Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Hey Hopeful,

i know exactly what u mean...i felt very optimistic up until i ovulated but now i feel absolutely nothing....feel very negative and dont think it worked...
i actually ovulate on my own but Dh swimmers are not the best....they even told me i prob ovulated 2 eggs this cycle due to my eostrogen levels being over 2000, but i still feel negative...i don't have any symptoms at the moment....i mean i have the headaches on and off - they havent subsided but apart from that sore boobs or anything....
your symptoms stay prominising, it's not over till the witch arrives babe....fx'd for all of us....
pls keep me posted xoxo:hugs:
Hey Hopefulchick good morning from me.

Hello Pink32.

Is nice to know that I am not alone and that these feelings are normal part of clomid!

Thought I was going seriously crazy, worrying and stressing over everything. BD again last night, think my husband is getting a bit fed up now.

Hope we all get what we are wishing for. X
Hey bean,

i think we are all in this same stressfull rollercoaster - i'm glad i have found u girls -i know that u girls are always here and so supportive? :flower:

bean where abouts are u in ur cycle?

how are u feeling this morning? any news? u tested again...hope u post a bfp...
Hi Pink

I think I am on cycle day 18. I took clomid days 2 -6. I say think because I always spot before i come on, last period I spotted for 4 days prior to full af. Doctor said to take clomid 2nd day of full period. This is our 20th month tring to conceive a 3rd.

How bout you?

Aaaahhhhhh - i have gained another 1lb. This is really stressing me. What if i keep gaining a 1lb a day.
hey bean,

this was my 1st cycle of clomid and the same as u i had spotting for a couple of days before my full flow...took the pills days 2-6...i'm taking it due to male factor (low spermies) we've been trying for 1year now...

i've gained 3kgs in 3 weeks...what a disaster:cry:....i dont care if i am pregnant but if not - well lets say i'll be on a very strict diet.

i'm cd 21 today so 7 days to go...i'm not in any hurry to test because i am so scared of being dissapointed again... :hugs:
Hi Ladies. I will be starting clomid tomorrow (50mg, days 2-6). So today is a complete downer on one hand; af has arrived and marks the end of our ttc naturally. Although of course I am relieved to finally be getting some assistance and I have heard such great success stories from ladies conceiving quickly on cloid. But your stories have me ever so slightly scared(!) please share on the weight gain aspect??? While I have prepared myself and OH for the emotional outbursts and mood swings it seems are inevitable, I wasn't aware that many people experience rapid weight gain.
Good luck to you all and Pink - I know what you mean about testing, I sometimes think af would have to be a month late before I ever poas again as the disappointment of a BFN is so crushing. X
Beanwood- good afternoon! I am glad we are going through some of the same things because I don't feel so alone:hugs: I can totally relate to DH running the other way:shrug: Mine had alot of issues with performing under pressure:dohh: But we got it done, lol. I just hope it worked because I'm gonna have to get some handcuffs for next cycle if not:haha:

Pink- How are you? I have not tested because I am terrified:nope: Seriously. Well no spotting yet, so we'll see. AF should be making an appearance real soon:growlmad: I feel like she's on her way. So you are on day 21. How long do your cycles normally last?

Hopesfading- Welcome. I remember being so anxious to start the Clomid. I had so many doubts but also I was hopeful that this would be just what I needed. Well, so far Clomid has done what it was expected to- I did ovulate. I didn't experience most of the things women say they do but I have experienced pregnancy symptoms, everyone you can think of, which is awful.
Everyone's experience is different but us ladies on here have had a lot of similar things going on. So it is great to be able to log on and know someone is going to understand what you are going through:thumbup: Good luck on your first cycle of clomid :flower:
Hello everyone

Wonder how dreamofabean is getting on camping.

Hi Hopes fading. Sorry if you are anxious about clomid. Its one of those things isn't it. You may not have any side effects. Suppose you have to give it a go though. I was really excited, anxious etc.... when I started this round which is also my first. I think at the beginning you are really positive, then as you get closer to af you start to become negative. Also I did not expect any symptons this late from the clomid so that has perhaps surprised me. Maybe if you are more aware of what side effects you may experience it would not be so bad.

Hi Hopefulchick and pink. Hope you are ok, if that isn't a stupid thing to ask particularly at this point in your cycles.
Just talked to the lab tech who has given me my progesterone results= a "normal" 10.1. I don't know how to take this info. Isn't that quite low for a medicated cycle??? I am so lost right now.
Hi I am sorry I can not really help. I thought that 10 was fine, but as you say not sure if that is for an unmedicated cycle. I suppose though that if they have said that is normal then it is. I have just had a little look on internet to see if I can find any answers for you but there does seem to be different opinions. One even said that 7 was okay. Was your lood test definetly 7 days afetr you ovulated as I have wondered whether i have previously calculated my dates wrong and gone a little early.

I really wish I knew the answer and I could help you. Did the lab tech just give you the results or were they able to give you any other info.

Thanks for responding beanwood. I have found a lot of confusing things about it but I think the recurring theme is 15 on a medicated cycle:cry: So I will wait till the morning and contact the doctor to see if they are raising my dosage to 100. :dohh: Another bit of bad news: I started spotting :cry: Guess it is on to the next one for me. I can not believe I am suffering all these symptoms for nothing:growlmad: What a day:dohh: I hope you ladies are getting on better than me today:flower:
HI Girls,

by the time i get on BNB i have to go back a page or so to catch up with everyone-i'm in Australia and we have such a huge time difference.. i think we are 14 or so hours ahead of u guys... i'll just have to deal with it i guess...:flower:

Hopeful- i have no idea about progesterone results or where they are meant to FS did not check me out for was my FS Nurse who did bloods due to my pains up until i ovulated and the only thing she told me was that my eostrogen levels were at 2000?! (meant nothing to me at the time)....what are progesterone levels suppose to be ? sorry for my ignorance...:dohh:

My cycles are generally 28 days and the occasional 29 days (so my max 2ww is wed 18th Aug) about urself?

hopesfading - don't get too stressed out about clomid...i had read so many posts on clomid and i made myself sick over took me 3 months to build up the courage to actually take it...( but seriously it's not as bad as what i was expecting....) i was fine taking the pills (took them at nite to sleep any side effects off) i got pains in my ovaries on day 7 till 13 or 14(till i ovulated then stopped) i'm just whinging about the bloating and weight gain, and pimples and emotional rollercoaster...don't get me wrong i wouldnt change it for a thing if i am pregnant....[-o< But u may not get anything at all...fx'd.

beanwood - doing fine - thanks for asking - just working out this 2ww....dredding next week....just hope af doesnt show.

i have a friend who was also telling me that AF was 4 days late after she completed her 1st cycle of clomid....isnt that a pain in the A###@!!!

i'm never late (1 day max) so if i was a few days late i'd be excited...but now i would just think it's the infamous clomid...

Hopeful - hope you're ok and AF stays away!!!

pls keep us posted xoxoxo:hugs:

i just re-read ur post and noticed u said that u started spotting?! dont be too alarmed...i just read a post from a lady which said she had full flow for 2 days (red) and then it converted into brown cm...she just thought AF had come along so she started her 2nd month of clomid....then she found out she was pregnant...

My FS told me to do a pregnancy test even if i get my period after clomid as bleeding may occur....

my prayers are with you and have everything crossed for you...oxox
Hi everyone

Hopefulchick I know its hard but try and stay positive. Your af has not arrived yet. When I got pregnant with my second I actually thought I had started my period. I can remember it very well - I went into public toilet whilst out with my SIL who I had confided in. I had come on. When I came out she asked me if I was ok and told ner that I had come on. The bleeding didn't then follow the pattern of a normal period so a week later when I wanted a drink (wine) that night I thought I better take a test and it was positive.

I know this doesn't always happen but until you have had your period you always hope. Think it just helps you get through every stage of ttc.

Pink - being late is a pain if you are just late. That is when you really, really get your hopes up.
I have been getting af type cramps, which I do get a week before period due. Am going for 21 day on friday as I think I ovulated day 16. So including that day I calculate it to be friday. However if my periods follow their normal patter then I will start light bleeding on Sunday.

Have not gained a 1lb have lost 1 1lb. Atleast that is better.

Thinking of all you. XX
Thanks ladies for all these helpful posts. I will let you know how I am doing but I doubt there will be much to report for a while, as I am only taking my 1st pill tonight. Good luck one and all, I shall keep reading to see how you are all progressing even though I'm slightly behind you all.

I am having quite a down few days as my baby would have been a year old tomorrow had we not m/c and I am now sitting next to a pregnant girl at work who wasn't even TTC. I am as jealous as can be; hate myslef for feeling this way and there is another colleague who seems to talk of nothing other than this girls pregnancy and I'd swear she is deliberately trying to upset me. Sorry for the whine and I know it isn't particularly relevant to this thread - just had to get it off my chest. X
Thanks ladies for your support:hugs::hugs::hugs:

I feel better that I am not in limbo anymore. I had full flow yesterday so today is cd2 for me and 3 more days till I take Clomid and get back on the roller coaster:wacko: I feel much better than I thought I would but DH assured me we will continue with the medicine and try again. So that is the plan! :thumbup:

You ladies are AWESOME! What would I do with myself if I didn't have this forum to vent on??:flower:

Well, it looks like you ladies are getting close to testing time! :happydance:Good luck. FX

P.S. Can you even believe that my nipples are still sore? - Clomid, gotta love it:dohh:
Hey bean,

lucky u - losing 1lb...i wish i had gone that way instead of gaining it....lets hope u don't start spotting on sunday - that wud be a good sign...fx'd.:thumbup:

hopesfading - i know exactly what u mean about every1 being pregnant around you - but you - i also feel like it's purposefully happening just to annoy me! everywhere i turn i see pregnant woment...when we started ttc last year, my best friend, cousin and another friend all fell pregnant within a month from one another and have all had their babies..but heres us: stil trying....its so frustrating...i know how u feel babe....

ladies - i've actually had the biggest pain in my right ovary tonight....i'm hoping i havent' formed some kind of cyst?! Scary....Can anything be a good sign because at this point everything has seemed to stress me out immensly! just feel like screaming aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!

hope you girls are having a good day, i'm getting ready for bed... i'm soooooo tired from thinking....

hopeful - hope ur doing ok hunny.

i look forward to seeing how u all are in the morning:hugs::hugs::hugs:

i just re-read ur post and noticed u said that u started spotting?! dont be too alarmed...i just read a post from a lady which said she had full flow for 2 days (red) and then it converted into brown cm...she just thought AF had come along so she started her 2nd month of clomid....then she found out she was pregnant...

My FS told me to do a pregnancy test even if i get my period after clomid as bleeding may occur....

my prayers are with you and have everything crossed for you...oxox

Wouldn't that be something?? lol. OMG! That would be great but this feels like the real thing! Thanks I do have an extra test but I am scared of them now:dohh:
hey hopefulchicky,

really? (that sucks) i feel like im getting Af NOW!! - back pains and ovary paing too - and ive got another 7 days to go:dohh: i never get af pain - only on the day...mother nature must love toying with us....

i tell ya wot - it's driving me nutso!!!

Babe, hang in there - wouldnt it be great if you woke up in the morning and NO AF!!!!yay that wud be perfect....i have my everything crossed for u babe!:hugs:

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