Clomid Virgin....Team Destined 4 Success!

Thanks ladies for all these helpful posts. I will let you know how I am doing but I doubt there will be much to report for a while, as I am only taking my 1st pill tonight. Good luck one and all, I shall keep reading to see how you are all progressing even though I'm slightly behind you all.

I am having quite a down few days as my baby would have been a year old tomorrow had we not m/c and I am now sitting next to a pregnant girl at work who wasn't even TTC. I am as jealous as can be; hate myslef for feeling this way and there is another colleague who seems to talk of nothing other than this girls pregnancy and I'd swear she is deliberately trying to upset me. Sorry for the whine and I know it isn't particularly relevant to this thread - just had to get it off my chest. X

Sorry about your loss. :flower: I totally understand how you feel. I got pregnant women all around me :cry: I hope you feel better:flower:
I will be taking my first pill in 3 days so we will be close in our cycles:hugs:
sorry about ur loss babe! i mis-read that part - sorry! my thoughts are with you...sending u lots of :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Sorry I know this is going to be gross but
I was sitting at the computer and sneezed and felt this pressure down below and went the the bathroom and globs and globs of blood clots start falling out of me. I have had blood clots before but not like this. I have read that some women have bad periods after Clomid, what do you guys think? I am kind of nervous but ready to expect anything fro Clomid at this point.
Hi everybody

Oh I hope you are all ok.

Hopefulchick onto another round - Hope you are feeling more upbeat about it.

Hopes fading - i am reall sorry that you experienced a loss. Don't worry about getting things of your chest . You guys have realy helped keep me sane. We all need to get things off our chest at times. Therapy I think.

Pink hope you are doing ok.

It is a nightmare also when everyone around you seems to be pregnant. I know a few girls that had a baby when I had my second. He is now just over 2 1/2. They have all now got babies and there is about 4/5 people at work pregnant ranging from just gone on maternity leave to having just found out they are pregnant.

I am worried also about what period might be like cause of clomid.

Thanks Beanwood. Yeah, I am back to being hopeful. The two week wait just drained me. Excited about the second try:winkwink:.

Yeah, this period is nothing nice:nope:

Fingers crossed you guys will not have to worry about that:af::af::af:

Darn - I was half way through a really long post and I accidentally deleted it!

Thanks for the tips - I shall be ultra aware of the false pg symptoms and refuse to be sucked in! I sometimes think that I will eventually get a bump but I will be totally in denial and terrified to test and it will be like 6 months before I dare!

Hopeful - is TI timed intercourse?

I think someone else mentioned that their OH wasn't too keen on the regimented approach to BD? Well, mine isn't either! The thing I want most in the world is a BFP and the thing I want next is for my sex life to return to normal!

Anyway, I picked up my prescription at lunch time and they gave me 6 months instead of 3. If no joy in 2 months I may consider upping the dose?! I also collected clear blue OPK's and epo, in the hope that it will help ease any mood swings! This month I am also drinking grapefruit juice and green tea (not together!) Anyone else trying anything different?

Oh, I have 1 tube of preseed left too which I will use when I get a smiley face - and I am charting, though I have not had any luck with this in the past!

No one can say we don't try hey ladies!

Baby dust to all. X
Hey girls!
Wow, lots of new faces ( or names!!) Welcome everyone!! :)
I had a lovely couple of days with dh! However, my digi was a tease, no ovulation :( I've given up on this cycle now.
Will call fs tomorrow and see what they say. Bloody Stupid ovaries!
Hopeful im sorry af got you :(
beanwood hows u???xxx
Dreamofabean- thanks hun, moving forward. Glad you enjoyed your time away with hubby:thumbup:
So sorry that it was a fluke. Any ideas why you would have high LH at this point in your cycle? :shrug:You may have to up your dosage. Keep us updated on what FS says.:flower:
Hi Dreamofabean

Hope you had anice time away.

I am sorry that your pos was not. X

I am feeling a little better. Have been feeling bloated and quite low. Think it is the clomid. Have some af pains. Am really trying hard not to think about it, which is of course impossible. We are going away in a coupel of weeks to see my husbands family in Lyme Regis. Its only for 3 nights but I am really looking forward to it as we never go anywhere.

Anyways I hope everybody is ok, as much as they can be. I am all out on the BD front just can't do it anymore this month.

Keep me updated everyone.

Hopefulchick is your period painful?

I have no idea why my LH would be so high, i suppose body us trying to ovulate and just can't? I've had + opks on past cycles when bloods have said ive not ovulated??
I've got that really weird 'burning' sensation in my ovaries tonight. Not had it for a few days!! Bloody bodies eh!
Thats great youre getting away beanwood! We only did 2 days but ive felt like ive had a break! xxx
Me again with more questions if anyone has any advice please.. I need to use OPK's so that I can get my blood tested at the right time to know if the clomid has worked - but I have a real problem with holding my pee for any length of time (sorry if tmi)! Over the months I have tried various cheapy OPK's and always around 2pm but I have never had a positive. I think it's because I can never hold my pee for very long and I really struggle not to drink for several hours. Any thoughts on using FMU or 2nd MU with Clear Blue Digital tests?

I haven't even worked out when is the best day to start testing as my periods are a bit irregular and the clomid web site contradicts the advice that comes with OPK's?!

I am so determined not to waste this opportunity, I want to do it right and finally get my BFP but it's a bit of a technical mine field.

My long suffering OH looks at me like I'm deranged every time I tell him about my latest worry - thank goodness I have you ladies to shate with!
Hi Can't help with the opks sorry but thought I would reply anyway. I used opks this month. Have to confess that I did them two times a day sometimes. I used ones that were £4.99 for 5. so not the really cheap ones but not expensive either. I thought that I had positive last week - we will see. I do wonder how reliable they are and whether they just stress you out more. I am not going to use them next cycle and just bd every other day anyway. A friend of mine who is now 30 wks pregnant thought she was not ovulating because she only got negative opks. However that very month she fell pregnant. I am sorry that I can not be of more help. As far as OH/DH goes I know exactly what you mean. It is so hard when they know why you are wanting to BD all the time. It must be hard for them in a way. Thing is at this stage they don't think about it like we do. Which s probably best - can you imagine if they kept asking "are you ovulating", "what cycle day are you on", " are you getting any symptoms" omg it would drive you more insane. Maybe it's just how they deal with it.

HI ladies,

Hey dreamofabean, i also had that burning sensation in my ovaries but only up until i ovulated and now i have nothing...i'm currently 8dpo and had a sharp pain in my ovary last nite for a minute or so and thats it (hope it's not a cyst)...don't have any symptoms at sore boobs no nothing.:shrug: how far along are u in ur cycle ?

Hopeful - so sorry AF came:cry: do you have a heavier period than usual? i hope ur ok babe?! i'm a bit worried about having af after cloimd too....

hopesfading - opks are strange things...i had 5+ this cycle at any time of the day(i never generally use them because i know i ovulate) ...i'm not that familiar with them at all - sorry ...are u getting bloods done so they can tell u if you ovulated? hope someone comes along and lets us know?!

Beanwood - hope your feeling better hun...this clomid has been a real emotional rollercoaster....ive been depressed the majority of the cycle....i was ok whilst taking the pills ( i was actually feeling great and was really nice) as soon as i took the last pill that was it for all changed, Depression, emotional, and i became so nasty...:blush:
Hey ladies. Hope everyone is getting on good:flower:

Opk's seemed to work pretty well for me. I started using them on cycle day 10. I got a positive pretty quickly on cycle day 12 and 13. They were very helpful to me, especially since I have never even gotten a hint of a positive before clomid:thumbup:
I am a person who has to pee every 5 minutes so it was hard but I held my urine for 3 hours (no drinking for 3 hours and no eating for 2 hours prior). And tbh, it was not that difficult to do. I tested twice a day- once at 2pm and another at 8 pm. I know that anytime before 10 am is not recommended. I hope it works out for you.:flower:

AFM- This period is painful and awful. Probably the worst period I have ever had, if you can even call it a period. I feel like a water faucet. Sorry if I am being too graphic today. The last thing I want to do is gross you guys out! Then I will have no one to listen to me babble on:friends:

Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day for everyone:thumbup:
Hi all

It is 6.30 am and I am in bed watching the wiggles. OHHH I feel terrible. I was up i the night feeling really sick and horrendous what I can only describe as wind. I ws doubled over. I felt really sick, but couldn't be sick. TMI went to the toilet and that really eased it. Before I went though I had this pain in the top of my stomach that was lke wind and then in my lower it was like burning period pain. I finally went back to bed clutching apillow to my stomach and fell back to sleep. I thought I had a bug.

Oh what a night. Hope you lot are all ok and have a nice day. XX
hopeful and beanwood,

ooohh girls, i'm so sorry u both don't feel that great today...i think i jinxed myself too...
are you girls taking anything for pain relief?

big :hugs: to u both Xx
Good morning ladies. It is 6 am here and besides my cold I feel pretty good today. AF still quite heavy but I am dealing. About to go pick up my Clomid for this cycle:thumbup:

Beanwood- really hope your illness has passed. I came down with a severe cold during my 2ww and I still have it. Think I might go get some meds but do not want to take anything that would interfere with the Clomid.:shrug: Your situation sounds painful and I hope it gets better real soon! :flower:

Dreamofabean- Hope your doc gives you soon positive news about your next step!:flower:

Pink- Are you having any pain today? I usually take a couple Tylenol for pain. I hope you are well.:thumbup:

Hopesfading- Hope you are doing well with opks and in general. I know it all seems overwhelming in the beginning but exciting at the same time:hugs:

Got loads to do today to keep me busy :laundry:

Hey girls,
Hope you're fee;ing a bit better?
Spoke to fs' secretary and they are gonna call me back tomorrow after speaking to fs as he is in theatre at the mo. Will see i suppose.....
Good luck dream FX

It may sound kind of crazy but I actually feel NORMAL today. Like my old self:happydance:. My mind is clear. I am not overly emotional. The bloating is subsiding and MY NIPPLES STOPPED HURTING! That is the best part! Now if I could just remain NORMAL everything would be perfect. If what I have experienced for the last couple of weeks is what it is like to be pregnant, I'm gonna have my hands full:laugh2:

FX I stay normal, at least for a little bit, please[-o<
Hi Just popping into to say hello and hope you are all ok.

I am feeling better just very windy.


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