Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Hopes thats how i was. As soon as i walked into the sonographers room i told her that i had started with some discharge. When she started the scan her face said it all and so did the screen. Myself and my husband could both see that there was an empty sac. I wish that the unit had got a back door. It was so hard walking out seeing all those people sat there waiting for scans. Its weird but looking back i wasn't actually very excited. Hopes thank you so much for sharing with me what happened to you. It has really helped me. I hope that it has not distressed you talking about.

I have started with some pain and more discharge tonight so i am going to see what happens overnight.

Hi everyone

Hope you are all good.
Dream how are you? Have you got your hsg tomorrow?

big hugs Bean

I wasnt on climid at that time I'd been given the clomid but had had hsg and it must have been one of my random ovulating months. My July cycle (after mmc) I went straight back to not ovulating so took clomid Aug and Sept.

I think D&C is best hon esp if you are lookign after your little ones, dont want to give tmi but when it happens, it really happens and you would not want to be out in public and you would not want your little one to be there, esp if the sac etc have carried on growing.

I had pain and discharge for 3 weeks and needed the tablets to get me giong, it only took one tablet tho. Then Holy Cow did i know about it!

I had to go back for scans that whole 3 week period and being in the rooms with expectant ladies was v hard. There were days I just didnt want to go and see the poor poppet again. So needless to say I am papping myself everyday at the moment!

Not sure if it'll help but I had 2 friends go through the same thing a couple of months before me, one is now 15 weeks pg and the other is due 5 days after Im supposed to be, they didnt have ttc issues beforehand tho and I must admit I was a bit grumpy about the "youre so much more fertile after mc" line (which you'll hear a lot Im afraid) esp when I didnt ov straight away, but you just never know, I needed to ttc straight away but I know of friends who mc 2 years ago and still arent ready so just go with how you feel.

And I know this may sound mental - dont worry if once its passed you feel absolutely raving horny for a few weeks, its quite common, altho wierd to deal with when grieving! :)

Sorry thats a long message!!

Hope everyone else is ok! Good luck for your hsg Dream - hope your tubes are nice and clear or if they arent, that they can blast the stuff out :)

Hello ladies :flower:

Bean- How are you feeling today? :hugs:

Dream- Good luck on your hsg tomorrow! Hope all is well :hugs:

How is everyone else getting on today? :flower:
Afternoon ladies,

Bean - I hope your doing okay under the circumstances? :hugs:

Dream - good luck with the HSG - hope you get the all clear or as hopeful says they can clear the way for you. If they are blocked and they can clear it all then you are in with a great chance of conceiving. Unfortunately mine werent blocked so didnt get preggers afterwards. I nearly wish they were! Good luck :thumbup:

AFM - I really wish i had done a few OPK's - no idea how many DPO's I am but could be 9 or 10. Had some weird pinching/needles stabbing pains yesterday and day before but not a thing today really just a feeling that AF might be around the corner. I cant rem if Ive had those pains before but Im sure I have so not too hopeful. Only thing thats making me kinda hopeful is the fact I used the Instead cups for the first time (i bought them a year ago, tried to use one and failed miserably so have had them in my drawer all this time) if I do manage to get a BFP and its beacuse of them then I will be kicking myself for not using them earlier - but i suppose that might be wishful thinking. Ive been so tempted to POAS but cant be doing with the BFN so I'll leave it til AF shows which should be soon (brown spotting should be due this weekend).

Anyway hope everyone else is well.
Hello all. Just a quick post from me - the last few days at work before a hol are always ridiculously busy for me!

Dream, hope the HSG went well.

Reba, same as you on the HSG, no blockages found and no conception. I still believe it boosts the chances for some ladies though. And as for the soft cups - I tried them once, failed miserable and almost gave myself an injury (I am a bit dumb at times)! and threw them straight in the bin. However, I have wondered a few times if I should have tried harder! I hope the pains mean something and I am willing the witch to stay away from you...

Hopeful, did you o yet? Sorry, I have lost track of everyone a bit.

Bean, I hope you are doing Ok.

I spoke to the fertility secretary at the private clinic yesterday and she was lovely. She said I should stick with 100mg, since they had done scans they know I didn't over produce and so theres no need to drop down to 75mg. I asked about the cost of IUI (it was loads more than I expected, sadly) but she said I am jumping the gun and to give clomid at least 3-4 months before trying anything further. Quote "I know it feels like you have already being trying forever but try to remember that you weren't always ovulating then and now you are"! I was super pleased with that call and am feeling a little more relaxed in all now. Only CD4, so nothing to report.

Love to all, Hopes. X
Hopes- I am on CD 14. Got a strong positive last night and this morning. BD on CD 10, 12, 13 and hopefully today also. I really feel like I am going to get strong numbers this cycle because I feel lots of "activity" going on in both ovaries. Had EWCM for a couple days now but had had tons this morning (sorry if tmi:blush:).
Temp is still low so hoping for a rise tomorrow or the next day! I really hope this is it. [-o<

Have you started the Clomid already, did you stick with CD2-6?? FX

Reba- I know it can be so confusing!! Have you been checking your CM at all this month? Like Hopes said, I really hope those pains are a sign for you and AF stays far away :af:

Any new updates from anyone else?? Keep me posted and good luck :thumbup:
Also, been reading this book I ordered from Amazon. Really good read! Called Making Babies: A Proven 3 Month Program For Maximum Fertility by Sami David and Jill Blakeway. Just though I would recommend it in case anyone was looking for a good read :thumbup:
Tempting question. Have any of you ladies had the same temp 2 days in row??? I bought a new thermometer and 2 times I got the same temps on 2 days.
bean: Iv just read throught the past few days posts and im so sorry about the nightmare your currently going through, i cant begin to imagine. but you are in my thoughts :flower: xxx

KKa, i dont temp sorry hun :( x

Hopeful chick - that sounds fab! i may invest in one of those :) thank you xxx

hopes fading - im so pleased for you hun, you deserve this... and im so glad your feeling better about it all now shes spoken to you about it :dance: xx
Bean- so sorry :hugs:

Ive had a scan today and there were no cysts, got told yday i dont ovulate and im picking my clomid up tomorrow! I will probably be bombarding the forum with questions so i apologise in advance
kka I opften get the same temp for a couple of days, that and tiny zig zags up and down to the same temps :)
Hi girls, sorry ive not been on for a while!
Beanwood i am so sorry hun, i really am. I hope your oh is looking after you well.
I had my hsg today and both tubes are clear, very relieved x
aww dream thats fantastic news! im so pleased for you :D time to get BD :sex: ing :D good luck xxx
great news Dream - hope this is your lucky month.

AFM - no more pains or twinges for me - i think Im out again. If i have a similar cycle to last month then Im due to start spotting this evening. If I have a regular cycle then it will be sat or Sun - with full AF due today week!And if i didnt ov this cycle then who knows when AF will show. :growlmad:

I was feeling kinda hopeful when I had those weird pains but not a thing now - oh well onto another cycle for me I suppose.

Hope everyone else is well.
Hi ladies, can i join..??? I'm Louisa and just had my 1st cycle of clomid 50mg...I was O'ing on my own but as my age is against me i was given Clomid... I had no side effects apart from a couple of night sweats so really thought it wasnt working...Had a Follicle scan tuesday and got 3 massive ones growing was told to go for it...My question really is does the Clomid make you feel really sick when you O...??? have been feeling really bad today FF puts me at
good news dream!

you're still in with a chance Reba - fingers crossed!

welcome Louisa! Fingers crossed for you

good luck with this cycle minstrels and keep smiling

Bean hope youre doing ok

Hopes and Hopeful howre you guys doing?

Mrs A where are you up to cycle wise?

Thanks ladies :)
Louisa i had quite severe cramping when i ovulated, was like a burning sensation, very strange! AF made me poorly though! Very sick and bad cramping x
Hi all

Dream glad that your hsg went well. Hope your are feeling well.

Hope everybody else is good.

I have got a d & c booked for tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully then i will start to feel a bit better.


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