morning and they said that if i phone tomorow they could organise a d & c for thursday or friday.

Rowan and hopes did you have clomid b4 your mmc? Was wondering if i do decide to try again if it would be worth trying without clomid.

My dh has been great, but also quite traumatised by seeing me so upset in the scan room.

I should be doing parents evening tonight. I wish so much i was there and that everything was ok. Can you believe that one of the little girls in my class mom was there - she left though before i had my scan. I am going to have to speak to her when i go back to school.

One minute i am telling myself that it is all for the best if there was a problem and then i am crying for what seems like hours. Don't know what to do with myself to be honest.

You guys have been great and i am finding comfort sharing my thoughts with people that really underrtand the whole ttc process.

My husband said to me this morn its liking working really hard on something for 2 years and then being told that it is s**t. Don't think that i would have used that comparison but could understand what he was trying to say.1

Its weird you know but i think i knew. Did not fill in my maternity notes until the day of scan . A few other things also. I said to my husband yesterday morning how do you think that they tell you there is a problem. He thought i was odd.

Thanks everyone hope you are all ok. XXX
Hi all. I hope everyone is Ok today?

Bean, I really do think that a D&C is best for you. I know I sound clinical but you can't begin to put this behind you until the physical part is over and I think it will be good for you to have as much quality time as possible with your Son. He will cheer you up I'm sure.

As for the tears, sometimes they feel like they will never end hey but they will, eventually. I am a firm believer in better out than in, when it comes to emotions!

I knew that something was wrong after about 2 weeks of getting my BFP too. I told OH and my Sister and they kept saying I was being stupid but I was so sure that when I had the scan they would find something wrong. When I went into the room I looked so miserable and upset the sonographer(?) asked if I was OK. I said no, I'm terrified! Turns out there was good reason. It was honestly the most traumatic experience of my life and I will never forget the look on OH's face for as long as I live. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I wasn't on clomid then, we had only been TTC for 3 months.

Sadly, when we are pregnant again the 1st trimester will not be the happy time it should be, I honestly think I will have to be sedated before I ever have a scan again! I decided then and there that I would not take OH next time, I will discreetly have a private early one, just so that I can be sure all is well 1st.

I am sorry that you have to worry about things like seeing one of your Mums there too, its very unlucky.

Sending you hugs and to everyone else too. I hope all is well with everyone else. Hopes. X

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